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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 11th 2015, 1:31 am

As the sun broke between the gaps of carnage the kaiju sought to deliver to the beach, Yofie found herself engaged in a standoff with agents of an unknown origin. Somewhere called Japan. Most likely bearing resemblance to the island nation that loved selfies, but Yofie could not be sure. What she could be sure of was the aggression shown to her by the very women she told to submit to her authority. "You shall not take me in the means you believe so easy, as I have already told you, your mentality is very weak and shall not prevail against..." Yofie's stance fell short as one of the women grabbed her arm, pulling her sword towards his torso. "Your accosting of my arm is most unwelcome." Another arm latched onto her while the third woman forced her blade from her hands.

"Were you to be full disciples of darkness, my regalia would immolate you with purity." With the lack of quarter given to Yofie, spreading her wings and departing for the skies fell short as the women anchored her to the ground. Those heroes with anti-gravity had it made. "Instead, I shall be forced to deal with you in a more accordingly fashion of dismantling you through sheer force." With ungraceful moves, Yofie tried to grab the woman in front of her by the ears and head butt her. In a moment she could formulate a plan for how to deal with the women at her arms, and soon a plan for overcoming the woman holding the amulet, but for now minor milestones would need to account for everything.

Fiery Soul
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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 11th 2015, 6:48 pm

"Kanojo mo nani o itte iru?" The hooded Japanese woman trying to maintain hold of Yofie's left arm asked of her unofficial leader.

"Dare mo kinishinai? She'll be fed to the kaiju soon enough anyways." the woman with the amulet around her neck said dismissively. She watched the angel lady struggle to break free, but even she couldn't break free of their grasp.
Another blast of lightning hit the monster. This time square in the chest. It was immediately followed by another one that hit the exact same spot. After the smoke cleared a wound lay where the two consecutive attacks had hit. A slight wound though. Forcewave was managing to keep this thing at bay for the most part, but it was proving to be a difficult task to manage. The creature roared as it shook its massive horned head before stopping to glare at him. Okay, so it had regained its sight. Wonderful.

Forcewave took off running as its claws came down. He barely managed to dodge them as he tried to figure out what to do next. He saw the angel woman a distance away being onset by the hooded figures from earlier. Were they connected to this thing? Perhaps he could lure the monster over in that direction. Could be worth a shot. Only problem was that the monster was between him and them. And that was a pretty big problem.

More energy attacks came from him as he attempted to get past the creature. Forcewave did everything he could to dodge around its claws as it ran past it and towards the hooded people that were attacking the angel. The monster turned around and followed him along the way.
"Sore wa, kono michi o kite." the hooded Japanese woman that was holding Yofie's sword screamed as the monster approached. Her grip on the blade was unsteady. She was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.

"Rirakkusu." the amulet wielder shouted. "The Kaiju is under our control, remember? All thanks to this little amulet." she gestured at the thing around her neck as she lifted it up. It started to glow and then she got grabbed by her ears and hit right in the face by Yofie's forehead. The blow sent her reeling and she fell to the ground in pain. The amulet's power had not been activated. The other hooded women immediately started attacking Yofie in anger.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 12th 2015, 1:43 am

Dismantling the woman with the amulet did nothing to dissuade the others to surrender. In fact, it delivered completely adverse effects. Effects breaking down upon her head from one of the black hooded women. These effects would come to a halt as Yofie found enough room to throw the palm of her hand against one of the girl's chests, hoping to throw her towards the water. Without the grace of her weapon to act in her place, a swift kick to the other woman's shins would need to take over. "That blade can only be wielded properly by someone of pure intent, you vile succubus without demon ancestry." Yofie reached down and grabbed the amulet, spreading her wings to brush off any attackers. "Now I have your device for evil. Perhaps if you gave me back my blade and instructed me on how this could be used to remedy this situation, I could let you off with a stern warning and possibly the removal of only a few fingers..."

