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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Samael Christensen February 14th 2016, 4:05 pm

[03:41:59 14/02/2016] Dubloon : No more being eternally tied to a chair Razz

Samael Christensen

Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Samael Christensen February 15th 2016, 11:32 am

01:16:32 15/02/2016] @ Bliss : So many closets to put people in

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Post by Lingo February 19th 2016, 9:01 pm

[01:52:25] Pendo : BLASPHEMY.

[01:52:35] Pendo : Blue-sphemy.

[01:53:15] Tomcat : wow

[01:53:18] Tomcat : that pun

[01:53:18] Tomcat : blue

[01:53:21] Tomcat : me

[01:53:21] Tomcat : away

[01:53:26] Tomcat : :^)

[01:53:42] Pendo : Orange you mad you didn't come up with it?

[01:54:15] Tomcat : I was purple'xed trying to come up with one myself

[01:54:56] Pendo : I would be a'green with you if it didn't come so naturally to me.

[01:56:03] Pendo : Okay, okay. I need to go back to finding a face claim haha.

[01:56:15] Clover Sinclair : .

[01:56:45] Tomcat : Stop with the puns white now.

[01:56:59] Tomcat : before i fall black into old habits

[01:57:27] @ Red : I gotta admit, those puns were pretty grey-t

[01:58:08] Tomcat : Oh, Yellow there.

[01:58:52] @ Red : But ya better stop, someone might sc-gold you.

[01:58:56] Tomcat : I hope this puns helped turn your frowns upside brown.

[02:00:29] Tomcat : i think we ran out of colours.


C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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Post by Lingo February 20th 2016, 7:39 pm

[00:37:08] * Ryan Lester seducts Tomcat

[00:37:25] @ Chellizard : poor rory

chelle is savage


C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Red February 22nd 2016, 9:54 am

Tomcat wrote:[01:52:25] Pendo : BLASPHEMY.

[01:52:35] Pendo : Blue-sphemy.

[01:53:15] Tomcat : wow

[01:53:18] Tomcat : that pun

[01:53:18] Tomcat : blue

[01:53:21] Tomcat : me

[01:53:21] Tomcat : away

[01:53:26] Tomcat : :^)

[01:53:42] Pendo : Orange you mad you didn't come up with it?

[01:54:15] Tomcat : I was purple'xed trying to come up with one myself

[01:54:56] Pendo : I would be a'green with you if it didn't come so naturally to me.

[01:56:03] Pendo : Okay, okay. I need to go back to finding a face claim haha.

[01:56:15] Clover Sinclair : .

[01:56:45] Tomcat : Stop with the puns white now.

[01:56:59] Tomcat : before i fall black into old habits

[01:57:27] @ Red : I gotta admit, those puns were pretty grey-t

[01:58:08] Tomcat : Oh, Yellow there.

[01:58:52] @ Red : But ya better stop, someone might sc-gold you.

[01:58:56] Tomcat : I hope this puns helped turn your frowns upside brown.

[02:00:29] Tomcat : i think we ran out of colours.

C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 D97eu310

You're wrong, we never run out. Just ask the Palettin (Get it? Palette, paladin........ No? Ok....).


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
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Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Post by Atlas February 29th 2016, 12:02 am

[19:27:10 28/02/2016] * Quinn f;p[s

[19:27:15 28/02/2016] * Quinn tries again

[19:27:17 28/02/2016] * Quinn flops

[19:29:42 28/02/2016] @ Beta : Well that flop flopped

[19:36:58 28/02/2016] @ Danny The Sphinx : That sounds like a good thing to flop
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 294
Registration date : 2015-01-29

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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Champion March 1st 2016, 3:05 am

00:23:09 01/03/2016] @ Danny The Sphinx : Danny will channel the spirit of the greatest dead cowgirl: Elaine
Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 184
Registration date : 2015-07-29

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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Lingo March 2nd 2016, 10:41 pm

[03:16:19] Twinkletoes : So any groundbreaking plots I've missed during the past 2 years?

[03:18:46] @ Danny The Sphinx : Bliss beat up Venus


C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Hyperion March 3rd 2016, 5:24 pm

[15:47:03 03/03/2016] @ Danny The Sphinx : Baby's don't have backs, because their bones are too brittle

Shael Atterrius
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 421
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Samael Christensen March 9th 2016, 3:37 pm

[00:59:42 09/03/2016] Quinn : Time Corgi

[00:59:52 09/03/2016] Quinn : Danny The Corgi

[01:02:53 09/03/2016] @ Time Cop : Damn Lescorg

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Andrew March 9th 2016, 7:05 pm

[21:02:52] The Nekromonga : "Nothing to see here ladies and gentlemen. Just official MOO business."

