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Toxic to the Soul.

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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shadowoof April 5th 2017, 5:10 am

Jake glared at the woman, watching as she got closer and closer, he had to admit, she was dangerous. Whiten a second she had turned them into children and while he still felt his strength was above average even at the child's age. He was still unsure of how strong he was, it was just too difficult to tell. Feeling Nathanial push at him, a weak one that did not compare to the punches that he delivered days ago, before hearing his footsteps, Jake could all so easily tell that Nathanial had nothing, if he did, he would not have run, his strength was greater then Jake's any-day. So why did he not have it now.

Backing away to get distance and to stay and Nathanial, Jake wasn't sure what to do, he could try running but this demoness was faster them him, jumping might not work the way he was use to now. Now, he ether had to fight back and hope this strange age reducing effect wore off or he had to hope somehow help came. If only he could call Samael, but he didn't think his phone would be a need for flying practice.

It was then a thought entered his mind, the red energy, it could scare the demoness away once, it could do so again. All he had to worry about were her nails, whatever strength she had and those nasty looking fangs she had showed off in there earlier encounter, death by blood drainage did not sound fun. But he also knew the damage it could cause, and with this younger body, he was less durable. So at best he could only show it off and hope it scared away the demoness once more.

"Back away now!" Jake called out to the woman, letting the red energy form over his right hand, but he felt it sap his strength away, tiring him. It was like the red energy required so much energy just to summon it.. he was not looking forward to using it if he was forced too.

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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shael Atterrius April 5th 2017, 5:36 pm

Nathaniel looked down over the edge of the building, seeing the rather steep drop that would likely break a few bones if he did try to jump. There had to be some way that he could get out of there. If it was a spell, then there had to be a duration to said spell. The demoness approached them with a deliberate pace, hands on her waist while giving the two children a once over. ”You look like a puppy trying to threaten a tiger.” She chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest as she stood a good five feet from Jake with those threatening eyes boring into him.

In the blink of the eye she stepped forward and slammed a foot into Jake’s chest, tossing him the edge of the building into what was a parked car below. That was of course when Nathaniel noticed that there was a dumpster below, him quickly jumping into the garbage that waited below. The air came to meet him, and then he collided with the various unwanted objects. The pain of the sudden stop was something that took away his breath for a moment, but nothing did feel broken.

”Ouch this hurts.” Nate whined, pulling himself out of the dumpster, and landing on the concrete with a sudden impact. ”Jaaaaake, where are you?” He said rubbing the large bruise forming on his forearm.
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shadowoof April 6th 2017, 12:36 am

Jake didn't move as the demoness closed in, no matter what she said or the way she looked at him, he kept still and calm, knowing any chance he had was if she attacked first and he struck back, of course that was if she wasn't too fast. He had seen fast people, instant, blurs. She was not like that but she was still fast. He didn't have the time to react as he felt a foot slam into his chest and did it hurt, He was certainly weaker then before and that was bad.

The kick had sent Jake back off the edge of the building, the red energy covering his hand vanished as he lost concentration and the next moment he felt metal crumple under-neigh him, at least that didn't hurt like the kick. Still durable, just not enough. Rolling off the roof of the car, Jake looked around and saw that Nate had the idea to get away form the demon, only she would not be too far behind. Breaking into a sprint, Jake heard Nate whine, another factor to pull into the fact he was... different. Jake for all his life had been stronger, but Nate was just... not. Why?

Getting close, Jake would go to grab Nathanial his, weight would be no problem and heft him up to easily carry him, for Jake was both strong and still big for his age. "Just stay quiet and let me focus." Jake said as firmly as he could, his voice felt so strange trying to be serious, but that did not stop him as he began to run, hoping he could get away before the demoness found them again.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shael Atterrius April 6th 2017, 4:46 am

Nathaniel let out a small yelp when he was suddenly grabbed, turning to the taller male with an expression that quickly calmed down. It wasn’t the demoness, which meant death wasn’t something that came for him now. Next thing he knew he was being carried by Jake, not that he would really complain about something like that. Instead he just wrapped his arms around him as best he could and held on with all his prepubescent might. ”Okay.” Was what he said in a low voice as the sound of someone impacting with the concrete behind them came, though Jake was already sprinting. He was moving quicker than Nate would have been able to in this diminished state, but that meant nothing when compared to a physically superior entity.

