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The Youth of New York

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The Youth of New York - Page 3 Empty Re: The Youth of New York

Post by A.I. May 8th 2012, 5:41 pm

It took a moment for A.I. to realize what had just happened. One moment his vision was flickering, the next he was on the ground, blown back by some sort of explosion. A.I. got up, and tried to reactivate his eyesight. No luck. He heard the sound of the fight, continuing without him, and spun around to face it. "I cannot see. But I can still fight." he said, following the positions of his fellow Talons through their dog tags. Twelve razors shot out of A.I.'s wrists, and targeted any sound that was not a Talon. His vision flickered for a moment, which was a good sign. In a few minutes, his targeting systems and eyesight monitors would be back online.

Still blind, A.I. guided eight more razors towards the sounds of his targets. "I'll be fully functional in just a moment, guys. And don't worry about my razors, I'm tracking your tags. They won't hit you." he said, jumping behind some debris. As he took a moment to breath, his vision flickered back to life. "Alright. Back in the game." he said, pulling out his pistols. He targeted the two remaining Elenas, firing four explosive laser rounds at each one. "Don't touch my mind again, cyberslut."


Number of posts : 93
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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The Youth of New York - Page 3 Empty Re: The Youth of New York

Post by Elena Vexus May 9th 2012, 12:40 am

It seemed like Elena only had the upper hand for a short moment. She was still trying to grasp victory, Vexus would not allow it to slip from her fingers. It was simply not in her programming. Elena looked over to her right and saw her one enhanced clone being blown to bits by their leader Phoenix. In front of her, Forcewave had avoided her toxic lance. Looking down she noticed she had lost a lot of her poison from being impaled by that metal shard Her cameras were out and her clones were dead. There were three options lets, and surrender was not one of them. Suddenly, she got an alert about an incoming projectile from her left. Looking at it she knew there was no point in attempting to avoid it.
There was an explosion and it sent Elena flying towards the right side of the warehouse. She hit the ground, bounced and then skidded into the wall with a loud thud. Vexus stood up quickly leaning her weight against the wall with her right hand over her mouth. There were flames billowing out of her mouth and from her left side which had been completely blown off. Flaming bits of liquid dripped from her mouth and side. It was the poison, because the container had been punctured the fire was able to reach it causing it to combust leading to even more damage to her. Elena's regeneration could not keep up with all the damage that was happening, her left hand had been repaired as well as some of her face as it was melting but she could not show weakness. She had the flames contained by sealing up side and expelling most of the flames out of her mouth but everything else was still too hot to repair or still had poison on it. There was bound to be a spark while repairing and she could not risk another fire like that. Her sensors were delayed, but there was another danger alert. She cursed under her breath seeing razor like objects heading towards her. Vexus could only manuver so that they did not hit anything vital. Four in her right arm, two in her left, five in each of her legs, three in her neck, and six throughout her chest and right side. She managed to pull the three from her neck but only to be faced with another alert. The robot had shot more of his lasers, she ducked to avoid one and stumbled forward to dodge another. The third struck her on her left side blowing her up against the wall and setting the poison in her body on fire again. The fourth blew off her right arm completely painfully forcing her to the ground.
Elena tried to stand without leaning against the wall, but she stumbled and had to hold herself up with her shoulder on the wall. The damage she took was far too extensive to repair on site, she had to leave. Without speaking a word to the kids who had just practically torn her to shreds Elena tried to make her way to one of the gaping holes along the wall of the warehouse holding her side and limping against the wall. As her body tried to contain the fire yet again more molten liquid dropped from her mouth and she was holding her left side with her left hand occasionally after she pulled out some of the razors still stuck in her body. Much of her power was being rerouted to her abdomen in order to keep things cooled preventing anything from taking any more damage so she was not moving very quickly at all. The pace she was at now would not do anything trying to get away from these children, turned out she would have to use all three options. Looking over at the old semi truck that was parked through the wall, it began to rattle and ten pairs of hands shot through the side of the trailer and tore it open revealing more clones of Elena, all dressed the exact same. Then, another ten clones jumped over the shoulders of the ten that opened the truck. The ones who had opened the truck were the enhanced clones and the others were standard Elena clones. The enhanced ones jumped out of the truck and one stood behind each of the normal clones, piked them up, swing them around and threw them at the four Talon members. While they were in the air they blew out the same poisonous gas from before in a cloud over the heroes. They all landed in positions around the Talons, next half of the enhanced clones grabbed the other half and threw them into the mix of Talons and clones, the other half proceeded to run into the action. The ten combat clones remained in the center battling all the talons while the other clones simply stood on the outside forming a type of perimeter. All the while Elena made her way to the exit, in the rain she would be able to cool her systems and repair all she could before she got back to her lab to fix what she needed properly. Vexus reach a semi-safe distance away from the warehouse, she snapped her fingers twice setting off the explosives she had placed throughout the warehouse along with the self-destructs in all of the normal Elena clones. The whole area would be completely decimated, but Vexus had underestimated these kids for the last time. Since she only had so much power at the moment, Elena closed her left eye and activated her infrared vision in her right. Vexus wanted to make sure these kids had been done away with, though if by the intervention of a higher power they survived she would have to await another opportunity to off these foolish children...

