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Trial and Error (Goliath)

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Trial and Error (Goliath) Empty Trial and Error (Goliath)

Post by Alpha November 30th 2014, 2:43 pm

Alpha remembered everything that he experienced, regardless of which of the senses it was. Eidetic memory had its uses, and this was perhaps one of the many, as when one dealt with a double life they had to make sure to keep up with both. This was business that was concerning Travis Masters, a date that he had managed to get himself into. Nott hat he had a problem with such things, as apparently teenagers around his age tended to do dates and things of that nature. Granted it was not typically with one of the same gender, Alpha found that his body cared little for one’s physical body, so in the end that was another pointless and archaic practice. To think that him alone partaking in such practice would threaten their race was a fallacy he did not even entertain. Omega stood a few feet behind him, hands intertwined behind his back as he looked to Alpha with a silent interest.

”You know, it is rather rude to stare.” Alpha stated rather plainly, turning to look at Omega with faint amusement. The male rolled grey eyes, shaking his head slightly at his older sibling.

”I’m just curious, about his whole dating business I mean.” He would state without any intent on defending himself. Arms were crossed over his chest, still considering the male who looked so different, but they both shared genetics and basic features. Grey eyes and dirty blond hair, though that was just something that all of them had. ”Forgive me, but it seems so….unlike you.”

”Well then, you know me. I always exceed expectations, people learn that about me.” Alpha noted with a smirk, fingers dancing along the keys of a laptop, it’s clicking resonating through the personal study of his Chicago home. It had only taken Travis Masters around a day or two to purchase a separate home within Chicago, though why he was doing this was being questioned mostly by the least within his ranked family members, though he never saw him as least. Granted no one seemed to, as wisdom trumped many things.

”Well, that is why you are the Alpha.” Omega noted with a smirk, not making any move.

”Respect also seems to play a part in it, though I find that so easy to destroy. Fear however….” Alpha paused and sighed, making one last key stroke before turning in his seat, looking up to Omega once again with a smirk. ”But enough about that, I do have a date after all.” He said with a low chuckle rising to his feet, patting Omega on the shoulder who rolled his eyes. Walking through the door into his own room, Travis would slip out of the simple gym shorts and the undershirt, letting all of them fall to the floor. With that done, he slipped into a plaid button up shirt and simple, clean black slacks. While he had no problem dressing casual when home, but otherwise he preferred more formal, even if semi-formal.

Fingertips would trace over his lips, remembering the strange sensation. ”Alright Chris, I want my ride prepped by the time I’m out.” Five minutes, and then he would be more than ready, and he had made sure to contact Aaron that he would be picking him up. Normally he would have been ferried about in a limo, but that felt too formal for a simple date, so he would do the fun job of driving, and it did allow him to put those lessons to use. It took approximately six minutes for him to finish the whole preparation thing, hair in a sort of neat messy style that tended to garner some sort of praise, and the swooning of so many stupid American teenage girls.

With that done, he would step out of the house, taking note of the compact but efficient vehicle. It would probably work for the male and him, Travis stepping in and putting the keys into the ignition, starting it up before driving off. Within ten minutes he would stop before the extravagant Hale Mansion, stepping out and walking up to the front door, pressing onto the doorbell as the sound would reverberate through the building.

Trial and Error (Goliath) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Trial and Error (Goliath) Empty Re: Trial and Error (Goliath)

Post by Goliath December 8th 2014, 5:15 pm

Aaron was extremely nervous about this date. He had never really been on one before, and his brother was teasing him mercilessly about it all. Several times, he almost considered calling Travis, and canceling it. He was sure to make a fool of himself, and there was a pretty small chance of the date going well. Aaron looked into the mirror and frowned. He was wearing a black pair of jeans, and a black muscle shirt and frowned. It seemed...a bit too informal for taking Travis Masters on a date. Aaron slipped off his clothes and tossed them on the floor. For a few seconds, he just stood in front of the mirror in his boxers, desperately trying to think of something to wear.

After about fifteen minutes of trying on various outfits, he settled on a nice pair of black slacks, and a hunter green button up shirt. He left it untucked, though. Aaron absolutely hated having to tuck his shirt in, and he hoped that Travis wouldn't mind too much. He grumbled a bit, his wings not liking having to be compressed. He really wished that he could let them hang out, but that would probably be really strange for the denizens of Chicago to see a teenager with black wings walking about. He put on a black p-coat, and slipped into some nice black shoes. A small look of annoyance spread onto his face as he realized that his family would probably ask a lot of questions about where he was going. He didn't really feel like entertaining them, so he was going to attempt to sneak out.

Aaron kissed his brother's head—a normal thing for them, and told him that he wouldn't be back too late, and cautiously stepped out of the room. With eagle like focus, he made his way down the long hallway, and was surprised when he heard the doorbell ring. Aaron nervously opened the door, and was relieved when he saw it was Travis. Aaron blushed when he saw him. He looked so good, well better than that, he looked absolutely perfect. “Good evening,” Aaron said softly, sliding out the door, so they were both outside. Aaron resisted the urge to lean over and kiss him right then and there—but he figured that would be a tad rude. “You look absolutely dashing tonight, Travis.”

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2014-07-31

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Trial and Error (Goliath) Empty Re: Trial and Error (Goliath)

Post by Alpha December 8th 2014, 5:33 pm

Travis waited patiently, hands intertwined behind his back as he would scan the material the door of the mansion was made of. From what he could gather, some manner of fine and perhaps expensive wood. It spoke volumes about the one that owned the manor, and at the same time it also garnered a few questions about them. Of course he was expecting the male to not take too long in answering the doorbell, but he was by no means in a rush. All things were scheduled perfectly, with a small margin to waste time even. Soon enough the door would open, and beyond it stood the person he was supposed to be going on this date with, perhaps not dressed as formally as him, but his clothing had a certain charm to it.

