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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Necket May 7th 2015, 4:14 pm

Nick woke.  He had put an alarm to 11pm. In that time, innocent people did not wondered the streets, only the scum of the earth. Drug dealers, pimps, gang members, robbers, all kinds of despicable excuses of human beings, made the dark streets of New York their work environment. It was quite chilly that night. Nick walked out of his apartment wearing a long coat, hiding his costume. He turned right to check the streets and saw that they have placed a security camera. They placed it again every month or two. It was a constant threat to his secret identity. It usually was stollen. But he decided to get matters done by him. He pulled out an small battery, the size of his thumb and placed it in his hand. He closed his fist, absorbing the chemical energy stored inside its shell. He then dropped the battery and with the same hand, he threw a lighting towards the camera, making it explode into pieces. He walked a few more streets and left his coat there, so when he gets back it will cover his costume again.

Fifteen minutes later, he encountered a disturbing scene. 5 robbers, male approximately 34 years old, where robbing a woman. Hitting her and throwing her to the ground. "Excuse me" said Nick. "I'm going to give you one  chance. Get the hell out of here and I won't kill you". He did not wanted to kill anyone, at least not on purpose. He just used it as a warning. "Its seems we have a clown between us" the robbers responded. "Get your ass outta this place before we fill ya with holes". As soon as they finished saying that, they all pointed their guns at him. He could leave, but they will probably hurt even more the girl, but if he stayed, he would die. A near robber had a mobile phone he could withdraw power from, but he needed a distraction. His life depended on a distraction.

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Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2015-05-05

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Adom May 7th 2015, 4:25 pm

There was always something new in New York. The old name of the city made before our time, it was now a haven for crime. I have lived here almost all my life. And I have yet to be mugged. Seeing as how most of the time when I was mugged, I could easily deal with people who were trying to take my money or possessions. Having powers, I kept them hidden. Not allowing anyone to see them. Hell, even my best friend Shawn didn't know I have powers. I could mess with electricity. At times, it was a gift, and others, it was a curse. At the moment, it may be a gift.

Waking up earlier this morning, I had touched my lamp, and almost instantly, I could feel myself wake up. Literally, I could feel myself energized like a rechargeable battery. I could create bolts of lightning from my hands. Looking down at my hands as I sat up in bed. I smiled as I threw a bolt from one hand into the other. Getting up, I decided I would take the long way to work today. I ran some water through my hair after brushing my teeth, and grabbing an apple.

Sliding on my yellow and black leather jacket over my brown shirt, I grabbed my bag as I walked out the door. Jogging down the street, I could hear quite a commotion. Thugs taking on a woman who was defenseless. I decided I would walk on. Not caring if the woman had been taken advantage of. Survival of the fittest right? Only when another man walked up, in a costume and demanded for them to stop. I shook my head. The guy was likely going to get shot. And he just stood there as they drew their guns on him.

"Aw hell."

I decided I might help out a little then. Shrugging my shoulders, I looked around for anything that might be of use for a makeshift weapon. In the alley that I was standing in front of, there was a pipe that was half broke off. Ripping it out, I then walked over towards the men. Using the distraction of the man to get close. Starting in a walk, only to speed up into almost a dead sprint. Aiming my pipe to slam into the first guys head, while my left arm thrust out a bolt of lightning at the second man.

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Quote : Shut up, and let me enjoy this cigarette.

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Number of posts : 70
Location : North America Typically
Age : 28
Job : Vape Shop Manager
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Necket May 7th 2015, 4:40 pm

As soon as this strange figure attacked on the two robbers, they all turned around. Sensing that the robber who was near him was going to pull the trigger first, Nick jumped onto him and grabbed his gun. With his gun, he shot the robber who was at his right on his ankle. Then, he folded the subdued robber's arm near his ear, firing a bullet to leave him stunned. He grabbed the cellphone from the robbers pocket, absorbing its power, and then firing it into the last robber, pushing him into a wall. He helped the lady to get up, as he saw the strange figure fight with the last two robbers. With the last bit of energy he had, he threw his ray to the robber who had been hit with the pipe, so he would be immobilized. "Thank you" said Nick.

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Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2015-05-05

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Jeisen May 7th 2015, 4:50 pm

Nolan: "Why are we here again?"

Jeisen: "To give Entei a break."

Nolan: "He needs to not be such a lit B.... incoming robbery in progress."

Thankfully, Nolan had been cut off before he could insult entei for the tenth time of the night. A little before midnight and the city was still buzzing. The tiny little robot floated into the air next to the cloaked masked man in a suit of armor. Blue optics glowed brightly from underneath his cloak. The Guardian Angle was watching over New York City tonight. A small yellow alert glowed on his HUD, signifying a small time robbery. No nearby cameras to check it out, so he would have to investigate this himself. Firing off a wrist launcher, Jeisen swung from the skyscrapper down on to the roof of the alleyway.

