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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 20th 2015, 9:24 pm

He looked around the place that they appeared to be in. Though it would look frightening it seemed calming to Coronel that he was inside. The blood the horror made him itch with excitement. He was at his last line of holding back to go have fun. The only thing that kept him at bay and stay with these guys is the challenge to see this Challenger through.

He looked around and began to wonder... Making his way over he greeted some random monstrosity at the stall seeing if he could get a corn dog or play a game. But seeing the disgust of the creature made him want to lash out more. And it would not have mattered everything was in piss poor shape. The only thing more exciting would be to watch these people walk around until they bump into each other.

The three made way to 3 nicely sized up tents and a much bigger one right in the middle. He would not boast about what the tents symbolized, but usually the guy who wanted to be known would be in the largest tent. He walked towards the tent when the guy started dancing a little faster to a unknowing beat in his head. "Hmm what is he doing" he thought, but soon heard a laughter. He just caught glimpse of the guy dancing but put it off through the entire walk.

The guy turned and shot out a beam of multi colored light at a laughing woman who seemed to be changing. It snapped to him is she the enemy? Because if so then would that not mean everyone in the crowd could be like her?

A grin went onto his face but quickly faded. The guys attack had no kick to it, and he would not let a chance to kill something with no regards go out the window. He clenched his fist tight then let go swinging towards the woman. The compact power to wipe a building off the face of the earth was more than enough to kill her. Hell they might also be in trouble in the tent if the quick thought of it being a sub dimension. If it is a subbed out plane the force of the blast would not be strong enough to blow down the walls, but he did not want it to end so quickly.

As soon as it hits he will disperse the blast until the momentum depletes itself.

The Perfect Sandwich
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Grey September 22nd 2015, 5:04 pm

Ah yes, the fair.  Jardin had never been to the fair.  In many ways it was exactly like he had seen in the movies.

But as much as it reminded him of the movies, Jardin knew it was all so wrong.  Food was rancid, bug infested; rides were distant pyres through none could survive; the people were devoid of life...which actually made a certain sense- Jardin shook the misanthropy from his head.

Then the shop girl appeared.  And she shifted into something sinister.  Dancing man blasted her with a technicolor beam, stunning her.

And then Coronel rushed forward.  "Wait, no-!"  To late, Jardin flinched as he felt part of the concussive force of the blow flow through the air.

Jardan grabbed the white haired man by his lapels.  "You stupid fuck!" he shouted.  "She wasn't in control of..."

"Dammit," Jardin hissed. "Let's just go." Sill fuming, he lead the way to the largest tent, ready to walk right in...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Nekromonga September 24th 2015, 11:48 pm

Dr. Disco's magic seemed to force back the clownification somewhat. It slowed down her laugh but before it could take full effect, the force of the second attack girl ragdolled into a cart of rotten food, snapping her back and neck, some bones visibly tearing through her flesh.

"Hehehehhhahahahah!" No pain, not even a wince. Laughter, dark and twisted was all there was. And then the lady seemed to dissolve into smoke, drifting back into the large tent.

As Jardin approached the main tent, bliss seemed to slowly creep up on him. The carnival didn't seem too bad now that he took a double take. All the colors and sounds were more vivid and the place transformed from a horror show to a genuinely nice place. Jardin would also feel... like... laughing, and happy. Why was he here? oh it's a carnival, so there must be a fun show inside!

But before Jardin could go to investigate, a little orb of green light- actually a fairy- tugged at his collar, trying to pull him back away from the aura of laughter around the main tent.

"Don't go in there! Whimbazow'll turn you into his clown!" The little green light fairy said. "You're not from the town, are you?" She followed up.

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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by Troglodyte September 29th 2015, 12:41 am

"Heyyyy, That was like, totally heavy." Disco said dissaprovingly in his deep sexy voice. One of his two companions had unleashed his awesome powers on the poor transforming clown-person thing. He did not approve of people turning into evil clowns, but even so, he wasn't too keen on killing them just for being weird either. Esepecially since it seemed that she was controlled by outside influences. True, he had been forced to take a life on occasion, but it was not something that he did on a whim, like this guy did. No doubt about it, this would require a harsher reprimand.

