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Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed)

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Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed) Empty Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed)

Post by Shadowoof July 22nd 2021, 12:23 pm

Despite being new to all of this magic stuff, Penny was taking full advantage of all it had to offer. Didn't stop her from being thrown off every few minutes. The loft Lily had allowed the young woman to sleep in didn't look out of place, but it seemed out of place. The building itself wasn't that big and yet this room, and many, many more were fitted inside of it. In places that didn't make the most sense. "Remind me to never anger that woman." Penny murmured, smoothing out the flair of hair that remained. Adam had done a number on her hair. What was once long and voluminous was now braided and short. So short. Penny couldn't remember the last time it had been so short. "And yet it looks so good I wanna squeal every time I see it."

I still detest your actions. Allowing that thing to be so near with a blade. The sword hissed, but Penny mocked his worry, matching his words with her lips. Knife. Fangs, claws. That vampire could have torn you apart in a moment. The sword corrected itself. Yes, she had little to worry about a knife when it came to Adam. But then, she didn't really have much to worry about with the vampire anyway.

"I understand you have a goal, and that your entire existence revolves around killing all things supernatural. But you realize how impossible a mission that is right? You're gonna have to let Adam and Lily go dude... And they might not be the only ones. I doubt I'll be killing demons and vampires when I hit sixty." Penny sighed, forehead pressed against the mirror. The sword was giving her a migraine with each sour word that left whatever horrid place it resided within her.

Wait till the vampire grows hungry. Wait till the witch grows bored with you, or you anger it. Just see how their good will falls apart because they have power where you have nothing. And know it will only be because of me you live... And as long as you live, we will hunt forever. The sword warned, its words foreboding to say the least. Shaking her head, she rubbed her eyes and huffed at the dark bags that haunted them. One good rest wasn't going to make up for several days of bad, but it was at least a start. Pulling a undershirt on, Penny pulled the mithril chain shirt on and followed with a third shirt. The sword was quiet now. Good.

Finding her way through the maze of a home that made no sense, the girl made it back downstairs with a yawn, unsure of what exactly the time was. How long had she slept anyway? After that shower and haircut, the girl had slept like the dead. "Hey hey! I'm up and ready for action!" The girl called with a cheerful tone, trying to put forwards a braver face then she felt.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed) Empty Re: Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed)

Post by Adam Johnson July 22nd 2021, 8:33 pm

Adam always felt safe at Lily’s shop.

There were many rooms, each a small full apartment to itself despite the small appearance of the exterior building itself. Some were meant for more mundane occupants and others for people like him who couldn’t withstand the kiss of the sun. These rooms were lit by tinted windows, and this one looked more like a section of a library than anything else. Walls lined with bookshelves that reached to the ceiling, with a small, padded hammock that hung from the corner. Nestled in this hammock, Adam slowly rose from his sleep as the sun set below the horizon. He was curled in a small ball, blanket draped over him and feeling soft and warm against his cool skin.

The first scent to hit his nostrils was the scent of yellowed paper and cinnamon, the incense candles he knew were burning in hidden alcoves all around the room. White light shone across his face, a mildly painful light that made his eyes water. Set against the screen was a preview of a text message. Nothing that meant much to him right now, mind coming to be able to form thoughts not that he wasn’t caught in the web of sleep.

Rising from his sleep, Adam moved through the room until he came across where his dresser was. Picking out jeans and a red and green flannel over simple white under shirt. He knew walking around in only his underwear wasn’t something he should do in Lily’s shop. Not that it had many customers. Some questioned how she even kept the place open, though he just assumed she just cast spells for those who had enough to pay for them.

As he woke he felt that faint twinge of hunger that came a day after feeding. Something he could ignore really, that didn’t keep him from pulling one of the bags of black liquid from a small fridge in the corner. The texture was thick like ink, comparable to black licorice but there was a bitter sweetness that lead to him swallowing it all down in half a minute. Followed by a short shower and then stepping down to the lower shop where he heard the sound of a female voice calling out through as well. ”Morning everyone,” Adam said, his voice still sounding groggy from waking up recently.

”It’s nighttime dad. Don’t think you’ve woken up in the actual morning in centuries,” Lily quipped, spinning a plastic fork in a mass of spaghetti piled with red sauce and a meatballs. ”So what kind of action would that be chica? Looking to do a bit of monster hunting tonight?” She questioned, looking to Penny with a mildly curious expression. Black hair set into a braid along and over her shoulder. ”That demon sword telling you to do things?” She questioned, watching Adam move around the shop until he settled into a chair and just watched the two of them. One thing Penny might have noticed that was different about the vampire was that his oak brown hair was now long enough to reach the mid point of his neck, covering ears and ruffling with each movement of his head.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed) Empty Re: Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed)

Post by Shadowoof July 27th 2021, 10:09 am

"Morning!" Penny saluted Adam, giving him a cheeky smile, before turning her attention to Lily. "Looking radiant as ever Lil..." She smiled, trying to lighten the mood when the magical woman mentioned the sword and orders, but she felt as if Lily wouldn't stand for a compliment alone.

