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Spade Empty Spade

Post by superguy1 February 26th 2018, 7:54 pm

Andre Spade

"CEO, Superhero, genius, billionaire...all before 30"

The Bio

Real Name: Andre Spade
Hero Name: Spade
Title: Chicago's Little Einstein, The Wonderkid
Alignment: Neutral Good  
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: African American
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'2
Weight: 182
Blood type: A-

The Looks

Andre pictured on the day of SpadeCharge's first commercial sale:

The Personality

Highly intelligent and logical, though can be fairly arrogant at times. No stranger to wise-cracking and jokes, but is serious when the situation calls on it. Skeptic of all things he, or science, can’t explain. He tends to react more violently/aggressively towards villains who remind him of the man behind the New York Assault, who tend to actually be similar to him in terms of intellect. Doesn’t take kindly to dictator-types/ the supreme leader wannabes.

The Story

Born to Gloria and Donald Spade, Andre grew up on the South Side of Chicago. The middle of 3 children, he never quite fit in with the rest of his siblings, and from a young age it was clear that he was destined for something more. By his 3rd birthday, Andre was reading at writing at a 12th grade level, and was more than capable of carrying conversations with any adult, occasionally going so far as to outwit them, which was often the case with his own parents.

By the age of 10, Andre was graduating high school having already surpassed even the most advanced of his much older classmates, often times finding himself having to correct his teachers or identify mistaken/outdated information in the books. As Andre continued to impress, word of the young genius from the South Side began to spread, and people were taking notice. Soon the Spade’s were being visited daily by men in suits from various universities. MIT, Princeton, Harvard, etc, it seemed that every college from Chicago to China wanted to be the school of choice for “Chicago’s Little Einstein”. Many still doubted him though, seeing him as a fad, assuming that his intelligence was greatly overstated for notoriety. But he soon began to lay those doubts to rest.

By the age of 15 it became clear that Andre had a mind the likes of which had never been seen before. He was breaking ground in the fields of medicine, technology, and politics, the likes of which had never been seen before. He was transcended from local legend status to international sensation. His earliest and most notable success was undoubtedly his response to a Wolf News anchor, who’d argued that multiculturalism was a cancer to society and that Andre Spade was a liberal hoax. Andre responded by debating and dismantling the anchor on air, all while planning a series of programs that would raise the literacy rates in impoverished areas, and curing actual cancer. It had been done. The world was over taken with Spade Fever, and it wasn’t going back.

Over the next few years Andre would make many more inventions and discoveries, arguably advancing humanity in the process. His most commercially successful invention was the SpadeCharge, a never before seen type of battery that was capable of powering the city of New York for decades single handedly. Andre got the copyright, and was quickly one of the richest men alive. Though he limited the use, as he felt like that much power could be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands, the SpadeCharge did manage to change the world for the better, and the name Andre Spade became a household name everywhere.  

Things only became more interesting for Andre after his abilities continued to develop, as he soon learned he had the ability to control and communicate with technology. This ability allowed him to continue making great strides in the world of technology, and officially classified him as “Superhuman”.

By age 22, Andre had founded Spade Technologies, which quickly became the 10th most profitable company in history, leading Andre to become the 3rd richest man alive. In any other time his work would’ve led to an era of good feelings around the world, but unfortunately for everyone, the New York Assault took place. This event would shake everyone, including Andre, who would lose a cousin in the event, to their core. Inspired by the sacrifices of heroes who’d lost their lives, and motivated by the sheer boredom and lack of motivation he was feeling as a side effect of his superhuman intelligence and success, Andre would begin focusing on the development of tools that would allow him to be a hero. Using his superhuman intelligence, massive wealth, and drive to do good, he would fight evil as himself. Andre Spade, the young, billionaire, genius, superhero.

The Priority

1. Agility: 2
2. Endurance: 4
3. Reaction: 1
4. Strength: 3

The Powers

Power 1: Super-Human Intelligence: Andre possess a level of intelligence most can't understand. He can run several advanced calculations in his head simultaneously, and is capable of thinking as many thoughts or developing as many ideas as he wants. For example, Andre can create detailed plans on building the first reusable rocket ship, while proofreading Einstein's theory of relativity, while planning a takeover of his rival tech companies, while fighting some super-villain. He's knowledgeable in most things. He's an expert in most anything from human psychology and micro-facial expressions to rocketry. Simply put, he's a genius.

Power 2: Rapid Learning: On the very rare occasion that Andre is confronted by something he's doesn't know about, he quickly becomes extremely knowledgeable about it, due to having a super-human brain, that picks up on the most minute details, and connect them in order to develop an understanding of it.

Power 3: Technopathy: Andre can understand and "communicate" in the language of machines, which allows him to control technology at its base level. This also allows him to call his suits to him wherever he is, although suits like the Tanker or Fin must be transported by jet.

