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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 28th 2014, 10:37 pm

" K-k... 'kay." Silus stammered as he let Helia do her little thing with his hand. He didn't know what was going to happen, but all he knew was that he trusted Helia with his life...or else he wouldn't have been bothered to go out of his way to run into her. He let her do whatever she wanted to do to prove a point. He had to simply keep himself under control...but his....his fear was escalating, and with fear...came his true power...untamed and fearfully uncontrolled.

"Oh dear...I don't have a great feeling about this..." Hocus said as he watched the connection happen. Kaisses on the other hand walked up next to the black wolf, his tail swishing rapidly as he licked his chops with interest, waiting to see what Silus was going to do. Kaisses took no pleasure in the thought of Silus accidentally obliterating the entire city-block...but Silus seemed to be totally trusting of Helia. There was a little yipping noise, the little pup, Yancey, was trying to cuddle with Silus, which helped his nerves. Silus' eyes opened and he looked to Helia, he audibly swallowed and looked to Nerfram, then back to Helia and nodded. Giving the final "go-ahead" as he looked to Nerfram and made an effort to get over this...what happened now was up to Helia.

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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 10:57 pm

Once Nerfram and Loki touched hands Helia started her song. The song she always sang. The song she sang to bring nerfram to her. The song she sang to make him leave. This song wasn't just some call for nerfram, This song was the voice of anything that can't be seen through normal means. Nerfram began to hum lowly in tune with Helia as she sang. The song was slow but something about it made everything both happy and sad.

the song I think fits the point and imagine a very low hum behind the song in a steady chorus




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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 29th 2014, 1:35 am

Silus felt like he should be touched, or moved. He really wasn't...but seeing Nerfram hum along happily relieved his anxiety to an extent. He ended up humming along somehow, but in the end...his appearance still unnerved... but knowing that he wasn't going to like...kidnap him and force-feed him brownies or anything like that. That didn't really make any sense, did it? Sius at times couldn't help but be eleven years old it seems. The song finished and he smiled sheepishly, blushing for a minute.

   "When I was brother Shale told me about Slenderman... the video game, a documentary and everything like that...he convinced me that there really was a creature like that out to get me....then he got my brother Michael...a shape-shifter to take the form of a thirteen-foot tall featureless faced guy and sneak into my bed-room to wake me up in the middle of my sleep. I-I don't think Nerfram is bad...honest I don't....but it's....not something I ever really forgot, ya know? Sorry if I made you upset..." Silus said, looking to Nerfram, hoping his story shed some light as to why he acted that way.

   "Well...that went better than I thought. The last time someone scared him he accidentally left a crater in the ground. Not in our world thankfully." Kaisses said. The little wolf shifted and started yipping at the silver wolf with sky blue eyes. "Oh don't you sass me boy or I'll show you why most mammals eat their young." He said, the way he said it was...kinda funny though. He took on the voice of an African American woman and started walking like he was on a runway. Hocus groaned audibly, rolling his head as if he were giving up.

   "I'm surrounded by idiots....and Helia with Nefram." Hocus mused as he cleared his throat.

   "Oh hush it.... s-so Helia...what's up with you recently?" He asked, starting to changed the subject a little.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator January 29th 2014, 3:09 am

Helia laughed as Loki mentioned slender man which was somewhat how Nerfram look. He looked at helia with a look of curious confusion. His showed no since of sadness so he must not know who slender man truly is. Helia looked at him then smiled and promised to tell him later.

"Nothing really has been going on...except I tried to protect this secret government project." She said calmly.

Nerfram rolled his eyes at the comment and then began to play with the wolves. His tall lingy body reminded her more of jack skelington than anybody now.




Karah (Renegade)
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 29th 2014, 2:55 pm

"Awe sweet! Dija get paid? Hey! That reminds me of being chased by a government project! He was all like Hugging himself, and he had energy coursing up his like...spandex suit." Silus said as he crossed his arms, hugging himself to represent the straight-jacket like suit that Garth wore. Silus giggled as he crossed his eyes, stuck out his tongue and started twisting around like he was crazy. Well, he was crazy, but that was beside the point. He stopped laughing long enough to explain the rest of the story. "He had these like...leather or metal head-cage like things all over him too. He was scary, but Kaisses here showed him who's boss, right Kai?" Silus asked. The wolf was too busy running around the tall creature, through and around it's legs. Kaisses tried to trip Nerfram and panted happily, while Hocus remained ready to "catch" the creature in it's plush soft fur before it hit the ground.

"That guy was messed up. He was like... BDS-Tard" Kaisses snorted as he then returned to playing with Nerfram, loving the attention apparently.
"Kaisses. Not in front of the pups."
"Oh hush, She's old enough."
"I was talking about Yancey and Silus you buffoon."
"I'm not a buffoon. Imma wolf!" Kaisses said.... it was literally the most high-pitched child like cheer he'd ever done as he dove at Nerfram again. Silus was actually embarrassed of these guys. His heart sunk a little as he looked apologetically to Helia.

