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Plural's Arsenal

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Plural's Arsenal Empty Plural's Arsenal

Post by Plural February 9th 2012, 9:43 pm

Name: Singularity Suit 
Int Allocation: 10 Using both lvl 10 slots
The Singularity Suit is relatively a play on Plural's hero name as it is composed of interlocking nanites which are controlled through the EVE system which in turn is controlled by Plural and the Artificial Intelligence, EDEN. Once requested to activate the nanites crawl across Adam's skin and form into the suit Adam wears. Once in place the suit remains until dissolved in the opposite manner, even if the nanites were to somehow be deactivated as the bonding mechanism is inert once in place unless dissolved partially or in full. The suit is immune to any EMP or Technological negation of equal or lower level, as well as manipulation from technopathic abilties.
During formation the nanites form an incredibly intricate circuit like system which allows for the suit's abilities.

When not in use, the nanites are stored within a belt around Adam's waist which he constantly wears. Enough nanites are stored within the Pelican to reoutfit Plural 3 times over in case his suit is overly damaged during use. The external storage belt also possesses materials and mechanisms that make minor repairs to any damaged or sub-optimum nanites during non use. Essentially taking off the suit, fixes any outstanding minor damage.
Kinetic Conversion: In conjunction with the Energy Transference System the suit stores electricity which it generates when Plural moves and collects static electricity generated when the suit rubs against itself. This energy is then used to power the devices Plural uses and is stored and can be wirelessly transferred for various other methods. 
Kinetic Projection - One of the primary uses of the energy stored by the suit's power cells is as simple as it comes. The suit can coalesce the energy and project it outwards as bolts of raw concussive kinetic force  The kinetic energy  of this projection is performed from the palms of the hand portions of the suit and are visible as pale whitish-blue beams, orbs, or bursts of energy. These bursts of kinetic energy can be made as powerful as tier 10 force but deplete the reserves and set the nanites used in the process into a cooldown mode for 3 posts following it's use. Tier 10 force does require both hands to be made to face each other prior to use, broadcasting its use. Up to tier 9 power can be generated with a singular hand and initiates a two post cooldown after use. Tier 8 power can be generated at will presuming the nanites are not in cooldown mode. The range of the energy beams or blasts can be fired up to 1000 feet, but are usually scaled back to prevent collateral damage.
Kinetic Dispersion - Usually the suit creates a nigh imperceptible barrier around itself that disperses energy across its membrane instantly. This equates to a +3 Durability to Plural while he wears the suit. However if he is struck by a Tier 8+ attack, the barrier becomes over taxed and the nanites enter cooldown mode. lv 8 - cooldown for 1 post, lv 9 cooldown for 2 posts,  lv 10 cooldown for 4 posts. 
Overclock - Alternatively the energy used to create the dispersion barrier can be channeled in another way allowing Adam to enhance his physical strength and reflexes instead. This manifests as +2 Strength and +1 FS enhancement for up to 5 posts but using this method of enhancement is dangerous and taxing on him. This causes muscle distress and using it for longer than 4 posts will cause his muscles to begin tearing themselves apart. After using the strength enhancement form the suit enters cooldown mode for a number of posts equal to the length of posts the enhancement was used. The enhancement is rather obvious as well as the portion of the body being enhanced  at the moment of use is illuminated. During cooldown mode, the DUR enhancement is not usable nor is the energy projection function.
This function comes from the nanites in the suit producing mild electric shocks which accelerate his nervous system's function and augment the contraction and release of his muscles resulting in more dynamic movements and powerful functions. Essentially this results in him being able to hit harder and become more likely to connect with his blows as he forces his body to catch up somewhat to his brain. Added effect also boosts his reflexes to even more spectacular heights.
Environmental Filtering: The face mask, aside from hiding Plural's identity, also filters the air he breathes protecting him from harmful air pathogens and gases and has a built in rebreather allowing him to breathe underwater with heavy activity for up to 30 minutes. With regular activity this can extend to 1 hour. The suit is also temperature proof up to 500 F and down to -60 F allowing him to wade into house fires with little discomfort or withstand arctic temperatures however this doesn't seem to help against most cryo or pyro kinetic abilities. The suit is also water proof and if damaged or injured, the nanites instantly work to link back together and seal the suit, however injuries, of course, remain on Plural but his suit always looks pristine.
Description: The Singularity suit is a sleek form fitting navy and light gray suit composed of one solid piece complete with full face mask. Despite it's microscopic robot composition, it feels like mildly plastic fabric until pressed on in which case it begins to compress and feel more armor like. The only exposed portions of the suit seem to be the ears and eyes, with built in boots and extra protection where it counts allowing for free and unhindered movement in the joints. The suit itself is only a few millimeters thick but still breathes quite well. If necessary, the ears can be encased for a full seal.
The suit also required a new design for a utility belt with both more space and altered design for usage. This belt contains all of the new gadgetry and matches the rest of the suit's color scheme. 
Name: Nanite Secondary Action System
Int Allocation: 8
Abilities: The nanites that form the suit can be detached in groups and used for various means. By touching an electronic device, a small swarm of nanites can be released into said device allowing Plural to access and manipulate the computer or device through the Garden of Eden Network. Excellent against electronic locks, vehicles, and computers among other things.
By simply touching someone or something he can partition off a few nanites which can function as a tracking beacon to the rest of the network. In combat this function happens immediately the first time the original Plural manages to make contact with a new target. Retrieval or deactivation of the nanites is quite simple. Individually once functioning as a tracker, a nanite has 48 hours of battery life before it becomes inert and non functional.
