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The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Forceaus August 4th 2013, 6:37 pm

He got hit. That guy that was flying around the giant thing's head got hit by its swinging arm. Down he went, hard. He looked hurt. It was a surprise he was even still alive. He must have been fortunate enough to avoid a fatal blow. He was alive at least. That was a good thing to see. The creature was dangerous. Well, that was obvious. It could not decide who to attack. There were too many options present. It was constantly weaving its head around to look at those around it. Forcewave was trying to keep its attention on him. He knew how to deal with it, and were to go. If he could just keep it focused on him then he could lure it away without any casualties. It was not that easy to do. The slightest disturbance seemed to grab the thing's attention. He needed to somehow make it so it would be focused entirely on him. That would probably involve making it really angry. Then again, rage tires you out faster.

Acting fast was required however. It was lunging towards the guy it had knocked to the ground as he was getting back up. Forcewave heard the guy shouting an idea he had. He said he was flying ahead to clear them a path along 151st street. Well that was convienent since that was exactly where he was already trying to lead it. The safest place to go. If safe was even a fitting word for this occasion. Good of time as always. Forcewave sent forth another blast directed at the creature's head. It hit dead on and the creature roared once again. It was now glaring at him and lunged towards him. He got running again as it started to give chase. It was so big that keeping his distance was proving to be challenging. He was really having to floor it. Along the road he traveled towards the planned destination. It was still after him with aggressive pursuit.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Mykel Thames August 4th 2013, 11:39 pm

If only Mykel was faster he could keep up with all of them. He decided to take a few short cuts and get to the end of 151st street since it seemed in their way to keep luring the monster was to go down that path. He could also help clear the path and when they neared he could also deflect those rays he shot out of his mouth. It seemed using one of his abilities at full strength could match the creatures breath. Charging off towards the left he used his air ability to give him a super boosted jump to the top of some buildings. It was the fastest way to just cut through by jumping on the tops of these buildings. He knew by the time he reached the street the other guy who was flying should already be down there moving cars and getting people cleared out of the way.

As he was jumping from roof to roof he finally arrived at the street and just by looking over his shoulder he could see the monster nearing. The buildings around him was at a dwarf height to the creature. Well it was time to start and he had to act fast. The creature was literally almost a corner turn away. He began to pick up and levitate cars placing them in alley ways and on the sidewalks so the did not get crushed by the giants feet as he ran through. And for a giant he was fast as well. He continued going down the road clearing a straight path. After this they would be nearing the city limits. He worked hard and fast and lucky for the people he was there other wise he knew insurance would not pay for a flattened car caused by gigantic creature. He laughed a little. Even in the crisis he could laugh about the dumbest of things. Just a good bit more and the road would be cleared. He wondered if that guy was getting tired of running.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Zeth August 5th 2013, 11:02 pm

Avenger struggled to get a take off that ground hit really hurt, he leapt off the ground, into the air, and hit the ground again. He couldn't concentrate on a proper takeoff with all this pain in his hip. He grit his teeth and put everything he had into concentration for takeoff. He stood up, blocked the rest of the world out and let his feet leave the ground all by themselves, and slowly flew up into the rapidly cooling atmosphere. Before he had realized it he had already flew several stories above the tallest building in KC. Avenger loved the cool feeling all over him that only a thin atmosphere could grant.

He didn't spend a whole lot of time up there however, he had the computer turn on his jet boosters and he flew up and down 151st street warning people to leave the area, he finished up pretty quick and worked his way to the next street over just in case something went wrong on the other metahumans end, and started clearing that street as well.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 30
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Forceaus August 6th 2013, 6:40 pm

Okay, now where did they go again? 151st street right? Will that even work? They should be there. They better be, unless they both ran for their lives. Not that he could blame them. There was what was essentially a giant monster rampaging about. Probably something worth be afraid of and running away from. Forcewave continued to run. He was managing to keep ahead of it for the time being. He kept on running until he heard it stop and turned to see why. That was when he saw the light forming in its mouth again. Forcewave prepared to counter what was coming. The beam came at him but it was blasted away. His own attack was more powerful and it managed to tear through the beam and hit the creature right in its face. The creature roared in agony and tilted its head away.

It roared again as it spread its arms out. A building was struck and some of it was knocked away. Both of its arms came down at him. He managed to dodge that, but the resulting shockwave was so big it knocked him over and to the ground. Further damage was also done. That was simply devastating. The place where he was leading it, 151st street, was only a block away. Forcewave might not make it there if things do not go well. Forcewave got back to his feet as it glared at him. Its eyes then looked up away from him and towards something else. The beam came again and fired in that direction. He looked to see a couple of people down the road. The beam was heading right towards them. He could see from here who it was. Those other two. At least they had not ran away. It then lunged at him again. First its claws came at him, then came the jaws. Forcewave barely managed to dodge the claws. He summoned a field of energy to block the incoming jaws. The field managed to protect him, but it was shattered by the lunging jaws. He quickly blasted the creature right in the face and took off again. It reared back in pain and lunged again. It missed, but it gave chase once again. He finally reached the intended destination. Now it would be a straight run out of the city. Though the whole street might get destroyed in the process. This thing was no longer calm at all. Leading it out of the city may not be enough. It would still be as aggressive as ever regardless of where it was. They were going to possibly need to find another option for this situation.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Mykel Thames August 11th 2013, 5:03 pm

As Mykel and the other guy had cleared out the street it was just in time. The guy leading the creature had made it to the street able to dodge off most of the creatures attacks, but Mykel knew he could not do it forever. He looked at the monster as it set eyes on him and the guy next to Mykel. It opened its mouth and let out a giant ray of energy heading at them both. Mykel acting quick used air to continuously collided with the blast. As his own blast was reduced to nothing so was the creatures. It seemed his air abilities was a match. So it was not just hope and gamble. He could now protect people or things from the plasma attack coming from its mouth. But when he observed it more the creatures strength alone would rip through one of his attacks.

