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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 27th 2014, 9:54 pm

Silus was sitting in the park right now, not particularly too much going on, other than the blonde faux-Ethereal Niall sitting on the bench with him, leaning back with his arm around the child. Silus didn't mind really, Silus had come to be a bit of a second father....well actually it would be a third father in his case. Niall had insisted that Silus get out and about before moving with his brothers to LA to escape the potential fallout that would be the Reign of Michael. Today was the day where they were taking care of loose ends. Basically getting the safehouse prepared for Niall to escape to if anything should happen or Silus' race invaded humanity. Silus was snuggled into Niall a little as we looked out into the park and watched Hocus and Kaisses wrestling around, or playing with some unattended children.

"Well... what are ya thinking? Tell me bud...I can't read minds...though that would be cool." Niall said with his thick Irish accent, a child-like enthusiasm in his voice when he said about mind-reading beign a power. He shifted and looked down at Silus with a large grin. Silus rolled his eyes as his lips began to curl. Yup...this was his legal guardian at the moment. Is it sad when an eleven-year old is smarter than his guardian? Probably. Though it didn't really matter at the moment, since Silus was smarter than 99 percent of the population.

"you're so weird." Silus said as he just smiled with his lips closed still though. He twitched when he felt one of his wolves have a random thought. Silus hadn't told Niall, but he could read minds...and no it wasn't always the best. Primary reason being that you heard EVERYTHING! IT could be quite annoying...especially in times of mourning. What is it Hocus, are you guys okay!? He thought, the thought itself whipping to the black wolf in the middle of the playground. The red eyes darted over and looked to Silus, the tail began wagging quickly.

Relax Silus...I'm okay. I think I smell someone though.... do you remember that one girl who was in the Awesome Squid with you?
It was the Awesome SQUAD...and like... eighty percent of us were girls. Me and that frost guy were the only guys there.
According to the internet you were labeled the AWESOME SQUID. That aside...I smell one of them I think...the red-headed one too.

"Helia!" Silus cheered quietly as he shot out of Niall's embrace with a wide grin. He turned and looked to the shocked Irishman he left in his wake. "It's a friend of mine! I'll see ya later!" He called to Niall as he backed away and turned into a full sprint up to Hocus and Kaisses. He got to Hocus and looked to him hopeful that he would be able to direct him to his friend.

"So which way is she?" Silus quizzed the dog, smiling and catching his breath from the full out excited sprint he just made on his way to the pup.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 1:50 pm

Helia had just entered the park from school. She was in her uniform which was all black except a silver chain and a white dress shirt. The chain was Helia's own personal touch as she thought she would put a little individualism in her attire. She put her headphones in her ear and began to walk with a brow satchel swinging next to her. The song called to her in ways no normal person could imagine. Every tune that played helped her feel the emotion of the song. Every beat made her heart want to burst out of her chest. The song of the day was "Hate on her" by K.Michelle.

Her voice carried softly as she didn't want to disturb anyone too far, but if you were close enough you could hear the sweet sound of her voice as she matched her voice to the voice of the the best of her abilities. Wind rushed past her making her hair fly and whip around in the air like a dancer. She pushed a few strands of it out of her face and began to walk again, looking down at her phone as she decided on the next song.




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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 28th 2014, 2:33 pm

Silus took the information that Hocus could offer. Thought it wasn't like he much needed it. He saw Helia walking on her way. Silus found himself with a goofy grin as he gently tugged on Abra's ears. One of the many unique things about a wolf was that it was able to hear up to six miles away. This was something Silus used to his advantage. He used his Animal telepathy to worm his way into Hocus' mind, and tried to pick up what Helia was saying. She was...singing. Silus smile only grew. He didn't know that she was so good at singing. He started walking up towards her. He could totally pul the MEANEST prank on her ever. He would be able to turn into his "older" form, since she's never seen it...and he'd end up saying: Nope, just me! He sniggered to himself. No, he didn't want to do that...though she was really preoccupied with her phone at the moment. He brought his palm up to his face and it slapped as he slowly drug it down. Simply thinking about how freaky that would be....but it might be a good conversation starter.