"I-I-I...I dunno what's up with them." He said, glaring at Kaisses, whom was too busy with his new "Marshmellow Man"

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator January 29th 2014, 3:25 pm

Helia laughed as loki mimicked a crazy guy running. She laughed even harder when she watched nerfram worriedly looking around as he tried to escape the relentless wolves that were playing with him. He fell a couple times but was caught by what seemed like a nicer wolf. She watched for a couple minutes until Nerfram noticed her and tried to yell at her, but all that could be heard was a series of hilarious sounding deep tunes that really didn't harmonize at all.

"No I didn't get paid, I don't work for money and it was suppose to be just a babysitting job, but my dad misread the paper." She said through deep breathes.

Nerfram was up again and trying to dodge the wolves as they circled him. Suddenly a blur of white flew past helia and onto Nerfram. The blur turned out to be Yancey the little wolf. Helia looked and saw that a ball of white was missing out of Loki's hoodie and she began to giggle only to fall on the floor when she saw Nerframs face. His pupils were gone and he was on the ground twitching.

"Ha Ha it's like something out of an anime.
" He whinned though a pained lung and diaphragm.




Karah (Renegade)
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 29th 2014, 6:15 pm

.   "Babysitting sounds like hard work. I dunno that I could ever do that." Silus said, making it sound like it was the hardest job in the world. Granted, Silus himself was no foreigner to hard work. The boy kept one of humanity's greatest threads at bay on a daily basis and was an enchanter that hundreds of magical beings WISHED they could be. It was all through hard work...but to Silus having a "Job" was just the most surreal thing in the multiverse. He giggled as he watched Helia plop onto the ground. He buried his hands in the front pouch of his hoodie. Silus then came to a question in his mind. How does someone misread guardian a government project for babysitting....why did the government even have that in the paper? Silus was slightly alarmed and concerned for Helia. That was a rather deadly mistake...what if Ouroboros had gone to claim the secret, or put an end to it once and for all? What if Silus couldn't save her? Silus began to feel squeamish as he shifted around, his emotions dying a little and worry racking his mind.

     "It is!" Silus forced himself to laugh a little bit in response. Anime? Why does that sound like the name of a lady who gives out a bunch of cupcakes and brownies? Digressing,  It looked like Nerfram gave up. It was a good idea, he didn't know the relentlessness of Kaisses. A certain relentlessness that Yancey took after as well. The little pup nuzzled itself against Nerfram with happy yips as it looked around at the other wolves. "So...does your dad pick up jobs for you often?" He asked, the concern leaking out a little, despite him not wanting it to.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator February 18th 2014, 5:39 pm

"No my dad doesn't always pick my jobs, but when he does stuff like that tends to happen." Helia said with a slight laugh.

She looked at Silus with soft eyes. She then looked at nerfram who was still on the ground trying to crawl to freedom. Helia smiled and put her hand on her hip as she shifted her weight to wait on something else interesting to happen. She was pretty much done with the day and was just going to head home and sleep when she met silus.

"Hey Loki why is it so quiet and empty in the park?" Helia asked as she looked around calmly.




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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus February 18th 2014, 7:34 pm

"Well uh...think about it. If you had a park with two wolves that were five foot tall and a pup that was two foot tall, would you let your kids play here?" He giggled slightly as he laughed. Hearing the Laugh, Yancey shot up and bolted for the bench yipping. He leapt up and pounced on Silus, pinning him down panting as he transformed into his human form with a huge smile, still panting.

     "Hey Si! I love dat guy!" Yancey said, shaggy dirty-blonde hair turning, whipping off to the side as the slightly older boy looked from Silus to Nerfram. He then looked to Helia, then to Silus, sniffing Silus a little. Silus' enchantment made him impossible to smell naturally... he ALWAYS smelled like Peaches, cherry blossom and white jasmine. Yancey chuckled as he nuzzeled himself, rubbing his cheek on Silus' a little more affectionately than he'd like Yancey to be in his human form. Silus blushed but was obviously uncomfortable as he tried to shift and worm his way closer to Helia.

      "Y-Yancey. P-please s-s-toooop!" Silus whined as he tried to escape the wolf who was overly fond of him. Yancey gave of a devious and mischievous little giggle as he rubbed his nose against Silus'

      "m'kay" He cooed before falling backwards and returning to his pure white-wolf form and jumping back onto Nerfram. Silus sat close to Helia and looked up at her and shook his head, looking almost traumatized.

     "I-I dunno why he does that. O-Oh hey! I forgot to u-uhm ask ya. Did you wanna grab something to eat before I uhm...relocate?" He asked. Kaisses just laughed.

     "'re aweful at this!" The silver wolf chuckled as he grabbed a random Frisbee and brought it back to Nerfram.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator February 18th 2014, 8:54 pm

Helia watched as the little white pup morphed into a human for a few minutes as it showed an immense amount of love for Loki, and then It rolled back and reverted to a wolf pup again. Helia clapped at the amazing things the wolves could do then she laughed when Loki began talking again.

"Sure i'll go get something to eat, but where are you relocating?" Helia asked as she got up and grabbed her bag for school.