"You square" he added lamely.
However, his other companion seemed to take Coronels actions even worse, and went so far as to grab the man. Disco was convinced that they were going to go at it and fight it out right there and then, but it seemed the guy in the hoodie caught a grip on himself and stopped himself and decided to keep going

"Yeah, like I'm with the cat in the Hoodie. You're totally like, the worst kind of buzzkill, buzzkillington." Disco said to Coronel after Hoodie-guy had let him go. However, his thoughts about Coronels supposed murder a small ball of light appeared and started to tug at hoodie-guy, warning them to not go into the tent to avoid eternal clownhood.

"Hey, a talking miniature disco-ball! Groovy!." He said, seemingly losing track of the entire situation.

"You're totally tubular, baby. " He said to the fairy, grinning widely. He suddenly became overwhelmed by the disco-ness of the person and started to bob his head. At first it was barely noticable, and then it turned into full-blown moon-walking, and thus the disco-music started blaring loudly
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 29th 2015, 3:22 pm

Coronel was grabbed by the guy with a hoodie and was listening to him ramble. It was a rat trying to size up a hurricane and he decided something so redundant could have any sway in trying to talk to Coronel. The guy let Coronel go, but it was not over he was going to kill the guy for thinking he could just grab Coronel when ever he wanted. But he was stopped when a fairy popped out and said don't go into the tent. Was not really talking to him but the owner of the fairy. He looked over at the tent and passed off the fact Disco said anything.

He had a stronger urge to find what was new in the tent then to kill Disco and the boy. He clenched his fist then let go popping his fingers. He looked around and then headed for the tent. Nothing was worse in there than what he has already been through. Plus everything was weak around here and could be killed off instantly. Plus he was more than sure he could easily blow the tent away if any real danger came up.

Coronel's Advancements
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Grey September 29th 2015, 9:09 pm

Jardin turned to face the fae creature. Its distraction was welcome as the young Meta's brain began waging a lopsided war with the foreign influence of Whimbazow. Soon all that remained of the clownish influence was a dull ache in the back of his skull.

"That would be correct," Jardin told the fairy. "I cannot speak for my companions here..." He snagged Coronel's collar, holding him from jumping the gun again. "But I was just passing through town when curiosity got the better of me."

"Maybe you could clue us in on a few things." Jardin indicated the crowd of zombies, having released Coronel from his grasp. "Why does this Whimbazow want so many dull slaves from town? Revenge, conquest or something more nonsensical?"

"Also, where is his power coming from and do you intend to help us stop him." Jardin made a near imperceptible shift, readying himself should the fairy turn out to be Whimbazow's peon.

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Nekromonga October 3rd 2015, 12:12 am

"Okay look. First thing's first, Whimbazow's got everyone inside his big tent, doing something to them. I also tried stopping him a few hours ago, but he just laughed and has his goon turn me into tinkerbell." The fairy explained.

"The name's Sun Queen by the way. Whim-bozo's got some goons in the other tents, we can beat the answer out of em. I suggest we start with the mirror maestro who trapped me in this form, so I can join you guys." She pointed to the nearby tent where the sign more or less said 'Malkovich, Maestro of Mirrors'.

Their path wouldn't be easy, as a bunch of brutish clown thugs manning food carts were in the way. They had swollen muscles with visible veins, their belts carrying bloodied machetes and peeled off faces.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by Troglodyte October 5th 2015, 8:17 pm

As the others where talking disco had yet again succumed to the seductive alure to the dancet, and all the various strays that had tagged along with our Deliciously Dashing, Dementingly Dancing Disco-Douchebag joined him in his revelry. The disco-music was filling up the tent as our hero really got into the spirit of things. Even so, he managed to listen to enough of the things being said to at least stay somewhat up to speed of what was going on around him.

