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Demony Christmas (Silus)

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Shadowoof December 26th 2015, 3:41 pm

If their was one thing that Marcus liked about the snow in Chicago, is that it left foot prints. Sure they were covered over time or were misleading. But when your hunting for not only a small dog and a full grown man. You have to make sure choices and a cross in the road and the prints he followed went one way while the others went the other were not very reassuring. But his main thoughts were on the man, seeing as Lucian could handle herself if nothing else, while he was still having complex thoughts about his new companion. She was good company and she always seemed to find him no matter how far they were separated. With that in mind, Marcus would Turn to follow his prey who wasn't unsuspecting at all, the fellow knew someone was chasing him, hunting him but he had it coming for him. Earlier Marcus was enjoying a bowl of his fired rice outside a random house when the guy came up to him and tried to rob the demon. Marcus had found it funny and when he stood to confront the man, he broke a knife that had failed to cut Marcus's skin.

Now, Marcus simply waded though the snow as his would be attacker fled, his mask stuck firmly on his face which hid all but his eyes that held a insidious glare to them. He had mixed thoughts of wanting to kill or just injure the man. When he had finally cornered him, Marcus threw a shadow like cuff that caught the man's wrist and pinned it to the wall of a building, keeping him their while Marcus strode closer to him. "This could have all gone smoother mate. You could have just stood their." Marcus formed a small sized gag of shadows that covered the mans mouth to stop him from replying when he heard the faint whispers of a voice. "Shh. Daddy's talking. Now I know your wondering. Will this man kill me? Well to correct you. It's will this demon. Kill me and the answer is Maybe." Marcus said as he formed a small shadow like blade from his own shadow into his hands. "Now. This is how we are going to deal with the situation.... Just give me a moment. I'm thinking." Marcus said as he moved next to his attack and leaned against the wall. Deciding on his next action to take as he eyed a passing couple from across the street. Ether they hadn't noticed or they chose not to say anything. Better both ways.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Silus December 26th 2015, 5:29 pm

Well the events of the night were certainly taking a harsh turn for the worst. The most eagerly anticipated day of the year for children everywhere was right around the corner and Silus till hadn't gotten anything for his family members. It wasn't from a lack of money or a lack of looking either. He just wasn't sure what you were supposed to get everyone who had whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. It seemed like such a rick people problem...but honestly give the other problems in his life if he didn't have one thing working for him then he's probably be in protective custody by some other family.

   The real problem of Christmas day was the problem of the fact it just so happened to be his Birthday. Christmas eve was his daddy's birthday too, so he was trying and looking desperately to get something to make his daddy happy. Especially with everything Zell had just given up for him. Unlimited power and dominion, all of it given up and forcing him to become human...just to keep Silus safe. It brought a mixture of gratitude and guilt to Silus that actually made the little guy tear up. Such a complex feeling, such a complex concept even. It was overwhelming at times to know just how much was sacrificed for someone like him.

 A mistake like you

   Little hands buried in the pockets of his signature oversized brown hoodie-jacket, Silus sighed as he walked. He was fighting to be tough, but it wasn't working out that well. His jeans were wearing down, providing little protection from the cold, and his little sneakers trudged through the snow, shuffling and little prints being left behind with the soft crunching sound of the winter white blanket beneath him. After what his dad did it made him wonder exactly who he could count on. His mind flashed to Ryan, then to Lucius, then to Nipper and Yancey. His mind flashed to the Eldritch being that felt vaguely familiar and just popped in and out whenever it seemed convenient...almost too convenient. Sean, Jordan, the other Jordan and the Shaels. Even Matty and Victor. It broke his heart. Because of all the people he loved and thought of just there... he knew in the end...only four of those people truly loved him. Only four of those people would be willing to have his matter what.

 A call pulled Silus from his thoughts, and his eyes trailing towards an alleyway. The only other people nearby were a younger couple on the streets, and they either didn't hear or didn't care to take notice of the potential situation. As Silus himself couldn't see, he was definitely going to investigate. Going on his way he couldn't help but notice that there was a strange aura in the area. Being a multiversal traveler with knowledge of the occult that surpassed the majority of people in this realm he could quite specifically tell this presence. It was a demon or supernatural of some kind. One that wasn't to be toyed with. Pulling his right hand out of the pocket he placed his finger tips along the wall and began dragging them, paint streaks being left behind, all of them faintly glowing a strange colors as he began to approach a man form beind who was using his shadow powers in order to gag another adult.

