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Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request)

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Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Empty Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request)

Post by Silus March 18th 2016, 8:43 pm


   The channel five news was airing a special "breaking news" event. It was rather late at night and the Prodigy mansion had since culled down a bit. Silus himself was there having a bit of a "sleep-over" with a new buddy of his, one that shared his sense of hair style. Sweater tossed to the floor, a pea coat hung up over the back of a chair while they were sitting in their pajama's. A blanket tied around his neck like a cape, Silus sat only to groan as the late-night not-so-appropriate cartoons his friend suggested were interrupted for the news report.

"Oh great...the "I wanna kill myself" channel..." He grumbled under his breath as he rolled onto his back and let out an exaggerated sigh. Silus just let out a little whine before watching the events unfold, though immediately the dumb blonde anchor came on the screen and proclaimed the story of the year....

 "The mystery of the year, City Hall is in shambles, several members of the LAPD lie dead at the hands of what witnesses are calling to be "A betrayal". Thirty survivors and eye-witnesses claim that they were attacked by L.A's prominent hero group "Prodigy". Survivors state that when gunfire broke out there were several ground-floor soldiers that appeared to be wearing the Seraphim emblem." The woman explained as footage was rolling of Danny punching the Governor in the face before round housing a woman before she literally rag-dolled and bounded around the room like the Tasmanian devil. Footage next was depicted of Ryan freezing several areas of the room, including people... the straw that broke the camels back though was seeing soldiers with the Seraphim emblem mowing down innocent civilians. "Members of Seraphim have all holed themselves up in their headquarters and have made contact, saying they know nothing about the attack and that their numbers are all accounted for. Prodigy has yet to have been contacted, though Authorities say they are requesting the assistance of "specialists" to detain the group for questioning-" and at the end of the sentence the power turned off, leaving everyone in total silence.

  Silus quickly void-walked from the living room to Ryan's room and tried to shake him awake. "RYAN! We gotta run! Who else is here?" he asked as there was a loud banging on the front door.

 "Prodigy! You have to the count of three to open this door, or we will enter by force!" a voice came over a megaphone from outside. Silus cringed as bright lights began to shine through windows. Silus hoped that Danny was not home...otherwise she might punch these guys....[/color]

Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Lucife10
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Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Empty Re: Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request)

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 18th 2016, 9:26 pm

Normally Ryan was one to stay up in the wee hours of the night, however he was feeling particularly lazy that night and considering he actually had a home, well that was reason enough to lounge around. His room was dark, save for the soft light of a lamp that he kept on to keep things from being absolutely dark, as he never really could sleep in pitch darkness. Almost like a nightlight, except not as obvious as one. Here was where everyone's favorite hydrokinetic hero was, tangled within his blankets and wearing only what looked to be a pair of boxers, his light brown hair a mess as strands were splaying everywhere. He would have enjoyed his peaceful sleep, until of course he was violently shaken awake, or rather as violently as an eleven year old can. "Huh? What's goin on Si?" He mumbled sleepily, disentangling himself from his covers, vaguely aware of the loud banging on the door.

"Has no one heard of knocking like normal people?" He mumbled, picking a pair of cargo shorts off the floor, and a shirt to quickly slip into, putting on a knit beanie rather than trying to tame the wild mess of his hair. Out of sight and out of mind was the thinking in that instance. That was when bright lights flooded through the window, irritating eyes which hadn't the time to get accustomed to them as grumbled even more. "What's going on exactly?"

" one thing they think you killed some people." A small voice noted once Ryan stepped out of his room. Turning he took note of one of the new Prodigy members, a young male looking around twelve with hair lighter than his, enough so to look dark blonde with these weird looking grey eyes. He didn't remember what they called him, so that made things a lot harder overall.

"But how can I murder anyone when I was sleeping most of the day?" Ryan found himself questioning, more confused than anything else.

"It's obviously a set up. Danny wouldn't punch people like that...unless they deserve it." But obvious they need to get out of here. "So...does this complex have any underground escape routes? Because they have us surrounded and I don't think fighting our way out will makes us look good." They stated, burying small hands into their oversized plush hoodie. Considering the two already knew, he stretched his mind outwards to connect as many Prodigy members could be reached and would inform them about the problem as well.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Empty Re: Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request)

Post by The Nekromonga March 18th 2016, 9:43 pm

"Dearest Danny..." No, no. This isn't a break up! backspace, backspace.

"Dear Danny..." Still sounds like a break up. Backspace.