Apparantly The fairy wasn't actually a fairy, but rather someone called the sun-queen who had been (involuntarily he presumed) transformed into a teeny tiny glowing fairy by someone called the Mirror Maestro. That sounded promising. The word Maestro made him think of a conductor of some variety, and thus he was rather eager to meet the fellow in question.

However, there seemed to be a problem, The brutish clown-like chaps minding the food-carts. However, Disco would try to use his Disco-nosis rather than go full-on violent on them, even if he activated a disco-shield, just in case they wouldn't cooperate. The globe of rainbow-coloured energy surrounded our hero, and pulsed with light in beeat with his music, and Doctor Disco felt like the groovies t cat in the place, wich would have been more impressive if he hadn't been forced to tag along with such hopeless squares.

"Hey cool cats." Disco announced to the others, his deep, sweet and incredibly sexy voice oozing sedcuctiveness and raw charisma.

"Closin' time, baby. I don't want any trouble with you, so why don't ya just take a hike" He said as he kept dancing in place. However, as silly as this approach might have been, there was in fact method to his madness. He had secretly laced his words with Disco-hypnosis, wich could enthrall even the strongest of mind and turn them into a true disco-star!

"You don't have to go home, but ya can't stay here." The disco-mancer continued, as he pointed to the sky dramatically, and awesomelooking (but harmless) strobe-lights started flashing from somewhere in the roof.
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 7th 2015, 11:24 pm

As he figured things out about not touching the main tent just yet, he would turn and be co-operative and attack the first tent with the mirror guy in it. As he looked around a mass of clowns seemed to swarm the surroundings making it impossible to simply walk in. He heard the disco man talking once again telling him and grey to get moving, maybe it was that attack that forced his enemies to dance with him seeing how he pulled it off once, but for some reason it didn't seem to phase him.

Maybe he had way to much concentration on something else or it might have been his own ability keeping the vessel in check. He started running for the tent and would attack any clown that was not under successful control. He flipped over the group landing right in the middle. It seemed some of them had more than the power to face him while others were still dancing.

He reached out stabbing his hand into their chest. His ability made the perfect blade to simply push and puncture anything. While it was plunged deep inside; he forced expanded his ability blowing the two up. 3 other clowns seemed to have swung at the same time but would be stopped by an invisible force field. They seemed to keep attacking letting him know the true strength of the clown and it being just below a super human strength.

He extended the invisible blade on his hand making it long enough to reach out through the entire crowd. As he spun the three plus others that were just in the way were also beheaded or just cut down by his attack. I know you like those things dancing for you so I tried leaving a few. He aimed his sentence at Disco. Maybe he would stop calling him a square.

The more he used that phrase made him just want to up and kill the two and keep progressing through by himself. He turned towards the tent with the mirrored person in it. He pulled his hand back to where it was sprigged back against his shoulder. His palm faced out while the other hand also had the palm sticking out but was fully extended. He looked down the arm like aiming a gun. As he pushed forward he let off a blast that sounded like a canon releasing fire, but it was much stronger. He fired the incredible blast at the tent in order to draw the man out. He had the suspicion that fighting the clown in their was giving him a home field advantage.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Grey October 8th 2015, 2:29 pm

As the other two unleashed their onslaught against the harlequin thugs, Jardin hung back.  "I suddenly feel..." he began, watching the events before him. "...inadequate."

The powers these two had made Jardin look normal. Hah! A man who coild regrow his brain: normal? This was an odd day.

Jardin noticed that the fae form of Sun-Queen had remained nearby. "I think I've heard of you before," he said. "One of those costume vigilante types." Realizing he may have sounded condescending, he quickly added a "no offence."

"Most call me Lou Grie," he said. Jardin had long since decided that Loup Gris would be his go to alias, particularly when dealing with hero types.

The fight began to wind down. "Right then," Jardin said, taking a few steps toward the Maestro's tent. He stopped abruptly. Something

Looking down, Jardin was shocked. His attire had been reshapped itself: his hoodie was now a glossy silver smoking jacket; the tee beneath, a tight fitting black polo. His sweatpants had been replaced by bell bottoms that were tight in the exact wrong places and worst of all: his sneakers had taken the form of a pair of heavy black platforms. Even his shades had turned tacky: star-shaped frames with yellow lenses.