 "Whatcha doooooing?" Silus asked innocently enough as he walked up. Of course he was ever on guard and easily poised to do whatever was needed. Though when "Peter Pan" or his lost boys showed up it was quite vclear that the bad guys were gonna have a bad time. Of course very few people acknowledge Silus by his real names...Silus and Lucifer were only the name that people closest to him knew. To everyone else "Peter Pan" was just a cute name the public gave for the child-trickster hero. Silus wasn't wearing his protective mask or his outfit even really, meaning he was as close to civilian as they come.

Demony Christmas (Silus)  Lucife10
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 932
Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Shadowoof December 26th 2015, 6:04 pm

Marcus stopped when he heard the kids voice, the tone sounded, odd, close, he had heard it before. And so Marcus turned in the direction to find a kid facing him down. It wasn't just that the voice brought memory's, his looks also brought memory's back. He knew this kid, he had met him before, some time ago, another mind. Closing his eyes, Marcus made all the shadows currently in use dissipate to a thick black mist that swirled around him, the man making a run for it which Marcus ignored for he also remembered something else. He was a dog for a small part of his life when he met this kid. With the thought in mind, his mask melted away and he opened his eyes, Marcus was unsure if the kid would remember him but still, this was a unique meeting.

Now he just needed to remember what the kid called himself but even that came back just as quickly. "We've met before... Pan.. That's what you called yourself right? We were with Lucius." Marcus reminisced in the memory doe it was not enjoyable. "I think you turned me into a pup. Said something bout reconstructing whole universes or something rather." The memory's came back easily now and he remembered it even when it came from another personality of his as easily as his own. He chose to ignore his question on what he was doing for now, he was unsure if the kid was a close associate of Luci's and if he was then there was a good chance this evening might not turn out too well.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Silus December 28th 2015, 8:51 pm

"Yeah." Silus smiled and nodded when he heard the creature speak. His mind hit back to the man who was possessed, or rather a revenant that got all uppity and made a claim about something that Silus couldn't really remember. Silus looked back at the man with the gag and held up a finger and blinked, telling the gagged man to hold on a second before returning to the revenant. "Yeah. So I have a question for you, what exactly are you planning on doing with that guy?" Silus asked while he had the demon's attention. Of course being the trickster that he was there was something going on that his "friend" wasn't entirely expecting.

 You are THE most confusing kid I've ever met. Seriously "This demon was nothing to be toyed with" Si proceeds to toy with it. the Halluciyancey said with his southern drawl.

  "Are you even real bro!?" Silus snapped, turning to the hallucination, his eyes turning form Marcus to apparently open space where there was a wall. Turning back Silus looked to the revenant. "Sorry about that, please go back to your evil rant or whatever and I-I'll continue to pretend to care. I promise. Go on..." He confessed aloud before looking back to Marcus, genuinely sorry that he interrupted Marcus response.

Demony Christmas (Silus)  Lucife10
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 932
Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Shadowoof December 29th 2015, 2:21 am

Marcus was a little glad to hear he remembered but it also brought distraught at another thought. He was friends with Lucius. When Marcus heard the kid's question he had risen an eye brow to it but decided to answer. "Planned on scari..." Marcus couldn't finish as the kid snapped at the.. wall, asking if it was even real. Marcus tilted his head in confusion till he heard the last words from the kid, mocking, meant to draw a reaction and while most would curtly reply, heck, Marcus from last year would have. But now today, he was too tired today.

"Look kid. I don't think Lucius sent yea to kill me. That doesn't sound like him... Now anyways." Marcus said before hearing the paddle of footsteps behind him, a Corgi drove though the snow and when it got close enough, Marcus swooped in to pick it up, the dog growling in response. But that was simply because Lucian didn't like getting picked up. "Oh shush you baby. You love it." Marcus said as he turned back to Peter Pan. That name was rather stupid in his opinion but Marcus didn't think the kid would care much about his opinion. "Before you say anything. I would like to say, I haven't eaten a person in the past few months senice Lucius well abandoned me. If I must put it like that. And I don't want to mess with a... Fairy? That is also a dimensional being I take it if you can 'rip apart and recreate.' Them." Marcus said, digging into his memory bank witch was clouded in it's own rights. He was still not sure if the kid was simply bluffing or not but if he wasn't. Well. It would force something out of Marcus. He might have had to be serious.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Humanity December 30th 2015, 9:23 pm

"Well congrats. Way to do what you're supposed to. I'll make you a deal. Put the other me down and we'll get you a cookie instead." Silus said pointing to the "man" that Marcus had bound up, revealing that this "something" that the trickster had been doing was simply relocating and warping a doppelganger of himself seamlessly, his own skills and abilities pushed to a point of haste. The bound up little Silus let out a muffled "Hello" in a jovial tone, Meanwhile what one would believe to be the real Silus spoke again. "It doesn't have to be like this. You don't need to be what everyone else wants you to be. This "demon" thing that you're playing with isn't what you have to be, and even if it is I know that there's a person in there, a decent person in there that doesn't need to sit back and let it happen." Peter said quite quickly before trying to hold his hands up to the sides, showing himself to be unarmed and not particularly threatening. The trickster was annoying, pestering and ultimately a lot more trouble than they were worth; however the trickster was doing something that they always did when they saw the good in someone. They were trying to help. Trying to save Marcus, and this revenant if they could.