A small smirk would play along his lips as he looked to the blond male, remembering to at least appear surprised to see them. ”Good evening to you too.” He said with that smooth tone that so seemed to draw the admiration of many, letting the smirk evolve into a smile, as subdued as it was. While he could not say he was elated, a small part of him did feel a small amount of happiness perhaps. The question towards that was why however, as he was not used to such a strange sensation. A compliment would come not too long after the greeting, and he could not help but blush ever so slightly, yet one could easily blame it on the cold. It sure did have him questioning the motives of his own body.

”I could easily say the same of you, Aaron.” He would smile wider, giving him a flash of sterling white teeth. The hands that were intertwined behind his back would move from their position, arms crossing over his chest rather snugly. ”I would be lying to say I haven’t looked forward to tonight. It’s my first official date, well the first I’ve agreed to.”

Trial and Error (Goliath) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Trial and Error (Goliath) Empty Re: Trial and Error (Goliath)

Post by Goliath January 3rd 2015, 6:22 pm

Aaron couldn't stop grinning. Travis was so handsome, and Aaron couldn't get over how lucky he was to be taking Travis Masters out on a date. The blush that spread across his cheek was a deep red. Being called dashing by someone like him...was crazy. But he was happy that Travis thought that. He gently took Travis' hand and kissed it, trying to remember his social graces. He knew that he had to really impress Travis, or there would be no way that there would be a second date. Aaron could see the slight blush on Travis' cheek, and Aaron already felt victorious. He wanted to make Travis feel good, and for him to have the best time of his life.

“I feel...slightly like some sort of young teenager, because I've been looking forward to it all week,” Aaron said with a bigger blush “I mean that in a less...uncool way,” He added quickly and moved a bit closer to him. Gods, he wanted to kiss those lips that looked so soft. With a small smile, he leaned over to kiss his cheek “How about we get going? We've got a busy night, haven't we?” He asked very softly, now taking to stroke the boy's cheek.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2014-07-31

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Trial and Error (Goliath) Empty Re: Trial and Error (Goliath)

Post by Alpha January 3rd 2015, 8:32 pm

A kiss on the hand was a gesture that so many young females dreamed of, something about romance and about how they loved it so much. Still, the sensation given was an interesting one that brought a little more color to his cheeks as ge brought the hand back to his side. Well, it was coupled with one of those kisses on the cheek, though perhaps he was just trying to turn him bright red or something along those lines. ”I've been looking forward to it all week myself. That aside, I think that's very sweet of you to say.” If he had seen enough of those romantic movies to know anything, then he would be doing things right. This was actually the first date he had been on, well one that he had agreed to, which meant that hopefully it would far better than ones before.

”Of course, I spent all week planning this event.” He noted lightly feeling the back of the males hand, making sure he didn't let his physical response get too overwhelming. Even with superhuman intelligence, his teenage hormones were as overwhelming as ever. ”If you would be so kind.” He motioned, extending a hand for Aaron to take before leading him to his side. ”I hope you don''t mind me driving.”

Trial and Error (Goliath) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Trial and Error (Goliath) Empty Re: Trial and Error (Goliath)

Post by Goliath January 22nd 2015, 10:06 pm

Aaron felt slightly victorious when he saw the blush in Travis' cheeks. He was so very handsome, and looked even more so when he blushed. Aaron knew that it was going to be a very special night. Something about the other made Aaron feel very warm, and excited on the inside—but also a bit anxious about screwing everything up. He had a feeling that Travis liked things a very certain way, which slightly terrified him. He wasn't extremely talented in the ways of social graces, and etiquette, and no one would really call him refined, but he was really going to try for Travis. Because he seemed so sweet and kind. And of course, he was extremely handsome. Aaron flushed slightly when Travis called him sweet. No one had ever said something like to him before.

“You spent the whole week planning it? Now that's dedication!” Aaron chuckled, genuinely impressed. He liked the way that Travis had such a handle on things. It was really nice. Aaron took his hand and leaned his head against his shoulder a bit as he walked to the car. He didn't mind Travis driving at all “Sure, Travis. You have a really nice car” He spoke with a genial tone and got into the car. “Travis? Would you mind if I kissed you before we left?” Aaron asked politely.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2014-07-31

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Trial and Error (Goliath) Empty Re: Trial and Error (Goliath)

Post by Alpha January 29th 2015, 12:30 am

”Well, I am pretty dedicated when it comes to keeping a packed schedule.” He said with a small smirk and a shrug, a cool breeze brushing past his face and making him shudder involuntarily. ”Besides, I like to make sure my dates go excellent, especially when its with someone as interesting as you.” This was accompanied with a wink, and an almost self assured air about how he spoke, opening the door  for Aaron before finding himself almost caught off guard by the question if they could. So it seemed their manners were far better than Travis had expected, but then again that was all nice really.

”I wouldn't mind at all.” He said almost amused by the prospect of someone asking permission, though perhaps if to surprise the male he would lean forward and preemptively kiss him. As always, something about the action was intriguing, not that he would let that show beyond a cheeky grin playing across his features. ”Try not to get too red now.” He laughed, closing the door and circling around the vehicle, opening the door and sitting down himself. ”So, are you ready for a wonderful date?” If it was wonderful only time would tell, but he had planned this for a good time, so a little self congratulations were in order.

Trial and Error (Goliath) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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