   He took a path to slightly cut her off and walked out into the middle of the road and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her. He was happy to see Helia for many reasons, most among them being that he had almost no friends as it was. The other reason being she was a team-member not so long ago, and she was probably one of the only people around their age with the guts to step up against his Dad...and still somehow be a good friend. "Helia!!!!" Silus cheered as he hugged her, letting her go afterwards with the goofy grin still plastered on his face.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 2:46 pm

As helia choose a new song someone appeared out of nowhere and hugged her. Helia was about to hit this person until his voice rang out in happiness. The hug grew tighter and helia stumbled for a minute.

She yelled as she hugged the boy back.

"Where did you go?" Helia asked as she broke the hug.

She looked at loki and smiled as he hadn't changed since the last time they talked.




Karah (Renegade)
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 28th 2014, 4:04 pm

"Well... ya'know. Awesome Squad kinda fell apart so I'm kinda just wandering around here. Stopping dad's from doing what dad's do." Silus said casually, neglecting the fact most people didn't use the word "dad's" in the manner he did. He continued on, not noticing his social mistake but he couldn't help but smile a little wider hearing what she called him. He liked the name Loki actually, so it didn't bother him that she called him it, but in the end it wasn't something he was used to. He just kept his little smile up as he arched his eyebrow a little, slightly...shocked by the uniform.

"So what's with the outfit?" He asked, a child-like curiosity purring in his voice as he inspected the chain slightly. It was almost hard to forget the child himself wasn't used to the human amongst the Hales meant that Aaron and Alill were his only forms of civility and intellectual stimulation..... the rest of the time it was Niall and Brandon's Dumbfest marathon....

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 5:12 pm

As helia listened to loki talk she giggled at his comment. I guess he didn't realize what he said but it was ok for her it was a little cute. She continued to listen till he asked a question about her uniform. She ruffled his hair and pulled her hair to one side showing the colar of her sweater vest. There was a small insignia with a golden pole wrapped with vines of green and topped with a black rose.

"It's for the school i'm attending at the moment." Helia said.

She's attending one school in all states because of the simple fact that her dad is going everywhere all the time. She wears the same uniform to all but it only really fits the school she's going to now. She stood up and went into her satchel to pull out an agenda with the name of the school written in pretty cursive and big letters.

"Hilsen Saints High School." She said charmingly as she handed the book to curious kid.

"Oh so how's the wolves?"
She asked in shock at her forgetting.




Karah (Renegade)
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 28th 2014, 5:27 pm

.  "Looks good!" Silus chirped, but she probably already figured that. She was apparently going to Hilsen Saint's High School, but Silus shifted uncomfortably as she revealed the Black Rose. It reminded him of The Lych's little lackey who had the same name. The Black Rose was a SCARY lady...very pretty but scary. Helia was kinda like that in her own right too though. Silus would say he was too, but he's not pretty...he's apparently just adorable. Silus bit his lower lip and shook a little as his eyes fell to the ground. He didn't know exactly how to respond to this next question actually.

     "Oh so how's the wolves?" She asked nicely enough, almost as if she had forgotten. Maybe she did, but it honestly didn't matter. Silus partially wished she HAD let him forget about the way Abra whined...the way he crawled. Silus felt his eyes threatening to well up. He didn't want to cry...not in front of an old team mate and an ally. That was one thing he took from both of his fathers... he never wished to appear weak.

    "Hocus and Kaisses are fine..." Silus said, audibly swallowing nervously as he shifted. He didn't like talking about Abra...talking about Abra required him to admit the loving wolf was gone...and it forced Silus out of his denial.  His mind was looking for an avenue, an escape...but knowing Helia means she'd catch on... Silus was going to have to talk about it...if not to Helia than to someone... he decided if she pressed it any he would tell her...if not he'd leave it be. His mind's first avenue of escape however was the question prior.