Hopefully that would work out for him...if not...there was going to be trouble.


Demony Christmas (Silus)  Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Shadowoof December 30th 2015, 10:17 pm

Marcus's head perked up when the kid said, deal. His mind wavered at the thoughts of the word but when Marcus heard it, his head would turn to find a copy of the kid where the man once was. Confused, Marcus called the shadow's back to a sort of mist that stayed right above him, giving the copy freedom. "No need for a cookie." Marcus said before turning back to the Real one? He hoped.

It was after this that Marcus heard an all to knowledgeable fact that has been said by another before the kid. And when the kid finished Marcus just sighed, not wanting to deal with this but decided to play anyway. "Not the first time I've heard that one kid. Not much will change I'm a demon. Doesn't mean I'm an evil one like the churches would have yea think." Marcus said with a chuckle, remembering a certain incident with a priest and holy water. That stuff smelled horrible. "Look. When we first met. I was an insane idiot. I still suffer from a little insanity issue but not multi personality disorder. Doe you can thank the primordial demon soul and the Revanant blood in me for that." Marcus said as Lucian decided to perk her head up, rather alert before she began to bark and growl a mutual feeling was shared with Marcus, something was coming.

Actually, their was something already here, a figure stood a fair distance away from the two, a metal looking skin like armor resided over it's form and a large dog stood next to it but the thing that caught Marcus's attention was the fact it's hand was alight with fire, in it's off hand however rested a short sword, with strange ruins on it. "Friend of yours?" Marcus would ask the kid as he stared down the figure who seemingly stared back, a Revenant hunting. Not that Marcus knew that at the moment.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Silus January 3rd 2016, 10:44 pm

"Wait, if you're not evil why were you just gagging an eleven year old and telling 'em they liked it?" Silus asked slightly confused before the other little clone nodded sagely and chirped up saying "true story". Of course the man went on to explain that he had the primordial demon soul and revenant blood to thank for something. Immediately Silus blinked and looked at him."So... when you say Primordial Demon soul, do you mean the thing created by the Primordial of Evil...or are you saying you're from the Dark Souls universe? Because if so...I can totally see why you left and came here. Stuff is pretty real over there." Silus wasn't exactly distracted though he was fixated mostly on the fact this guy sounded like he was a Dark Souls character. If that were the case that would explain the hardcore violence. It'd also constitute as a revenant. It would even further explain the "Primordial Demon Soul" because of the Prequal to the series or whatever it was. But the nail in the coffin was the fact that Silus heard the man's excuses about him not being evil.

He was going to eat someone, or kill them, yet it claimed to not be evil. That kind of morality came only from places such as Lordron. Silus would know...he actually took a field trip there. You want to talk about an impossible thing to keep a pure heart in. You just die. then you die. Then you die and die and die because in that world it is literally kill or be killed. "Okay, look. Just because you're not as evil as you COULD be doesn't mean you aren't evil...but rest assured I have a plan that will make you perfectly happy AND it'll actually be fun for you too!" Silus said, a jovial smile beaming from his face as he smiled at Marcus, suddenly realizing that there was an aura about them. Not Marcus and the dog, but the actual unseen enemy he hadn't actually seen yet.

"Friend of yours?" Marcus asked though when Silus turned around he saw a heavily plated and armored individual with a flame in hand, runic markings on his sword as he kept a large dog at his side. Silus shook his head and looked back at the big dog, suddenly his mouth moved and little barks, very similar to that of a dogs came out of his mouth as his omnilinguism kicked in and he tried to communicate with the dog.

Hey, what's up pup? He asked simply before seeing if the dire-wolf like dog would respond.

Demony Christmas (Silus)  Lucife10
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 932
Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Shadowoof January 4th 2016, 12:54 am

Marcus looked at the kid with confusion, not only at what he thought, but what he said. Dark souls universe. Sounded just as stupid as the feeling he got from the man of armor across from them, Lucian herself would kick and bite at Marcus's hands till he dropped her, on the ground, it would bark one more time before shifting into the dog like form that stood next to the man across from them.

