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Clover Sinclair's Advancements

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Clover Sinclair's Advancements Empty Clover Sinclair's Advancements

Post by K'Ren August 9th 2016, 10:36 pm

Item/Character Advancement Name: Eldritch Teachings Vol.1

Item/Character Advancement Description: A set of spells acquired by Clover after perusing through one of the ancient Eldritch tomes in her possession.

Item Power(s):

Spell 1: Vision From Beyond- Upon inspecting the pages of an Eldritch tome she has in her possession, Clover has gained Eldritch knowledge which allows her to perform a new spell. Using her energy as a catalyst, Clover can cause a rift in space. This rift gives way to a host of sinister looking eyes that appear all around her in a five-foot radial dome. After a two post delay, the eyes fire beams of concentrated mystical energy at Clover’s target.

Spell 2: Lash Out From The Void- The second spell Clover learned from peering into the tome allows the young witch to call forth a host of tendrils from a sigil that forms in the palm of her hand upon casting. The tendrils will lash out in a single direction that Clover thrusts her hand in, and acts as an extended punch capable of puncturing thick steel armor and similar materials.

Spell 3: Eldritch Surge- Clover’s third spell granted to her through the Eldritch tome is the ability to use her own power of energy manipulation to emulate the ability of an ancient Eldritch being. By lifting her hand to the sky and surging her energy, a rift will open below Clover that covers a six-foot wide radius. A host of tentacles sprout out from this rift and thrash about at anything within three feet of them. (The amount of tentacles depends on a roll of a d20. If the number is odd, the number of tentacles summoned is equal to the roll. If the number is even, the spell fails to trigger and Clover must wait a total of three posts before attempting to use this spell again.)

Item/Character Advancement Weakness(es):

Weakness 1: Where’d you go?- Because there is a large delay on when the Eldritch eye’s lock on to their target and their limited area, if a person is able to walk out of the five-foot radius, the eyes will be unable to target them and will fail to fire off.

Weakness 2: Bet you saw that coming!- Lash out from the void is distinctly telegraphed by the sigil that forms in Clover’s hand prior to being fired off. This is a tell tail sign that the attack is coming and to move out of the way. The attack also fires off in one direction and Clover cannot reposition or swing the tendrils around post summon.

Weakness 3: Probability and easy targets- The ability to actually get Eldritch surge to fire off is entirely dependent on what is rolled. If the number happens to be even, the spell fails to go off and goes on a small cool down. In the event that Clover actually does get the spell off, the tentacles summoned are extremely weak and take only one hit to dispel.

Item/Character Advancement Price: 5xp

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Clover Sinclair's Advancements Empty Re: Clover Sinclair's Advancements

Post by Champion September 20th 2016, 4:36 am

Approved until stated otherwise
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Clover Sinclair's Advancements Empty Re: Clover Sinclair's Advancements

Post by K'Ren May 20th 2017, 3:24 am

Item/Character Advancement Name: Path of the Overseer!

Item/Character Advancement Description: After suffering a major defeat that the hands of an unknown armored villain, Clover was forced to face the tragic realization that her visions might not become a reality after all. Frantically reaching for anything that could make her visions come true, the young girl began to study her family a bit closer. After discovering that she is the daughter of two Overseers, a race of immortal beings that have tasked themselves with protecting the multiverse, Clover began to wonder why her powers had manifested yet. Being the impatient and hardheaded girl that she is, Clover decided not to wait for her powers to unlock and instead developed a serum that when used could unlock her true potential for a short while.

Item Power(s):
Upgraded Powers

    Power 1: Body of Energy- Body of energy- Clover’s entire body is filled to the brim with pure energy, every cell within her body is a small power plant that constantly pumps this energy throughout her body, supercharging it to a large degree granting her incredible strength, speed, and durability. The supercharged cells within Clover’s body perform their functions at a heightened rate. Clover is able to tap into the vast well of energy within her body and bend it to her will, allowing her to form constructs of solid energy, or to use the energy in the form of various waves and projectiles. Clover is able to sense and see the energy of the world around her as well, and can tap into this when times call for it. Clover’s proficiency in manipulating energy in combination of her body being made of energy, makes her highly resistant to all energy based attacks.

New Powers

    Power 1: Overseer Strength- Clover has always naturally carried the power of an Overseer within her. The unique race of beings has been known to specifically combat threats when the survival and well being of a universe is at stake. To that end, at a base, Clover is granted super strength that allows her to lift and exert a force of roughly 500 tons. Thanks to Clover’s heritage her base level of strength can be gradually improved upon during combat, by pumping more energy into her muscular system. These gradual boosts increase Clover’s strength to a varying degree, this causes her original lifting and force capacity to cap 50k tons (her base x 100) when facing a standard threat. Because Clover’s power is bound to the rules of reality, her true strength can only be drawn out when facing beings that threaten or weaken the fabric of reality themselves. Currently there is no gauge for Clover’s full power as she has yet to confront any beings of this nature.

