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The City that runs beneath the streets (open to anybody)

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The City that runs beneath the streets (open to anybody) Empty The City that runs beneath the streets (open to anybody)

Post by Karny420 May 19th 2012, 10:33 am

It was hot, unbelievably hot, Jack was stuck in the burning building and it was his own damn fault. If He didnt have to save people all the time, running into burning bulidings and shit. Jack Dunker aka Karny by the adorned media that swore that he was one of a kind, But he had seen it all before. Famous till a new hero comes around, and then they pin you as washed up. He heard the roof start to creak, Not enough time he thought to himself. I gotta save the girl. The ten year old was inside playing when the fight started. He didnt know the man's name but he spit fire an he was mean. The house fire started when Mystery dick spit fire and Jack rolled out the way, it caught the trees, and when the trees burned through and fell through the house all hell broke lose. The little girl was in here he knew it, he had to keep looking. He felt a hard punch to his spine as he flew forward smacking a wall face first and going right through it as it was weak from fire damage. Jack slowly stood up and looked at the man. "you son ofa Bitch!"
Jack ran at the man but was met with a wall of fire. The man Laughed and said "You are no match for "Draconis" Vlad Cole you dirty Mutant!"

So thats what this was about Jack being a mutant. He laughed at Draconis an spit on him. "So this is about me being a mutant?" Draconis replied "No this is about you interuppting me destroying things." Out of the Corner of his eye he spotted her lying there unconsious, he sprang into action, grabbed the little girl and was met with a punch to the jaw by Draconis. "where are you going, Freak? our dance aint done yet I havent killed you yet" Jack jumped towards Vlad kicking him in the face and through the Wall, an opening to get out, he started towards the it when the center roof beam snapped Jack sprinted and rolled through the gaping hole to safety, he set the girl down and stood up to face This menace. Jack unsheathed his Mallets and looked at the villain in front of him."your gonna pay for this." Jack smiled and ran towards Vlad swinging one Mallet over his head. As he got within Reach he connected with Draconis' Mid section sending him off his feet and breaking several ribs. As Vlad lay on the ground Jack lined up the killing blow, lining one mallet up with the top of Draconis's skull, Jack heard something., he stopped. and looked around.

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Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2012-05-12

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