    "I-I uh. I've been to our island...but my brother took over as I was kinda forced out... now I'm in Chicago mostly...but I think my dad wants me to move to LA. My brothers too...they're afraid that my brother might try... to like... I dunno... I don't think he'd kill me....but....erhm... sorry, My issues, not yours!" He said a slight smile. He took to the nearest park bench and sat down, making sure to leave enough space for Helia if she wanted.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 6:00 pm

Helia listened as Loki stumbled over the question she asked then she remembered about the fight and how that one white one died. She sat there for a minute as he began to speak. Helia let him continue to change the subject and sat next to him as he continued to talk. She let a silence sit there for a minute as she decided what she would say next.

"Okay first of all your problems aren't just yours, it's everyones who cares about you and everyone who considers you a friend and would fight for you." She started as she lightly punched his arm.

"Also I'm not gonna press if you want but at some point you're gonna have to talk about it."
She said a little quietly and with a slight tone of confidence in her voice as she ruffled his hair again.

She leaned against the bench and began to look at her phone for a second to see a message from one of her friends. She laughed at the message and put the phone on her lap as she looked at loki.

"Oh and who is this family while we're at it?"
She asked.




Karah (Renegade)
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 28th 2014, 6:30 pm

. "Ow..." Silus said, he started pouting slightly before it turned into a smile, revealing that he was joking. He poked the girl in response, combating playful puncing with annoying poking. IF she wanted to go there, he could go there...he was Loki. Annoying was virtually his middle name.

"It's just hard. After Awesome Squad fell apart, I ended up going to the OCEAN base and I met a samurai named Shi. Well my brother Michael...who's now King... shows up. During the fight I was almost killed...and Abra saved me...m-my own brother..." Silus said as he quivered. The poor kid was virtually an abuse case at this point, he didn't know what was going one...or who he could trust. Out of it all though...there were two people he could always rely on to be there for him. Helia and Ouroboros. While the two clashed heads, and even while Silus and Ouro clashed heads when it came to ideals...they were always there for him. Silus smiled slightly when Helia asked about this "family".

"Well uh... I actually have two dads. There's the big bad guy you know...Ouro. Then there's my other dad Sean. I uh... I'm actually biologically born form both of them...which means I don't have a's creepy. Anyways uhhm... yeah. The family is me and a bunch of ex-villains. Let's just say it's gonna be awkward when I get one of them locked up and then show up for dinner. You have Shael who can lift cars and absorb even nuclear energy and even black out a city. You got my half-dragon half-brother Jordan, you got this guy names Lock... " Silus said, chuckling a little, hoping that his "origins" weren't anything too scary for Helia to handle. Silus had faith in her though, he always did. Even against the Hunter, he was riding on her to beat it. He began to fiddle with his thumbs nervously as he cleared his throat, hoping that he didn't somehow bore her.

"Thanks." he murmured, bashful and embarrassed about having just opened up and gone on a tangent.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 6:41 pm

Helia laughed when Loki poked her but then he began to talk about what happened. The name micheal rung a little bell in her head and she remembered her message with Yumo. She looked at loki as he continued to speak then he told her about his family.

"Your family sounds exciting." She said laughingly.

She really didn't mind the long crazy family, it made her somewhat jealous actually because most of her life the only family she had was her dad and before that it was Nerfram her fog/guardian angel/brother. That fog has saved her more times than she can count and she it on several occasions. She then looked at Loki for a minute and her face changed quickly from one of deep thought to one of Happiness and enthusiasm.

"Oh Bring them now." She said then she shook him wildly as she asked.

"Please, please please please pleeeeaaasssss." She called in overly dramatic desperation.

She wanted to see his wolves in a none violent setting to see what they were like when they just wanted to play. The park began to empty so she knew she would be able to call her friend in a minute and then she could just have a blast with everyone. She stopped shaking him and batted her eyes in an attempt to sway him into calling his wolves over.

"I know there here and if you don't call them i'll go looking for them."