    Power 2: Overseer Speed- With all the energy flowing through Clover’s body, every fabric of her being is supercharged. This supercharging of her systems grants the young Overseer an enhanced muscular system which in turn allows the young girl to perform extreme feats of speed in short bursts. By focusing extra energy into her legs Clover can reach a maximum speed of 200 hundred miles per hour at base. Much like her strength, Clover has the ability to pump up her speed to a max of Mach 2. Her super speed is highly dependent on the speed of her opponent and cannot break her max speed unless said opponent is a universal threat, in which case her speed can be increased greatly past her maximum tops speed.

    Power 3: Overseer Durability- Clover’s very bones are brought to a nearly indestructible level of durability, while her skin gains a slight degree of toughness as well thanks to her Overseer heritage. This allows the young girl, to withstand a large variety of harmful attacks. Her body acts with two layers of defense. Her skin allows her to withstand explosions and extreme temperatures, while her bones are able to withstand other harmful attacks such as bullets, blades, and attacks from super powered individuals.  

    Power 4: Overseer Healing Factor- Every single cell within an Overseer’s body produces a serious amount of energy. The energy produced in the cells then supercharges them and allows them to carry out their functions at a heightened rate. This functionality of the cells allows Overseer’s to heal from many serious injuries in very little time. Cuts, bruises, and puncture’s heal in a matter of seconds. Damaged organs heal in minutes to hours and even missing limbs can grow back.

Item/Character Advancement Weakness(es):
Weakness 1: I Can Only Get So Strong- Because Overseer’s exist in their own separate dimension whenever they enter a universe that is not their own, their strengths are constrained to the norm for that universe. Because of this, an Overseer, in this case Clover, is only able to maintain her base strength at all times and is unable to increase her power unless her opponent is stronger than herself. This being said, there is also a ceiling to which Clover’s strength caps out at. This limit cannot be broken not matter the circumstances, unless the threat she is fighting, is universal or a major threat to the universe itself to the point that their very presence weakens the fabric of that reality.  

Weakness 2: A Unique Footprint- Because Clover and her kind exist in a separate dimension, their powers and abilities carry a unique signature. Any time Clover uses her powers in a form, be it powering up or unleashing some built up energy, it causes a small shockwave throughout the universe that can only be detected by universal beings much like herself. On top of this, any time Clover uses her energy it leaves behind a strong residual fingerprint on the universe. Couple these two things together and large threats could easily track her down and get the jump on her.   

Weakness 3: A Mythical Weakness!- A wound inflicted with a magical attack or weapon takes much longer to heal for Clover and oftentimes overrides her exceptional healing factor.

- The serum has a short lasting effect on Clover, which only allows her to experience and wield her overseer powers for a total of 6 posts.

-Once used the serum cannot be used in the same thread again to power her up. Instead the Serum has an addictive side-effect which instills a sort of high on Clover. If she tries to inject herself again after an initial dose, she wont benefit from the serums effects. As a defense her body will naturally try to exhaust the serum out of her body which can lead to an uncharacteristic amount of fatigue.

-Naturally, while under the effects of the serum, Clover is unaware of the limits that restrict her powers. This means she will continuously try to power up more and more without ever achieving the desired effects.

-Clover is also unaware of the true power she holds within her and despite using the serum, will often times experience memory loss of the time she was under the serums effects. This lack of knowledge means she is a danger to those around her while under the serums effects.

Item/Character Advancement Price: 10 (for, Path of the Overseer.) + 15 (for, removal of weaknesses 4 ) + 20 (for, removal of weakness 5) = 45

Last edited by Clover Sinclair on May 20th 2017, 10:06 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Clover Sinclair's Advancements Empty Re: Clover Sinclair's Advancements

Post by Chellizard May 20th 2017, 2:19 pm

Unfortunately, I don't know who said you could buy off two weaknesses with 1 advancement, but that's not how it works. Razz

Body of Energy, cool concept, bad ending. Being immune to All Energy can even go out to... say, electricity, fire, water, etc. Cause everything is energy, or emits it. You know?

Would Red's "Red Energy" be something she's immune to?

"Unique Footprint" seems more like an RP mechanic... Sad Might need to replace that.

If you can cough up more XP, this can be approved. If not, you need to add one more tangible weakness.

Until then, nothing can be done! Sorry, Sebby.

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