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Youth of New York - Page 3 Empty Re: The Youth of New York

Post by Andrew May 12th 2012, 12:41 am

Phoenix watched as they were totally ambushed. He was trying to think of a move to get out of the way. next he noticed more of a gas from earlier coming overhead. "Deluge you need to get rid of that now!" Phoenix shouted pointing to the toxin. Next, he turned to Forcewave, "it's time to go all out on these clones. There may be a lot of them. However, in some cases it's quality over quantity. Hit them with your strongest shots." "A.I. , you need to contact Plural and get him and some back up over here with the chopper A.S.A.P. Suddenly, there was an explosion in the building. Windows blew out, and rubble was starting to cave in. "Deluge, make a bubble around us, quickly!" he shouted. From the corner of his eye he saw the battle scarred Vexus fleeing the scene. "Do I go after her?" he though to himself. "No, the team needs me, and I'll see her another day." and he turned to his team hoping the followed his instructions or the end seemed grim for them.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Youth of New York - Page 3 Empty Re: The Youth of New York

Post by Arcana May 12th 2012, 1:44 am

Sean grinned at his handy work, preparing to finish what he had started. Which would have involved utterly destroying the feminine robot with a burst of power, if she didn’t enact her plan anyway. Next thing he knew there was a cloud of annoying poisons above them and they were easily taken care of, no need for Phoenix to tell him to do it. Soon enough they were in a glob of water and being taken care of but he wasn’t prepared as the explosions bloomed from various spots of the building. Black colored eyes narrowed as they darted around, water forming bubbles around the Talons, hoping to protect them from the powerful explosives setting off.

Though before he could completely clock them, a sharp pain coursed through his abdomen as he looked down. A silent cursed straining from between his lips as well as a small bit of blood. What seemed like a piece of metal propelled by the explosions had managed to impale itself within his stomach, still protruding from him as blood seeped form the wound. Though he had to keep the bubble up as long as possible.

”Yeah…. Stopped that bi.….” A gout of blood poured from his mouth as he fell to his knees, vision beginning to blur. He was sure he could stop the bleeding but his body refused to act.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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The Youth of New York - Page 3 Empty Re: The Youth of New York

Post by Forceaus May 13th 2012, 5:23 pm

After another round of combat the second of the clones had been defeated.Now it was just down to the original one.Or so it seemed.Instead of now concentrating on defeating the real vexus they instead would have to deal with even more of the vexus clones.This time there were alot of them that came out of the truck parked nearby.It was near impossible to count how many more had come in the time in which they had managed to surround them and blanket the air above them in poisonous gas.

As Phoenix started to call out orders he was already ready to act upon the one given.The instant they started to attack them Forcewave launched an attack of his own.He already had this attack ready just in case.A powerful blast that was sent in all directions that completely avoided his teammates whilst aiming directly for the clones was fired.The attack had just reached the point where it would be outside the large water bubble that Deluge formed just before he had done so so as to not damage or destroy their current defense against the poisonous gas.