By making a square with his fingers he can form a holographic touch screen in the air to display data or information to others. If he so wishes he can expand this holographic projection to about the size of a jumbotron screen. The screen can hen be manipulated as if it were a touch screen as long as Plural is manipulating the image.
The suit can also be made to swarm off of Plural's body and attack anything, functioning similar to a hi tech sand storm, tearing things apart with tier 8 force. However this leaves Plural exposed except for his face usually as the mask is maintained unless told otherwise. The swarm can also be made to form other relatively simple shapes through voice command in this form.  He has also used this ability to form his suit into a parachute when jumping out of the Pelican at high altitudes and once formed a snowboard to go down a mountain. Plural has a strong dislike for using the nanites in this method at all because the chance for damage to them is high meaning he'd need to make repairs afterwards.
The suit can be made to make subtle alterations to itself in order to operate more optimally in any situation. For example in water, the suit could form webbed hands for better swimming. A loop near the waist might be formed in order to allow Plural to repel or tether himself to another object via his grappling lines. To facilitate better climbing ability, the palms and soles may develop spikes or claw like protrusions. If Plural fell of from a great height he could repurpose large portions of the suit to create a makeshift glider suit and glide to safety.
When talking to EDEN in order to voice command any function of the Garden of Eden system the mask filters the sound o that it cannot be heard by the outside world
Description: A series of programs stored inside of each nanites microchip allowing for them to be used for various purposes.
Name: The Electromagnetic Clap Program (The EMC)
Int Allocation: 8
Abilities: The Electromagnetic Clap is one of Plurals often unused abilities involving the suit. By clapping his hands together he can generate a powerful Class 8 EMP that will deactivate or destroy any electrically powered device within range of the sound of the clap (approximately 75 feet). Deactivation of a device lasts for around 8 posts, destruction requires repairs or replacement to be made. He modeled the attack off of the supersonic clap performed by the prodigiously strong. His own devices are immune to this pulse in every way. The EMC can be used once every 3 posts if need be.
A more precise version of this pulse is called the Electromagnetic Snap, sometimes referred to as the 'killsnap' which allows Plural to snap his fingers and point at a specific electronic device and deactivate it through use of a beam like burst of this EM energy. The EMS has the added benefit of requiring less cooldown and can be performed every other post if needed.
Description: A program designed by Plural to put the electromagnetic functions of his Singularity suit to a second function, imagined after his original blackout bombs and witnessing the famed Super sonic Clap first hand. Well aware that many metahumans or those wishing to compete with them, use electrical devices much as he does, negating those items temporarily was a necessity in order to apprehend some of them or give him the advantage.
By clapping his hands together after stating the command word "blackout" he can perform the EMC, creating a mild distortion in the air as it travels. The EMS is triggered by the phrase "Killswitch".
Name: The Garden of Eden Intelligence Network/The Energy Transference System / EDEN
Int Allocation: 9
This was formerly Plural's Smart box system heavily modified over time to this new beyond state of the art network.
 The Garden of Eden Network system is the personal Intelligence system of Plural. It is what damn near everything he uses runs on and has been heavily modified and innumerable resources were put into it. As a note it is essentially 'unhackable'* by anyone with Intelligence lower than Plural's own and highly resistant to being attacked, viciously assaulting anyone who endeavors to get into the system. The EDEN AI has the equivalent of INT 9 for mental endeavors it attempts.
Primarily, it is a network run by an Artificial Intelligence code named EDEN. The nanites that make up the Singularity suit house the conduit to the system in place of the previous portable Smart Box (which Adam maintains as his own personal cell phone). These are then linked to three satellites hovering in space over Plural's general location at most times. Then a highly encrypted and cloaked signal is bounced all over the place before routing back to the primary servers located back in several locations, namely Adam's home, Two of the four Duplicity Enterprises facilities, and one in Plural's Safehouse located in London, England. The signal is essentially invisible to any technological device that was not created and powered by Intelligence 9 or more.
Using the network Plural can do anything possible to be performed using a computer or cell phone, the Eden Intelligence can scan and process through data at incredible speeds filtering and comprising data as needed. It can make scans and measurements of data in realtime and relay just about any plausible information to the suit's wearer or Adam if he is at a computer terminal and not in costume. Having had copious amounts of time, this network has taken data and information from several of the world's most secure agencies and thus houses even top secret information from such agencies as the FBI, CIA, several different militaries, and even Google. Any information it does not already have is easily obtained within seconds usually through remote hacking of such intelligence networks. It can gain schematics and files on just about any person or place near instantly, though there are some exceptions.
In conjunction with the multiple goggles the system and suit can be used to create an imaginary computer interface functioning like a holographic touch screen however this is only visible to Plural since the display is formed on the surface of his goggles. Using the goggles as a conduit , the system can also analyze across multiple spectrums and create and compile more complete files on someone in a matter of moments through such things as facial recognition, fingerprinting, and the like.