Power 4: Technological Intuitive : Andre has the ability to build anything he can imagine, depending on what he's got access to.

Power 5: Super-Human Memory: Andre remembers things from birth, and has a photographic memory that allows him to recall any and every detail of anything he's ever seen or done.

The Weaknesses

Weakness 1: Spreading the Mind too Thin: While he has the ability to think about as many things at a time as he likes, the more he tries to do, the less effective it well be. For example, if he's building a suit and focuses solely on that then the suit will be nearly perfect. If he does that while giving brain power to do other things, the quality will be hurt. Learning is distracting: On that rare occasion, when he finds himself not knowing something, completely understanding that thing becomes his sole focus, distracting him, and canceling out his incredible multi-tasking/processing power.

Weakness 2: Can't control them all: Andre's ability to control technology doesn't work against things that can think advanced thoughts for themselves. Androids, cyborgs, etc. He can still understand, communicate, and read them.

Weakness 3: Can't build without the proper tools: While he could create the proper schematics for anything he can imagine, he can only create it with the proper tools, which don't come cheap. He may be able to build a death ray...but he'll need about $300,000,000 to do so..

Weakness 4: Can't Forget: This isn't always a good thing, because many of his most painful experiences are etched into his mind. Permanent and in the greatest of details, which is why he has some amount of PTSD and can at times shut down.

Weakness 5: Too selfless: Will often put himself in danger, even if it's illogical, in order to save someone who needs saving.

Weakness 6: Too persistent: Occasionally has difficulty giving up on things, which can lead to him being ineffective in battle or unwilling to give up, despite it being illogical. Can find himself involved in fights he can't win out of sheer persistence.

Weakness 7: Physical Weakness: Outside of his suits Andre is physically no different than any other average human. When fighting super humans that can be an issue, as if his suit is ever destroyed or he's removed from it, he'll be completely vulnerable.

Weakness 8: Asthmatic. Spade has asthma, which the suits help manage, but if he's not within it and he has an attack it can be deadly.

The Items

The Items are what allow him to fight crime.

SpadeTech Software: All of Andre’s devices run on SpadeOS, a hyper-advanced operating system that only he has access to. This software includes.

Predictive Programming: An advanced prediction software that uses pattern recognition as well as date collection to make very accurate predictions.

Counter-Hack Protocol: A protocol to defend against hacking, that essentially destroys the network and device of anyone attempting to infiltrate the SpadeOS.

Spade Network Accessor: Can access any and all networks, allowing the user to utilize satellite, GPS, criminal records, etc at any time, no matter what the protections are. (this obviously won’t work on user made things without permission)

Evolving Programming: The SpadeOS doesn’t need to be manually updated by Andre, though it can be, as it is able to identify weak points in it’s own programming and improve upon it.

Video/Audio communication: Can communicate with any device that is capable of receiving audio or video communications.

Spade Automated Manager (S.A.M.): S.A.M. is the virtual assistant of Andre. It sounds like an Australian woman, and is patched into all of his Spade devices.

Holographic and Audio display: The Spade suits, with the exception of the Fin, can all display holographs from their hands, and are built with miniscule speakers capable of reaching 85 decibels.


Hacking opens a backdoor: When actively hacking using the SpadeOS, it creates a temporary "backdoor" making it easier to hack.

Evolving takes time: When the SpadeOS begins to update itself, all other functions become temporarily unavailable.

SpadeSuit v1: The Knight
The Knight:

This is Andre’s all-around suit. It can fly at speeds up to Mach 1, and is able to lift a maximum of 20 tons. The suit is stored in a chest plate that Andre wears under his clothes, and while it seems very compact, the entire suit fits within. It’s got a decent array of offensive capabilities, with a series of shoulder mounted miniature missiles, a chest blaster that shoots a blast of photon particles similar to a “laser beam”, a wrist mounted machine gun on his left arm, and a photon “sword” that forms from his right arm, capable of cutting through steel.  The visor of the suit projects video, and is constantly delivering information to Andre, in order to help him with whatever he needs. The suit is capable of displaying holographic projections from its hands, and is equipped with miniscule speakers that can project sound up to 85 decibels. The suit filters the oxygen molecules out of the atmosphere, making Andre immune to breathable poisons when he’s wearing it. The suit is 6'10 and weights a little over a ton. The Knight is the second most durable suit, capable of taking some military fire, but sustaining a lot of damage in the process.

Weaknesses: The suit is far from indestructible, and when damaged it costs Andre a LOT of money and time to repair it. The Knight is not at all built for the water, and being submerged for longer than 15 minutes could prove catastrophic.