Karah (Renegade)
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 28th 2014, 7:39 pm

She batted her eyelashes and Silus rolled his eyes, blushing a little bit as he got off the bench and bit on his lowerly, whistling out and in nearly a second, Hocus and Kaisses were immediately on the run, tagging along behind them was a small pup of a wolf. The little pup was trying really hard to keep up with the others, but it just wasn't happening it would seem. Hocus and Kaisses seemed to settle in around Silus and the poor pup was still running, until if leapt with a rather impressive height and onto Silus, who fell back into the bench giggling as the puppy assaulted his face with the course wolf-tongue. The puppy yipped happily.

"Down pup..." a soft but disciplined voice came from the black wolf with red eyes It leaned up and took the little white pup's tail in it's mouth and dragged it off Silus. The pup came off, flashing ranbow colors as the light dances across his surrised puppy self, but once on the ground he returned to his white self and just sat there, panting as it looked around like a dopy little thing. Kaisses just chuckled as it sat there...the silver wolf wearing a baseball cap at a forty five degree angel, almost as if he were a human boy.

"Hocus!'re not in your human form. Kai, seriously the hat!" Silus sighed. His wolves should have known better than this by now. Well, the rainbow pup was something new. He picked up the little wolf and handed him to Helia, offering him up to hold....she seemed to like the wolves.

"Silus...we're five foot wolves playing with unattended children in the playground. I don't think us talking and wearing hats is a concern on people's lists." Kaisses said with a snicker. Silus shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"That's Yancey...he's the newest member of the pack. He's still getting used to it...his human form transformation was still a little off. Oh, how's Nef?" Silus explained, and inquired about the fog like creature with it's own volition. Silus stopped, suddenly realizing that Helia had no idea that his wolves had human forms. That reaction miiiight be interesting.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 8:12 pm

This is Nerframs "Human" form

Helia looked at the pup with grand excitement and began to play with it for a couple seconds. Then she realized that the wolves talked. She froze in place and looked slowly at the wolves for a couple seconds then her face sported a dentist proud smile. She lunged off the bench and tackled the one in the hat.

"Oh my gosh you talk and you're wearing a hat that is soo cute and amazing." She said in a white chick type of way.

Then she heard loki ask about her fog. She looked at him then went fishing in her satchel for a trinket. She held it up and began to sing that sad song that calls apon her friend. However this time when she got to the last word she sang it an octave higher than normal. She was like an opera singer and the trinket was like her audience. It shined a brilliant silver light that engulfed her and a few feet around her as a fog rushed out and into the light. When the light was gone so was the trinket and next to her was a tall guy about 7 foot in a suit with white gloves and a fedora with three large feathers in it. He had no mouth and no shirt under his long black suit. His skin was a pasty grey and he had large eyes that had a small sharp pupils in the center that seemed to look around urgently as if to check and make sure nobody was coming.

"This is Nerfram!" Helia yelled excitedly making the man jump when she tackle hugged him.

Unlike all the other times when she summoned nerfram she was still in her school uniform when he appeared.




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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 28th 2014, 9:47 pm

. "Well hello...I can see why Silus likes you." The wolf said happily as the girl glomped him. The dog was well strong enough to support himself and the girl, however it was certainly something new when a human reacted so wonderfully to talking animals. Silus however hid his face form Helia a little and shot a scowl at Kaissed. "oh Lighten up sourpuss. I'll take my human form if you want, just say my name already." Kaisses said to Silus. Silus just rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I'm not saying your name and letting you take your human form in the middle of the park...I'll take my chances with talking wolves." Silus said, laughing a little at how Helia liked the wolf.

    The rainbow pup Yancey whined and slipped itself into Silus's baggy hoody poking it's little head out. Silus himself was rather petrified as well. The very visage of fear to Silus is the concept of a creature known as "Slenderman" The reason for this being at one point when he was younger, Shael told him about this little legend...Gross man, which was German for tall man. It was a legend that was based around slender man. Michael then found it fitting to listen to Shael's "great idea" and take the form of the tall faceless creature and enter his bedroom while he slept and say "Boo" which has terrified him of the idea ever since.  Silus moved away slightly, terrified. Hocus hopped up onto the bench and curled around Silus, letting out a little whine.

