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The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane)

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The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) Empty The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane)

Post by Alpha December 9th 2011, 6:18 pm

11 months earlier

The room was veiled in a shadow that cast over her very soul. The only light was runic symbols that filled the room, and gave off sickly light. Elenas heart beat like a drum, against the very cage of her chest as she let the very primal power flow through her. As if the weight of the world was on her shoulders, and any second it would come crashing down. Down to lower her to the insignifigant human that she was. That was the feeling of controlling the making of life, the domain of the gods. Yet Elena trampled upon what was sacred daily. So that was nothing new in the slightest. Call it what you will. Whether it be arrogance, or hubris, she did as she saw fit. Someone had to do it. Why not her? Besides with her was her most beloved apprentice, one who would eventually take her place.

He still had a long time till then, though she had no intention of leaving him old, and empty handed. he would learn her little trick of immortality soon enough."I suggest you step back a little Aaron, this will get messy." She warned with glazed over eyes. With a nod, the young blond stepped back as she began the long ritual. It would drain her some to make such a powerful being, but all too worth it. Oh, how worth it would be once her enemies saw their last glimpse of the one who killed them. A being made by the powerful Elena Marie. With a deep, almost gutteral tone she began the long chant. Repeating upon itself as she went on, almost dreamily singing as light flooded the room.

It went on for what seemed like days as she stayed perfectly still, chanting the words each laced with great power. Spilling forth like water from a broken dam out her lips. As if she couldn't stop if she wanted to. it was painful as the strain came upon her, though she only went on with the faint hope this was her perect weapon. Ancient magic wafted to her nostrils, its very power over whelming her being yet she kept talking in a dreamy way. A vial fell into her hand with a silent clatter, as it was grabbed by a tendril of pure light, puilling it into a cirlce of runes. A dark red substance sloshing about as it was lead to the very center.

Next a line was cut along her palm as blood flowed freely. Stopping mid drop to join the vial as they glowed a bright green that blinded all but Elena. More powerful chants followed the act as she brought a small knife along her palm, and began to slowly bleed from her palm. The blood broke the vial as it mingled with her own life fluid. Mixing with the ancient magic, and expanding into a humanoid form. It was done.

"It's done." Elena smirke as she swooned, falling back. Caught in the arms of her apprentice who lead her to a chair, as she sat down with a steel sharp look. Waiting for the new life to speak, demanding for clothes to be brought to him. Not noticing that she was slowly bleeding, though a bandage was already being applied.

Present day

That was the memory that was formost on her mind as she stepped down from her black limo. Her "son" in tow as she walked down along the side walk. Today she was expecting a simple buisness meeting, though who knew what would happen at one of these events? So having someone powerful in hand would be helpful. The office complex came into view, with a smiling secretary at the desk. Her smiling lips covered in pink lipstick that seemed very annoying."i'm Mister Hales 11:00 appointment." She said simply as the woman noded, speaking into a speaker.

"He was expecting you Miss Marie, go on in." Elena nodded, and walked on in to the conference room, a young man with blonde hair looking at her with a smirk.

"It's good to see you Elena. it's been so long."

The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) Empty Re: The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane)

Post by Bane December 9th 2011, 6:32 pm

Her 'son', who also happened to be Chaos's 'son' at the same time, walked behind her with a grin on his face as he slicked his black hair back and looked around with his mismatched eyes. He was holding his mother's right hand like a child as he made childish faces at the people they passed by as he giggled like a little boy. He bounced his head up and down to a non-existent beat, tapping his left bicep with his right finger, the topless assassin's chiseled form out for all to see. As they walked through the street and into the building, he turned to his Momma and spoke up. "Momma, I hope that when we get to the person, it doesn't turn into one of those 'Our Princess is in another castle' moments. That would be about as frustrating as Level Grinding for a couple of hours only to find the Final Boss leveled up as well" he said to her in a loving and childlike manner as he gave her a child-like awe expression that most children got when they looked at something they found completely amazing as he spoke in his video game lingo that Elena usually didn't know that much about.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) Empty Re: The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane)

Post by Alpha December 9th 2011, 6:48 pm

Elena smirked as he babbled on. It was like she had her own wonderful child, and she wanted to make sure he didn't get taken away from her. True he wasn't born of her womb, he was still of her blood, and that was enough." This won't be a waste I assure you young one." She said in a tone of motherly warmth that had formed over time. "Its been a while Aaron. So what brings you to calling me here? Is it the famous errand work you tend to give out to even me?" An eyebrow raised as she let out a gruff sigh.

"Its something to that accord" he slid a packet to her."Someone has been targeting Sean, though I can't give you too much info, I may have enough."