Before Yofie could fully finish her bargain, the savage woman jumped upon her back and wrestled Yofie to the ground. The winged woman found her arm locked behind her back with it beginning to encroach upon her wing. The amulet fell just before Yofie, only a few inches from her grasp. Every inch she pulled went against the motion of her arm. Her heavenly arm. Still, it really hurt and this left arm would not push any further with the woman pinning her in a celestial grapple.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 12th 2015, 10:40 pm

"Kanojo o oshita mama." one of the women screamed as her hood was knocked off her head while she was trying to keep Yofie restrained. It was proving really difficult to do. She was violently swinging at anyone that got near her and was starting to worry them. One of them screamed when she saw that Yofie had the amulet. No, they couldn't let her have that. They needed it to control the monster. The monster that was starting to get very close to them.
Forcewave had gotten past the monster and was now trying to get over to where Yofie was at to help her with the hooded people. He was also trying to keep the monster away. Forcewave fired off a bunch more lightning blasts at the creature's torso, targeting the spots where it was wounded. The attacks only managed to slow the creature down, but it kept advancing. He was now about fifteen feet from the place where the angel and the hooded people where. The monster was about forty feet away. It took a step forward and started to take another when it was hit in the bottom of its clawed feet. This caused it to lose its balance and fall backwards. The creature crashed to the ground and caused a major tremor when it hit. Forcewave had been trying to turn around and run as it hit the ground and wound up falling over himself. He slowly started getting back to his feet as the fighting nearby continued.
The impact of the monster hitting the ground caused one of the women trying to hold Yofie to completely lose her grip. Meanwhile another one had been about to pick up the amulet, but instead wound up knocking it towards the ocean. The waves came in and carried it out into the ocean. "Oh no." they all shouted simultaneously as they saw it get swept out to sea. Two of them ran into the ocean in an attempt to get it before it was too late. The leader of the group was getting back to her feet after being knocked down. That headbutt had hurt more than she was prepared for. Only one was left trying to restrain Yofie, and she was not liking her chances.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 13th 2015, 5:08 pm

"Get off me foul acolyte of evil." No response came from the evil-doer, prompting Yofie to take matters into her own hands. Her owns hands did not work, so Yofie spread her wings and took off. Carrying one woman into the air did not take as much trouble as pulling the entire cadre, helping the angel fly, but not without a great deal of awkwardness. Different colors of blue spread across eyes as the sky and ocean traded place in her spin. The woman still latched onto her back until Yofie would finally spin the girl into the ocean.

A flap of her wings brought her into eyes line with the savage beast. No flames burst from her wings, her armor stayed docile, and she did not know where her sword was, but Yofie still knew she needed to defeat this monster. Retreat and priority never crossed the angelic mind of the divine being. Instead flames grew from her hands and discharged towards the monster. An entity defined by flame dodged the massive limb raising to smash her beneath a crushing blow. Running the course of the creature's stomach, Yofie saw light break from the other side of the creature. She took a hard line for the head of the beast. Her hands touched the creature, burning the carapace of the creature.

Crowning past the top of the head, Yofie fired several blasts into the eyes of the creatures to blind it. The creature reeled back in pain, shooting back down with a gaping mouth at the front of its wake. Teeth clinched behind Yofie, trapping her in darkness, but leaving her in one piece. Blue jaws and bulbous veins lit up as Yofie's hand did. A sudden shake through the jaws ushered in a vacuum pulling Yofie towards the back of the throat. At this point Yofie decided to throw fire in the immediate direction of the pull of force. Flames engulfed the esophagus of the beast, causing it to shake its head violently. Once light broke through the jagged wall keeping her in, spiraling wings led Yofie out into the ocean air in a continued barrel roll.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 14th 2015, 9:29 pm

The woman screamed when the angel took off into the sky with her still holding on. So much for keeping her restrained. She was then thrown off of her and tossed into the ocean. The other two women that were still desperately trying to find the amulet before it was lost saw her fall into the water and rushed over to help her. The fall had rendered her dazed and confused, but otherwise alright. Feeling that this was no longer worth it, they grabbed her and ran off.

The monster started to get back to its feet. Its wounds were steadily healing, but were still present. It growled as it rose from the ground. Before it was back on its feet, it was under attack again. First came the burning flames from the winged one that was flying around it. Then came the electrifying blasts and it was having a difficult time fighting back. They were too small, too fast for the massive monster.

