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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Forceaus February 18th 2015, 8:00 pm

"Here it is." a young man in a hooded jacket with his hood up said as he held up a small brown bag to another man whom was a big larger than him with a rather pronounced goatee that was visible from even a distance. A third man was there too, also hooded. He stood behind the man with the goatee and seemed to be keeping an eye out for him. "The exact amount you're owed for your services. Just as it was agreed upon between my boss and yourself." He tried to press the bag upon the man with the goatee so that he would just take it already so that he could leave. This part of the city was regularly patrolled by the authorities and he wanted to get as far away from it as possible before they came by and saw him. If they found out who he worked for, he'd be spending a long time behind bars.

"Let me just check to see everything is in order before you go." the man with the goatee said. He was wearing street clothes that didn't look like they even belong to him. He opened the bag and removed the bills inside to count them. "Any particular reason your boss sent you instead of making the trip himself?" he asked as he was counting through the bills.

The young man in the hoodie looked a bit taken aback by the question. "It's because he's a wanted man, you hear? People recognize him so he can't just be strolling around the city whenever he feels like it. It's why I'm wearing this hoodie up. So that nobody can get a good look at my face. Not like a nobody like yourself would know what that's like." he told him in a mocking tone.

The older man reared his head back as he laughed.

"What's so funny?" the hooded man asked sounding like he was ready to start a fight. The other hooded man stepped forward to get between them.

The older man with the goatee stopped laughing and lowered his head to look at him. "Oh I'll have you know I'm not exactly what you would call a nobody. I just know how to operate in the shadows, that's all. Anyways the money is all here. You're free to leave now. Tell your boss I would love to do business with him again." he said tauntingly as he watched the young man leave. Jacob Coleman scratched his goatee as he stowed the money away in his wallet and threw the little bag away. Perhaps he should shave this thing. He only grew it on a wager that he had lost. This is what happens when you bet on a football game when you don't even watch the sport against someone who watches it almost religiously. It would be a noticeable feature on him if it weren't for the fact that he wore a mask. Granted there would be a time when he would no longer need it, but until then, he had to be smart with how he operated. Being clever was how nobody around here knew that Deathbringer was in town.

Jacob and Avery were walking down the streets of downtown New York without being recognized. As they approached their destination, the loud, pulsing sound of music throbbed against his earlobes. Did it really need to be that loud? Hardly anybody was even in here and they barely did any business. Jacob and Avery reached the entrance of this club and were let in unquestioned. They walked in and around the few patrons that were attending and towards the door that led upstairs. Once again they were let in unquestioned and proceeded upstairs. There were more people up here than there were downstairs, but only four were worth paying attention to. The four that were actually sitting down with others standing around them. They were the would be leaders of gangs trying to obtain power. Would any of them succeed? Who knows, but he doubted it anyways. None of them seemed willing to put much effort into it. That would only lead to failure. They believed him to be no different than them. Not knowing who he really was. Secrecy, it was a valuabe asset and skill.

"Oh good. The last of us is here." one of them said. A rather large and grotesque looking man he was. "I've been waiting to tell this story. Guess who we went up against and still got job done?" he said trying to sound impressive.

"I'm sure you're just dying to tell us. So just go ahead and say it." another man said as Jacob took his seat. None of the others seemed interested in guessing whom he was talking about either.

"Well you guys are no fun." The first to speak up said. "We went up against the Alpha gang and stole from them and got away. What do you think about that?" he asked challengingly. Jacob glanced in his direction upon hearing that name. He knew who that was. Alpha was a member of his Ultra Gang. An ally of his.

"Never even heard of them." somebody else said. Jacob didn't see who it was. "If you want to talk impressive feats though, part of my crew stole from Bliss' company."

"How is that impressive exactly? I'm talking about taking on metahumans and winning, not stealing from a company." the first man said.

"Oh, we're talking about fighting metahumans?" A rather large man said that was sitting closest to Jacob. "Well I've taken on both the Guardians and Prodigy and am still a free man. What do you think about that?" he stated just begging somebody to try and top that.