Spade v2: The Bird

The Bird front:
The Bird back:

This suit specializes in flight and speed. It can fly at speeds pushing Mach 2. The suit is equipped with miniature missiles in it’s back  that could take out something the size of a car, and a sonic shriek that emits from the face.  Andre’s strength  is slightly increased, but not tremendously.  The suit is also made of a type of thermal "exoskin" to handle extreme cold. The suit is also built with the SpadeOS built in, and the same capabilities of The Knight (hologram projection, video/audio communications, sound systems, and air filtration), but lacks the offensive and defensive power. The Bird is the 2nd to least durable suit, capable of taking fire from automatic weapons, but would sustain some damage.

Weakness: The suit cannot take heavy damage, and is rather fragile compared to the others. If also, cannot be submerged in water, as the wings will be unable to function and Andre would possibly sink due to the weight. Takes a maximum of 30 minutes for the SpadeJet to deliver this suit to him.

Spade v3: The Fin
Spade Fin:

This suit is completely built for the water. It’s built with a system that creates various toxins and poisons of various strengths and abilities that can be delivered through its “claws”. It’s as fast under water as the Wing is in the air, and can sustain the pressure at even the lowest depths of the ocean.  The Fin is also equipped with a high powered light, capable of illuminating even the darkest areas. It's fitted with an "exoskin" like the Falcon to handle the coldest depths, and deliver physical alerts when something is near. The exoskin is of a similar feel to that of a scuba suit, but has a high-powered exoskeleton inside to grant Andre increased speed and strength underwater.  The suit filters the oxygen form the water into breathable air for the wearer, and is also fitted with an echolocation system, which allows it to completely map out an area regardless of sight. The fins on the suit make it better for speed, and also function as blades for combat if needed. While The Fin is difficult to pierce, it's by far the least durable suit.

Weakness: The Spade Fin is USELESS on land. It'd be little more than a handicap, and it's offensive capabilities are lacking. Sense the suit features fins/tail rather than legs, that too can be limiting at times, and it can't handle heat well. Takes a maximum of 30 minutes for the SpadeJet to deliver this suit to him. Despite being run on SpadeOS, the suit lacks the holographic and audio capabilities of the other suits, though it still has video and audio comms.

Spade v4: The Tanker
The Tanker:
This suit is the big one. In situations where Andre may find himself against heavy and strong opponents that he can't just speed blitz he brings out this suit. While it can't fly, it is able to compact itself into a tank-like vehicle. In its tank form it can move at speeds up to 150 mph, and is capable at running at speeds over 200 mph. it is equipped with a large machine gun, that shoots either regular or explosive rounds that are about the size of an apple, as well as two mini cannons in the shoulder that fire concussive grenades, and a chest blaster that is essentially a larger version of the one on the v1. It's capable of being dropped from a plane, without sustaining much damage, or disturbing the wearer. It's also incredibly strong, allowing the wearer to lift over 300 tons with minimal strain. It has the same audio, video, and comms systems as the Wing and Knight. The Tanker stands at 11 feet tall, and weighs 15 tons. The Tanker is by far the most durable of the suits, capable of taking heavy duty military artillery and withstanding it.

Weakness: The Tanker is significantly slower than any of Spade’s other suits, and has a lot more limitations on it’s movement.  Due to its large size and density, it could survive being submerged in water, but would sink, and wouldn't be able to get itself out without assistance. This suit would take a little over an hour to be summoned, as it’s brought by way of Spade’s own military chopper, which can be detrimental in an emergency.

The Minions

Miniature drones that Spade can deploy from his Knight, Wing, and Tanker suits. They send video and audio feed, and are armed with small scale fire arms, as well as a self destruct feature. He can store 2 in his Knight, 5 in his tanker, and 1 in the Wing.

Weakness: Aren't completely silent, and  tend to demonstrate "personalities" so they may act in a way that's not ideal at times.

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Last edited by superguy1 on February 27th 2018, 11:16 am; edited 6 times in total




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Spade Empty Re: Spade

Post by Chellizard February 26th 2018, 9:01 pm

Some of your hacking tools need weaknesses for them, or additional character weaknesses.

Three of your weaknesses are about distraction.

Combine them into one and add 2 more to balance your sheet.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Spade Empty Re: Spade

Post by superguy1 February 26th 2018, 9:16 pm

Edited Smile




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Spade Empty Re: Spade

Post by Chellizard February 26th 2018, 9:23 pm

Do the suits give you more added benefits like strength and durability while in them?

If so, add two more weaknesses to your character as a whole, and do not make them mental based weaknesses.

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Spade Empty Re: Spade

Post by superguy1 February 26th 2018, 9:37 pm

Does the last one count as a mental based weakness? It has physical effects, though it does stem from the mind.




Carl Gator:
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Spade Empty Re: Spade

Post by superguy1 February 28th 2018, 2:01 pm





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Spade Empty Re: Spade

Post by Chellizard March 2nd 2018, 12:40 pm

Approved and moved.

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Spade Empty Re: Spade

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