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It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by EndZoner February 6th 2012, 10:41 pm

Two couples were exiting from a Italian restaurant at 10:45 P.M. when they noticed a man standing in the streets and watching them while wearing ragged clothing, and a hood that oscures his face from the streets lights. "Uh, sir, are you okay?", said the male of the couple. The ragged man said nothing. "Just leave him some money on the ground, he's just probably begging for some change.", said the woman. "O-okay.", the man said as he leaves a $20 dollar bill for the ragged man on the ground and turns to leave. "There, was that so hard?", said the woman. "Y-yeah.", the man stammered as he was apparently been creeped out by the ragged man, until someone tugged his sleeve which turns out to be the ragged man from before. "What do you want? Didn't notice the money on the ground over there?", said the woman annoyingly. "I did.", said the ragged man in a low hoarse voice, "But I don't care about the money, all I care is food.", the ragged man said. "Than take the money buy yourself a meal!", the woman snapped. The ragged man simply turn to her as something quick, thin, and slithery from under his hood snapped at the womans forehead, which killed her instantly. "H-honey!", said the man as he knelt down on her and carish her in his arms and turns towards the ragged man again, "W-what did you do!?", he yelled. "I was hungry.", the ragged man reply as the same thing that killed the woman also killed the man by hitting him in the forehead causing a hole in his head as he falls limp. The ragged man proceed to dragged the bodies into an alley where the sound of skulls being crushed with and the sound of slurping followed not to later.

By morning Jason and Lilian were eating breakfast and watching the news in their hotel when the news of a pair of dead bodies have been recovered in an alley with their skulls crushed and their brains are gone, making it the 16th murder since the past 2 weeks. "My God, someone is a sick bastard.", said Lilian. "Yeah, do you think by capturing a serial killer, your dad might show up unexpectingly?", asked Jason hoping to find the killer and put him away, the police department had no clue and even gotten desperate that they decided to give a $10,000 reward for the guy's capture, due to his killing rate. Lilian pondered for a moment, "Well, it's worth a shot.", Lilian said nervously. "Great, I go find the guy at night time while we find something to do in the mean time.", Jason said excitedly. "I know of something we could do.", Lilian said seductively as she kissed Jason on the lips. "I think I like that idea.", Jason reply with a smile.

At 10:00 P.M. Jason was perched on top of a building near the same restaurant the last couple died at. "Come on, I got a girl who got a surprise for me back at my place.", Jason said impatiently as he waited while wearing black shirt, black jeans, and a ski mask to protect his identity. But little did he know that the culprit is lurking beneath the sewers and peering from the storm drain in search for his new prey.

The Mutant
Mutants Grid

Last edited by EndZoner on February 7th 2012, 10:18 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
Registration date : 2011-12-07

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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by Forceaus February 6th 2012, 11:24 pm

John Capore was eating breakfast that morning when a story on the news caught his attention.It was another report about a brutal murder that occured.This one was just last night in the parking lot of a restaurant he and his father had often visited.It was only a few blocks from where they lived.In fact all the attacks were located in the nearby area.This was rather unnerving to John knowing that the killer was so close to him.
When the report was finished his father spoke about it."Crazy folks in this world."he said.John was sure he didn't mean to say it out loud.When his dad saw that john noticed he looked a little worried."Oh you heard."
John responded"Yeah."
His father told him"There are police officers scouring the area looking for suspects.The whole place in pretty much on lockdown.There's even a curfew that has been instated for everyone."
"Are they closing the school down?"John asked him rather eagerly.He didn't want to go today.Or any other to be honest.
"No but they do have additional security."John was crestfallen by that bit of news.
That day at school the subject of the murders was widely discussed.