”We gotta run faster.” He said despite the fact that she had not instantly figured out where they had gone off to. Maybe the demon was expecting them to be unable to do any real running, or maybe she underestimated the half-angel’s abilities even at this age. It sounded like something an arrogant demon like that one would do. He would leave everything in Jake’s hands, considering he was the only one who could get them out of this.
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shadowoof April 6th 2017, 5:22 am

"I know but I..." Jake couldn't finish, didn't want to finish, they were both in danger and himself could be seen from a mile away, jumping, even if he could jump high would only give away his position, they needed a hiding spot... Turning into a street, Jake hugged the wall and scanned it, each building, for age, structure, size. They needed to get inside one of them, and hide till this age reversal turned off, staying this age again would be horrible and he did not need it.

Putting Nate down, Jake looked over the buildings again, not sure if they should split up or not, there were advantages to both, splitting up meant she could only chase one but if she went after Nate he would be defenseless. While if she went after himself, she would be quick in killing him, seeing as there last encounter she had wanted to keep the older nephilim. "Okay.. We need to hide running will only get us caught and hiding might give us enough time for whatever spell or curse she placed on us goes before she finds us..." Jake said before looking at him again, if they stuck together then they would be both caught and if she was quick, it would be over.. "Nate. Get inside a building, and hide.. I'll distract her." He made his choice, if he lasted long enough, Nate would get his powers back and kick the demoness ass. If he didn't... Well.

Running away from Nathanial, Jake ran into the open, hoping the demoness would see him first and give Nate enough time to get away. "Come on Demon... Come on.." Jake said, loudly, hoping to draw her attention, he also wanted to laugh a small bit, he had gone and sacrificed himself for Sam, now he was doing it for his brother. How the stars aligned for this, he was not sure, he just had to hope it went better then last time, with less broken bones.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shael Atterrius April 10th 2017, 10:52 pm

This had been the first time he was truly running from a demon, granted when he didn’t have powers Nate did not even bother with demons. Before it had been wielding the power of angels and smiting the evil things people called demons. Now he was running, so weak and powerless without a hope in the world. All at once Jake stopped and settled him down, Nate giving Jake this silently questioning look as if he didn’t understand what exactly the male was doing. That was of course when he began to explain why he was doing that, which came down to trying to think of a way they could wait out the course of the spell.

So Jake would run off from him, Nate looking helplessly as he hid behind the nearest solid construct, which took the form of a dumpster and tried to be as small as possible. Hopefully he could hide himself doing so, something that did sound right in thought but might not have worked against something like a demon with supernatural allies. Still, Jake walked about looking for the demoness and she appeared behind him with almost no sound. ”I’m here.” She said violently kicking before jumping back.

”I see what you’re doing. Think you can save your friend now that he has no power. That’s cute, but I can find him once I finish killing you.” With a flick of the wrist an odd dagger appeared within her left hand, blade made of dark red metal that gleamed even without intense light that seemed to glide when she moved her hand.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shadowoof April 10th 2017, 11:08 pm

Jake heard the voice before he felt the kick, but the voice gave him time to prepare for it. Prepare as best he could for a kick that hurt like hell. Falling forwards a few feet, Jake would roll into a crouch, facing the demoness. A threat made that would be... well, put into action if Jake didn't do something about this. She was too quick to fight on foot, and he was too weak to do anything about it. Plus that dagger of hers looked... dangerous.

"You will have to kill me first." Jake responded, before looking around. He had a few options, cars, street lamp. These two objects would serve in distraction and range, attacks he could make without getting close to her or that knife. Sighting the closest car, Jake would lunge from his position to it, finding he did make it a fair distance though the air before landing. Quickly latching onto the car, Jake mumbled a small sorry to the owners before lifting it and throwing it at the demon, thankful he still had strength that allowed this feat of physical power, even if the process was even more tiring, if she didn't catch him first, he'd be too tired to fight back once she did.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shael Atterrius April 10th 2017, 11:24 pm

”As you wish, so shall I do.” The child had made their move first, running back and the demoness moving also. Rather than running all she did was walk forward as she crested an alleyway, seeing that a car had been sent toward her. So she held out a hand to car as it collided with the palm, denting inward and pushing the demoness back as she dug her other hand in and began to tear the car in half.  Metal tore loudly, and fluids spilled from pipes as she then threw the mangled car behind her. ”Where was all that strength you had before? Why don’t you use your pathetic red magic on me?” people looked in horror as the metahuman struggle began to break out into the street or rather someone tore a car in half.