    "Calm down Silus. It's Nerfram, he won't hurt you." Hocus said, nuzzling the child to try and soothe him. Silus began to calm down...but the didn't have a mouth. He couldn't move though. He was as good as paralyzed at this point. He slightly whimpered as he examined the creature who was supposedly the fog that aided Helia. It was difficult to process the information...but it sink in well enough. The pasty gray-skinned creature was dressed like a pimp on top of all that, Silus wasn't sure if Nerfram was going to hug Helia or give her a back-hand wanting money. Not that Silus thought of Helia like that...he just watched too much Dave Chappelle on youtube the other night.

    "He doesn't mean to be rude Nerfram... I remember when Silus took us into another dimension and there were thousands of individuals that looked such as yourself. Silus passed out....took us forever to get ourselves back home." Kaisses added in. Kaisses oh so loved giving away all of Silus' secrets, such as realm/multiverse travel and particular likes and dislikes. Silus forced his eyes shut and pulled on Kaisses' tail , causing the beat to leap forward in a yelp.

    "People don't need to know that!" Silus called out, trying to not look directly at the tall creature. Silus hid his face a little bit and tried to speak again, wondering how to explain the situation to Nerfram and Helia. "I-S-soory. Wasn't expecting him to be so tall...and mouthless." Silus said. Yeah.... sure.... tall and mouthless was enough to warrant that reaction...not!

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Lucife10
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 10:03 pm

Nerfram looked at the scared loki then sadly looked away. Helia looked at him then smiled a little while pushing his head back to her face. A low hum came from nerfram's mouth as he whinned to helia with sad shapped eyes.

"Nerfram it's not your fault...there is a high chance that someone messed with him when he was younger and now he's scarred for life...don't you remember how long it took me to be ok with your slender man like qualities." Helia said to the now sad looking 7 foot man.

Helia then turned to Loki and ruffled his hair a little. He then grabbed his hand and nerframs hand and attempted to connect them. This was how helia was able to really be okay with his look.

"Loki it's not his fault he looks like this when he comes here. Trust me he's made of pure non horror like characteristics...unless you're a bad guy trying to harm me, other than that he's like a giant mushy marshmallow." She said.

Nerfram was making loud deep humming sounds and trying to pull his arm back but helia wasn't having it. She looked at him and smiled but the air around her was dark enough to frighten the king of the undead. Nerfram whimpered lightly and let Helia guide his hand.

"C'mon Loki trust me."




Karah (Renegade)
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A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Empty Re: A few loose ends... (Closed to creator)

Post by Silus January 28th 2014, 10:37 pm

" K-k... 'kay." Silus stammered as he let Helia do her little thing with his hand. He didn't know what was going to happen, but all he knew was that he trusted Helia with his life...or else he wouldn't have been bothered to go out of his way to run into her. He let her do whatever she wanted to do to prove a point. He had to simply keep himself under control...but his....his fear was escalating, and with fear...came his true power...untamed and fearfully uncontrolled.

"Oh dear...I don't have a great feeling about this..." Hocus said as he watched the connection happen. Kaisses on the other hand walked up next to the black wolf, his tail swishing rapidly as he licked his chops with interest, waiting to see what Silus was going to do. Kaisses took no pleasure in the thought of Silus accidentally obliterating the entire city-block...but Silus seemed to be totally trusting of Helia. There was a little yipping noise, the little pup, Yancey, was trying to cuddle with Silus, which helped his nerves. Silus' eyes opened and he looked to Helia, he audibly swallowed and looked to Nerfram, then back to Helia and nodded. Giving the final "go-ahead" as he looked to Nerfram and made an effort to get over this...what happened now was up to Helia.

A few loose ends... (Closed to creator) Lucife10
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