That night came and John was looking out his window wondering if he might see the killer.He had his costume nearby just in case and was ready to sneak out if he did spot the killer.He wanted to put an end to all these sadistic killings tonight.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by EndZoner February 7th 2012, 7:56 am

The Mutant peer through the storm drain that he was in to find a suitable prey to feed on, but there were none in sight, but a black minivan that have beenparked for hours without anyone coming in or out. The Mutant concentrated hard to filter out as much sound possible but the minivan. "Do you think the killer might come back here?", said a male voice. "Well it never hurt to try.", said another male voice. "Well we don't have a choice, this is practically our only lead.", said a female voice. The Mutant growled in anger that his feeding ground have been compromise and must find a new substitute. The Mutant placed his hands on the walls of the sewers to feel the vibration of the closest and weakest food sorce he could find. It listened carefully, until he heard the single beating heart of a teenager and a man in a house a couple of blocks away from here. The Mutant grinned as he found his new prey and think of a way to kill them in a elaborate way. And when he found a way he grinned again as he picked up a sewer rat from right next to him and and began he movement through the sewers to the house.

Jason stayed perched on the building while using his danger sense to find anything thats has threatening intent. His danger sense kicked in as what ever it was that was considered dangerous is moving to a house a few blocks from here. "Aw, crap.", Jason said as he begin follow where his danger sense is leading him.

The Mutant arrives at the household of Forcewave and came out of a man hole within the alley close by. He moved swiftly through the street and around the house as fast as possible to avoid being seen until he reached the backdoor. He took out a paperclip and a dull knife to quietly picklock the door. When the door opensthe Mutant grin as he walked and closed and relocked the door from the inside. He walked quietly as he made his way upstair to the old man's room to eliminate any threat. When he's at the door of the father's room he tapped his fingers on the wall of the room to make sound like something is inside the walls and placed the sewer rat just outside of the door, and instantley ran and hide somewhere else so he could go in the room and kill the old man in his sleep.

Jason danger sense telling him that the danger is somewhere in the household of Forcewave. "Great, now I need to go warn them without sounding like an idiot.", Jason said angrily as he cannot just go up and knocked the door in the middle of the night and warned them. "I guess that I have to wait for a struggle to occure.", Jason said as he waited

Last edited by EndZoner on February 7th 2012, 6:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 185
Location : The End Zone
Age : 28
Job : It's a secret
Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
Registration date : 2011-12-07

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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by Forceaus February 7th 2012, 6:29 pm

John Capore had been sitting in his room by his window staring out into the night.He ducked out of view when a police car drove by before realizing nobody would be able to see him.He was getting tired and started thinking of going to bed when hethought he heard a noise.A possible disturbance of the serenity of the quiet night.He wasn't sure what the noise was but he knew he didn't like the sound of it.
He was looking intently out the window for any sign of movement when mere moments later he heard another noise.This time he was certain he heard something.It sounded like it came from downstairs.He knew it wasn't his father.He was in his room.John quietly made his way out of his room and headed downstairs looking for anything out of the ordinary.He couldn't find anything and started to think it was just a random noise when he heard something upstairs.John was worried.Could it be that the killer was in his house and had somehow snuck past him and made it's way upstairs.He made his way back to the staircase keeping track of his surroundings the entire way.When he reached the staircase he looked up at what was visible of the second floor.He didn't see anything.He slowly made his way upstairs.
John's father Scott had been lying in bed wide awake.He wasn't tired in the slightest.It usually took him awhile to get to sleep on any night.All the murders in the area had made it even harder for him to sleep.He suddenly heard a noise.A slight tapping sound.He wondered what made it.He knew it wasn't John nor was it any normal noise.He decided not to take any chances.He grabbed the pistol out of his nightstand drawer and slowly and quietly made his way to the door.He grabbed hold of the doorknob and turned it slowly then pushed open the door and looked out in the hallway.He then heard a scurrying sound and freaked out until he saw a rat running across the floor.He made his way to grab it when he saw movement by the staircase.He pointed his pistol towards it ready to fire until he saw that it was his son and lowered it."What are you doing out of bed?He asked him in a distressed manner
"I thought I heard a noise downstairs."John was rather distressed as well.He had just almost been shot by his own father after all.
"So you went to investigate?Why would you even think to do that?"His father asked him in disbelief
"Sorry."That was all John could think to say.He knew how worried his father was for his safety