The Hell hound that Silus spoke to, didn't say much, it mainly downright ignored Silus as it's master rose the bladed hand to point at Marcus, the fire spreading from it's hand and towards the rest of it's body. "Traitor." It would say in a garbled mess of demonic and ghostly sounds, the hell hound beside him would light ablaze itself to follow it's master.

Marcus looked at the Revenant with surprise as his mask slowly came back on, Lucian herself decided to take that as her cue and lit ablaze much like the hell-hound before her. "If it is anything little Pan. I have never seen that man before." As Marcus finished that, he could hear another garbled mess of 'Traitor.' coming from behind, another Revenant. "Or that one." Marcus would defend himself as he brought the hellfire to engulf his hand, the mist of darkness slowly rose above his head but stayed, only growing in size.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Humanity January 15th 2016, 1:00 pm

"The poor thing won't even talk." Silus said as he looked over them quickly, then back at Marcus whom seemed to be the point of fixation. There was a demonic gargle of a word, though Silus was pretty sure the guy just said "Trainer" which made him wonder if this was some form of estranged apprentice of the Revenant. With a shrug he immediately assumed they were buddies. Of course a there was a handful of Hellfire more flaming than Sean  which caught his attention. "Uhm... I-I don't think these guys are happy to see us." He fumbled back a little bit, drawing something on the wall quickly before replicating what he drew. His fingertips brushed against the grating dimples and indents of the brick wall, the rough feeling causing a very slight discomfort, though nothing to keep him from finishing his drawings.

  Of course it was likely confusing for Marcus if he looked to see Silus drawing food on a wall, the painting seeming to come from his fingertips. Though he painted quite quickly the quality was quite good and it was very clear that what he was drawing was a rather delicious pile of rectangular corn chips covered in meat and almost drowned in beautiful, molten layer of golden, heart-attack inducing cheese.

  "Hey! This is a Taco, Burrito conversation!" Silus shouted as he placed his palms on the wall, seeming to literally pull the drawings out of the artwork, manifesting the delicious Mexican nachos into reality. Instantly Silus had teleported into the mid air in front of the revenants and before they could react he slammed both plates of streaming hot nacho's into their face-masks. "Not-chos!" He said before falling through. Now behind them and regretting the fact he hadn't thought about what to do with the dogs. Turning around he blinked at them and gave a nervous chuckle.

 "U-uh oh. Heehee...It's just a joke. No need to dog me out about it." Silus said as he started to back away slowly.


Demony Christmas (Silus)  Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Shadowoof January 17th 2016, 1:22 pm

"Yea don't say." The Demonic voice of Marcus would ring out as he looked between the three. A kid who might not even be from this world, two Revenants. And a somewhat annoyed hell-hound at his side. Now that he thought about it, Lucian seemed a little bigger then the ones the cornered their master demons, the spikes on her back seemed larger too. Might have been an age thing, or maybe she was just stronger. Marcus wouldn't figure this out any time soon as his attention was brought to the fact that the kid was drawing food on the wall, Even the Revanant's seemed confused by this. It wasn't till Silus pulled the food from the wall, that Marcus thought this kid was more of a nut job then him on his bad days, his suspicions confirmed when the kid teleported above two Revenants and planted the bowl of cheese and food on their armored helms. He was more insane then the times Marcus ran into walls thinking the lights had been taken from his eyes.

While the Revanants seemed to take no real damage from the tricksters attack, it had grudgingly annoyed them and while their masters wiped away at the Delicious food, the hell hounds converged on Silus, The hounds themselves would commit on what they thought would be the tastiest part of the child in front of them, his head or his limbs. Ether way, they would both breathe in, a visual warning of fire like light would appear from their throats as they began to breath torrents of fire at Silus. The Revenants themselves would move in to teleport behind Silus, one moving during the hell hounds fire breath attack to attack Silus while the other waited to see if the kid would teleport like before, moving to teleport himself behind the kid to stab with his dagger if Silus did such.  

Marcus on the other hand was about to go and try to help the kid when all of a sudden he felt a hot searing pain in his chest, looking down, he would find that a runed blade had pierced though his chest. "Oh.. I feel like I'm dying." Marcus said as he felt a hand on his shoulder push him away from the blade and he fell onto the ground, his hand moving to his chest wound as he felt blood pour out of it and the fact that the shadows couldn't move close to it told him a dangerous thing, his healing factor wasn't working. Flipping to his back with pain, Marcus would catch Lucian's pounce on the Revenant that stabbed him, knocking the demon to the ground before biting down on the head, a sick sound of metal breaking and bone cracking could be heard as Lucian crunched on it's head, killing the demon. The Hell hound that usually accompanied the Revenant had went invisible and moved around to behind Marcus, getting ready to move in for the kill.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Silus January 24th 2016, 1:50 pm

Well this was expected to be entirely honest. Otherworldly beings weren't ones to be harmed easily. But the bottom line was that pestering them and annoying them was far too fun for the little guy to resist. It was like putting a raw juicy steak in front of a starved dog. Oh yeah, speaking of that Silus was probably in some trouble regarding those things. The dogs took in an inhale that was almost comically theatrical. Silus cocked an eyebrow and smiled a little.

