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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Skyscraper March 13th 2013, 9:29 pm

Skyscraper, who won the first round due to his opponent not even showing up was more excited then ever to get in some type of action. He had returned back to the teleportor that took him to his first fight, and took it to the next place. He was highly disappointed that he couldn't even get into a fight just yet. He simply shrugged and took a deep breath. At least his next opponent wouldn't have a clue what his tactics and his abilities were, including the audience. However, he himself had no idea about any details of his new opponent.

"This crowd came to be entertained, and I'm going to entertain them alright." He had said, as he reached the destination of his next fight.

It was at the middle of the ocean. He stood on top of a platform, that was 3 meters in diameter, that was just one of thirty total scattered across the ocean. He looked at them all and crossed his arms. The winds were indeed rough, he struggled to keep his footing as he looked down. It seemed the platforms were a bit slippery. "This seems interesting, adding a little more to our fight. Now, if only my opponent will get here and we can get this started."

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Alpha March 13th 2013, 9:40 pm

Elena had managed to win her first match under the guise of Rayne, the opponent had put up an admirable fight with his regenerative powers, but in the end she only had to remove one seal on her power; that seemed to put him down quicker. His powers would repair him though, he was like Marianne in that respect. Luckily she had enough times to refill her repairing rune, so the next fight would hopefully go just as smooth as the last one, but this time she would not go as easy from the start.

This stage was different than the last, being a few metal platforms above a raging sea. Rain fell upon them and made the platform even slippier, but it wasn't like she would be unable to cope. Stepping down she looked upon her opponent, a young man but looks could be decieving. ”I see that you will be my opponent this time, I hope you're stronger than the last one.” her sweet voice seemed to reverberate through the storm.

Looking upto the raging sky, a single bolt of lightning danced across the sky and the boom followed it. It was an almost poetic arena, one that she would enjoy fighting this strange male in.

”Your move.”

La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) CjhXQha
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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Skyscraper March 13th 2013, 9:50 pm

Skyscraper looked at his new opponent and she seemed to be a female. She was a nice looking one too, however he doesn't discriminate and fights everyone the same. "I will attempt to fight my hardest, I hope we do indeed have a good match." He said as he nodded at her to show respect to his opponent.

She stated that it was his move, and would take no time. He would jump up and turn into his electricity form. While he stepped off the platform he would charge it with electricity, making it conduct electricity. He would begin to fly as he looked forward at her and smirk and pointed forward and would send a bolt of electricity aiming at her feet and the platform.

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Alpha March 14th 2013, 4:30 pm

Elena nodded back at the the young male, mentally calculating around three ways she could go about defeating him. Sure they didn't really take into account his power, but soon enough he would show what he could do; then she could better combat this foe. The terrain was not well catered to anyone really, unless they could fly but she did not have such an ability. Pressing what looked like two pins on a leather glove running up her left hand, she pressed on them until they popped up and came off.

Holding the two plastic things within her hand, she deposited them within her pocket, a great flow of power came through her body. What seemed like snaking tattoos made their way across the visible skin and an aura of light blue formed just inches over her body. The glove had only served as a seal upon her power, something to keep her from killing some of the contestants on accident, but she felt that this child would be able to take more of her power. For now, she still help a power beyond what a super human could reach, instead it was around half of her full power.

Still she would have to avoid destroying the arena with a misfired attack. The male had taken off, sending a small shock through the water coating the arena floor, one that would have stunned Elena if she had no acted as quick as she could. IN an instant she formed a small construct under her feet, something that lifted her around a foot into the air as the static simply ran its course across the metallic floor. Without a single motion, a barrier formed in front of her, made transparent by her illusionary powers. ”That had some bite to it, I admit but you'll need more power than that to take me on.” She said with what could be misconstrued as a serious tone, but she wasn't even being serious.

”I guess its my turn.” She said as the invisible barrier dissolved and she turned her left palm towards the weeping heavens. ”Thousand sword style: Cascade.” In an instant blades seemed to form in the air around her, all of different designs but each of the same durability. They were simply well disguised and disguised constructs of light but they would serve their purpose in her show. It would have taken time to really count them, but there were enough to give the electrical man trouble.

” Converge.” The command was solid, all of the weapons moving towards the unfortunate meta human.

((OOC:The power of any constructs made will be 9 ability.))