He tossed the sunglasses away as he stepped out of his shoes. Barefoot was a better option as far as Jardin was concerned...Still, what about sharp objects? Sighing, the traceur picked up the aberrations. He passed the acursed dancer on his way to the Funhouse (as that is what a "Mirror Master" would run). "This is your doing," he seethed.

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Nekromonga October 9th 2015, 9:29 pm

The brute clowns with the bloody cleavers looked at Disco and began to shuffle in place. When told to depart, they do just that- shuffling away clumsily, their expressions unchanging. The effects weren't instantaneous, and those farther away from Disco were not as affected.

The brutes do not even react when Coronel cut them down, their mutant muscles providing marginal resistance to his telekinetic power. They fall to the floor with barely a few grunts, as most of them had their swollen, bruised lips sewn shut. Perhaps they too were victims like any other in this sadistic amusement park.

The ropes holding the tent to the ground snapped and blew away, into the empty void beyond the amusement park. Beneath the tent was a maze of mirrors, fifteen feet high with multiple points of access. An arrogant laughter emanated from the maze, as a man in a fine suit, a red cape and a glass sphere for a head could be seen in one of the mirrors... he 'ran' into the maze, staying firmly inside the mirrors.

Shauna made no feedback on the vigilante comment. It was a bit more complicated than that. "...That's the asshole who put me in the snow globe." She said with clear bitterness. She flew up and over the maze to give the trio a guide through it.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by Troglodyte October 15th 2015, 12:37 pm

Groovy, baby. Doctor disco's thankful for giving mercy to his disciples of the delioucs two-step, baby. he said slowly, his deep voice oozing charisma and sex-appeal as he smiled at the small, white-haired fellow, revealing a glistening set of teeth that almost shone in the dark

As the gray man spoke up about feeling useless Doctor disco spun around and pointed at him in a dramatical fashion as the disco-music went into its crescendo "Woah, my son, dont despair. You got the totally radical power of groovy disco within you too, baby, you just need to let it flow through you."  he said as he once again started to dance mightily, whilst the various stray animals that formed his entourage started to dance back-up in a curiously coreographed manner behind him, as the multicoloured strobe-lights moved in the sky.

Like this. Dance with me baby! he continued in his characteristically charisma-oozing, almost seductive tone of voice. In fact, he was almost so busy with invocing the power of the disco within his companion that he almost missed the malefic, Mysterious Marvelously Magical Miscreant that was also the Maliciously Meddlesome Mirror Maste that Misogynically Manltreated the maiden in their Midst

I'll turn his fishbowl into a disco-ball, baby. All for maliciously maltreating  a marvelous maiden. he said smoothly, his deep voice even more sensual and deep than usual to the flying fairy-lady and flashed her a seductive smile and lowered his sunglasses enough to give her a wink.

Last edited by Troglodyte on October 16th 2015, 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed the bold/cursive thing)
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 15th 2015, 8:18 pm

As the guy went into the mirrors as Coronel had predicted; it was to late to stop him. Well looking at things he figured it was time to go inside and find said person but at what cost. These two could die and the fun would run short rather quick. He sighed with no breath but only in thought. He seemed to at least pleasure on guy who just loved to dance.

"Hmm one guy still squirming around... Well that can't last for long." Reaching his hand out, an invisible spear was pierced through the clown's cranial. Coronel levitated the body up and had an idea. He placed his hands on the clown and turned it into pure carbon that soon turned to diamonds. It morphed into a shape of a diamond katana. Yep the first ever diamond sword by his books,and it looked great with the charcoal black handle finish.

He threw it over to Grey and it would catch air and a couple flips until it landed in the dirt face up ready for him to pull out. Well I'm sure everyone knows that were splitting up... into teams of two. The fairy goes with me. I would hate to see her die at random. Flashy bud I need you to watch short kid because I don't know what he can do yet. The sword is yours; use it for protection. He would stop there since everything was now explained.

