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Blood Weaver

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Blood Weaver Empty Blood Weaver

Post by creator September 25th 2013, 4:48 pm

"How much blood will you have left when you die."

Basic Biography


Real Name: Yumo Milladen(there is an accent over the u)
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Blood weaver
Title: the red puppet master
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Age: 17
Race:Half demon/black
Weight:162 lb
Blood type:both o positive and o negative

The Looks

Head: He puts his hair up into a sloppy pony tail leaving one big group to fall at an angle down the middle.  He also tends to wear a pair of black shades that sit atop his snow whit hair in place of a bandanna or a hair band.

upper body: He wears an orange V-neck shirt that stops just under his sternum showing a variety of swirls and edged out lines of his tatoo. He also wears a black long jacket that stops at his waist line.  

Lower Body: He wears a pair of black khaki shorts that stop at the middle of his calves.  he also wears a pair of black and white temberlands custom made just for him.

body type- He is very thin despite his capabilities.  But he does have a light tone of muscules that portrude from his stomach and arms in the forms of abs.

Either include pictures in Spoilers, a smaller picture/s for the profile, or a very detailed description of your characters physical appearance and costume.

The Legacy

Personality: He is very satanicmost of the time but he tries to keep that part of him in his thoughts and he also has stalker tendencies and becomes very shy if someone makes it obvious that they like him. But he does have a really bad temper as well and will throw a punch before trying to solve things.  He doesn't believe in helping someone unless they ask for it, even if they were near death unles they asked him to help he would do nothing.  Along with that he has a pretty wild fighting style that tends to cause a wide range of damage and he also doesn't care too much about hitting you in the process in his mind you are in the way and if u can't get out the way you should die.

History:He has no history like most people.  His dad and step mother accepted him for his ability which he has always been able to do.  At one point in time though his dad decided to tell him about his real mother who was a demon called 'The Lamilla".  He told him everything but yumo didn't wanted proof so they set out to find her.  When they did they found out she was dying from a wound to the stomach caused by a steel beam . Yumo talked with his mom while she was still concious and she told him that it was his brother.  yumo nodded and was about to leave but she urged him to stay, so he did, and they sat there for hours catching up and he gave her a hug and a kiss goodbye leaving with a smile on his face to hide his rage.  Then he formed the hero Blood weaver and began fighting crime while looking for his brother.  "I promise to protect the innocent."  Those were his final  words to his mother for 5 minutes after he exited thedoor she died.

The Powers

Power 1: Blood Manipulation
This power allows hime to use the blood of dead animals and humans alike besides himself.  However he must contain the blood in special viles that change parts of the blood so that he can actually manipulate the blood to the best of his abilities.  He stores a total of 200 all together on his wrists, ankles. And one 2 liter vile on his hip.  These viles also deoderive the blood and inject a chemical into the blood that causes the blood to regenerate almost instantiously after use.

Power 2: Crooked Puppetry
When Yumo gives in to his inner demon he can tap into a sealed formed of his abilities that allows him to attack using the bodies around him or in the ground if need by filling them with his blood and connecting them to his fingers.

Power 3: Sucubus Breath
Yumo has the ability to eat the life energy of others to heal his wounds.(requires  consent)

Power 4:  Blood Play
Yumo has the ability to change the contents of his blood to cause adverse affects on it to damage the target.
Carbon increase- Creates a poison that can cause the veins in ones body to rupture as the targets body becomes ceptic.

Iron Increase-  Can cause the blood to become unnaturally hard and turn a bright red.

Oxygen Increase- If contact is made with anything with a pulse the blood explodes like a grenade.

Demon Stength:
Because of the blood that runs through his veins Yumo is extremely strong and can easily lift nearly 150 tons and can swing with enough strength to move mountains.

one track minded-
Yumo has a one-on-one mindset so when he finds his target he loses awareness for his surroundings in battle which becomes a problem when he's fighting more than one person or has to deal with attacks for multiple directons.

Though his attacks may be more destructive than water and heavier as well unlike a hydrokinetic he has a limit to how much blood he can use and thou he has the ability to refill it he must stop attacking for a post and leave himself open to attacks, while a hydrokinetic can pull water from thin air and attack as long as they have the energy.

Yumo has a deep fear of being in small enclosed spaces like cages and cells.  When he's caught in tight spaces he gets vey apprehensive and if put their by force he freaks out and begins to rampage for a short period before he passes out.

Lone Wolf-
Though it is needed at times and if it happens he won't say anything out loud, Yumo hates working as a team.  The only people he can stand working with and actually trusts and enjoys working with are Helia and Creator.  Besides them he hates working in teams with others and tends to go out of his way to do stuff by himself which can cause to harm himself and others around him.

Though Yumo is extremely strong he is not that fast and as such can be easily overtaken by an experienced fighter if they get to close.

Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)

Last edited by creator on May 8th 2015, 10:27 pm; edited 11 times in total
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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by Sim September 25th 2013, 6:36 pm

You need to have separate ability scores for each ability. Blood manipulation is one power, the self manipulation is represented by your superhuman strength, dur, and speed stats so it doesn't need an ability score.

Power three sounds like a transformation, which costs two points. The lightning ability will also need Ability in this form. If you just want to have a stat boosting power you just need 1 point in ABI for every point increased.
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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by creator September 25th 2013, 8:46 pm

like that u mean

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Karah (Renegade)
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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by Sim September 26th 2013, 8:11 am

They need separate ability scores in your powergrid. Check this grid for an example of a character with multiple abilities as well as transformation: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Post Adept
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Humor : What do you call twin boys? A sunset!
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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by creator September 26th 2013, 5:40 pm

i think i have it now

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Karah (Renegade)
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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by Sim September 26th 2013, 9:00 pm

approved until stated otherwise.
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Number of posts : 398
Age : 35
Humor : What do you call twin boys? A sunset!
Registration date : 2010-11-28

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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by Silus January 27th 2014, 6:48 pm

Unapproved upon request

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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by Zodiac February 24th 2014, 4:16 pm


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Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by Zodiac May 3rd 2015, 1:50 am

Unapproved for edits to conform to the new system

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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by Silus May 3rd 2015, 7:25 pm

For ever power you need a weakness.

Keep in mind the weaknesses don't need to be directly related to the powers.

Your blood power can't be used to auto-hit people or pull blood from them for an auto-hit. I figured you knew this but I'm just covering bases.

Also your crooked puppetry needs to state (PC permission) on it.

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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by Alpha May 7th 2015, 5:18 pm


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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

Post by Alpha May 8th 2015, 11:10 pm


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Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Blood Weaver Empty Re: Blood Weaver

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