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Godhood [Yofie and Humanity]

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Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Empty Godhood [Yofie and Humanity]

Post by Samael Christensen July 6th 2015, 11:51 pm

The darkness of the room was oppressive, enough so to make Idol shudder as he rose into consciousness. His fingers still burned from touching the bars, dull torchlight being the only means by which he could see within the murk. Within his darkness, he could see the painful red marks that were formed along his hand and taking a longer time to heal up than normally. Maybe it had something to do with a spell placed upon the metal, a strange thing to be sure but then again this world had magic that was far different than the one he was used to. Honestly, he wasn't even expecting someone to come after him so quickly but then again he had hoped no one would come after him at all. It seemed wild magic was something that a lot of people within this world lusted after. Mages, while tricky were a bit less dark where he came from, and blood magic had been strictly banned for a reason.

”The blood of the divine, I had never dreamed I would find such a wonderful prize.” A voice with a strange reverb spoke up within the shadows, a woman within a robe bearing what he could tell were strange markings on her face that pulsed an angry red. Idol's eyes narrowed cautiously as the orbs would glow a brilliant gold. The dull torch light would flicker as he moved, feeling the power that had flowed within him before now all gone. He was a weak as perhaps any mortal and the feeling was something that he did not like. Either he had somehow lost his following or this woman could drain his power from him. ”Don't be so harsh..Kegan was it? I'm ascending humanity, it'll help them.” Their tone was almost condescending, as if somehow that was not their goal. ”Now be good and avoid touching the bars, they burn.” With a small wave they would leave him within the flickering darkness.

Meanwhile a certain undesirable angel was making his own move, following certain events and a certain person that he knew would be useful. This involved following an angel of song that considered themselves a warrior, despite their lack of grace with even the simplest of sword maneuvers. This angel that was known for his secrets would appear before her Where she was did not matter, though he did prefer to speak only to them so he would chose a place where she was alone. He was dressed in a fine suit, smoothing out a wrinkle in the left sleeve before looking up to the woman in question. ”As radiant as ever Yofie.” Raziel started not quite worried if she were to lash out at him.

”I'm sure you likely don't want to see me but I don't quite care at the moment. There's a darkness moving through this city...Chicago and it's likely to swallow it all up if you don't stop it.” With a flick of the wrist he produced what looked like a small map. ”Sure I could explain things, but that's not how I roll. You read the map, you're the green dot right here and the destination is the red dot here. Get to there, burn everything and save the guy with the golden eyes.” Pointing at parts of the map, he would nod. ”That's all. Have fun burning people you psycho.” And like that he was gone.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Empty Re: Godhood [Yofie and Humanity]

Post by Humanity July 7th 2015, 3:00 am

The room was dark, moist and all around humid as the man sat in a chair and was bound by rope and chain. Each binding was secured to a strong structure, one being a pillar the other being a rather heavy statue of a deity from the Patheos, or rather from his former Pantheon. The only light in this darkness were the flame that emitted a dim light form the large golden colored bowels that stood before the statues of the living gods...and then there was the lack of fire before those whom had passed, or had no physical incarnation in the world a this time. Finally there was Yamm's statue, and the brazier bowel before it filled with smoldering embers, radiating just enough warmth to not yet die. The bound man realized that it was only his arms and his waist had been bound, though he had been only in and out of his consciousness abotu ten times now. Pain wracked his body, breathing hurt as he looked down at his torso and his legs. His chin began to quiver and his eyes water as he looked at the irreparable damage that had been done. His breathing flattered and his head shot up when he heard footsteps.

"You're awake again? Well that's good." A voice said nonchalantly as a young man wearing glasses came into perspective. The bound man began to move and wiggle and squirm, trying to break free and trying to get away. Realizing that attempting to escape was futile he was left to whimper in the most pathetic manner, blabbering out again with his pleading to not hurt him anymore, to just stop this. The boy with the glasses cocked an eyebrow and shook his head. "Oh C'mon now. It's not that bad. Stop your whimpering. This wouldn't be so bad if you'd just tell me what I needed to know." He chided the man as if he were nothing more than a child whom had been complaining too much because he had to sit in church for an hour. Though the prisoner protested to knowing anything more than he had already revealed.