"To: Danny... There comes a point in time... we all have to grow up and move on to bigger opportunities..." June backspaced everything, thinking about how she should phrase this properly. Why was she leaving Prodigy? Was it simply age? Was it her education? Was her dragon form becoming too much of a liability? June sighed.

Dragon Girl stared at the word document she'd been trying to make on her macbook, and let out a flustered sigh. She'd been trying this past hour on her bed in her room to make the resignation letter. She closed her device and laid back, looking up at the ceiling. Then the power went out.

DG calmly gets out of bed, blinking a bit to let her dragon senses get accustomed to the dark. She puts on a big jersey and heads downstairs.

"Danny? Ryan? Silus? Diana?" June moved to the living room to see what was going on, and was immediately worried about the police presence outside. She walked over to the door, figuring she'd just ask them directly... but once Silus started explaining that Prodigy had just been set up, June decided to wait a moment and talk game plan.

Despite being the Dragon Girl, June was always the most pacifist and law abiding of the young lot. Still, it was her decision and choice alone; what she was about to do next would likely be met with objection, but it was right, in her heart. "There's an escape hatch in the Kitchen just under the pink trash can...Wait, running and evading arrest is going to be bad for us all... You guys should find the others off base. Learn what you can. I'll stay here and buy you time."

June took off her civilian glasses and let her hair hang down, turning on the Dragon Girl mode. She looked at them sternly. "And someone check on my mom, tell her not to worry." She said. Her tone conveyed her seriousness, and that she would not entertain any buts.

June opens the door and comes out to confront the Police. She locks the door behind her. Hands raised in surrender, she deals with the situation as diplomatically as she knew how. "Please... Don't... don't shoot. Nobody's home but me. Dragon Girl."

Any normal police officer who'd been around in L.A. for awhile would likely be familiar with June's exploits as Dragon Girl, and likely, as the L.A. Dragon. More than a few gasps would escape from the officers, some of fear, a few of reverence. Dragon Girl hoped that she'd buy her teammates enough time... but now her thoughts were focused on her predicament. She looked around to see what kind of force the Police brought to detain the likes of her.


Diana the Heavenly Sword meanwhile, was off base at the time, working a part time gig teaching kids their Karate at a gym in downtown L.A. A proven Karateka and Instructor, Diana was all smiles and hugs with the diverse students she handled.

"KYA!" A little kid threatens her even young sister with a punch, causing Brienna to hide behind her father.

"Bryan, what did I tell you about bullying your sister?" Diana scolded the boy immediately.

The little kid looked at Diana with a naughty smile and said nothing.

Diana knew that look. She looked at their father, a bearded Chinese-American man. "Are you sure you don't want Brienna to learn Karate, Mister Lao?"

"Oh, I don't think so... only boys should learn martial arts. Ballet is fine for Brie." He said almost casually, but it felt like a punch to Diana's gut.

"What does that make me?" Diana retorted... politely.

"Aren't you a tomboy? Anyway, see you on Friday Diana." Diana's smile turned to Scowling Murdereyes as he watched Bryan, Brienna and his father leave the Dojo at that comment.

The Telepathic message from home caused mood shift in Diana, though she remained cheerful as she waved the kids off. The dojo would be empty quickly, the rambunctious squeal of children practicing martial arts replaced by Diana's  dark, brooding thoughts. She heads to the locker to get her things.

She wondered if Scion could also pick up thoughts. A cynical hero at best, and a former villainous mercenary, Diana knew only distrust of authorities in these situations. "...Get everyone out of there. If they want Prodigy out of the picture, you'll be taking a dirt nap if you get caught. Get to the Pink Trash Can in the Kitchen. there's a tram tunnel there that'll lead to a safe house downtown. " She put on her outfit and put up her black hood. She covered her mouth with a scarf and went to town, to rendezvous with Prodigy.

Last edited by The Nekromonga on March 24th 2016, 12:15 am; edited 1 time in total

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Empty Re: Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request)

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 23rd 2016, 1:18 am

A line of Kleenexes lined the floor around Danny's bed. She long stopped caring if they rolled off the nightstand, and just began to throw them in whichever way they would happen to fall. For the past two days Danny could barely stand to get out of bed, let alone do anything outside of the mansion. At least she had one good day before this all went to snot rags. She went to lunch, read to children, and then had an odd meeting with Bliss- "Oh shit..." Danny wiped her nose. "Bliss poisoned me."