La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Skyscraper March 14th 2013, 7:40 pm

Skyscraper looked and saw as she was somehow lifted into the air. He stared straight at her and the platform, and noticed the static on it. "There we go." He mumbled as he extend his hand and he formed a small lightning bolt in his hand. It grew as he tossed it into the air in an attempt to make it arc. It would instantly be attracted toward her direction due to the metal platform being covered in static increasing its conductivity.

He heard her say something about thousand sword, and raised an eyebrow. Whenever a large number and a weapon were put into the same sentence. It would never end up good. He would began to fly in the opposite direction of the swords and upward. He knew avoiding one thousand swords would be no easy task, but he couldn't just sit there and allow them all to penetrate him. He hoped his previous attack would prove effective to distract her concentration.

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Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2013-02-28

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Alpha March 14th 2013, 8:45 pm

The male seemed to dodge the attack rather easily, but it wasn't like that alone would give him the victory. It was a simple bolt, a straightforward attack that she could intercept, but there was some major power behind it. Forming a spear of blue energy within her left hand, Rayne threw the weapon at the bolt. The two collided in a great flash of light that coincided with a flash of lightning and the sound of thunder. ”Looks like hes not holding back. Well he better not, I don't want to get bored too quickly.” She muttered. Energy seemed to gather at the tip of her right index finger as any light within the area seemed to dim, except for what was gathering. The same began to happen to all of her digits, until the energy released it self from her fingertips and became free floating orbs about the size of baseballs. They all chased after the man flying through the air in his lightning form, all ten of them going at amazing speeds. ”Thousand sword style: Fallen Stars'

La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Skyscraper March 14th 2013, 9:04 pm

Skyscraper looked at her and saw as she was focused on his little distraction. "Your leaving yourself wide open." He mumbled under his breath to himself as he pointed two fingers forward and fired a lightning bolt from his finger tips straight at her as she would defend herself from the previous attack he launched at her.

He saw as she seemed to be absorbing light into her finger tips. "So, this is her powers? Control over light?" He would again turn around and jolt in the opposite direction from the orbs as she fired them. He would jolt upward in a zig zag pattern like a lightning bolt in an attempt to shake them off of his path or to avoid being hit by them. He had to play this fight smart and find a way to get to her and use his speed to his advantage.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2013-02-28

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Alpha March 14th 2013, 9:16 pm

In an instant a bolt of electricity hit her, nearly knocking her off the small pedestal that held Elena aloft. The pain was incredible and it nearly knocked her out, but it did not, which gave the healing rune plenty of time. Her body was now covered in painful burns that smoked, light rising from them as they seemed to rapidly heal. The run had enough power to regenerate the damage, and possibly even do it three more times. She would not allow him to do such a thing again, this would be the end for the young man; he would see the true power of the crimson witch and the master of the Thousand sword style.

”Ouch, that could have killed me, had I not prepared myself ahead of time. However I don't really find this match interesting anymore, i'll just end it. The only thing that had kept her from falling off the small light platform and potentially slipping into the water below was a single hand made of blue energy that had caught her. Removing the final seal upon the leather gauntlet, what seemed like a huge burst of energy erupted from the black haired girl and rode into the air. It pierced the dense cloud cover and began to swirl almost like a twister, the view of Elena obstructed.

IN an instant the light energy fella way from her and what remained was the female with what looked like wings of light coming from her back and runes moving across her body almost like sentient light. The runes were just a visual effect, as well as the glowing eyes but it did look great. Holding a palm out towards the male, she unleashed a wide blast of light that lit the sky. It wasn't aimed for where he was but where he was going. He was now facing her full unadulterated power.

La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Number of posts : 1832
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Skyscraper March 15th 2013, 6:38 pm

Skyscraper saw as the lightning bolt he sent toward her made contact. He would stop his movements and would stare straight down toward her. The lightning that hit her he had hoped would induce a jolt in her. Perfect. With a jolt, that would throw off her aim and focus if she had it.

He saw as her body had smoked from the blow he had just delivered to her. However, he saw as her wounds were healing somehow. "That means I can't give her a break. Let's see if you can handle this." He mumbled as the thunder roared yet again in the storm clouds above. He kept still as he watched her go through some type of transformation, perhaps if they were all powering up, maybe he should as well.

