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Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.)

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Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.)

Post by Shadowoof March 1st 2015, 2:23 am

Marcus watch as the demon reeled back before trying to escape while pulling the angel in. Marcus would have kept sending more fire at it but stopped when he realised the angel was allowing it. He waited as she drove inside the thing and blew it up from the inside out, flying out of the now dead shadow creature like a angel. If she hadn't tried to kill him, Marcus would have asked her out to see her reaction to it, a half demon asking an angel out. It almost made him laugh but he kept quiet as she spoke of ways to keep the evil at bay with killing him.

"Thanks but no thanks. I chose to deal with this demon when we bonded together in death, I'll continue to do so until one of us dies." He held a hand out for a handshake, a gesture that they could go on with their lives he hoped she would understand. "But hey, if you hear reports of a demon killing the masses of civilians in chicago then you're more then welcome to kill me then." He said as a half joke and half truth, hopefully that day would never come for him.

Retired Moderator
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Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.)

Post by Fiery Soul March 1st 2015, 2:45 am

The man extended his arm towards her. "You are an evil, dark soul, but have some shreds of noble humanity left in you." Yofie took the man's hand in mutual agreement. As soon as her hand met the dark man's grasp, the gauntlet burst into flame. A gentle shake would follow before Yofie would release her grip. "I will one day find a way to save you from the demon who haunts you, but for now I will trust you to control yourself." Her wings would expand in full glory as she placed her sword at her side. "And who should I check with for these reports of you wanton destruction and waylaying of the innocent?"

After she received the last comments from Marcus, Yofie would take to the skies as the citizens placed in horrific jeopardy at her doing came forth to cheer and praise the new angel of Chicago and heap bittersweet comments towards Marcus.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.)

Post by Shadowoof March 11th 2015, 4:23 am

Marcus felt his hand after their handshake. Man everything she wore must hate demons. "Well you can use the internet, read the news, watch tv or ask general people if a shadow and now shadow/fire user is killing the masses." Marcus told her but was quite surprised she asked for ways in the first place.. then again she seemed a little distant from reality. After she took off and the civvies praised her while some also thanked him, he took a walk to the fried rice shop and sat down, his mask falling off as he looked at the shop owner. "You know. I remembered you taking that meta down before blacking out, my only memory was of a shadow user smashing the place for no reason. I guess that really wasn't you." The asian man said as he slided a bowl of fried rice to Marcus which he caught.

"Yea. Funny world we live ey." As Marcus said this he grabbed a single grain of rice and looked at it. He was indeed a evil, dark soul. Heck even his last name was Soul but at least he didn't do evil like many that inhabited this world. "To Justice, angel of fire... To Justice." He whispered as he bit down on the grain and went to finish the bowl before him.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.)

Post by Shadowoof March 11th 2015, 4:23 am


The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Angel vs Demon.. at least it isn't too cliche (Shadow vs Yofie.)

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