As if that were not bad enough, and it would be a conversation for another day, the police showed up with raging force. Not inclined to make a final stand against a foe she could barely understand, Danny stumbled out of bed, leaving her bracelet on the night stand (she felt it dishonored the bracelet when she wiped her nose on it). Stumbling to her feet, Danny reached down to grab her slippers. She took two steps towards the door before a stroke of lightheaded fatigue overtook her. She crashed into the wall, spinning over the surface to allow her to move without destroying her equilibrium. "Gotta get- Pink trashcan. Stupid Bliss."

The sound of the raid grew more intense and Danny knew they would move towards the living quarters sooner than later. She just hoped the kitchen would be the last place they looked. "Stupid Bliss." With the trashcan in plain site, Danny dove to the floor. Well, not dove as much fell. She started to crawl until she finally reached the hatch and pulled herself down, landing on her back in the pink bathrobe and blue shorts.

A bowl of noodles hovered in front of Bliss. "All the vital signs seem normal enough. I don't think this meta human disease thing is anywhere near as deadly as people thought. I know Danny barely qualifies as a meta human, but still, I thought she would have needed to go to the hospital or something by now. I guess it isn't a major health concern to the city." Bliss took in a mouth full of noodles as she noticed Danny's heart rate went up. "Huh?" The newscast told her the story. Anger turned to confusion. Confusion led to questioning. And questioning led to the Bliss side of the force. "Well, that sucks. Guess I should do something about this." Bliss stretched her legs out to rest on the desk in her study. Clad in a robe with black shorts, Bliss really had no intention at all to help, but that did not mean an interest in Bliss did not exist within the world. "I mean, now she's immune to this strand of virus some stupid evil doctor made, and I know I can vaccinate people with it, so even though she'll be pissy about it, I'm pretty sure this will all work out for the best."

A pair of arms wrapped around Bliss's neck, but not in the way most people would like. "I'm going to bed. Night." Ashley leaned over a little to push herself off, catching a glimpse of the monitor. "Why are you monitoring Danny's- God dammit Bliss! What did I say about using Prodigy as a guinea pigs anymore."

"It's for a good cause! And Danny is getting fat! Also, she was snarky the other day. It all works out."

"You need to go help them. Now. I'm going to bed. Help them or sleep on the couch." Ashley brushed her hand over Bliss' hair as she walked back towards the stairs.

Bliss finished her noodles then looked at her metallic battle suit she named iBliss. "Might as well get a test run."
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Empty Re: Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request)

Post by Proarden (Gravity Man) March 24th 2016, 12:44 am

Zell stood over his bed at the G-THQ, the bowled out goblet filled with exactly what someone would have thought. Look, he was an alcoholic, no he won't stop, no he doesn't need help. Help just means another person to drink his booze! Though tonight he watched on the EXNews and bore witness to a news segment of Prodigy murdering people. The glass slipped from his hand and fell onto the carpet, the contents staining it as he stared in disbelief. The first thing he did was calmly walk over to the phone and punch in a few numbers on his phone.

A delightful ringback tone could be heard as the phone continued to pass through. As the lyrics of this song went on, Zell realized that this may not have actually been her ringback tone. For all he knew it was an alcoholic induced misconception of his innermost thoughts of this woman manifesting. Especially when it said they would sue someone for hurting their knuckles from punching them in the face. Finally she answered, or he was put on voice mail. He actually had no idea what was going on right now, he clocked himself out six glasses ago.

"Did you frame Prodigy....again?" Zell asked as politely as he could. Then he remembered he didn't give a damn.


Silus kept going back to his phone, looking over the entire articles that had already been released. Apparently Prodigy, or rather imitators, had gone in and utterly annihilated the place. Trashed it all up. Ice everywhere, dead bodies lying there and the mayor was in the hospital because of Danny's fist of fury. Of course telling Ryan only lead to questions, which Silus should have known better. What was sad was Silus already knew the questions to have answers for. Of course we also have to take into consideration that there was the new little Ryan that had joined. It was times like these that Silus thoroughly enjoyed the fact that it seemed like no one else in this universe had his name. It made things so much easier.

"June that's....risky." Silus said as he heard her state she would stay behind. The authorities weren't likely to make life easy on her. Silus sighed and shook his head before wondering what it meant to be in this situation. He had never really broken a law before, Heck he even had a license to make his vigilante acts legal! The kid was as much a boyscout as they came! The thought of him doing something bad even depressed him. Danny of course wandered in sick and Silus immediately began to worry. This was a lot for him to take in. Because the kid can somehow take the pressure of reality ending horrors, but a girl with the sniffles and cops were just too much.