"Speaking of metahumans." Jacob interjected not interested in taking part in this little pissing contest. "Aren't they the ones we're trying to get to join our little associations without them taking them over?" he asked everybody present. "How do any of you plan on doing that considering how they could simply overpower you and take what they want?"

"Watch your mouth over there." A voice said. It came from the only other would be gang leader that had yet to speak. He was glaring angrily at Jacob. "You better not underestimate me."

"I'm just stating facts." Jacob responded sounding completely calm in order to keep Avery from doing anything rash. He could sense the latter's desire to attack. "Some of those types are capable of trouncing military squadrons almost effortlessly. Police often just back off and let a superhero handle a situation whenever the threat is another metahuman. If one wanted to take control of a group of criminals that consisted of just normal people, they could, probably with ease." he told everybody in the room.

"Oh, you think I'm some nothing then?" the man said as he got up. "How about I show you what I'm capable of. How does that sound?" he said as he drew closer. His gangsters joined him and they were walking right towards where Jacob sat. Avery walked up and got right between them and him. "You think your little buddy can stop us?" he said as one of his gangsters equipped a pair of brass knuckles and prepared to strike at Avery.

"Avery, if you would, go ahead and prove my point." Jacob instructed his friend and ally. In an instant that entire bunch was sent flying into the wall and fell to the floor slumped against it, unconscious. The other began to panic as they now knew a metahuman was among them. "As you can see gentlemen, my point stands. Now I'd say the ball is in my court. Anyone willing to listen to my offer? I'd recommend doing so because you know-." he stopped when a noise came from downstairs and the music stopped mere seconds later. Now what could that be? A reaction to what had just occurred up here? Or was it something else?

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Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Artemis February 19th 2015, 12:31 am

Today was an unpleasant evening. Not only did Natalia learn that some of her dealers had sold to her daughter, but that the faction of dealers thought they would be safe by defecting and trying to start their own gang. Normally Natalia would just task some lower ranking officers to deal with this new found splinter group.  But since they sold to her daughter it had become a personal matter. Granted they didn't know Opal was her daughter it still stung when Natalia found a bag of drugs and after interrogating her daughter was able to get a description of the dealers. As far as Opal new she was just going to report the description to the police but far from it.  No she was going to settle it herself.

Currently she sat in the back of a limousine, she was headed to a night club, some old worn down building known as Starlight. Natalia was in the guise as the Lotus Queen. Other then her signature mask that sat on her face she wore rather regal clothing.  A long form fitting black dress with a golden lotus flower design. There was a long slit on the left side of the dress that went up to the middle of her thigh. It allowed Natalia to be able to move quickly if needed. She wore a black pair of heels as well to tie the look together.  A few bracelets hung at her wrists, however unlike the rest of her appearance they seemed rather mundane. This was because these bracelets where just  earth she had compressed. There where 3 in all but it was still more then enough. Her now sandy blonde hair was lying comfortable at it's full length, her now sapphire eyes looking out at the people walking on the streets. This was a part of town that she would usually  never visit, not to say she didn't have operatives in this part of the city. But for her, it was under  her. That being said Duval Corp was helping to build cheap yet high end designed apartments only a couple blocks away to try and make the neighborhood a better place. In the end she new it would be impossible but it made her look good to the public. There where 3 others in the car with her, all of them where low in the society but wanted to prove themselves. None of them where that special, but they would look nice for a bit of intimidation.

She arrived at the nigh club and exited the limo, shortly being followed by her men. The bounce approached her but the moment he got close one of her men shot him, Natalia just walked past the now corpse. Her time was limited now. Not that she minded the dead body but she would only have a couple minutes max before the police would come.

"Call our friends in the police, see if they can't delay the dispatch at all. If not it won't be a big deal, I don't plan on being here long." commanded Natalia. She got 'Yes my queen' from one of the men following her and they pulled out a cell phone. The other two continued to follow her.  The night club was now silent, most likely in shock of the gun shot.  Everyone's eyes where at the door and Natalia.

"Where is Michael Pierce?" said Natalia, her voice echoed the empty room. After some quite shuffling  people pointed upwards, to the VIP area. Wordlessly she walked up the VIP area, and surprisingly found a bunch of men knocked out on the ground, thankfully the person she is after was still among the conscious. Michael's face drained of color as he looked at Natalia.