He turned rapidly and his trench coat caught air showing his cargo black jeans and a white shirt with some random design on it. It was time to move and he would have no exception to his plan. He ventured down the middle path.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Grey October 15th 2015, 9:37 pm

Jardin took hold of the grip, pulling the sword from the ground.  The young thief gave an exasperated sigh.  He had had no interest in kenjustsu and so lacked any viable experience.  He had seen the Tom Cruize and Keanu Reeves movies but doubted they were valid demonstrations of the art...

Still, the weapon was light, a consequence of being made of diamond rather than the shape of the weapon, he knew.  And sharp Jardin realized, looking down the edge.  He could do without the carbon-hilt staining his hands black though.  He wiped his palms on his pants before retaking the grip.

And so, Coronel left, trying abandon a dancing lunatic and a "short kid" who had called himself "Lou Grie"...

"Lou" knew there was no discussing with Coronel, and so stayed behind.  He tested his new sword, using it like a German langes messer.  A slash from the shoulder that stopped ahead of him; a push across his body followed by a close thrust; a turn that became a parry and an imagined cut to the wrist; a twist of the wrist that stopped short as the katana's long hilt snagged on his arm.

God damn it!  Why make a sword like this?  Give it a long hilt to make it a two handed sword?  Then don't give it the blade of a one handed sword!  Honestly, what was he thinking making a weapon like this!?...

...out of what may have been a human being...Jardin almost lost his breakfast as he turned away from the accursed thing.  He exhaled, quickly recovering.  Screw Coronel! Jardin didn't trust the man not to mess something up...

Last edited by The Grey on October 17th 2015, 10:57 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Works with Nekro retcon; also works with characters)

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by The Nekromonga October 17th 2015, 10:29 pm

The maze of mirrors was a place of optical illusions, lies, feints and misdirection. As the heroes move in and see their reflections, a voice rang through. Shauna flew up and scouted the maze ahead of the party, following the one reflection of the Mirror Maestro. Too far from them to be heard, Shauna increased her luminosity like a twinkling star.

"Can you find me before I finish you off, you dogs?" The Maestro asked, his voice echoing through the maze. His tactics were dirty and strange, utilizing the heroes' reflections against them. Jardin's image or rather images, carrying a sword, emerged from the mirror and swung at the heroes.

Dragon Girl Experience
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The Nekromonga
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Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Karnival in Kansas (Now Closed)

Post by Troglodyte October 22nd 2015, 12:48 pm

Disco snorted as the extra Jardins appeared out of nowhere, no doubt to prove the power of ol' Mirror Maestro, but Disco a fellow mage was not exactly impressed by this show of power. Maestros tricks sure were impressive, but he should use his mirror powers to promote disco-dancing rather than petty things like fighting do-gooders. Plus, he had decided to send in clones. Really? Doctor Disco had seen plenty of lame things during his years on this blue ball floating in space,but this must be amongst the lamest of the lame.

Wow, that's totally not gnarly, not gnarly at all! Disco muttered to Jardin, the derision audible under the layers of honey that his voice had slathered his words in.

"He's totally bitin' your style, man." He continued to his companion, it was fairly obvious that this, more than anything today had ticked off the the disco-dancing lunatic. And it had ticked him off. In his world your style tole people who you were and what you stood for. In a way it was your flag, and thus there was no worse thing than posers and phonies that wore a uniform which they had not deserved. That flied a false flag in order to fool their fellow man.

"Come on, baby, let's teach these poser-squares that that shizzle won't fly with us!" He said, the intense disco-music intensifying as he rose into the air, trailed by rainbows, still dancing in mid-air.

"ARE YOU READY FOR THE DISCO-FEEEEVAAAAAH!" he shouted, and due to the magic power inherent in the disco-charisma it sounded like he had a microphone connected to an out-of-this world speaker-system even though that was not the case.

Then he started to bombard the mirror-clones with disco-beams, taking great care to avoid hitting the real Jardin.
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