"We didn't do it! We were framed!" Silus yelled at the door.

"Look, I want to believe you, I do...but what proof do you have that you were framed?" A familiar voice called through the door, causing Silus to audibly gulp. After a moment Silus' eyes went wide and he called to the door again.

"The tape is a fake! He's still alive. If Danny punched him he obviously wouldn't be! She-she's like One-Punch girl or something." Silus reasoned with the officer on the other side of the door. "Think about it, this wasn't even well thought out. If we were gonn-" he asked, the officer on the other side shook his head, squinting at the door incredulously. Immediately the small little friend Silus had over same up from behind him and put the sleeve of Silus' own hoodie in his mouth and pulled him back whispering in his ear.

"Would you like to tell them about the secret exit too?" He asked, Silus blinked and shook his head left to right. "Ok, so unless your idol shares a name with a type of juice you should STOP SAYING THINGS THAT SOUND INCRIMINATING!" His volume rose only slightly as he semi-hissed into Silus' ear. Silus just made a small noise that sounded like a dog whining before lowering his head.

"Look, Prodigy we just want to talk. Just come downtown and this will be easy. We're coming in now...if you're really innocent we'll prove it." Officer Daniels said before going to open the door. In the rush soon Dragon girl was all they saw. Of course that's not who Officer Daniels heard...but looking back at the men in the unit he sighed upon the arrival of a black Cadillac. Soon a man in a suit got out, straightened his already straight tie and fixed his glasses as he walked up to Officer Daniels.

"Is this the only one?" He asked as the other officers tried to get Dragon girl into the back of a police car. Hopefully she was compliant. If not things were bound to get ugly. "You know what to do." The man said before walking off into the now-vacant Prodigy base.


"Hi Danny!" Silus chirped as he saw her starting to crawl up out of the escape hatch. "See! This is why she's in charge! She was already ahead of us!" Silus giggled as he began to point for her to go down. He himself just vanished and rematerialized down the hatch and a little down the maze, his back to Danny as he examined the area they'd need to navigate. The little currently-stranger friend of Silus looked at the hatch and then looked to Danny.

"Wanna use the escape tunnel to escape, or do you want us all to go to jail?" The kid asked, obviously a bit crabby from staying up so late and watching TV. "Do you guys even have a plan?" he asked as he meandered his way down the escape hatch, everyone else having done something similar.

Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Gman10
Gravitas Gang:
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Proarden (Gravity Man)
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Quote : "I've been a hero and a villain. Don't pretend you an teach me anything on morality."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : I'm Knight Artorias round these parts.
Humor : If you have time to crack jokes, then you have time to post.
Registration date : 2015-04-09

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Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Empty Re: Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request)

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 26th 2016, 4:26 am

Scion appeared in thought, though he couldn't tell what they were thinking about. Might have been some kind of weird telepathic super power thing going on, since that was obviously a thing when he thought about it. Right now they needed to get out of there, and luckily there was a way that they could do just that under a pink trashcan of all things. Ryan felt like questioning that but he decided against that, instead going for the obvious getting the hell out of there. That was when he thought about where Danny was, as likely the police would be going after her as well and the team did need to stick together. "This might not be good...for the police anyway." Scion muttered to himself, stroking his chin as he walked to the kitchen to find Danny as well as the secret hatch under the trashbin having been uncovered. Dragongirl had stepped out but that would only buy so much time, if they were dealing with anyone prepared to deal with metahumans anyway.

Scion ended up hovering down the hole, while Ryan just did the whole turning into a puddle and flowing downwards before turning solid again. The kid hanging out with Silus was obvious angry about something, or maybe they were just in one of those bad moods. "A plan? I just woke up, I don't have one of those."

"I have a few plans." Scion noted, looking down to his phone before burying it in his pocket. Once they were all down the escape hatch, Scion was the one to make sure it was covered up so they weren't immediately followed. "Part of all the plans involves not getting arrested, so let's start with that." He said walking along down the hallway that the this little escape hatch was leading them through.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Empty Re: Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request)

Post by The Nekromonga March 26th 2016, 7:40 am

Dragon Girl was approached by at least a dozen guns wearing heavy police gear, masked men who were tense but determined. Laser sights were trained on her head, but Dragon Girl offers no resistance. A shaky officer closes in and ziplocks her wrists. Relief turned off laser sights and lowered weapons.

"Door's locked. Cap'n." The officer checking the door found it uncooperative.