"Ah Mr. Pierce, how nice it is to see you again. Tell me do you know why I am here? Why I came down to this dump you call a hide out? Why I grace you with the honor of dealing with me rather then one of my men."
asked Natalia simply, ignoring the other guests at the moment.

"N-No Ma'am w-what is it-" sputter Michael although he was quickly cut off.

"Shut up Mr. Pierce you know why I am here and is that really how you want to address me at the moment?" barked Natalia, she gave off an air of calmness, although it didn't help Michael's nerves.

"N-No my queen, I-I apologize, p-please forgive me. I-I-I can tell you where the others are just please give me a chance to redeem myself. I swear it will never happen again!" pleaded Michael, although it was obvious that his pleads were falling on deaf ears.

"Mr. Pierce you know the rules. You know what happens when there is a traitor in the society. I know where the others are, but you are going to be an example. You know my rules about selling to minors, correct?" questioned Natalia.

"N-Not to sell t-"

"Ah so you do know, now if this was your only offense I may of thought of a different punishment but instead you and your druggy friends decided to turn traitor. Did you think starting your own gang would of protected you?" asked Natalia. One of the bracelets on her wrists unraveled  itself and floated above her own hand.

"Thankfully for you I don't feel like wasting my time so your punishment will be swift. At least you can take that gift with you to the afterlife. You won't suffer like the rest." said Natalia. Her eyes looked at his companions, no one of real interest other then the guy with the goatee and man wearing brass knuckles. With a flick of her wrist the spear of earth shot at Michael Pierce.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Registration date : 2011-02-26

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Red February 20th 2015, 6:12 pm

Despite being mostly rebuilt the city of New York still had a large criminal underbelly, and was quite lawless. Gangs roamed the streets, cops were killed by the dozens, it was all very chaotic. Lucius had been involved with New York's criminal underground for awhile now, for the most part it proved to be quite the asset. His gang was known, but never in the spot light. Keeping himself and his allies hidden, yet feared, was his top priority. He had developed several connections to other gang leaders, and even became an associate of one they call Deathbringer. Of course he didn't see himself as this mans soldier, on the contrary, he saw his alliance with the man as nothing more then a tool to serve the both of them.

Having meta human allies and followers was essential to achieve his ultimate goal, or even just smaller ones. If he could get a firm grip on the gangs of new york then he was one step further in his quest to give power to the meta humans as a race. He had enough followers to be called a gang now, both meta humans and humans were under his employment. The humans served as salesman and common thugs, while the meta humans were given far more respect. It wasn't his intention to be an open gang, but monopolizing crime in the city would serve as a great asset in his larger plans.

So evidently Lucius' forces were intercepted while securing test subjects by another gang, one with some decent fire power it would seem from looking at Daniel.

"So these little ants show up and you run away terrified? Damn it kid, i thought you were smarter then that!" Lucius said in a stern voice to his second in command.

"Just settle down Lucius, how bad did you really need the test subjects? Its not like they were special in any way." Daniel said in response looking up at Lucius from his chair.

"Contrary to what you may think they were, i have reason to believe they had dormant meta genes. But now they seem to be dead because you got sloppy. Did you at least put a tracker on one of the goons?" Lucius said as he turned his back to Daniel, opening an air tight metal cabinet that held his gear.

"I always do, but why does that matter? Killing them will serve no purpose." Daniel said knowing what Lucius was thinking.

"Oh, Daniel, you have so much to learn. Nothing matters more right now then instilling fear in the criminal underground, if i can gain control of it they will make for a valuable piece in my endgame. As of now i have no other use for you, I'll meet with you later to discuss another matter." With that Lucius put his suit and gadgets on, getting ready to find the rats who dared challenge him.

The tracker lead him to an old night club a few miles away from his hideout, he went alone just to prove a point. Upon arriving he found a limo in front of the building, and a dead bouncer laying by the door. Looks like things had already gotten a bit violent without him, no matter. He continued to walk to the entrance, stepping over the body and making his way inside with no words. A man with a cell phone took a second to try and stop him by moving his body in front of Lucius'.

