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Round 1: The Womb vs. Rayne

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Round 1: The Womb vs. Rayne  Empty Round 1: The Womb vs. Rayne

Post by The Womb March 11th 2013, 11:59 am

Situated high in the air on what may have been a magnetized disc, The Womb stood proudly gazing at the sea of people below. About them were very small knat like cameras that projected images of all the fights from every conceivable angle on to huge screens about the large palace like coliseum. Truly tis a wonder to behold such humanity ammassed here to witness my rise to prominence. Once they know my true power all will be subject unto me, granting me greater leeway on the people once my plans have all been seen into fruition.

Turning to his opponent and pointed straight at them. A confidence in his voice "Heed me Human! There are none who can fell me in battle. Be prepared, for today I fight without constraint or regard for your mortal life. There will be no mercy, and there shall be no respite from my fury. Ready yourself, for this is your only chance to do so."

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Womb
The Womb
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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

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Age : 33
Job : Rapper/writer/cafe assistant
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Registration date : 2012-11-12

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Round 1: The Womb vs. Rayne  Empty Re: Round 1: The Womb vs. Rayne

Post by Alpha March 11th 2013, 4:23 pm

High above the stadium the two were situated, as the people below them cheered for the clash that was to take place. There was enough room for the two clash, but Elena had no intentions of allowing the strange being to come anywhere close to her. She took what looked like a strange fighting stance, yet anyone with a minute amount of training could see that it was a stance filled with holes. ”Tough talk, but can you back up such claims?” The pale female gave a derisive sneer, snapping a single painted finger as what seemed like three blades implanted themselves within the arena floor.

They were not swords themselves, just constructs of light given the form of blades through her illusionary prowess. ”I won't beat around the bush though, i'm sure that we both want to end this battle quickly, but I don't break you in the process.” With a single motion of her hand, the blades removed themselves from the ground, all pointed towards the skeletal man as they hovered above the ground by a few feet.

”Now multiply.” She muttered as the blades seemed to become around twenty in number before launching at the strange being, only three out of the twenty were real, but she knew that he would find discerning them difficult. They were nowhere as powerful as they could have been, but she was sure that they would be powerful enough to puncture his skin, or atleast impeed him.

Round 1: The Womb vs. Rayne  CjhXQha
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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Round 1: The Womb vs. Rayne  Empty Re: Round 1: The Womb vs. Rayne

Post by The Phantom March 13th 2013, 9:11 pm

((Sorry Womb but as per rules it has been three days sense your last post without proper leave of absence therefore Elena wins by default))

The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
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Number of posts : 118
Registration date : 2012-12-06

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