”You know running won’t do you any good. I can already smell the fatigue on you.” In an instant she darted forward, crossing an the distance between them in the span of a second and the blade was flashing through the air to cut through Jake’s throat.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shadowoof April 10th 2017, 11:51 pm

Crap. Crap. Crap. Jake watched as the car did nothing but slow her down and she knew. She knew how weak he was right now. He didn't think he could make it to another car, the street lamp, damn this stupid younger body. Trying to back away, Jake didn't get far as the demon dashed forward, the gleam of the blade's light coming towards him that Jake could only react by throwing both his arms up into the air and shrieking away. His arms burnt and stung as the blade cut across both of them, the force sending Jake backwards before falling onto his back, the cuts burnt more then anything, not the worst pain he felt but still bad.

Slowly rising to a stand, Jake tried to focus the red energy into his hand a last stand. If he couldn't run he would at least try to fight, but as the chaotic tendrils of energy formed, Jake felt his knees buckle and he fell on them, the red energy fading along with his own strength. "Well done.. You defeated a child." Jake spit the words at the demoness, looking up to face her. "Be proud of that. Only a grown demon could do better compared to you." Jake resorted to words as his last line of defense, be it so Nate could help him, so he could buy more time, or so he could at least spite the bitch before he died.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shael Atterrius April 11th 2017, 12:20 am

The blade glowed briefly as it sliced through flesh, seemingly coming to life from the taste of blood as it was pulled back and Jake fell to his knees. ”We demons don’t care about things like honor. If I recall, your kind kill mine for being evil. You should curse your wretched birth for this.” The blade readied to slice downwards but in that instant what might have seemed like a vague blur appeared next to the demoness and the next thing she knew she was being dropped kicked into a car teen feet away. What Jake saw however was a familiar face, wearing thick black sunglasses that appeared made to be held in place.

”Been following this bitch for…hours. Sure knows how not to keep a low profile.” Samael grumbled before looking to the child, the bleeding child to be exact. He suddenly seemed to grow concerned, but overly so. ”You should run now. This probably is not going to end well, and…police are likely going to get involved.” Samael started and then added as the demoness rose from the shattered window, dusting off and glaring at the ginger half demon that had drop kicked her.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shadowoof April 11th 2017, 12:44 am

Jake shrugged to the demoness's words, it wasn't exactly true for him, only demons he had fought so far was a alternate version, a demon lord and her. And he even had a friend in sort in Nathanial's brother, Sam. But she wouldn't know that, no, cause he was going to die now wasn't he. He didn't want to, he had been in position many times, and he hadn't died then, so was he going to die now?

That was, till a blur appeared and the demon went flying into a nearby car, looking to his savior. Jake saw someone he actually didn't expect to see, Sam. "Can't.. Run.. Right now.. Good luck Sam." Jake managed as he got to his feet and began to walk... wobble.. walk back to where he left Nathanial. Hoping he didn't go too far away from the area.

"Nate, we got to move. Samael is distracting the demon. Nate?" Jake tried calling out for him, seeing if he was in the area.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shael Atterrius April 11th 2017, 1:12 am

”Going to ignore why you know my name.” Samael muttered to himself as he ripped a silver weapon from his back pocket, letting the child run off. He was more focused upon fighting the demon after all and so he jumped into the combat. Meanwhile, Nathaniel continued to hide from anything that would likely threaten him. That being until he heard Jake’s voice and peaked around the dumpster to see that he wasn’t dead, even if he was harmed.

”Did…you say Samael?” he asked sounding even more nervous as he looked to his fellow Nephilim. ”We should probably run in the opposite direction. I don’t like the idea of being around demons.” He said pointing in the opposite direction, which was now occupied by the shadow demons that had attacked them at the speed dating event. Their shadowy arms waved around with what looked to be clawed hand, reaching out and trying to slash up Nathaniel who ineffectually tried to move out of the way.
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shadowoof April 11th 2017, 1:35 am

Jake would have maybe agreed with Nathanial on that, they were of no use, and Jake wasn't in the state to fight more, he just couldn't. Not just because he was tired, but because his strength was limited, his greatest ability made him ineffective. And Nate.. Nate was without powers. However, he would not be able to run, because the harmless shadowy beings from before had come back and this time they had claws. Crap.