The satellites themselves also form the Energy Transference System which can essentially transfers copious amounts of electrical energy wirelessly to the Singularity Suit, The Pelican, Any of Duplicity Enterprises Buildings, Plural's Home and several of the other devices Plural uses. This energy can be used to power these devices or in the case of the Pelican, it transfers the energy that powers the Nth Cannon which is a high powered pulse cannon that can generate tier 9 beams of energy that can easily destroy entire skyscrapers. After firing, the Nth cannon needs 4 posts to cooldown before it can be fired again. The cannon can be used to form a beam as small as a dime and as wide as 50 feet in diameter. It is a volatile beam of ionized energy not too different from a lightning bolt. 
Description: The entire energy transference system is actually three satellites floating in orbit powered by solar energy that can transmit the gathered energy to Plural. The satellite is capable of moving around the earth with powerful jet propulsion system and because of no wind resistance it can easily keep pace with Plural on the earth's surface, and can often be found floating above him outside the atmosphere. The five servers which house EDEN are in two in LA, and one each in Washington DC, London, and Japan. Outside of this the entire system is wireless and functions on its own network somewhat like a more advanced version of the internet.
The voice of EDEN is a warm male voice possessing no accent of its own and its personality is usually quite helpful if somewhat insistent.
* - If you have a suitable and acceptable plot involving trying to hack the Garden of Eden system let me know and we can discuss it otherwise kindly leave it the fuck alone cuz i will bitch your ear off.
Name: The Pelican
Int Allocation: 9
Abilities: A high speed amphibious aircraft. It is capable of high speed flight (Speed 9) and deep sea exploration. It possesses an incredibly durable hull (DUR 9) and moderate weapons systems (ABI 7 pulse cannons and missiles) as well as a stealth system for both visual and radar non-detection (requiring Int or Occ 9 detection abilities to pick up). It can expel water vapor to appear as a cloud or refract light so as to be nearly invisible from below. It's highly sophisticated radar and sonar systems can pick up most military vehicles even ones designed for the utmost stealth and anything not cloaked from technological means.
Speed wise it has the ability to move in excess of mach 2 for short periods allowing it to traverse vast distances in a matter of hours able to go from NYC to LA in only 2 hours without any impediments, though it moves with cruising speeds in the speed 5-6 range for low altitude or common flight if not slower for aerial combat within a city's limits for safety of the civilians below. It is able to wirelessly connect to the Garden of Eden system and has adaptive auto pilot capability allowing it to vocally be directed to an address or location by coordinates and comment on vital information along the way concerning things that Plural might be interested in knowing. EDEN itself can also actively control the vehicle when given permission. If under attack it can take evasive maneuvers of its own accord if Plural is distracted.
It can easily be summoned to Adam or Plural's location (only one clone at a time obviously) and comes equipped with 2 additional payloads of the hero's standard equipment array (the items in his utility belt) as well as 3 parachutes, comfortable seating for 3 normal sized people including pilot, and easy deployment of passengers allowing for air drops.
It can extend 2 retractable robotic arms (Str 7) and is air tight unless directed to be otherwise and can easily be entered or exited even when underwater.
Mostly it's a standard useful superheroing transport designed by Plural and inadvertently paid for by his University under their noses using things they'd order anyhow. Used ICly for travel or the occasional plot device or to fight say giant robots of the week or deal with underwater issues to a degree. Also equipped for fluff things such as a killer sound system with 1000's of songs, powerful high beam headlights able to simulate sunlight, infrared, UV or X-ray or perfectly normal light. Remotely controlled through use of the GoE Network. It is also capable of some degree of space flight, able to travel about a quarter of the way between the moon and the earth's atmosphere (and back), close enough to reach most satellites in the earth's gravity.
Description: A sleek diamond like arrowhead shaped vehicle about 5 feet tall and 15 feet long. Silver on the outside and constructed of a metal alloy between Tungsten, Aluminum and steel allowing it to withstand air friction of any sort and even re entry levels of heat, made to be lightweight (able to be lifted with strength 5). Powered by an alternate energy source using a electrokinetic gyro motor of Adam's design.
Name: Plus Sword 
Int Allocation: 9
Abilities: The handle can expel a series of nanites not dissimilar to that of the Singularity Suit's however they are of a different make somewhat as they form a 2.5 ft long blade atop the handle. The blade has a durability of 9 and is highly conductive allowing it to be charged with electrical energy, causing cuts to also induce electrical burns. The blade can take the form of any sword though the default is that of a classic straight sword. Using it's conducive abilities the edge of the blade can be made electric blue and is able to cut through near anything (up to tier 9 cutting power)
The blade can also be used to fire a crescent shaped arc of razor sharp kinetic force up to 50 feet or a beam of the same sort of energy out to 75 feet. The beam is less deadly and repels objects struck by it rather than piercing them. The force of these attacks is tier 9 in nature. After use, the energy burst function requires 2 posts cooldown before it can be used again.
The blade can function as an electromagnet when electricity is run through the blade. Magnetic strength equal to the ABI rating of the electricity used.
Alternatively, the sword can be used to project a strong shield made of 'Hardened Light'. The nanites that would normally compose the blade instead form a laser network of high frequency light that functions to create a DUR 9 barrier in a sphere, hemisphere, round shield or wall shape. The maximum size of the spherical barrier is a 70 foot radius and a wall shaped barrier can be made into a 100 sq ft wall. This barrier can persist for up to 5 posts before the nanites return to the sword handle and a barrier can be created up to 300 feet from the handle itself. The barrier can be directed by pointing the handle in a different direction.
Description: A navy and gray sword handle with a minimal guard. When extended it is best described as a classic straight sword with a golden edged blade of exceptional quality. The pommel is ornamented with a reinforced plastic orb containing a blue circulating gyro when extended. The gyro serves as the battery for the electrical energy which powers the sword, glowing slightly when enough power for the energy blast has been stored up.