She swore silently as her eyes scanned over the files."I understand, is there anything else."

"Yeah, Theresa is back out in the open." Well now she was in trouble.

The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) Empty Re: The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane)

Post by Bane December 9th 2011, 7:02 pm

He gave her a childish grin as they finally got up to the office and his Momma and the man who's name was unimportant because he was an NPC, started conversing. He wandered away as he looked at things around the conference area and started poking and licking things just like a little child would do as he listened to the two converse. When he heard that his 'big brother' Sean was going to get targeted, he spoke up. "You mean he always knows where Sean is? This is why you should get an internets connection, it's so you can avoid those damn screen-peakers!" he shouted out to no one in general as he started amusing himself by repeatedly turning the conference room TV on and off. It always pissed him off when some newb screen-peaked, almost as much as when they spammed the rocket launcher.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) Empty Re: The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane)

Post by Alpha December 10th 2011, 11:56 am

From whats he knew it was the work of a dangerous cult, who worshiped some sort of an ancient race. Well that was boring, except that what they worshiped could destroy the world. Damn dragons, and their never staying truly dead. Well they would be easy enough to kill with Bane at her side, unless they got stronger. Elena had a hell of a time killing the last one she fought, though it breathed fire. Most of them didn't do that anyway. Only the really special ones got to breathe anything besides rank bad breath."Thank you for this info, i'l be sure to keep in touch." She turned around."Come on Bane, we have...questing to do." She smirked walking out of the conference room, back to a limo waiting for them.It would take them to her next destination.

It was in another part of the city, an abandoned warehouse, though she knew it was retrofitted for more than just that. This would be the perfect challenge for Bane, since he hasn't seen combat with an otherworldy foe yet, though now was as good of a chance as any. Though fi course the door was locked, as if that was any better for them. "Could you be a dear, and knock this door down" she asked with her motherly tone filled with affection.

The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) Empty Re: The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane)

Post by Bane December 10th 2011, 12:14 pm

Bane stopped his fiddling with the remote when his mother told him they had an assignment. "Sweet, Quest time baby. Hope it's as awesome as accomplishing the Dark Brotherhood's quests and getting the Extra Loot for accomplishing the bonuses, only without becoming a total suckage vampire because that slows the gametime down" he said as he followed his Momma and creator out as he practically shook with hyperactivity. As they got into the limo, he politely held the door open for his mother and slid in after her. As the limo started to move, he amused himself by playing with the window button to repeatedly open and close it, a bubbly, childlike grin coming to his face as he repeatedly pressed the button, making the sounds the window made as it opened and close with his mouth all the while. They arrived at their destination and got out, leading to an abandoned warehouse. He examined it and made an off-handed comment. "What is this, an 8-Bit Comicbook Adventure Game? So cliche to use an abandoned warehouse as an HQ. Try something more new-age, like an old news building or an apartment complex. like in SWAT 4. Oldfags need to convert" he babbled on nonsensically on his video game lingo as his Momma asked him to knock the door down. He nodded his head rapidly like a hyperactive, obedient child as he punched the door so hard it shattered into many pieces. "WOLVERINES" he shouted as he ran through the door.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 95
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) Empty Re: The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane)

Post by Alpha December 10th 2011, 12:26 pm

The doors fell like matchsticks as her pride kicked them in with power. This would all be too easy, though what met her was disappointing. There was absoutly nothing there to greet her. Well thats whats he thought till she heard a roar with barely any time to react as the claws came an inch form her face. A serpentine creature making a pass for her face, close but she managed to dodge in the last second. With a flap of wings, it went back to the rafters, crouching while it waited for another opening. So this was what she was waiting for. If she were Bane, this would be like a random encounter."Bane, I want you to help me kill that thing." She said glaring up into the shadows of the warehouse, hoping it couldn't breath fire. Since that always made it harder to deal with.


The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane) Empty Re: The repercussions of making life(Closed to Bane)

Post by Bane December 10th 2011, 12:39 pm

Bane scowled in an annoyed manner as he looked up at the beast. "Damn, a random encounter. I thought I turned that off. Oh well, it's time for me to enter Command and select the appropriate Technique" he said as he got into a fighting stance and launched himself at the beast. He went for a powerful spinning hammer strike, sacrificing some MP for one of the his Basic, Early Level attacks. He was going to get serious and ensure that A Winner Is Him and faced off in a battle of manly man VS beastly beast. Who knows? Maybe then he'll Level Up so it can help him upgrade his Luck and his Mercantile Skills, since they are always the hardest to level up.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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