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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Zodiac February 18th 2014, 10:45 pm

"I under-oh uh, you will!? YES! I uh... I mean I'm relocating to California. I mean I could always come back but...I don't really have too much reason..." Silus said, slightly cautious that he might give off more of an interest than he intended. He hopped up really happy about this before he had noticed Kaisses had gotten off Nerfram and walked over.

"Dude... I'm not gonna hold your hand through this entire Process. You're better off holding her hand and dating HER, not me. Make yourself older for Pete's sake." He sniggered, seeing Silus' face turn a bright pink at the comment before he started to glow an odd color of heavenly yellow before contorting and aging to the age of a 19 years old, revealing a better trimmed hair, short on the sides but just a dash longer at the bangs, perfect to be fixed up into a Faux-hawk, though he cleared his throat and looked to Helia.

"Shut up Kaisses... Also, I hope this is okay with you Helia?" He phrased it like a statement, but asked it like a question, which made his one eyebrow cock up when he noticed his mistake. "I don't think I did that right at all." He said with a little chuckle, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Guilty10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator February 24th 2014, 4:59 pm

Helia looked at Silus for a couple seconds then before she even knew it she was looking at a 19 year old Silus. She giggled a little when she heard the wolfs comment then she looked a Silus.

"Loki whatever you want to appear is whatever you want to appear."
She said with a tone of happiness.

"So are we going mister?" She asked as she snatched Silus's arm and intertwined it with her own.

She leaned her head onto his shoulders and looked up at him. She then looked to the side and noticed Nerfram giving his famous Death stare. She swears that when most people see it their souls leave their body and float off to somewhere a heck of a lot happier than where their body is. She wouldn't blame them, that stare makes even her uneasy at times.

"Oh Nerf calm down we're just going to get something to eat, nothing serious." She said happily.




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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus February 25th 2014, 9:01 pm

"I-Iuh... I wanna be...what you...think I" He stated, trying to hide the slight color in his more mature face. He smiled though as she placed her head on his shoulder. Silus was...reassured by her words though. She told him to be whatever he wanted to appear as. But...he wanted to be this....because it probably wouldn't look as odd. Especially now that their arms were interwoven and her head was on his shoulder. That...didn't "Help" matters as far as a red face went...or a racing heart. But he'd rather her be doing this while he was nineteen n opposition to when he was eleven.... that would be weird looking... She would have to like...squat down to do that.

    "I Dunno. There's a lotta places around here. You like... Italian, or Chinese, or Indian, or I dunno Seafood or steak... uhm... I don't know what you like..." Silus said, he sounded a little sad. Mostly because Nerfram was giving him a Death glare as if he were trying to hurt Helia. Why would he ever hurt Helia.

    "'s just dinner with a friend." Kaisses said, almost as if he were confessing to only harassing the young boy. Kaisses walked over towards the being known as Nerfram and leaned to where he believed it would best hear. "Then a kiss on the cheek and kids-BWAH"- Oh stop harassing him. Nerfram, It's just friends tying up loose ends." Hocus interjected with a paw swipe across the face and a snarl before trying to soothe Nerfram.

 "Calm down Mister Nerfra- uhm...Nerfra-rah-rah.... Mister Nerfram dude!" Yancey said, taking his humand form and snuggling the humanoid mist playfully. He switched back into his dog form and licking Nerfram's "face"

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator February 26th 2014, 7:01 pm

Helia laughed at the now dramatic face of Nerfram. If he could speak he'd probably say he wouldn't allow it, or something like that. That's what his face made helia think of. She closed her arm tighter around Loki and looked seductively at Nerfram.

"Tying up a few loose ends isn't a problem is it...Nerf?" She mused as she leaned into Loki's ear.

"I like all kinds of surprise me." She whispered then she landed back onto the ground and leaned onto his shoulder with an innocent smile scrawled across her face.




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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus March 2nd 2014, 1:34 pm

Was she just...teasing Nerfram? Granted that didn't bother Silus too much kinda did at the same time. Though he wasn't about to make an issue or a scene of it. They were just friends...tying up loose ends. Right? Right, yeah they were good. Silus cleared his throat and smiled lightly as he looked to Helia, whom gave him a similarly innocent smile. He felt his cheeks flush a little as he turned to look around, lips and trying to well as hide the sudden color in his face. He brought up his other, free hand and scratched the back of his head.
     "You're really this easy going about everything huh?" He chuckled, obviously slightly shocked. He knew Helia was awesome, he knew she was laid back and easy going...but she was like this ALL THE TIME. It was so cool....but it left someone like Silus, who was only able to take charge in combat situations, at a disadvantage. "Ya know what. You can't go wrong with Universal eatery...thing right?" He asked, clearly seeking permission or approval form the red-haired woman suddenly attached to him. The place he had in mind was a bit of a nicer place, but he didn't mind not being all dressed up... he was just really happy to have Helia along.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) - Page 2 Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator March 2nd 2014, 1:43 pm

Helia thought for a minute at the idea. She then smiled and laughed a little.

"yeah i'm like this 95% of the time, if you see me serious then we have a possibly lethal problem." She said with a slight happy smile.

"And yeah lets go to one of those places." She said jumping in the air a little.




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