"I can't hear you over your whining. I also can't stand the fact that you keep passing out on me...have some willpower, be a real man for once in your life." Matthew teased the man as he began shuffling tools about on his spotless little table, some of the used tools sitting in small beakers of bloodied alcohol. The man's inability to stay awake for the torture process was delaying him, something that was unideal. Though he had to confess that he already knew everything he WANTED to know. The Location of the cult, the plan for godhood and ultimately the types of things they had used to restrain Idol. Now it was just a matter of milking as much information as possible from the man. Bleed him way or another. It took a moment, but Matthew found the perfect tool to help the man keep awake.

"If you're going to whine like a dog...and you're going to keep passing out on me... I'm going to kill both of these birds with one stone. You, Sir. Are going to look the part of a dog AND force yourself to stay awake." he said as he turned and revealed a small metallic construct, the construct looked like a crab form, though it had both tines on both ends and it was much thicker, perfect for wedging through human flesh. In the center of this construct were two small slits for a strap of leather to fit through. Feeding a strap of leather through, Matthew walked up to the man and shoved his head back before tying the leather strap around his neck, the fork applying a little pressure to the area by the neck and behind the breast bone as well as just behind his lower jaw and under his tongue. With the device secured the man would not be able to let his head relax or drop without causing himself to be impaled at both spots. "Good doggie." Matt said mockingly as he ruffled the man's hair and walked back over to his desk. The man couldn't look at his legs any longer, he could only look upwards at an elevation, the chair preventing him from leaning his head back any farther.

"Now I'm going to ask one last question, But you'll have three times to not answer me. After the third we'll play a new game." Matt said as he returned to the man with three household materials. "I always liked playing dentist." He said with a smirk as he revealed a pair of pliers in his hand as well as what appeared to be a screwdriver with a forked end. As he sat down on the chair next to the man he settled there and he smiled kindly before asking his question.

"What are your leaders really planning?" Matt asked. The man was still in tears as he let out a small pathetic whimper that proclaimed ignorance. Matt sighed and shook his head before grabbing the man's lower jaw firmly. The man didn't seem to want to open his mouth for him though. Oh well, taking the screwdriver he drove the prongs into the space just beneath the man's right eyes socket and slowly twisted, trying to drive it into the bone. When the man yelped he released the driver and immediately took the pair of pliers. "You can walk out of this alive...with your sight...with a couple cool scars to impress the lovers with...Hell you could have left here with all your teeth. Hell, ya still can...Well..." Matt cut himself off as he reached in and grapped a tooth and wrenched violently as he not only removed a tooth by a rather decent segment of gum. "...yeah...with all but one of them. Now I'm asking again....oh buddy, ol' pal. What are your leaders really after?" One more time the man prolaimed ignorance. Matthew disapproved of this claim and immediately reached in to take another, but the man shut his mouth. Matthew reached for the pliars and the man whimpered before opening his mouth again, slowly but reluctantly. Matthew just miled and patted him on the head.

"Goooood boy! See, I reward good. So this time...I won't take a tooth. But next time-I really don't know anything...p-please. I just wanted to ascend. To be the best I could be to make my parents proud of me." The young man said. Matthew looked down at the man and finally assessed the damages. His torso has small cuts all over it, each one had been the victim of pure, 100% alcohol injections. His arms has chunks sliced out of it and had alcohol filled cotton balls stuffed in them like a Thanksgiving turkey. The man's back had battery acid poured all down it, his flesh melted mostly away a while his legs had third degree burns from Matt putting his shins in water and boiling the water from beneath them.

"Alright...I'll believe it." He said as he pulled out a small needle and removed the cover. The young man began to beg for his life, but Matt just chuckled as he inserted the needle into his arm. "It won't kill you. This is a concentration of certain chemicals in a drug called Benzodiazepine. It causes  long term amnesia. You won't remember any of this." He said before removing the syringe and standing up. He'd have to get this person shopped off to the hospital discretely, though Blair was the only one he trusted to do it. The man slowly began to slip under as the concoction of drugs worked and stole him of his consciousness and then of his memories.

"The miracles of twisting modern medicine." He said with a smirk as he found himself waltzing off to take a shower. When he was finished with that he was dressed in his fullest black attire before heading out towards the location where this "cult" was supposed to be holding festivities this evening. Matthew would be there, though a bit farther back in the seating arrangement. If you don't get what that means then you should probably note he has a sniper rifle and is going to start popping heads like a Left For Dead character popped pills. He was nearing the place he was supposed to be nearing when he took note of a raven, or was that a crow? Regardless it seemed to find him and land before him. An animal landing close to him rather than fleeing...oh why, oh why would THAT happen? Matt placed a finger to his lips and made a silent hissing noise to symbolic that Shael should be quiet and that he didn't want anyone following him. Especially not anyone that Shale would bring with him.

