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Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang)

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Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang) - Page 2 Empty Re: Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang)

Post by Forceaus June 1st 2015, 12:44 am

Despite a near endless assault of bladed tentacles, Haulani was just unable to stop these two from continuing to attack him. He was also finding it more difficult to form new tentacles. They were being damaged faster than he could regrow them. This was looking like a bad situation for him. Time to get out of here. Screw this killing spree, it wasn't worth this. Haulani pulled back the tentacles he had flying outwards and started stabbing them into the ground to try and push himself into the air. At first his efforts got him nowhere, then he was suddenly fifteen feet up in the air. He turned to his right and started to try to walk away, and was doing so rather slowly and awkwardly. This was something that he was going to have to get the hang of quickly if he wanted to escape.

"Okay yeah, you were right. Ripe coconut is not very tasteful. The aftertaste just lingers for far too long." Deathbringer said after having eaten a piece of the cracked open coconut he held in his hands. He wiped his mouth clean as Killer Mime gestured something in sign language. "I should try what instead?" he asked, not knowing what one of the gestures that Killer Mime had done even meant. The armored man started gesturing again before suddenly stopping and pointing towards the beach. Deathbringer turned to look in that direction and saw that their potential recruit was attempting to retreat.

"Looks like he's had enough." Deathbringer said before holding the binoculars up to his eyes to get a better look. "I can see why too. He may be a bit out of his league." he stated as he looked at the two women that were fighting Haulani. "He fared well enough for my tastes. Time to retrieve our newest asset before we lose it." Deathbringer told Killer Mime as he moved the binoculars away from his face. Deathbringer took a step to his left and noticed that they had a visitor. Some young woman was standing nearby and when they noticed her, she took off running. Killer Mime looked over at Deathbringer who nodded, and the armored man would fire a telekinetic blast at the lady in her wake as she tried to run away.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Number of posts : 2604
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang) - Page 2 Empty Re: Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang)

Post by Bliss June 1st 2015, 2:24 am

After the most recent event rolled to an end establishing Bliss as the best person in the world, another event began to unfold needing Bliss to redefine herself as the best person in the universe. But, not right now. Right now, she just needed to keep this guy from running too far, too fast, and too wild. "Calamari is slimy." While Haulani vaulted through the air, Bliss grabbed some of his tentacle stilts and telekinetically pressed enough force to knock them off balance. "I've been drinking too much gin to switch to wine this late in the day anyways." The number of tentacles kept coming, but Bliss decided to try and different tactic. A better tactic. Instead of merely hitting him with everything she could muster, instead, Bliss would begin pulling on his tentacles to wrap his tentacles up in knots. Even with control over them, pulling them loose would be hard if not impossible, and if he grew new ones to cut himself free, it would cost him quite a bit of comfort when he needed to saw his own appendages off. "Yep, I won."

Bliss would walk over and put her foot on Haulani's head to force his face into the sand. Off in the distance she spotted Mitsuko working her magic on some of the wounded scattered about the beach. "New plan. I'll take care of this guy and everyone else handles the injured." Hopefully the man Bliss tried to arrest would go somewhat peacefully, but if he did not, Bliss did very little to put herself in a protected stance, opting for the more victorious looking pose. Mitsuko continued to rally any wounded to her cause and applied her wondrous bandages to soak up the most horrendous of the wounds.

Abby flew into the side of a wall. A coconut fell from a tree just to her side. Juice spilled out from the cracked shell. "I hear the juice is really good when they're ripe." Sitting with her back against the wall and half the coconut in her hand, Abby began to barter.


Mitsy's Boutique


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Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang) - Page 2 Empty Re: Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang)

Post by Ink June 6th 2015, 11:22 pm

He's getting away. He's getting away. He's getting- oh, well, never mind. Video-Girl watches this telekinetic lady knotting up the jerk.  And now he's not getting anywhere. Then come the words from the lady's mouth. Video-Girl fires off the electrical bolt off into the sea without looking and her jaw hangs open. "Uh... say what?" The puts away the Buster Arm Cannon and rummages through her satchel. "Uh. Lady. Do I look like a Cleric," she says. She conjures up Dr. Mario. "You heard the lady. Get to it." She turns back to the jerk, all tied up and pokes at him with the tip of her sword. "So... he's done? Just like that?"


Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : "Here I Come, To Save The Daaay!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : Orlando, FL
Age : 29
Job : Comic Book Writer, Web Video Producer, College Student
Registration date : 2014-03-22

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Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang) - Page 2 Empty Re: Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang)

Post by Forceaus June 7th 2015, 2:49 am

Feeling like he was at a loss, the young man with the power to form ghostly bladed tentacles known as Haulani decided to make a break for it. Like a gigantic spider, Haulani used the tentacles to walk along the sandy ground in an escape attempt. As he pressed forward, he could feel something tugging on the tentacles he had created. It was the Asian lady with the telekinetic powers. She was latching on to his creations to prevent him from escaping. A game of tug of war ensued and Haulani would fall to the ground hard as a result.

After the fall, Haulani sat up and saw both of those women standing next to him, trying to keep him pinned down. Still refusing to allow himself to be defeated like this, Haulani formed some more tentacles and sent them out at both of these people before trying to get to his feet again so he could try running for it once more.

Without even watching, Deathbringer knew that Killer Mime's telekinetic blast had hit the retreating girl that had stumbled on them. There was just a certain sound he was used to hearing that those powers of his made whenever they made contact with someone. A generally delightful sound it was too. One he never got tired of no matter how many times he heard it.

Now that the poor, unfortunate soul that stumbled across them was downed, the two supervillains would walk over to where she now was in order to finish dealing with her. Can't risk people knowing they were here so soon. They found her leaning up against a wall and was offering them a coconut in exchange for her life. Deathbringer looked at her amused and replied to her offer. "Thanks, but no thanks. I've had my fill for today." He then turned around and spoke to Killer Mime. "Finish her off." Deathbringer said before he started walking back towards their little hiding spot so he could see what was going on at the beach. Killer Mime would aim at this young woman's head and fire another telekinetic blast.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang) - Page 2 Empty Re: Melee in Maui (Bliss, Beerus, Video-Girl, Ultra Gang)

Post by Bliss June 7th 2015, 8:34 am

"Nope." Bliss watched as her plan unraveled. "He's not done. I'm tired of hitting him, so you're up." No reason wasting any time when this guy would just tire himself out soon. Or maybe he would not. However, Bliss decided three plans to take him down probably should put him reasonably close to the end of the line for him. "I'm going to check the pool. If you need help ask Mitsy; she's doing something I suppose." Bliss not supposing kept her safe from a clutches of a tentacle attack flailing around. Had she pressed any advantage, the tentacle surely would have killed Bliss. What luck.

A text message with all the panic and anxiety the written language could contain burst onto Bliss' phone. Something, something imminent death. Something, something  more villains. Something, something grotto behind hotel, next to pool. For a moment she could almost hear Abby try to circumnavigate the terrible position she found herself in through terrible meandering. Then Bliss spotted Abby right where the text said she would. Instead of letting the energy blast kill her, Bliss grabbed the red headed informant and pulled her down to the beach. "Took you long enough."

"I can put you back." Abby began to move off her feet before Bliss dropped her back to the ground.

"I'm just saying, I was almost done explaining to him how killing someone off the bat is a bad allocation of resources. Any villain should first interrogate and then use said person to press an advantage through coercing heroes using their sense of moral justice."

"I'm not paying that much attention, but these villains you found might be. Care to shut up about advising them."

"There is wisdom in my words. I know about this stuff."

"What school did you drop out of again?"

"Which villain did you leave rampaging on the beach?" Abby looked back to watch the spider walking villain making a mad dash for the hotel. With no control, it seemed very likely something bad would happen.

"Don't worry. That other girl will put it out of commission." If she didn't, Bliss planned on stopping this thing once and for all. She might blow up the planet. All of Earth. Just blow the whole thing up. Or, shoot the guy and aim for his head to knock him out. Which ever was easier.

"I'm going to turn to evil one day and be so good at it."

The small patter of words while Abby curled her hair around her rang out as the sound of Bliss' attack caused the air to swirl up around them with a loud backlash. "Hm, what was that last thing?"

"I said one day we will burn evil because its gay and we're good at it."

"Calm down with saying 'gay'. We work in Palo Alto and can't afford a work place discrimination case. Not another one at least."


Mitsy's Boutique


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Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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