"Get out of here, now" the man said. They never learn do they? You don't stop a guy in obvious super villain garb, dumbass. With a thought the man had a small blade construct sent through his head, he then proceeded to drop to the floor dead. This startled the already distraught club goers, who started to try to leave. Lucius didn't skip a beat, he continued on upstairs dispersing the construct that had killed the man. Upon arriving he saw a few things that surprised him, Deathbringer for one, as well as a masked woman standing over a dead man with a chunk of dirt in his head and numerous men on the ground knocked cold.

"....It seems there is business already taking place here.....I'm here to find the man who interrupted mine." Lucius said looking to his HUD to see if the tracker was in being carried by anyone in front of him. It pinpointed a man staring at him from the corner, he definitely knew what was coming.

"Looks like i found him, don't mind me." He said ignoring the others in the room as he passed them. He grabbed the male by the collar of his shirt  and pinned him against the wall. Without any interrogation he lit his hands with crimson energy, literary incinerating most of the mans head and causing him to scream hellishly until he died. He had proved his point to every man in the room, you come after his followers, you die horribly.

Last edited by Red Tide on March 1st 2015, 4:21 am; edited 1 time in total


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Forceaus February 25th 2015, 11:55 pm

The amount of commotion going on downstairs was nearly as loud as the commotion that just occured upstairs. They had probably caused it though. Hear a loud crashing noise and react to it in some fashion. Like whatever they were doing downstairs. And by the sound of it, whomever was causing a ruckus down there was making their way up the stairs to them. So they would be getting some visitors up here soon enough. Very well then, he mused to himself. Let them come.

Jacob saw Avery signing to him. He said that one of the sounds they heard sounded like that of a gunshot. Jacob found himself agreeing and suspected that these newcomers were probably more gangsters. He could now hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Everybody still conscious in the room looked to the door as some people appeared in the doorway. A fancily dressed woman wearing a mask stood in the front of this new group. She was accompanied by two men that were obvious servants of hers. So was she another late arrival to this meeting like he had been?

She spoke and asked for someone by the name of 'Michael Pierce'. One of the other men in the room panicked because of her arrival. That was probably him, and judging by the look on his face, probably wished he wasn't at this moment. Jacob paid attention to their conversation with amusement. This was quite to fun to bear witness to. This woman was punishing her servant for treachery. That punishment being execution. A piece of the ground in the shape of a spear rose and went straight through the man, killing him.

"Aah traitors, such a nuisance to have to deal with." he said to the woman that had just killed her insubordinate servant. "Sometimes even making an example of one doesn't discourage others from engaging in such activities. Such a shame." he said with a slight smirk as more commotion came from downstairs. Now what? "Friends of yours, perhaps?" he asked the woman suspecting that more of her companions were downstairs and responsible for the noise.

The sounds of footsteps on the stairwell signaled the eventual arrival of somebody else. This time it was somebody that he recognized. Lucius, somebody that he had recruited into his Ultra Gang. Now why was he here, and what was with people randomly showing up here to find and kill someone that was attending this meeting?

"Well then, Lucius I didn't expect to see you here." he said. His business with these people had gotten complicated due to the sudden murders of two of them right after one group had been temporarily removed from the conversation. Guess his only option was seizing control purely through force. How unfortunate this circumstance had become.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Artemis February 28th 2015, 12:30 am

"Yes it is quite sad that a simple demonstration won't deter most. That is why I will exterminate every single one of this allies. He was  here to get protection, now that their herald is dead they will scramble to try and escape the city. But now that my business here is concluded I must be going." said Natalia, with a sigh. She heard the commotion from downstairs and the mystery man asked if it was a friend of hers but before she could answer a man walked up the stares. With a simple gesture one of the two remaining body guards looked over the edge and nodded. Natalia let out another sigh. With in a matter of moments the man who was guarding the door walked up the stairs, a wound in his head. The wound looked like he was stabbed but no metal was used. The wound healed up quickly as the man walked and rejoined the group.  The man simply nodded at Natalia and she turned her attention to the show off of a man who more or less showed up to do the exact same thing she did, but with much less tact.

"Now you there, the one who looks about as smart as he's dress." said Natalia trying to get Red tides attention.