When collapsed it has its own place on the utility belt on his right hip for easier access.
Plural has trained in swordsmanship and various other weaponry styles and can use just about any type of sword to inflict non lethal damage upon opponents just as easily as the lethal sort. He can even wield the sword underhanded or in either hand with equal facility. 
Name: Superhuman Restrictive Gel Capsules  
Int Allocation 8
Abilities: Releases a large amount of tough and quick hardening blue gel foam that can restrain or hinder even the most potently strong metahumans. STR/DUR 8 making it difficult to get off by physical means. Even powerful Energy projections have difficulty burning it off. A bit of rubbing alcohol however can remove the substance or after about an hour it begins to lose its integrity and crumbles apart. 
It could possibly be removed through mass amounts of heat or perhaps extreme cold (ABI 7 of either would destroy the gel in 2 posts of effort. ABI 8+ could accomplish it in 1 post)). It is, however, non-conductive so electricity does nothing to it.
Description: A simple steel blue colored capsule about 1 inch long. It explodes in about a 5 foot diameter and expands to around 8 feet in diameter as a foam when used., allowing it to work on even the largest of foes usually if tactically used. Plural carries 8 of these as they aren't very large
Name: Rechargeable Concussion Grenades
Int Allocation: 8
Abilities: ABI 8 Concussive Force grenades. Produce a shockwave of pure kinetic force, similar to a combustion free explosive, visible in the air as a distortion in the air. Retrievable and rechargeable, allowing for economical reusage of the devices. The force is more than strong enough to rend through most objects and hurl even the heaviest of things.. When it shatters objects the shockwave carries the shrapnel upon itself making it even more dangerous
Description: a small 2 inch diameter silver orb. Detonates upon impact after being activated with a simple button push or can be set to go off after an allotment of time via dial. Flash an ultraviolet light for 5 minutes after detonation when activated so they're easy enough to track down after use. Plural carries about 5 of these on his utility belt.
Name: Extinguisher Grenades
Int Allocation: 8
Abilities: 10 ft radius fire and heat suppressant spray. A liquid that puts out fires and absorbs and neutralizes great amounts of heat. The chemical it uses bonds with oxygen in the air upon contact and bonds Hydrogen molecules to Oxygen ones forming a spray of water and left over over carbon molecules to create CO2 as well, putting out fires very efficiently. The reaction also absorbs heat energy in order to energize the reaction, sucking heat from the air.
Description: A white and blue sphere about 2 inches in diameter. The liquid itself functions like a pale blue oil. Detonates upon impact. Plural carries 3 of these in his usual payload.
Name: Multiple Goggles
Int Allocation 7
Abilities: Infrared, Ultraviolet, Night vision, Telescopic, Microscopic, X-ray, Light filtering (similar to sunglasses), Digital camera (records and takes pictures including sound),and computer(targeting, map, profiles, internet access.). The goggles can also analyze and scan anything within visual range out to about 100 feet, allowing Plural to scan for weapons, power signatures of all sorts, and identify materials.
The lenses act as translucent screens for the various visual filters and computer functions as well as doubling as protective eye wear against dust, shrapnel, and air friction. Automatically records up to 100 hours of video before recycling the data. Information recorded is easily extracted and stored.
This simply allows him to filter his vision with several different spectrums and analyze his escapades and experiences later picking up on previously missed visual info as well as allowing for in field police and data file reading and access.
The lenses have DUR 8.
Description: A nice sleek pair of goggles with a plastic screen and fiberoptic wiring, wirelessly linked to the Singularity suit  to facilitate the computer generated or controlled functions. The visual filters can be cycled through manually or through voice command
Name: Division Plugs
Int Allocation: 7
Abilities: Allow for tuning into radio transmissions and dampening sounds over a certain decibel level to an acceptable level, preventing deafening from loud noises. Also wirelessly linked to the Singularity Suit allowing for recording of auditory data as well and hands free switching of radio signals. EDEN can also use the plugs to detect sounds from outside the human range of hearing. EDEN can also listen to multiple radio signals at once and patch Plural into relevant ones with permission.
Description: A small rubber tipped set of what look like headphone ear buds. Seemingly function similar to Bluetooth technology. 
Name: Laser Torch 
Int Allocation: 7