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by EndZoner February 7th 2012, 6:53 pm

The Mutant continue to hide as the two prey in front of him talk to each other about being awake. The Mutant think of something to draw one of their attention away from each other. The Mutant picked up his paper clip and threw it over the stairs passed the two unnoticed. When the sound get one of their attention and leave to investigate, he will throw another paper clip into the room of the one that stayed and sneaked into the room of the one that investigated the sound down stair. When he noticed that the sewer rat that he brought has scurry over to him in his hiding place, he did instinctively what he has to do, he opened his mouth and his tongue snapped at the rat and ate it so fast that it didn't made any sound, and he waited for his prey to react to the sound.
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Location : The End Zone
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Job : It's a secret
Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
Registration date : 2011-12-07

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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by Forceaus February 7th 2012, 7:27 pm

"Sometimes I wonder about you John.You seem so reckless at times."His father told him in an exasperated manner.
"How is this reckless?"John asked his father rather defensively."It's not like I'm going outside where I'd be easy prey for anyone."He didn't particularly enjoy how his father was talking to him.
"Don't talk like that alright.It makes me think-"Suddenly he stopped talking.They had both heard a noise.It had occured by the staircase.They were only about 10 feet from the staircase.Neither could see anything."Did you just hear something?"
"Yeah."John replied to his father's inquiry.
"There is an awful lot of noises occuring here."His father stated.They were both thinking the same thing.That whoever was responsible for the string of brutal murders had made their way into their house.He quickly glanced behind himself to make sure nobody was there."Stand up against the wall and keep an eye out."He told his son before walking over to the staircase with his pistol in hand looking for any sign of an intruder.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by EndZoner February 7th 2012, 7:50 pm

The Mutant watches as the man walked slow and cautiously down the stairs, and when the man has disappear from the Mutants sight, he took out another paperclip and threw it in John's room. When he was distracted the Mutant quickly ran past Force but accidentally bump into the side of the door, which alerted the two men.
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Job : It's a secret
Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
Registration date : 2011-12-07

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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by Forceaus February 7th 2012, 8:35 pm

Scott had made his way to the staircase.The last place where they had heard an unusual noise.He was looking downstairs checking for any sign of life.He was about to head down the stairs when they heard another noise.This time it came from John's room.
John quickly turned towards the direction of his room.He knew nothing had gotten by them and wondered how anything could've gotten from the staircase to his room without even the slightest detection.
Scott had turned his view from the staircase back to the hallway when he saw it.Something came out of the hallway closet.So something really was in their house.He pointed his pistol at it and shouted out"John look out."
John heard his father shout and turned around to see why.He was looking upon what had entered their home.He saw the face of the intruder and knew it wasn't human.So this was what was responsible for all those recent brutal murders.He quickly ran into his room to get out of the way
As soon as John made it into his room he fired at the creature.John also fired an attack at it so that it would hit the thing at the same time and place as the bullet.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by EndZoner February 7th 2012, 8:47 pm

The Mutant bared his teeth and hissed at them and easily dodged both the bullet and the attack. The Mutant than charged at Scott at the stairs to kill him and his son later.