"Are you trying to start a war with me? Attempting to kill one of my personal bodyguards? Do you know who I am?" said Natalia, honestly she doubted he did. She wouldn't be doing her job right if he knew. Controlling the vice trade from the shadows would be exceedingly difficult if she was a common name. Usually only those in control of other gangs knew of her assistance. And they knew not to cross her.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Registration date : 2011-02-26

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Red February 28th 2015, 10:55 pm

"I could say the same, Deathbringer. This is quite the gathering....everyone who is anyone in this city seems to be here. I wonder why i wasn't invited..." Lucius said shooting Deathbringer the best dirty look he could with a mask on. His attention was then drawn to the woman in the room, he recognized her. She was standing next to the man he had just 'killed' down stairs.

"War? no. The man was in my way, don't get in my way next time alright." He said nodding to the man who was quickly healing. He wasn't surprised, everyone seemed to have some meta human power nowadays.

"And to answer your  question, yes, i know who you are. But do i care? not at all. I doubt one slightly inconvenienced bodyguard is grounds for war, but if that's your style..." Lucius said to the woman as he looked around the room. He walked over to the nearest couch and sat down, getting comfortable.

"Now that everyone important is here.....why don't we start this meeting?" He said putting his feet up on a coffee table.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Forceaus March 1st 2015, 1:56 am

To say he was displeased with the current events would be an understatement. Frustration was starting to set in and Jacob grimaced as he watched the two people primarily responsible for causing his displeasure look like they were about to square off. A bloodbath seemed like it was imminent, and as of right now, he wouldn't mind it if they slaughtered each other. Jacob's little attempt here to gain further influence over the criminal underground and sometime down the road, assume control over it was kind of failing due to unforeseen circumstances. Granted he could still salvage this operation, but it would require some quick thinking.

Jacob could see the remaining gangsters cowering in fear due to the presence of metahumans that could kill them whenever they desired to. Convincing them to do as he pleased should be easy. Granted he may have to remove Lucius and the mysterious woman from the equation so he could have their undivided attention. That or get them to cease their little quarrel and instead listen to him as well. Yes, that's what he should do, and the opportunity was present, though not much of one.

A message was sent to Avery from Jacob via sign language before he attempted to address everybody present in the room. "Gentlemen, and lady, I know most of you came here today establish boundaries on your territories to avoid having to fight each other. I'm here to inform you that I am not a resident of this city. In case you aren't aware, I am Deathbringer, the leader of the Ultra Gang. As for all of you, you can refer to me as your new boss. From now on you'll be allies instead of opposition, all working for me. Any questions?" he concluded with a sly smile. He didn't expect too much of a response

There was a slight pause before one of the gangsters spoke. "Aren't you forgetting about some people?"

"Oh, now who might these people be?" he asked him while still smiling.

"Uber and the Serenti. They control more of this city that any of us do." the guy said and almost instantly, another one spoke up.

"Yeah, and the only reason any of us got anywhere is because they're always feuding with each other. You really expect to just come in here and take over like that?"

Deathbringer had anticipated those two would be brought up. He knew exactly who they were after all. He looked at everybody in the room and proceeded to provide them with some information. "Aah, but you see gentlemen, they've already been dealt with. Uber hired me to kill Serenti, and I did. Then I killed Uber and still collected my payment. Now then, who's interested in joining me?"

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Artemis March 1st 2015, 2:18 pm

"Then if you know who I am you would what the punishment for crossing me is." said Natalia. This man was rather annoying wasn't he. Again this meeting was brought up, Natalia at this point was wondering what it could be. It had to do something with this band of wannabe crime lords. She turned her attention to the 3 that came with her.

"I trust you three would be more then enough to finish off our little friends. Return and you'll be rewarded." said Natalia. The three of them gave a vigorous 'Yes my Queen' before turning around and leaving. Natalia took a seat and crossed her legs. She was intrigued enough where she wouldn't mind sticking around for a bit.

"Whatever business you had with the traitors is now with me." said Natalia, showing she would now be part of the meeting. Although if she was up for negotiating was still up in the air. She listened in, the obvious elephant in the room was brought up. Natalia never really had to much of a problem with the two. She had been whittling away at their territory and blaming it on each other for years now. It made it easy they both her clients of her so they never really touched her.