Matt took off a little as he ducked down a few alley ways and into the cover of night, doing all he could to elude contact with all others as he prepared the plan in his head.


Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Empty Re: Godhood [Yofie and Humanity]

Post by Fiery Soul July 7th 2015, 3:37 am

"Yofie, baby, you're great! You're beautiful! You're so hot right now!" Ralphonso spoke more in hands than words as he followed Yofie through her dressing room. "You can't just walk out on the game at the height! Just do a couple more shows and we can make you a massive icon to the world." A misplaced hand moved to grab Yofie by the shoulder. "Come on Yof, you can-"

"Do not think to touch any part of me with your thrall hand." A hard finger led Yofie's swift turn to face the much shorter Ralphonso. "If you should ever attempt to place a hand on me I will righteously dismember your arm and beat you into a coma of deep meditation in a very holy way. Do you understand me?"

Shoulders from a white suit raised higher than Ralphonso's hopes at seeking future interest from Yofie. "Yofie, baby, I got you like I got the back of my hand."

"That can be removed." Yofie pulled her sword out from her dressing room closet. "In a very sanctimonious way."

"Hey, before you head out Yofs, I got a call from a guy looking for you named Raziel. Awesome name. Said it was important."

The judgmental point of Yofie's blade stared down Ralphonso's face. "He is a thrall of lower regard than you. I will require a fancy attire knowing his fetish to pass off as a being of celestial origins."

Yofie found her way to a room where none other than Raziel waited for her. Yofie wore a blue dress with her breastplate over it and her sword held in her right hand. "Yes, and you are a shadow upon a mirror reflecting greatness." The tone Raziel took with Yofie did not speak to the level she demanded. So she demanded it. "You will explain whatever I demand. I need to know what this evil is so I know it is not related to you. Directly at least. Also, why are you contacting me if you have no interest in stopping this. Why is the dot green?" Yofie crossed her arm with the sword square in the middle as she waited for a reply, until Raziel began to cut off the conversation with an abrupt display of liguistics. "I will allow my righteous fire to burn a fire of courage and devotion among this population and bring them back to the light with very little of this psychic power you have mistaken me for having. Given your life choices to fall into darkness, it would not be your first mistake but does appear to be your most recent."

An empty room left Yofie with only herself and a red dot to find. "This red dot could be any number of evil things. It could be a trap set by this thrall to attempt to trap or coerce me into some evil. I will proceed with caution."

Yofie proceeded with a blazing sword and a pair of metal boots bursting forth from the ceiling into a room full of evil.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Post Mate

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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Empty Re: Godhood [Yofie and Humanity]

Post by Samael Christensen July 9th 2015, 6:53 pm

Leaving idol within the confines of the cage, he would rest against the wall that wasn't adorned by the iron bars, though something told him that even the would be impossible to break through with his power. Either it was reinforced with some manner of magic but had more of that cursed metal within it to keep him from breaking through. All he knew was the moment he leaned against it a small feeling of strength being drained from him could be felt. Something told him there was a darkness within this place but he could not pinpoint where that was, or what it wanted with him. Instead he pushed off the wall and waited for something to happen, mind running over so many things. There had to be a way out of here but he could not quite think of it. Dizziness had for the most part ruled his thoughts, but it just took some time to himself before he could truly get his thoughts together.

That was when he heard the sound of something, the roof breaking under the pressure of something and a person entering the room. Like an angel they appeared within the darkness, sword of brilliant flames illuminating the room in question and making everything so much….brighter. The light danced across the room, giving Idol some more light within his cell as he took a few steps closer to the bars with eyes wide in wonder. ”You're not with them? The cultists I mean.” He asked keeping hands away from the bars, more than anything fearing the burn they would give to him. Just thinking about the pain he would experience was more than enough to make him avoid. ”I mean if you aren't...could you break down these bars?” He would then ask, more hopeful than anything else.