Abilities: Simply emits a lengthy and powerful laser beam able to burn through and effectively slice through most anything. Also great for soldering, similar to a blow torch. Unfortunately if used consecutively in 3 posts, the device overheats and requires a 3 post cooldown or it will melt its own mechanisms and become useless. (ABI 7 laser projection)
Despite its seeming use, the beam can be extended quite far and is powerful enough to burn or cut through entire buildings if needed. On rare occasion it can also be used as a weapon.
Description: A simple small silver bullet shaped device. It is composed almost entirely of plastic and silicone and glass with a small tungsten ring around the glass through which the beam is projected to absorb some of the heat.
Name: Cloaking Device
Int Allocation: 7
Abilities:  Constantly projects a cloaking effect that stops x-ray, sonar, and various other scanning sorts of methods allowing him to move undetected and keep his secrets mostly hidden. It also let's him walk through say a metal detector without setting it off or have someone attempt to scan him only to find him clean of weaponry or wires or whatever. Also aids in hiding his identity. Essentially any technological method for detection can't pick him up unless the scanning method was generated with lvl 8 or higher INT. This is always on while Plural is in costume unless explicitly stated ICly to be off or non-operational.
It does have the added annoyance that makes him invisible to most automatic door sensors as well as security lights, however he can shut that down through use of the GoE Network or manually.
Description: A simple button on the left side of the belt buckle of the utility belt activates the cloaking device. It automatically turns off after 10 posts or can be switched off prematurely.
Name: Frost Spray
Int Allocation: 6
Abilities: Allows Plural to spray up to a 4 foot cone of liquid nitrogen allowing him to insta-freeze most objects (ABI 6 cold projection). Freezing objects makes them far more brittle and easier to break or shatter.
If the canister were to be destroyed (rapidly depressurized) it would cover a sizeable 15' diameter.
Description: A small spray canister insulated to prevent freezing or frosting on the outside of the can. Refillable. He carries 1 of these in his usual payload and it can be used about 4-5 times before it's empty.
Name: Grappling Line
Int Allocation: 6
Abilities: Allows up to 10000 lbs to be raised or lowered by the mechanism. The end of the line functions to reverse the atomic charge that repels all essentially foreign atoms allowing it to bond to any non magnetized or electrically charged surface. Possesses about 20 meters of high tension carbon nanotube cable. An EMP would loosen the bond that holds the line to another surface and turning off the charge of the cable allows the line to be retracted.
The singularity suit can form a loop anywhere on itself to hook the grappler to allowing Plural to tether himself to anything essentially.
Description: A looped metal cylinder with 3 buttons along it's surface with molded rubber grips allowing for easier holding of the device. Plural Carries two of these on his utility belt on either side.
Name: Combat Grade Bouncey Balls 
Int Allocation 5; damage based on strength allowing for 1-8 tier force
Abilities:  Impact based on how hard it was thrown. Difficult to harm even with slashing weapons and even more difficult to dodge. Seem to have excellent bouncing potential. The rubber like material houses a small orb that can act to roll or bounce a still ball back to its owner so that he never leaves one behind. Any ball comes when summoned.
Description: A simple blue reinforced rubber ball. Plural carries around 6 of them in his utility belt allowing for a truly mind-boggling geometric display when all of them get going in a small space with a lot of surfaces. 
Name: Blackout Bombs
Int Allocation: 5
Abilities: 15 foot radius EMP grenade. Knocks out electronics and lights until repaired. 
Description: A yellow and black orb about the size of a golf ball. Due to difficulty of finding supplies for the device on his budget, Plural only carries 3 of these in his pockets and pouches. Retrievable and rechargeable though difficult to find after use. Takes about 20 minutes to recharge. Because of the EMC ability of the Singularity suit, he only carries 1 of these in his usual load out.
Name: Smoke Grenades
Int Allocation: 5
Abilities: Creates a thick cloud of smoke able to fill a very large room in a matter of seconds. The smoke is thick enough and produced in such copious amounts that it would take several moments of air to clear it out. Using the various filters of the Multiple Goggles, Plural has no problem seeing through this viscous haze.
Description: Small black cylinders with a button on top that detonates 3 seconds after the button is released, or upon strong impact. Four of these are in Plural's typical payload.
Name: Utility Kit
Int Allocation: 6
Abilities: Simply relatively mundane tools and objects stored in the pouch on the back of the utility belt which also holds the various grenades of the belt.
the list includes:

Lock picks - for picking locks on cars, doors, windows, cabinets and safes.
Zip ties - plastic strips for cinching off things or tying things together. Very functional as handcuffs.
Hard laser tool kit - several devices that project hard light around themselves in the form of tools for assembling, disassembling, construction, surgery, deconstruction and the like in the field on even oddly shaped and sized devices.
Pepper spray- self explanatory.
Space Pen - A pen that can write on any surface and is very difficult to break as well as refillable.
Increased development of these items makes them more useful than more mundane counterparts (like zip ties that can restrain super humans and withstand extreme amounts of pressure)
Description: Simple tools and items that could be purchased at a department store or a hardware store or ordered online.

Last edited by Plural on July 16th 2013, 1:58 am; edited 28 times in total (Reason for editing : Updating for New System and Char revamp.)

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Plural's Arsenal Empty Re: Plural's Arsenal

Post by The Silence February 9th 2012, 11:57 pm

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The Silence
The Silence

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Plural's Arsenal Empty Re: Plural's Arsenal

Post by Plural October 27th 2012, 2:53 pm

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Registration date : 2012-02-08

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Plural's Arsenal Empty Re: Plural's Arsenal

Post by Forceaus June 26th 2013, 8:28 pm

The cloaking device would have to be a stat booster and would have a 1 post duration/cooldown.

The suit has 3 separate functions between the electricity, kinetic energy and stat boosting. It can only have 2 of those. The environmental filtering can stay with it.

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Plural's Arsenal Empty Re: Plural's Arsenal

Post by Forceaus June 26th 2013, 8:44 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

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