 "Well if you're gonna take your time about it..." He said before teleporting. His eyes immediately turned to the hounds again, though in the distance he put between himself and them he couldn't help but notice a revenant was missing. His eyes flashed purple before he turned slightly, at blinding, almost imperceptible speeds a bladed wing spawned from his back and swiped behind him as it unfurled. The Revenant behind him was mid swing, arching the blade over the wing's curving apex and slicing the young boy on the cheek. With eyes wide Silus watched at the massive creature was propelled off of it's feet and sent flying back, smashing into the concrete.

 His hand coming up to his cheek, Silus felt the wound. It wasn't healing. Wait- now it was. What was going on here? Why did that take so long to do? It never takes that long to stimulate a response? Silus looked to the downed creature and closed his eyes a moment.

 One is missing, the one with Marcus is accounted for. Two hounds, three with the other. Behind him. He turns and the blade slides off the bladed metallic-looking wings. The creature didn't see them. The action was too fast. The dagger was strange. Metallic but as it slid Silus watched it incoming from his cheek. Focus on it. He couldn't see it well until his wing moved and the revenant was launched back. A split second. A frame in the film. He saw it.

 "H-Hey they can counter regen-er-aaaahhh you found that out I see." Silus said as he turned to Marcus as he spat out the fact he felt like he was going to die. Silus watched a revenant go invisible. "Oh C'mon, you guy's just like to get in from behind don'tcha?" Silus asked as he teleported and threw a palm strike. Using his own thought-process and his equalizing ability to anticipate their movements he was dead certain he could land the palm-strike and capitalize on the pressure point that could knock the individual back, even perhaps out of invisibility. Of course there were always risks.

  "Ooooh..." he said as he cringed and a hand found its way to his stomach. The pain in his cheek seemed to radiate and he felt like he was going to throw up his dinner. "Why does it hurt?" He asked.

  Probably because of that bad thing you said? Halluciyancey posed the statement as a personal musing rather, causing Silus to look at him for a moment. About the...from...behind? Nevermind. He waved Silus off, leaving the little kid perplexed and lost at the statements of his hallucination based companion.

Demony Christmas (Silus)  Lucife10
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Demony Christmas (Silus)  Empty Re: Demony Christmas (Silus)

Post by Shadowoof February 24th 2016, 2:37 am

Marcus wasn't quite in it, he was half worried bout the not closing wound in his chest while also worried bout how many more of these Revenants were around. Almost about to sit himself up, he would watch a Hell-hound, just blown from it's invisibility, fly past him and slam into the wall that Marcus once stood near. Sitting up groggily like, Marcus would look around to see yet another one of the demon assassin's making it's way towards him which with a quick thought, nearby shadow's wrapped around the now slightly surprised Revenant and with a gesture of his hand, the shadows would slingshot the Revenant into the sky. With that done, he'd turn his head to Lucian, who had moved on from the Revanant she was Eating to the two hell hounds who had fought Silus, her Hulking size compared to theirs already told Marcus who was going to win that fight. Looking away, he'd stand himself to one knee while pressing his hand to the wound on his chest.

The Revenant that Silus sent flying into a wall with his wings, stood for a moment before falling to on knee onto the ground, a second, bigger looking Revanant would appear in front of the Revanant before turning to Silus. "We. Have No quarrel. With you or your kind. Let us kill. The human born demon. And his traitorous Hell-hound." The Revenant would speak English yet in a demonic tone, poised in a combat stance while it waited, showing an extremely large looking Zweihander with many runes carved into it, waiting for an answer form the being before it.

Marcus would look to the newly arrival and looked back to the kid, He'd tilt his head while he also waited for an answer, telling him if he needed to get the hell out of here or not. It was one thing to deal with these buggers that had a better chance at killing him then the average Lucius but to have to deal with them alone and already injured, well besides for Lucian but there was only so much the hell hound could actually do and he knew that, she had to know it herself. So, Marcus waited, silently watching, too see if he had to make a quick choice to run, or to fight back.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Registration date : 2014-10-18

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