Originally he had been looking around with Jordan who had been on the move the moment he heard that Idol had disappeared and then from there it had been using connections Archdemon had to find what he was looking for. Apparently there had been something about a cult that had found the secret to ascension and so they planned to use some kind of divine blood. It had been a stretch, but with Shael's nose they had been able to sniff the young god down with ease. They ended up separating to cover more ground in Chicago but Shael found himself catching the scent of something interesting, a certain Matt scent.

Shifting into something with a form better to allow him to find said person, flying upon the air with black wings. Eventually this crow form would come upon what looked like the person he was looking for, the bird letting out a crowing sound as it landed before the male in question. It seemed he didn't want anyone hearing him, which Shael was fine with as he shifted into a smaller and more compact form such as one of a rat. With that done he would scurry after the male, leading through alleyways until they found the entrance to the cults hideout which was well hidden from anyone that did not know what they were looking for.

Scurrying over to it, he would press little paws against the hidden door and make small squeaking sounds as if showing what he found. All Matt had to do from there was find the hidden doorknob and press onto it before it would slide open.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Empty Re: Godhood [Yofie and Humanity]

Post by Humanity July 26th 2015, 9:13 pm

So this was how it was going to happen was it? Shael was going to tag along it would seem. Not that Humanity cared or would oppose. Except for the fact he did oppose and he didn't like this at all the more he thought about it. He had a sniper rifle and was virtually open to exposing a new identity to Shael. Good thing this wasn't anything like his actual new persona or he'd be quite angry. In fact he was about to politely tell Shael to scram when Shael let out a little squeak and revealed the location of a doorknob. He just blinked, walked over to the doorknob, turned it and pressed inward. This unlatched a do-hickey which jumped a kaboggerism and then game me a headache trying to think up words to say I don't exactly know what's going on right now.

 Assuming there was a passage revealed Humanity would follow it for a bit, allowing Shael to travel along because he was useful, and probably happy to see each other again after long absences from their friendship. Recently he had shut off most of his friends...primarily because of the fact that it was harder to do what he did with a clear conscious when he had people he held close putting him under constant scrutiny. Right now he had to focus as best he could on getting back those people he cared for, and then severing all ties as quickly as possible. This very well may have been the last time he got to see Shael on the "friends" side of things. He quickly corrected himself and thought of more important things, as he knew Shael would likely smell the Hormonal or pheramonal change or whatever in him as he allowed himself to stay saddened.

 Upon reaching the end of the room he opened another door and there in a cage was Idol, standing in front of what looked like a very pretty lady with a flaming sword in her hand. Humanity stepped in, not even worried as he closed the door behind him and looked to Idol before shaking his head. "You get captured more than Castiel did." He said before looking to Yofie and holding up his rifle. "You've wrongly kidnapped this young man, put the sword back and I don't have to send your fallen-angelic ass back to whatever evil pit spat you out." He said. While it was obviously a threat his tone wasn't threatening, it was just more of an informative "matter of fact" way of stating how thing were going to go down.


Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Empty Re: Godhood [Yofie and Humanity]

Post by Fiery Soul August 12th 2015, 10:44 pm

Yofie looked around at a room not filled with evil. Her wings set in a docile wave around the arch of her shoulders. "How dare you refer to me in such disregard as though I would be some thrall enshrined to the service of a dark being. I should disembowel you for your ineptitude, but it seems your evil and misgivings have brought wrath upon you from an evil cult." Her blade fell inches above the ground, hovering over with no intention of allowing it to make contact with such a vile structure. Idol brought about his request to Yofie's judgment. "I will not release you from your captivity. Some creatures such as the elusive Tyuki or wily Bliss may sometimes deserve to be released, but you are probably a creature of pure hate and I will leave you without another thought." Yofie continued to look at Idol. "I will release you on second thought. Whatever evil has imprisoned you would probably see their plans spoiled by your release. I must warn you- neigh promise you- I will destroy you if you attempt any means of betrayal against me. It is within your nature and you will need to fight hard against it, but it will serve you good within the last moments of your life to see the good of salvation within-"

A barked wording of 'fallen' and 'angel' came to Yofie. "I would deliver some niceties to you as I have this poor thrall in the cage, but you have wronged me, and as such much atone and then die. Possibly not in that order. You see, I have not imprisoned this poor soul, but he has been imprisoned by his own need to worship at the shrine to darkness he has created within his own mind. If you would not mind, please remove the poor soul from his cage, immediately repent your misgivings, and then assume whatever position would be most pleasing for me to cleanse your soul by removing your head." Yofie stepped back to allow Humanity to approach the cage, offering no signs of attack or malice towards him. Just one plastered look of pure condescension.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Empty Re: Godhood [Yofie and Humanity]