Finding her own seat, she leaned back on it, balancing the back legs. "And I mean. The sword is always telling me things to do. But no. This is me. Those vampires that attacked me. Sure it allowed me to meet you and Adam... But they're not gonna stop just because you gave them a little scare Adam. Hell, I bet the one without a head got picked up by his friends after we left. We should find where they're hiding and clear them out. Beside, pretty sure what's the name you said. Osiris? Would be happy with that." Penny explained. Oh yes. This was her choice. Even the sword was silent with surprise, and perhaps even... Pride? Feeling the emotions of the blade from time to time was normally never nice... But this feeling was almost heavenly. Like a reward.

She leaned forwards to avoid falling backwards, clapping her hands together. "So? What do you think? I know they're fast... But I mean jets move at mach one and we see them all the time. Vampires are smaller and closer so it can feel faster... But I reckon if I watch you move fast Adam, I can pick up on it. I have a few ideas actually. Honestly. I want to do this. Hunt monsters and all that. The bad ones of course." Penny spoke quickly, like an excited student that wanted to convince those around them that she belonged here. It wasn't far away from the truth. She was just a normal girl with a heavy sword. But she wanted to be so much more then that and she wanted to prove it.

She had so much energy she was in constant motion, twitching with nerves. She'd do it alone anyway, and maybe that wouldn't be her own choice, so she hoped Adam was in agreement. Lily being approving wouldn't be so bad either.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed) Empty Re: Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed)

Post by Adam Johnson September 3rd 2021, 3:54 am

”Those vampires must’ve pissed you off then,” Lily mused, though Adam couldn’t tell what was going on behind her inscrutable expression. Was she worried about what the weapon might want from the girl? Demonic weapons tended to want more than what they said, or that was what Adam had learned from his few interactions with items like that. Not that he tended to mess with things that were dangerous to him. ”be careful then. Even weak vampires are dangerous to humans and I wouldn’t want to see such a pretty girl like yourself get hurt,”

He gave her a strange look, possibly perplexed or just judging her for the small flirtatious comment. ”Osiris wants to keep the masquerade our kind has up. For the sake of us and humanity, so he would love to see troublemakers brought into line. Killed if they won’t listen to reason, I guess. ” Adam shrugged, listening to her logic out how she might be able to fight vampires. Not that he was sure comparing their speed to jets would have been right.

”Sounds like you want dad help learning to kill his kind. A little morbid if you ask me but I like it,” Lily noted, slurping down another large wad of pasta. ”though you might find vampires are a little tricker than watching a jet,” She added, smirking now at the likely mental image.

”I suppose I might be able to do something about that. Though I’m stronger than the average vampire, by a pretty wide margin too,” It felt like stepping forward but to her he imagined it was like he was in one place and then across the room. Not even a blur, teleportation almost.  ”if you can learn to keep up with me, those vampires you encountered earlier would be way easier. Aside from the strength they have of course. It won’t help you entirely with things like werewolves and dragons, though you need to start somewhere,” he ran his fingers through his hair, lips turning into a perplexed frown.

”Need help with that?’ Lily questioned, looking almost smug.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed) Empty Re: Fixing a vampiric mistake. (Closed)

Post by Shadowoof September 3rd 2021, 5:00 am

"Ah, personal bias. I had thought of that." Penny mused in return. She liked Lily. A ball of fun if anything else, and Penny wasn't to say no to any kind of compliment. "No need to worry. I've been told my charms peer through any kind of bruise that'd cover it." Penny smiled, but it was lighter then her prior one. Penny had the scars to prove she'd been in plenty of scraps and yet she was still this good looking.

Yet Adam and Lily had a way of making this moment heavier. She hadn't considered that. Asking a vampire how to kill vampires. Penny had been drunk on the kindness given to her by these two, that she hadn't really given it thought. But Adam's continued kindness made her leave that thought alone for a brief moment.

If just to remind her that she should be plenty scared of vampires. He'd been across from her the entire time she'd been down here. But it only took a moment, not a second or a breath, for him to be  practically right in her face. Her face showed her doubt. Could she actually handle that? Even a fraction of just that? Hush your thoughts wench. The human mind is far more capable then I wish to credit. You are not use to the speed, but you will understand it. You are part of me after all. The sword hissed, but she could feel that the sword itself was hesitant, as if understanding that it's host would have died had they been alone with those vampires from before.

She tried to shove the feelings not her own aside. "I should also really apologize. When I said... Clear them out. My first thought was to kill them. And I feel dirty realizing that only when you mentioned it as a last resort. The sword hates me for it... But I don't just want to kill vampires or werewolves or- Ha. Dragons willy nilly. Only the truly bad ones." Penny admitted. She felt sick just thinking about it. She wasn't a murderer.

You think that now. The voice warned, but she smiled and ignored it. "Oh! Lily do you like what he did with my hair? I kinda love it. Like a lot." Penny ran her fingers through the tuft of hair that stuck out, before trailing it along her braids.

"I suppose a good question to ask also is... Do you like, perceive the world at the speed your moving, or are you just moving really fast. Cause, if books and movies tell me anything. One means I have no chance, the other means I do." Penny asked, standing. If Adam perceived everything slowly, then what could Penny actually do to fight that? While she was swinging a sword she could barely swing, he could be doing push ups with enough time to get coffee before she finished.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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