"Oh, let me get that." June goes to help by getting the keys. In a sad attempt to buy the others more time, June flimsily drops the key chain, then tries a few of the keys before the cop caught on. Maybe she delayed by a minute. At most.

"We both know yer just stalling, lady. Hand those over." The team picks out the obvious main door key and opens the door. "Please, somebody get her to the car..." The officer looked at June's size and reconsidered. "Ah, make it the big van with the squad."

With that, the Sweeper teams begin their search of the house.

Dragon Girl complies with the authorities for now, climbing into the big van surrounded by Metahuman Response Officers. Their eyes and weapons were trained on the hero; the van was tense and silent, a couple of newer officers gripping their stun batons tightly. Even passively sitting, Dragon Girl caused dragon fear to slowly begin creeping into the enforcers.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Empty Re: Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request)

Post by Danny The Sphinx April 8th 2016, 2:25 am

In a recent poll, Bliss was voted a better, more interesting hero than everyone else in this thread. Twice. But, that was not important. What was important was Bliss getting into gear and hoping her bath robe did not bunch up inside of her mecha armor. None of the amazement of her bunny slippers could be seen from inside of her suit, but it made her feel amazing. The system began to boot up as Bliss began to take a few neck nods to stretch herself out. Welcome Bliss. Will we be defeating villains today?

"Why did I give you a robot voice?" Before the answer could come back, a vibration began to massage Bliss' stomach. "When did I add- oh shit, I didn't hook my phone up. iBliss, open up so I can answer my phone."

I'm afraid I can't do that Bliss.

"Why the hell not?" Bliss tried to flip through the menu to run a diagnosis on what capabilities her suit could do for her other than tell her what it could not do.

You are only able to leave the suit by giving me your password.

"When did I install that? Hey- answer my phone!"

"Did you frame Prodigy...again?"

"iBliss, call that guy back and tell him 'he has no idea what he is talking about and he can go to hell'. Then tell me who it was." The suit powered up as Bliss began to think about what she could possibly of installed as her password.

"I dun fell gud." Danny laid on her back as Silus came down the ladder. The little string of virus continued to wreck havoc in Danny's system as her immune system put up the greatest fight in the history of Danny's immune system. "I thank Bliss did dis. Bring me Bliss!" Enough of her energy could escape to raise her fist into the air. "Wait uh minute. Why um I not in bed?"
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Empty Re: Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request)

Post by Silus April 9th 2016, 11:01 pm

"Obviously Bliss did that to you, but nobody cares about that. We're trying to figure out who framed you." The one kid said through squinting eyes, as if he couldn't stand Danny's complaints. Then he looked to see Silus glaring at him and he scoffed. "Oh C'mon. At least if she dies she doesn't need to worry about going to jail. 'Cuz lets face it, she wouldn't last in jail any longer than Elaine with a Dynamite sword."

  "You're just jealous you don't have one."
 "I AM....actually yea, I won't even deny it. I'm kinda jealous." He said, before shrugging and his demeanor changing yet again. Silus turned to Danny, concerned for her well-being when she suddenly. "You want Bliss? Go into that dark corner. Close our eyes and spin in a circle three times. Then say "Bliss sucks" three times. Then a Lawyer will magically appear and give you a subpoena."

  "I...I don't think that'll work." Silus said, a tone of total confusion as he appeared to be unsure if his friend was being entirely serious or not.

 "Probably, not. I just wanna see her throw up again." He snickered before Silus glowered and looked back to Danny, concerned yet again for her and now ignoring his rude guest.

  "We were framed. There was a video showing some of us killing people. We totally didn't-It was probably Bliss...putting nanites in our food-We're going to get to the bottom of this-she's probably going to do something like use this event to promote one of her new metahuman delinquant agencies...or the IBliss Army-Do you know anyone who would want to frame us or- I'm pretty sure she's going to use it to eliminate the Salvation army. You'll just have Mecha Bliss and her army of bucket holding-bell ringing robots demanding money at Christmas." Silus had been talking to Danny, but stopped and turned back to stare at the ever present friend of his that was talking and entertaining the duo of Ryan's with his concept on Bliss and the likelihood of her involvement in framing them. Silus shook his head and looked back to Danny for any form of answers.

 "We should check out the crime scene." His friend finally chirped, saying the first useful thing all night. "Yes? No? Eat me? Go die?" He asked as he looked about, trying to gauge reactions. Silus' little hand came up and slapped over his face before he drug it down and sighed, obviously already exhausted of his friend's antics.

Murder by Numbers (Prodigy/Seraphim/Via Request) Lucife10
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