Immediately after having fired the blast an explosion occured.The very building itself started to collaspe in on itself due to the force of the explosion.It seemed they might just get buried in rubble and die after all that effort in surviving what vexus had done.The defense that Deluge had put up seemed to be struggling to maintain itself.Forcewave looked towards him and what he saw shocked him.The guy was impaled by a metal shard and seemed to be dieing on the spot.Forcewave decided to assist in the protection of them all by firing straight upwards starting from outside the water's location to blast away the rubble coming down on them.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Youth of New York - Page 3 Empty Re: The Youth of New York

Post by A.I. May 19th 2012, 9:09 pm

A.I. frowned. Just as they had destroyed the second clone, the remaining one, which seemed to be the true Elena, released a mob of twenty more clones. "You have got to be kidding me." he said in awe. "Guess all we can do is keep fighting.." Suddenly, as A.I. fired his first few shots at the newest wave of clones, explosions started to rattle the building. Hidden bombs were detonating one after another, and the crowd of robot clones were beginning to self destruct as well. A large chunk of the ceiling came loose and fell towards A.I., and he deflected it with a solid punch. Deluge's bubble formed around the team, and Forcewave provided extra protection, giving them a stable enough barrier for the time being.

As the explosions finally subsided, and the building seemed to be fully leveled around them, A.I. began to survey the rest of the team. His attention was immediately drawn to Deluge, who seemed to be impaled on a piece of shrapnel and bleeding profusely. He quickly used his dogtags to contact the other Talons. "Talons, this is A.I., we need an evac asap. Deluge is wounded. I'm going to attempt to heal him but I won't know the severity of the wound until I take a closer look." A.I. approached his wounded ally and knelt down next to him. Slowly but surely, he attempted to remove the shrapnel from Deluge's stomach, so he could apply his medical nanobot gel to the wound. "These nanobots should be able to heal you up nice and quick, so long as none of your vitals were too severely damaged." he said, trying to reassure his teammate.

The Youth of New York - Page 3 Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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The Youth of New York - Page 3 Empty Re: The Youth of New York

Post by Andrew May 31st 2012, 8:18 pm

Phoenix looked at his team, and then looked at his attackers. The fight was not looking to be in their favor. However, Phoenix didn't crack under the pressure. He closed his eye's and gathered all his strength, his body completely set to fire. He dashed at the clones and created an axe of fire in his hands. Swinging the axe with all his might he slammed it into multiple clones. The axe vanished and he then created a bow of fire, blasting fire arrows at more clones. Rolling behind A.I. he took a few more shots. As the bow vanished he created a large wave of fire and it kept rising and rising until it was at least 15 feet high, he released the wave, and made sure to create pockets so his team wouldn't be injured.

As he finished his attack, he felt a drip of sweat of his forehead. He was starting to feel the battle. Phoenix leaped into the air and came slamming down, blasting a wave of fire at his enemies. He turned towards his team and said "Keep fighting! We're making progress, do NOT slow down." and he dashed at the group of clones once more creating two large swords of fire while he ran. He swung ferociously and took the legs off multiple clones, rendering them immobile. He leaped back towards the Talons and the fire vanished off his body, and he dropped to one knee. Quickly Phoenix caught his breath and stood back up, preparing for the worst these guys had to offer.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Youth of New York - Page 3 Empty Re: The Youth of New York

Post by Arcana June 11th 2012, 2:53 am

Sean could feel himself slowly slipping away as the blood poured from his wound, it would not be long now really. He was loosing blood fast, which didn’t really spell anything good for the young hero. His time was dwindling and the only thing that anchored him was the sound of Ai’s voice. Though he didn’t know it, Sean was on his back as Ai attempted to remove the piece of shrapnel. Though the pain was unfelt as the metal was pulled from his stomach, followed by medical gel which quickly started up the healing process; decreasing the time it would take before the wound on his stomach healed. Though before he could do anything, Sean fell into unconsciousness.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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