"Ah so you where the one who killed two of my favorite clients." said Natalia. She turned her attention to this 'Deathbringer.' He at least seemed to be civil.

"Look I've been in New York longer then you and since you killed two of my clients the least you could do is give me some of their territory a gesture of good faith. I had a deal with Uber who let me use his docks to bring my goods in. As for Serenti, just give me a forth of his territory. Give me docks and some of Serenti's territory and as long as you stay out of the Lotus' Society's business we won't have a problem. " said Natalia, she assumed that this man had done his homework ahead of time and would know how much Natalia already controlled. If he agreed the city would more or less be slipt in half. One half going to the Lotus Society, the other half to the Ultra Gang.
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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Red March 2nd 2015, 1:28 am

This seemed to have become a far more interesting outing then he had expected. Deathbringer was attempting to take control, though the way he was going about it wasn't very thought out. He was using nothing but the threat of meta humans, which all around wasn't a stable way of taking over. This meeting could very quickly turn into a blood bath, but Lucius was confident he could overpower everyone in the room with the exception of the 'queen'. Everyone would need to defuse the tension otherwise most of them would die. He listened to what Deathbringer was saying and then to the responses that followed, but before he could say something the Lotus Queen continued her ramblings about crossing her and the not-so-dead bodyguard.

"You seem so sure you could inflict that punishment on one such as me. Unless you plan on trying keep your threats of war and punishment to yourself." Lucius said in a humored tone. The woman took a seat and waved her minions away, it seemed she was staying just as he was. She then spoke to Deathbringer, talking about claiming the territory of the two men he killed. Lucius knew both names, but hadn't ever met either. It was good news the terf was now open though.

"Deathb....You know, i can't take you seriously calling you that. Anyway, i expect my business and my territory to be left entirely to me. I think as a member of your Ultra Gang that should be a given." Lucius said making sure Deathbringer didn't think he could just come to his part of town and take over. He could try killing the two major players and taking control himself, but he needed Deathbringer as an ally for other matters. It seemed for the time being New York could not be under his control.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Forceaus March 3rd 2015, 9:05 pm

After laying down a few more of the cards he had up his sleeve, Jacob looked around at everybody present to gauge their reactions. Anger, fear, confusion, worry. All of these were present on the faces of those in the room. There was no overall consensus on what thoughts they had in mind in reaction to what he had offered. Jacob was willing to wait for another moment for answers, but his patience was not unlimited.

One of them spoke up. The one that earlier attempted to brag about surviving encounters with the two major superhero groups. "I'm in. I don't mind taking on superheroes. So long as it pays well." he stated. Others seemed a bit more interested in actually agreeing now, but they were still silent.

Another spoke, this time it was the woman that was referred to as 'Queen'. Now why does that sound familiar? She mentioned the deaths of Uber and Serenti. News travels fast around here for Serenti had been killed last night and Uber mere hours ago. Talk about well connected. Jacob was pretty sure the news hadn't even reported on their deaths yet. She then talked about her previous dealings with those two and made him an offer of splitting the city in half. He would control one half of it, and she and her Lotus society would control the other half.

Wait a second. Lotus society? Now he knew who this was. It was the Lotus queen. What a strange and possibly convienent coincidence this was. Perhaps her offer was one worth considering. After all, Jacob had originally planned on just getting the people here to add to his membership. Getting half this city too would be quite the gain. He wouldn't be assuming full control of this territory granted, but it was a resource to be taken advantage of.

While he was considering the offer that had been made to him, Lucius spoke of some concerns of his to him. Jacob looked over at him and responded. "Lucius, are you telling me you've had territory here this entire time without letting me know beforehand? I would have asked for your assistance had I known. Anyways." he said before pausing and turning to the Lotus queen. "I accept your offer, Lotus queen. Half this city will belong to you, and the other half will belong to the Ultra gang. Anybody else have any input?" he said as he looked around the room once more.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Artemis March 4th 2015, 7:36 pm

"It is nice to see that you can identify a good deal when you see one." said Natalia with a smirk. She was glad this man was in charge of negotiations instead of that strangely dressed fellow who tried to kill one of her guards. Some of the remaining gangsters that remained seemed ecstatic, talking about how half of New York would be theirs in a matter of sense.