Looked like two civilians had helped out the old lady, taking down five men. Wait, not civilians... One was wearing a costume. Jeisen dropped from down in the alleyway to the ground. The darkness hid much of him, but the blue optics were still so bright. Through a mechanical voice filter-

Jeisen: "Well that was nicely done."

He looked down at one of the men taken out, before looking back up at the two men. From the scene, looked like the fight hadn't been that clean. Maybe these two were rookie heroes.

[Posting order: Jeisen, Xander, Necket}
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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Adom May 7th 2015, 4:58 pm

The bar had slammed hard into the man's head. It jarred my hand just enough to cause pain, but not enough for me to lose my grip. My lightning bolt had hit the other man squarely in the chest. As soon as both of them had fallen, I looked up to see the other clothed man to be holding a gun, and had taken down the other three men. He did well surprisingly. Thought he was one of those Vigelantie types that thought he could do everything. But I was wrong. He had fired a bolt much like mine. Only he didn't just fire five when he could have. Was his abilities of this limited by only having enough energy to fire one bolt?

He spoke thank you as another man came up and started speaking, saying we did well. I turned to him rapidly with the bar ready to be used once more, and my left hand ready as well. Instead of responding to the "caped crusader" I decided to turn my attention to the two newcomers. Realizing that one of them was a floating robot thing. Not sure what to call it since I have never seen one before.

What's it to you? it's not like this guy could take on five on his own.

I meant that. He didn't look strong enough to take five. He did take three, maybe even a fourth, but five? a little too much. For me? I could have done about the same. However these two seemed to be way above my own level. I didn't trust them one bit.

Last edited by Xander Carrick on May 7th 2015, 5:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Quote : Shut up, and let me enjoy this cigarette.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 70
Location : North America Typically
Age : 28
Job : Vape Shop Manager
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Necket May 7th 2015, 5:22 pm

He took a look to the individual next to him. "You know, I could.."
He decided to stop right there. That guy had electricity powers as well. He did not saw him absorb anything. Maybe the electricity was produced by him. "You are right, I could not" he said, swallowing his pride. He came closer to the dark figure with blue lights. "Thank you, sir". He then moved near a thug's body, and started to look anything electronic on his body, he just found a little electric cigarette. He crushed it with his hand absorbing the power. He moved towards another thug. "Who are you guys?"

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2015-05-05

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Jeisen May 7th 2015, 6:38 pm

Just who was he? A tricky question for Jeisen. He had many titles and many names these days. Black ops, Guardian, Guardian Angel, Ghost, Dumbass. A few given by newspapers, a few from friends, and a few from enemies. He gave a nonchalant shrug

Jeisen: "You can call me Jeisen."

The tiny little robot of a sidekick floated right next to Jeisen, about head height. It was only the size of an average softball, but its large eye was glowing a bright blue. It seemed to be smiling, as much as a floatin robot with only a single optic can.

Nolan: "And I'm N.O.L.A.N or Networking Operational Language Analayse Nuerowork!"

Jeisen gave a sigh. That wasn't what his name stood for at all. He never got why his little bot always made up a new explanation for his name every time.
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Registration date : 2014-01-26

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Adom May 7th 2015, 6:53 pm

Jeisen? What kind of name was that? Well to be fair, I don't know a lot of people with the name of Xander. Even more so, with the little droid thing that was hovering around the man, it then spoke that it's name was Nolan. And then explained it. Jeisen seemed annoyed by that sheer fact that it spoke. I looked around for a second to see that there were some people looking onto us and the fact that there were bodies around us three, and the woman who was still huddling in the corner as though we might attack her. I mean, she didn't seem to move at all.

Either way, I stretched out my hand to the man. Offering a handshake,


If he accepted my hand or not, I didn't care. If he took it, then I knew I could maybe trust him to some extent. While if he didn't then I couldn't trust him. I could control my powers long enough to not shock the man. So I might as well for a reason right? I let the pipe drop onto the ground. Realizing that I could have lit up my hands in electricity, and allowing the metal to conduct and cause more pain. Almost like a giant tazer. Might have to look into making something for myself to do that.

Turning to the other man, who seemed dressed up in a costume, I raised my eyebrow,

And yours?

The same went for him. No name, couldn't trust him. Name, maybe. it all depends on if he told me his real name, or likely a name of what the costume represented. I thought it was dumb. Why hide who you are? If you open yourself up, and let everyone see you for who you really are, then you can take your name, and use the fear, or respect behind it to make others do what you want. But for me, I didn't have really anybody who would fear me, or respect me.