Knowing this his choice to make a shield to protect him from its claw would only hold it back for a few seconds. Only enough to dodge. It was still swinging and trying to bite the guy close to him. Since Mykel and the guy in the air were a lot farther down the road he knew that if he attacked the creature would give attention to him and it would go running for him. Air would not cut it he would use fire to give off more damage. He held his palm out towards the monster and charged up a small ball. It looked weak but it packed an amazing punch. It would be enough to get its attention. He held out the other hand and pointed straight for the creature and the ball was under way. It flew reaching the thing in no time since the were going in opposite directions.

It hit dead in the center of the chest blowing up and leaving scratch marks and slightly burned places. He was not going for a full attack. He just needed the attention. As the fire and smoke cleared the creature peered through right at Mykel. Now it was after him, and getting his attention worked. Mykel was really close to the edge of the city and looking back the creature was faster than him. Only thought in his mind was "Oh Fuck" being said over and over. It was what he wanted was to get the creature out faster he just did not know it was this fast. In his mind he thought it was a mistake but to get the monster out of the city he pulled off a good decoy and he could fight if he had to just to hold it off. He could only be patient as to wait for the other two. They were faster than him and they could dodge better. He was only good for strong assault and defense.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Zeth August 17th 2013, 6:58 pm

Avenger finished up clearing the street and looked over and saw the other guy struggling to dodge the monsters claws. Avenger knew he had to do something but didn't know what. He couldn't think fast enough and just decided to go with his first instinct.

He started flying at full speed and was able to hit this thing square in the right side of its' jaw, just as the guy standing down the road hit it with the fireball. This things bones had to be made of metal, The Avenger was jarred a bit, but he was able to break something, so he tried to fly to the other side of the monster and hit the other side twice as hard.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 30
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Forceaus September 5th 2013, 6:29 pm

Forcewave had finally reached 151st street. The street that had been selected for use in leading this thing out of the city. He was tired though. Too much running and dodging all while having to constantly fight this thing. He got the short end of the stick when it comes to this plan. The others still weren't helping all that much. He had to dodge and block a few more strikes. It wasn't that this thing was too powerful for him, though admittedly it was very formidable, fighting this thing all while trying to not hurt it was proving difficult. He was having to hold back and fight defensively. Not really his forte. Forcewave usually used more of a counter thing. Normally this thing's aggressiveness would work in his favor.

The creature glared at him as he slowly walked backwards. A low guttural growl issued from its throat. It was slowly advancing. Viciously striking at him was not working. Perhaps it had realized that and was aiming to do something else. Was this thing fairly smart? A natural predator perhaps. An experienced one too. Forcewave was trying to not take off and run. No, he needed to keep his eye on this thing at all times. Then something hit it in the chest. It let loose a brief roar and spread its arms out again. The nearest buildings were knocked over as they converged and the falling debris were coming down right at him. He put up a barrier to protect himself as a powerful shockwave was sent forth when the creature slammed the ground with both hands. The ground before it was being damaged as the shockwave was heading right for the other two as it went down the street. It then immediately followed that up with another energy blast.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Mykel Thames September 5th 2013, 11:28 pm

As his plan was working and the monster appeared out of the smoke his attack caused it seemed to be a little too much. He thought the monster was stronger, but he could have been wrong by a few grades. He looked it over as its chest was healing. Yeah he was perfectly right it would take more to seriously wound this thing. It fell to the ground palms hitting the pavement making a shock wave that broke glass. It was indeed admirable but it was not strong he though as he constructed a dome around him breaking the flow behind him. He looked at the creature as it opened his mouth... Oh shit oh shit.... He turned and ran. Hopefully he was right from before. He held out his hand creating another fireball upon his palm.

As he could feel the ground shake from the starting of the ray he turned and let of his own. He thrust his palm towards to monster making a ray equaling out the monsters. After the two forces collided fire and plasma energy was left every where causing small fires. This is the down fall in fighting inside the town. They would have to lure it out of the city and fight it now. One look and you could easily tell that this thing wanted them dead upon all else. He could see the other two as one was in a shield and one was near the top of the monster. I wish they had a better plan then what he had.

Since his attention was on Mykle he decided to start stepping back to see if it would get up and start running at him. He was a lot farther then them so he could get it out of the city before anymore major damage. The creature started budging getting ready to run. He just wondered why the thing had to be so fast. He turned and to off at the sight of being a few 100 feet from the city side. The creature would catch up fast since it could beat his speed but he would be waiting on the outside of the city for it. Not having to worry about as many buildings would make it easier to lure off. Plus now they moved farther out the buildings now go from a 5 story to a 2 to 1 story building or house. Speaking of houses there will be people hiding in there at the first site of this thing so he could not let it around them.

He exited the populated buildings and ran into small openings. There was still buildings but it was better than anything. He could not hide because if he did it might do random targets and he did not want to stand still it seemed like suicide. He stopped in place and turned around hoping the other 2 were right on it or maybe in front.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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