Jason was about to leave, believing that his danger sense was a false alarm, when he heard a gunshot and a crash in the house and his danger sense is kicking in. "About time.", Jason said as he ran along the roof top and jumped through a two story hallway window with his armor on to enter easily into the house which alerted his presence. Jason quickly ran through the halls and noticed John, "Don't just stand there, call the cops!", Jason yelled at John.
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Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by Forceaus February 7th 2012, 9:20 pm

Scott watched as the creature somehow dodged the bullet he had fired with apparent ease.How could anybody do such a thing?He then saw it's face for the first time and saw that this was not any person of any kind.It charged directly at him.Scott dodged out of the way.John fired another attack at it and sent it flying down the stairs.
Suddenly something came crashing through the hallway window.John looked towards it and saw a person had come crashing through it and was running down the hallway towards them.John recognized him as Retaliate whom he had worked alongside in the preventing of a bank robbery slash hostage situation.This was the first time he had thought back to that day.He had been trying not to think about it considering what he had witnessed.
"It went flying down the stairs."John yelled to Retaliate.At least there was someone who could take care of that thing so that John's abilities could be kept secret from his father.He wondered how much crazier this night could get.

Mega Poster!
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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by EndZoner February 7th 2012, 9:37 pm

Jason looked at John for a moment and turned his attention to the downstairs living room and began running there, "I suggest you call the cops and get out of here.", Jason said as he passed Scott. Jason than jumped down the stairs as the Mutant had gotten up from the attack, "I think that you won't go down easy.", Jason said as he took a stance. "I'm not leaving until I get my meal!", the Mutant yelled as he rolled back his head and stick his spiked tongue with large movements of it, while hissing loudly, and when he's done he charged at Scott again. "Hey, wait!", Jason yelled as he tried to catch him, but was too fast.
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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by Forceaus February 7th 2012, 9:50 pm

John watched as Retaliate ran down the hallway and then down the stairs.He then called out to his father."Dad let him deal with that thing.We should get to safety."Scott looked towards John for a second then looked back down the stairs.He then saw that the creature was running back up the stairs towards him.He fired off another shot at it then dashed down the hallway away from it."In here John."He and John both ran into Scott's room and locked the door.Scott stood ready with the pistol pointed at the door just in case.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by EndZoner February 7th 2012, 10:06 pm

The bullet missed the Mutant but scared him enough hesitate, which gave Scott and John the time to hide in his room. "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!", the Mutant sadistically yelled as he easily ripped the door of its hinges, "This time, no boiling pot of water!", the Mutant yelled as Scott was about to fire. "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!", Jason yelled as he grabbed the Mutant from behind and threw him back down the stairs. "Than I'll ripped your house down!", the Mutant yelled with his tongue sticking out from the side as he charged back up the stairs again. "Not if I ripped down first!", Jason yelled as he enlarged his fist to the sized of twice the thickness of a bowling and slammed it on the stairs, destroying the footings and entrance for the Mutant, "Okay, that'll give us some time.", Jason said he returned to John and Scott, "You guys, okay?", Jason asked.
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Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by superguy1 February 7th 2012, 10:20 pm

Alien was nearing another one of the big human cities. He didn't know which one because to him they where all the same. He was looking for more parts for his homing beacon. He was in Seattle though he didn't know. He saw the space needle and decided to have fun. He struck it with an orb of energy and the red light on the top fell into his arms. He took it to the ground where people screamed when they saw him. Saw a commotion inside a building. It appeared to be a fight. Alien loved fights. He wanted in.




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It's Dinner Time  (OPEN) Empty Re: It's Dinner Time (OPEN)

Post by Forceaus February 7th 2012, 10:32 pm

John and Scott were hiding in Scott's room when suddenly the creature ripped the door off it's hinges.Scott immediately fired at it again.Suddenly the guy who had came crashing through the window grabbed the creature from behind and threw it down the stairs.Scott looked from around the edge of the door frame while John in the room.He was on the phone calling the police.Scott watched as Retaliate smashed the staircase so as to prevent the creature from getting back up to the 2nd floor.The guy then walked back over to them and asked if they were ok."Yeah we're ok.Do you think you can deal with that thing."He asked Retaliate rather calmly considering how perilous the situation was.John was talking to the 911 operator on the phone."Yes that's right.The guy responsible for all the murders is in our house and it's not human."John addressed his father and retaliate."They say they're on the way here now."

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
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