Forcewave got back to his feet and got right back to trying to fight off the monster. He was being careful not to hit Yofie while she was flying around the creature. He was mostly aiming at the legs and lower part of its torso while she went for the upper parts. The creature was reeling and was looking like it was about to be defeated.

As he prepared to fire again, he saw the angel fly into the creature's gaping maw. That can't be good. He didn't want to risk attacking at the moment because he might hurt her too. Then something grabbed him around the throat from behind and started choking him. Forcewave grabbed at it to try and get it off of him, and it felt like scaly skin. Like the tail of an animal. He turned around to see the source of it while trying to keep it from strangling him and saw it was coming from the last of the hooded women. The one that had been leading them. Not only did she have a tail, but her skin was becoming increasingly scaly and she was growing larger. Forcewave sent electricity through himself to get this thing off of him. The tail came off of him and the woman backed away. She tore off her robe and a pair of wings revealed themselves.

"Okay, so what are you." he asked this woman slash creature thing.

"Something you would not quite understand." She responded and her wings began to flap. Strong gusts bellowed from them as she shouted at him. "You and the angel may have won this one, but this was just the beginning." and with that she took off to the skies.

"You're not going anywhere." Forcewave said and fired a blast of energy at her, followed by another. The monstrous woman deflected the blasts with something and kept on flying. She headed out over the water and dove down into the ocean. Seconds later she rose from the water with the amulet in hand and kept on flying until she was long gone.

The monster's throat was severely burned and the angel woman escaped. It let loose a roar that sounded more like a gagging noise and started stumbling towards the ocean. It didn't want to fight anymore, but it was not sure it would get away in time.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 17th 2015, 12:37 am

As the creature descended into the depths of the ocean, it did so with Yofie latching her blade into the creature's scale. The pressure exchange between the gaping wound and the ocean trapped Yofie's blade in a powerful suction. At any moment she could release her blade and ascend back to the safety of bay, but determination gripped her hands around the hilt of the blade. Each attempt equivocated the same force and motion back into the creature's side.

With no other options coming to mind in the sunless deeps, Yofie opted to merely move forward. Flesh carved out with the first incision, etching out a large portion of the creature's entrails. Her blade forced back to her, sawing away a gaping hole large enough to release the pressure of the ocean from around the fulcrum of her blade apex. Nothing more pulled upon her other the buoyancy extracting her back to the surface. A full array of winged glory pulled the heavily clad woman into the air with a brush of her drenched wings.

Along the coast still laid the confusion and destruction the creatures left in their wake, as did the man coursing with electricity. Out of the normal happenings of the beach flew a woman Yofie knew no more about than any other creature she deemed pure darkness. With such persecution, Yofie immediately ascended with her most fleeting speed to attempt to intercept the woman responsible for this heinous act.

Armor heavy with the ocean soaked into it weighed her down considerably. The flames arising from her hands could not wipe away the water in time for her speed to match that of the nefarious woman, but Yofie still gave pursuit with the assistance of a few fireballs towards the fleeing woman.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

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Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 17th 2015, 2:29 am

Not even being a gigantic monster capable of leveling buildings by just walking into them guaranteed your safety. The sea monster had been wounded when it had gone ashore to find itself being attacked by two people with supernatural powers. It hadn't expected them to be so formidable. The creature sank beneath the waves covered in burns with a barely stable arm and holes in both its chest and throat, and one of them still attacking it.

The winged one had her blade lodged into it as the creature went underwater. Let her drown then. The monster continued to sink beneath the waves until a sharp pain pierced it. It roared in pain as its flesh was torn open and blood poured out of it, darkening the waters around it. It then went still and sank beneath the waves near motionlessly. Whether dead or simply too weak, the creature was defeated.

Back on the shore, Forcewave watched the seas to see what was going on. He saw the blood and thought it must be the creature's. No way the angel could have that much in her. Was it dead? With the monster gone, people were returning to the beach. They were checking out the devastation that had been caused. Forcewave looked around for those women from earlier that had been with the one that had turned into a winged monster and flown off. No sign of them anywhere. He wondered if they like her, or just people that had been tricked or something. Speaking of the winged monster, she was flying off into the horizon, and the angel rose from the water to give chase.