Post by Samael Christensen August 15th 2015, 3:49 am

Idol was put off by the females sudden hostility towards him, spewing such insults as him being evil or something along those lines. ”How dare you talk to me like that.” he snapped in return, feeling a strange amount of legitimate anger coursing through him. A small spark of golden flames would leap out from between his clenched teeth as he found his honor to be kicked and then dragged through the mud rather callously by this strange woman. Should he have had his blade, well this would have gone differently, but the cultists had taken that away before holding him within this cage of burning metal. Luckily it appeared that someone else had arrived, and they were someone that he knew a little more, enough to keep his rage from becoming something dangerous.  Scampering around from the feet of Humanity was a small rat as it began to scurry towards the bar, climbing up them and sort of shifting into something else that ended up with the cage door opening.

”Well, that happened.  It appears the harlot with the flaming sword was not really needed.” He muttered with a shrug as a small rat would leap onto his shoulder and perch there. ”Thank you for coming to my aid.” He then said nodding to Humanity with a more amiable smile as he looked around, taking notice that...the passage that his ally had walked in through was now solid. Still, there was something within this place that was dark, darker than anything he had seen before within his life, to the point that nothing compared really. ”We need to get you out of here, there’s something dangerous here and….I don't know what it is.” All he knew was that soon enough the cultists would return to harvest more of their blood, and he needed his sword. Still, focusing upon what energy he had left a steel blade with a gold plated handle. Nothing amazing really, but it would prove useful in defending himself.

With a small flourish, Idol looked to the small rat that had scampered from his shoulder and towards one of Humanity's pockets as a sort of hide away hole. ”Listen here angel, I don't know who you are but if you persist in stepping in my way I will smite you. As for you, well these people have been doing strength things with my blood and it may be bad. I don't really know what monsters they may have created.” Taking lead, he would leave the room into a long dark hallway filled with the sound of creatures howling.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Empty Re: Godhood [Yofie and Humanity]

Post by Humanity August 22nd 2015, 1:11 am

"W-wai-wait. Hold the phone. We'll get to decapitating me later. Did you just say that you released Bliss...but you wouldn't release him because he was likely a being of pure hate? Do you even logic?" Humanity said with a scoff. Now to be fair the only things he had heard about Bliss were horrible. Horribly funny at times, but still horrible. He quickly lowered his gun and took out his knife before looking at the bars of iron. There was obviously an area with a pad lock on it, that or these cultists had discovered the mystery of sticking something where it didn't belong. Some wisdom that Humanity was about to introduce to this angel here in a moment if she tried to stop his progress. If he could get to the padlock he'd pry it open with the knife. To be honest he was slightly worried as to what an angel was doing here. Then he remembered he didn't care.

Idol had to say his piece to say, and honestly Humanity didn't think it would do much good at this point. This chick was obviously the worst kind of person imaginable. A feminist. Actually those were only the second worst people imaginable. The worst kind of person imaginable is Bliss. Batman, Doctor Doom, Superman and Darkseid preformed an satanic ritual orgy and the end result was a satanic demon baby. Bliss is that demon baby's nightmares that eventually drove it to take it's own life in sheer terror. Does that make Bliss a person or a nightmare? Either way, Humanity's focus was drawn back to the squabbles of the two "celestials" in the room.

"Hey, you ever noticed how you two sound alike? I don't know there's something to your voices. They're just so...golden. It's a compliment. Well...that is if you don't mind sounding like a crazy angel lady, and you don't mind sounding like a boy that just barely conquered puberty." He said, first talking to Idol and then to Yofie before the padlock dropped. Hey, look at that now they can move beyond the fact that there's iron bars between everyone. "Okay look. This is really simple. I'm gonna go stop some bad guys. You can help and do the righteous thing, or you can not and just get out of my way. 'Kay thanks, bye." Humanity said before clicking his tongue for Shael to follow up on him. Reading himself he set forth towards the nearest exit...probably the one he didn't take because that never lead towards where he needed to be. Unless it did, then it would be the biggest plot twist of the century.


Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Godhood [Yofie and Humanity] Empty Re: Godhood [Yofie and Humanity]

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