I might have to work on that a little bit.

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Quote : Shut up, and let me enjoy this cigarette.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 70
Location : North America Typically
Age : 28
Job : Vape Shop Manager
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Necket May 7th 2015, 8:02 pm

"I..I am Nick" he was unsure if he would use his real name. He usually went by Shocker, but this guy seemed he could be trusted. It would be great if he could have him as an ally. He advanced towards Jeisen. "Nice to meet as well" he said, shacking his hand. "And you, nice meeting you Nolan". He was quite interested in him. Robots were his hobby, apart from programming. He had not built any robot that could run AI successfully. "Did you made him?" he asked to Jeisen.

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Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2015-05-05

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Jeisen May 7th 2015, 10:22 pm

Jeisen shook both their hands with an armored hand. He felt buzzing of power as he met nicks hand, while Xander gave off his own sparks. Looks like these two were metas after all. Jeisen was one as well, but it might have been hard for ther items to feel it under his suit.

Jeisen: "Xander, and Nick? Good to meet you both. Looks like you two really cleaned up here. We should probably get going though. "

Jeisen motioned back down the alleyway. The police were probably on the way and while Jeisen might not have any problem with the police the best way to keep it like that was to not be here when they got here.

Jeisen: "I did make Nolan, but I'll answer more about him when we are out of the way. Don't want to get caught up in that mess right now"

Last edited by Jeisen on May 7th 2015, 11:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Adom May 7th 2015, 10:38 pm

There was always a time and a place for everything. Letting the pipe drop onto the ground with a clang, I decided that we would follow the man's advice. Even his armor seemed to hide more than his features. Still, I reached in my bag, and proceeded to pull out a water bottle. Drinking from it as I lead the way to the alley. Only to put the water bottle back in my bag, I knew I was likely going to be late for work. But I could probably make it up to Sam somehow. She always like it when I was late because then she could get something out of me. Last time it was a date. so this time it might be a little more, or just something nice for her.

Any place that you got so we can hide away from cops? I am sure they might put up some kind of search for people after asking the woman back there.

It was simple. Cops like to show they still had the authority when really it was the mob bosses and the gangs that ruled the area. Each cop was different and harsh. Increasingly so the more there was. So if there was a search for three possibly armed Metahumans, there would be alot of cops. and we would have to lay low.

Hence the question.

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Quote : Shut up, and let me enjoy this cigarette.

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Number of posts : 70
Location : North America Typically
Age : 28
Job : Vape Shop Manager
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Necket May 11th 2015, 1:56 pm

"I know a cafeteria a few streets away" Nick said, trying to remember the exact location. He exit to the streets, seeing patrols a few metres away. "Do you have any other idea?"

(ooc: Sorry for keeping it short and the absense, they cutted they wifi in my house)

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Registration date : 2015-05-05

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Jeisen May 12th 2015, 10:21 pm

Nolan: "There is a large warehouse a block down a dn around the corner. Just follow the alleyway and make a right."

A less open area was more comfortable to Jeisen. Less chance of random civilians walking in. Nolan floated next to him, bobbing up an down. With the police sirens getting a little louder he motioned back down the alleyway.

Jeisen: "I'm heading down this way to the warehouse. Much less chance of getting found out. I don't think you may know this, but guys in armored suits tend to stand out in cafeterias."

He started walking down the alleyway, not really waiting for the others to come. Either way worked for him, he didn't need to take care of these two. They looked like they could handle themselves.
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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Adom May 13th 2015, 12:09 am

After the two mentioned places in which they could go, I would have rather been with the guy who was wearing armor that could likely protect himself more, and be an asset that was stronger. So instead of fighting against either of them, I walked after the man. Looking around for anything I could maybe use as a weapon once more. This time finding a chain. I yanked it off of the truck bed that was shoved into the alley, and walked after the man. Wrapping the chain around my wrist.

We need to find somewhere that we can use to protect our backs.

if that meant going to a warehouse, then so be it. Even then, there was likely to be electrical appliances there that I could absorb energy from.

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Quote : Shut up, and let me enjoy this cigarette.

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Number of posts : 70
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Age : 28
Job : Vape Shop Manager
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody) Empty Re: Walking down the dark streets (Open to everybody)

Post by Necket May 13th 2015, 10:09 pm

"A ware house sounds good". After some thought, a cafeteria was not the best place to hide. The truth was, he was hungry. He had a granola bar in his coat, which he left behind. He really needed some pockets in his suit. Or a fanny pack. A fanny pack could work. Yeah, he should get a fanny pack. He heard the sirens get closer. "Um, Xander. Could you help me out with the cops, I doubt an electric cigarette could have enough power to fend them off"

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