This woman flew over the ocean's waters towards the gulf of Mexico. The monster she had summoned had been defeated. Such a shame. At least the amulet was in her possession. Her wings continued to flap up and down, and they were joined by the sounds of another set. She turned her head to see the angel trying to give pursuit. She was moving far too slow to catch up though. A few fireballs came her way, but she deflected them the same way she deflected the attacks of the other one. Then with one mighty flap of her wings, she ascended towards the clouds and flew into them to allow her to lose her pursuer.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 18th 2015, 8:47 pm

Not to be outdone in her pursuit of evil, Yofie removed the straps from her breastplate, allowing them to fall towards the ocean surface. The current of the sea air broke between her wings as Yofie expended more energy and effort to soar into the clouds to sharply decline the distance between herself and the woman she sought. Flames dripped from her fingers as the clouds parted way in the wake of the angelic pursuer. Burning away the very heavens she soared through would not keep her from confronting the woman in control of the amulet.

The discarded breastplate and boots plummeted through the deck of a shrimping boat coming in to port. Crew members shot to the upper deck to take note of what befell them in the awareness of sea monsters and flying women. With ocean air stuck in his white beard, the captain looked to the sky to watch as flame shined through the clouds. "Wonder what that one is?"

Watching as clouds broke in the distance, Yofie continued her pursuit. Both hands gripped her blade as she burst through a cloud. Holes in the clouds slowly fell back into place. As the moisture slowly fell back into place, Yofie tore it back into a swirl. The angel would deny this woman her amulet.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Forceaus March 18th 2015, 11:28 pm

The winged monstrous woman continued to fly through the skies. Higher and higher she climbed as she left any sign of land behind her. The air around her grew thin and low on oxygen, but that was of no concern to her. As of right now, its' only concern was how to recover from this bit of a failure today. She hadn't expected all of those monsters and the dark angel to fall to two individuals. One of those individuals was still trying to catch her.

She saw the flames part the clouds in the distance. The angel was still nowhere near her though, but she did not enjoy being followed. Pure instinct told her the angel wouldn't give up. Not as long as she held the amulet that was shown capable of summoning monsters. The woman stopped in mid-flight and turned away to face the direction the angel was approaching her from.

"Give it up, Yofie. You may have stopped the monsters, but this amulet is leaving with me. If you manage to meet me again, you won't be as fortunate." she shouted downwards and then started flying even further upwards and away. Let's see if she can keep it up. The woman continued to ascend towards the end of the Troposhere and into the Stratosphere.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force) - Page 2 Empty Re: Yofie and Her Ambitions to do Things in America (Force)

Post by Fiery Soul March 19th 2015, 3:12 am

No heights could withstand the fiery purge of the vengeful angel. However, the same could not be said of the angel as she entered lower oxygen environment. Given her lack of understanding pertaining to physiology or any kind of biological information about her make up, Yofie never grasped most of her power originated within her burning soul. Once she entered places with diminished oxygen levels, so did her powers begin to dwindle and fail. The fire she began to feel came not from within, but instead from her re entry into the lower atmosphere.

The air broke in her flame wreathed wake, only giving her some reprieve as her wings parted. No lift broke against her shoulders, but the spiraling freefall became slower. Her hands moved just in front of her chest as though to shove back the coursing waves to part before her. As the surface grew closer, her hands closed together, breaking the waves over her head and jack knifing into the gulf. The plummet continued for several hundred meters, until Yofie felt the lift of buoyancy slowly bring her back to the surface of the water.

The sun over head, Yofie floated on her back as the gentle waves grew more rough. She felt herself lifted into the air and finally lowered onto the deck of a ship. "Are you okay miss?"

Deck hands continued to work the rigging of the ship while trying to salvage large quantities of shrimp spread across the deck. "Did you perchance find a masterfully crafted suit of armor?"

"Yeah, figured you would probably ask for that. Damn near sunk my freighter." The old captain placed the breastplate and boots closer to the soaked angel.

"Your thanks is all the reward I need citizen. That and the return of my armor."
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

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