He saw, as she would fire off a huge blast of energy, however she fired it in the direction he was going and he was standing still. He guessed it was some type of warning shot and it was an eye opener. However, her raw power only excited him even more. "I love it, such power. Makes me want to go all out!" He shouted, as he did the lightning from the storm cloud would rain down on him. He would begin to conduct it and absorb the energy from the lightning bolt to power his own self. "Come get some!"

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Alpha March 16th 2013, 7:41 pm

The thunder picked up within the clouds but they would prove nothing the the powerful Crimson Witch in disguise. She could feel the radiant power exuding from the individual, yet she was stronger still. Each flash of lightning created light and that light would be converted into the power she had at her disposal. Artificial wings flapped for a moment, as if preparing for something, yet they would only serve as shield to deal with any attack that would come her way. They were the perfect defense, not including the transparent barrier that she could create when need be. ”What you saw was not all that i'm capable of, my power is greater than that.” She said loud enough for the male to hear it, gathering a small amount of power from the quick flash created by the next lightning strike. ”Angelic strike.” Her wings seemed to stretch to full length as what appeared to be feathers began to perk from them, and in an instant a volley of sharp and small light constructs masqueraded as feathers were launched at the lightning wielder. They were near impossible to count but there were enough to prove difficult.

La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Skyscraper March 16th 2013, 8:32 pm

Skyscraper would point straight at her after the lightning had struck him. He would fire one lightning bolt, fueled with all the power he had just absorbed straight at her. The lightning bolt would be difficult to defend against due to the sharpness of it because of all the vibrations that lightning emits plus the violent currents it would strike with. Hopefully it would be able to penetrate and pierce through any defense and straight through her. The blow even though it would be fatal, it was plenty of medics at the facilities that would be able to take care of her medically plus her own powers.

He could feel several distortions in the electrical fields around the battlefield, and could tell that it was some type of barrage attack approaching. He would expel an electrical force field around himself in an attempt to protect himself from her angelic projectiles.

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Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2013-02-28

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Alpha March 16th 2013, 8:51 pm

The male had apparently managed to send an attack through the barrage, but it was pointless. One of the wings moved at an amazing speed, moving to intercept the attack with what could be seen as an amazing ease. There was only one sign of the attack and that was a dark burn marks on the wing, which slowly produced an acrid smelling smoke. The projectiles continued on their course, punching through the barrier thrown up against them with only minor inconvenience. However he would find it harder to dodge than the last few attacks, Elena drawing all of the light energy within the area, causing a black out of sorts. Only she and the projectiles created any sort of light and in what could only be described as an instant, a wall of light extended from under her plat form and moved out. It would form a large cube around her and the male, leaving him little room to maneuver around and that would not bode well with the deadly attack encroaching upon him.

La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Number of posts : 1832
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Skyscraper March 17th 2013, 6:41 pm

The projectiles would make contact and pierce through his skin. He would shouted out in pain as they penetrated his skin and he looked at her. "Damn that stings." He said, as he looked at her but suddenly all the light would begin to be drained, and it would seem darkness would overtake them. He could still sense her position due to his electroreception. He felt distortions in the electric fields around them, in the form of a cage around the two. "She wants to keep me caged in...." He said, as blood began to drip from his wounds. He simply couldn't win. The woman's powers were to elite, the gap between them was too large. He would extend his arms as he nodded. "Come." He would simply stand there and accept the incoming attacks accepting that he had no way to dodge.

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Alpha March 17th 2013, 6:59 pm

She had hit him and it seemed that he had realized how out done he was, but she had to admit he gave her a good fight. Luckily for him there was a no killing rule, or she would have made sure those projectiles hit deeper, now it was time she took her victory. All light had returned to the arena, as she made a simple enough attack, a powerful beam of energy that had enough power to render him unconscious and nothing more. ”That was a good fight. Been a long time since I had to really try, I look forward to fighting you in the future.” She bowed before making her way off, the semi finals awaited.

La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) CjhXQha
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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

Post by Skyscraper March 17th 2013, 7:19 pm

Skyscraper simply looked at the blast and nodded. "Good match, show those humans who is supreme." He mumbled as he was struck by the beam of energy and was knocked back by the concussive force. He shot backwards and landed onto one of the platforms and laid there unconscious. His eyes closed as he rested after their long battle. He was defeated but he was proud that so much power rested in one metahuman. He had to step his own game up as well. He wanted a rematch one day. He needed to improve for that one day.

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La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper) Empty Re: La Segunda Ronda (Rayne vs Skyscraper)

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