[21:02:56] * Andrew sniffs

[21:03:02] Andrew : Vexus is near

[21:03:41] Elena Vexus joined the chat on Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:03 pm
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Samael Christensen March 11th 2016, 6:59 pm

[18:57:33] @ Time Cop : *I'm good

[18:57:42] Venus : no ur not

[18:57:48] Venus : ur colour clearly states ur a renegade

[18:58:15] @ Time Cop : and ur a Venus

[18:58:19] @ Time Cop : Which is worse than a villain

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Post by Samael Christensen March 20th 2016, 8:08 pm

[23:26:10 19/03/2016] * Queen of Arcadia places Olivia on harakiri watch

[23:26:22 19/03/2016] Olivia : MUST. COMMIT. SEPUKU.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Lingo March 23rd 2016, 11:56 pm

[03:54:40] Jason Masters : Hitler/Jesus fanfics <3
[03:54:55] Queen of Arcadia : D:


C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: C-box Quotes 2.0

Post by Venus March 28th 2016, 12:45 am

[05:10:19 28/03/2016] Venus : you can all relax
[05:10:24 28/03/2016] Venus : the main character of SHRPG is here
[05:10:35 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : ^_^ oh really?
[05:10:38 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : cool
[05:10:46 28/03/2016] * Venus applies make-up
[05:10:50 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : who are you?
[05:11:07 28/03/2016] Venus : Venus.
[05:11:12 28/03/2016] Venus : The main character of SHRPG.
[05:11:17 28/03/2016] Venus : Arch-nemesis of the loser, Seagirl.
[05:11:26 28/03/2016] Venus : Gorgeous villainess, ruler of all of Oceania.
[05:11:27 28/03/2016] * Dragontithe thinks for a second
[05:11:29 28/03/2016] Venus : Venus?
[05:11:32 28/03/2016] Venus : Surely you've heard of me.
[05:11:41 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : nope ^_^ never heard of ya
[05:11:49 28/03/2016] Venus : ....
[05:11:54 28/03/2016] Venus : You must be new here, I'm Venus.
[05:11:57 28/03/2016] Venus : As in THE Venus.
[05:11:59 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : Kitty Face
[05:12:04 28/03/2016] Venus : Did no-one fill you in.
[05:12:13 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : and im THE dragontithe
[05:12:20 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : nice to meet ya!
[05:12:27 28/03/2016] * Dragontithe extends hand
[05:12:31 28/03/2016] Venus :
[05:12:32 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : Kitty Face
[05:13:40 28/03/2016] * Dragontithe eagerly awaits a handshake
[05:13:55 28/03/2016] * Venus looks at the hand
[05:14:00 28/03/2016] Venus : No.
[05:14:24 28/03/2016] * Dragontithe 's arm begins to shake
[05:14:38 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : im not very strong
[05:14:41 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : please
[05:14:55 28/03/2016] * Dragontithe begins to sweat
[05:15:51 28/03/2016] * Venus folds her arms and lets you suffer
[05:15:57 28/03/2016] Venus : Well THE dragontithe.
[05:15:57 28/03/2016] * Dragontithe suffers
[05:16:09 28/03/2016] * Venus sits on a throne made of kneeling men
[05:16:15 28/03/2016] Venus : You can stand there for a bit.
[05:16:19 28/03/2016] * Dragontithe finishes skimming page
[05:16:25 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : ah isee
[05:16:30 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : cool power
[05:16:45 28/03/2016] Venus : coolest* power
[05:16:49 28/03/2016] Venus : I'm the main character remember.
[05:16:57 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : ah yeah
[05:17:14 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : sorry i just havent seen you on the main page ^u^
[05:17:32 28/03/2016] Dragontithe : though lucious was the main character tbh ^_^ heh
[05:18:53 28/03/2016] Venus : Lucius is a nobody.
[05:18:57 28/03/2016] * Venus flicks her hair around
[05:19:09 28/03/2016] Venus : He doesn't look nearly as good as me.
[05:19:17 28/03/2016] Venus : I even pull of his signature colour better.
[05:19:21 28/03/2016] * Venus wears a red jacket


[05:27:43] Shadowoof : I just read the convo between Dragon and Rudy

[05:27:49] Shadowoof : and i swear someone should quote that

[05:27:52] Shadowoof : that was great


click image for bio
C-box Quotes 2.0 - Page 4 Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Post by The Nekromonga March 29th 2016, 9:44 pm

[03:48:49 30/03/2016] The Nekromonga : heya Dave
[03:49:10 30/03/2016] The Nekromonga : so me and zell were talking how the 4 of us in boarding school looked like a nuclear family
[03:49:41 30/03/2016] @ Bliss : I'll go nuclear on your family

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
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Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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