"Now... I'm sorry I don't think I've cared enough to ask your name, anyway. I would imagine as long as your territory is not in what is now mine you would be able to keep it. After all you would of earned it yourself I would imagine." said Natalia. She kind of wished she had something to drink now that the annoy business of territory was over. But there was one thing that Natalia wanted to cement.

"Since the negotiations for territory are down with I would like to propose an alliance. What good would it do if we took our new land only to enter a turf war." said Natalia. She let what she said sink in a bit before she continued. She was confidant that this Death-bringer would see the sense in it. Even the strangely dressed man could.

"I have a lot of connections with in the police. I extend their hospitality to you for matters that happen on the borders of our territories. All I ask for in return would be the possibility for trade and support. If I have a hero problem on my side you send a bit help. You have some problems I send some of my men to help you. You scratch my back I scratch yours. I will even allow your leaders into my club. I imagine I can find whatever your heart desires. At a discounted price of course." said Natalia, assuming this man knew what she dealt in. Of course if Death-bringer truly wanted this alliance he would offer her something a bit more.
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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Red March 5th 2015, 3:48 am

Deathbringer would then respond to Lucius, telling him he had no idea he even had territory. Lucius had expected his name had spread a bit more, though he wasn't exactly advertising it. One could not expect the man to know of every sect in town. He was only using his small high tech arms trade as a front of course, he had far more important matters then that to focus on.

"You had no reason to know of my followings presence in town until now, though I'm glad your aware now so we can more properly work toward mutual gain." He said in response. Next the leader of the ultra gang turned to the 'queen', surprisingly accepting her little arrangement. Feeling satisfied she proposed an alliance of sorts, one that would allow both their forces to better control the city. He could see the merit in this agreement, but this gave Lucius even less control. The more power the ultra gang had, the more he had. Splitting up the territory and then uniting right after seemed unnecessary, though getting rid of them could prove quite bothersome. It seemed he couldn't do much here, so he had to agree with Deathbringers decision.

"If we are indeed splitting the city, which we are, an alliance would be the most logical route. Despite your rudeness i cannot argue with that.........Though, i wouldn't set foot near your club. so distasteful." He said to the woman. It seemed everything had been taken care of here, there wasn't much of a reason to stick around. Though he would wait for Deathbringers finale answer before leaving.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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(Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite) Empty Re: (Metahuman) Gangs of New York. (Invite)

Post by Forceaus March 7th 2015, 12:30 am

Jacob has been offered a deal which would leave him with control over half the city. Not full control granted. More or less control of the social and criminal underground. Still, half of a major city, and the one and only New York city at that. That was quite the offer. An opportunity has arisen, so he took advantage of it. The offer was accepted.

The knowledge that Jacob now essentially controlled half this city had full garnered the interest of the other gangsters. They were no longer hesistant about joining, and one by one, they all consented to becoming members of his Ultra Gang. The group had expanded again. This may be the largest they had ever gotten. Exceeding that total they had about four years ago.

The negotiations continued between himself and the Lotus queen. She offered an alliance since fighting over turf would just be a nuisance for both of them. Jacob could agree to that. He didn't want to be concerning himself with what was going on here day after day. There were so many other things for him to be doing after all. The deal that was being offered was one that came with a lot of strings attached. A full-blown alliance to maintain control over this city. One that would involve having to engage in trading and help defend her territory. Now his interest was starting to fade. Granted he could always accept the deal and betray her later on once an opportunity presented itself. From there it would be a manner of seizing her assets and adding them to his own.

He heard Lucius express interest in agreeing to this proposed alliance. Jacob took a moment to consider his options. No, he could accept the offer. He would just have to carefully manage his contributions. Between all these additions and a large chunk of territory, he had everything he needed. Jacob took his time before responding to the proposal. "So be it. An alliance it is. Now I must be going, but don't worry, I'll be in touch." he said and signaled to Avery and the two walked out the door and started heading downstairs.

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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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