Dashing in-front of Nate, the claws of the shadow being cut though the fabric of his suit and dug into the skin of his back, tearing though it with somewhat ease. He was certainly less durable. Grabbing Nathanial, with not much care to his comfort, Jake grabbed onto the dumpster and pushed it behind him into the shadow demons as he ran onto the street with Samael and the demoness. He needed to... He needed to help, but he also had to look after Nate.

That was, till he got the idea of using the nearby watchers as protection. Running towards them, Jake moved quickly, stopping in front of them and placing Nate down. "Take Kid and hide." Jake said, giving Nate one last look before turning back to Sam and the demon, knowing he had to try and help if it was needed.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shael Atterrius April 11th 2017, 2:05 am

Nate tried to move out of the way but Jake managed to push him back, taking the hit from it. He winced sympathetically, though all he could do was give that look as he was pushed back from the attack. He was then picked up, the dumpster moved as his fellow half angel began to run away from the demons that quickly began to run in the opposite direction. The ride itself was uncomfortable, but then again he was being carried by someone around his height so that made sense with the whole vertigo.

That was when he was dropped at the feet of a random woman, who looked down at the ten year old with rather confused eyes. He did take note of the baby she had in her stroller, but then again she was likely half way in the middle of getting out of there. His eyes followed Jake, wondering what he was trying to do. ”You kids really make being a guardian angel difficult.” A voice said as Nathaniel turned to it.

What Jake ran into was Samael, bleeding black ichor from a few cuts on his cheek, and the female demon suffering similar wounds, the light around them actually beginning to darken. This made following the fight difficult, but the shape of the red dagger was something that danced through it regardless.
Shael Atterrius
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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shadowoof April 11th 2017, 3:53 am

Surveying the scene, Jake could not see much, not as the light faded into darkness, something Jake was not prepared for. So far the fight seemed on equal terms, but the demoness had tricks she might not have employed yet. Watching the dancing red that was the blade the Lust demon used, Jake felt the burning cuts itch, he didn't want to get cut again, and entering that fight without a single bit of sight would be a one way ticket to messing up, if only he had a way to see...

Jake remembered the new sight he had, where his vision grew red, it wasn't something he normally employed it battle, saving it for scouting and hiding. But here.. Of course he gained it at his normal age, at this, he didn't know if he... No. Whatever that ability is, it is his, his genetics, his body. He must have always had it, but recent events had dragged it out now, with this train of thought, Jake quickly focused on it, the light switch he made in his mind to activate the ability and with that focus, his eyes started to glow a bright red, and the darkness was no more, just two glowing figures, one with silver and another with a bright red dagger.

Using the sight, Jake dug his hands into the ground and ripped a chuck of asphalt out of the ground and ran into the swirling darkness, jumping and bringing the chuck down towards the demonesses head. Might not do a lot, but it would give Sam a chance to do something, that much was certain, that was all he needed.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: Toxic to the Soul.

Post by Shael Atterrius April 11th 2017, 11:22 pm

The two demons clashed within the darkness, blades singing off one another. For one that could see, Samael had the advantage as far as skill went and that was what kept him going in the conflict, which slowly moved into the nearest alleyway between two buildings. Still the demoness had the advantage in overall physicality, which meant that he had to play things safe if he wanted to keep on going. An odd glow appeared within the darkness, though Samael saw the strange kid moving into the shadows rather quickly. Why he was there didn’t quite register to him, but it was just something he now needed to worry about.

”Son of a bitch.” He growled under his breath, ducking out of the way of a dagger slash as the demoness threw her reach forward and was smashed in the face with a chunk of asphalt. The chunk shattered upon contact, revealing that it did manage to break the nose, releasing a stream of black blood from the nostrils as she tried to take a few steps back. That however did not allow her to avoid the slash of the silver coated blade completely, as it bit into her shoulder and dress even more blood with a great hiss.

She leapt back with a growl, seemingly looking to Jake and turning the ire of her dagger upon him.
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