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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 15th 2013, 6:50 pm

"I cant do anything else at the moment." Roseria said as she took a knee closing her fan.

The other dragon crawled next to her and looked at her. They stood their as the watched the gust of wind rush into zedekiah. Loth crawled in front of her and his scales began to pulse. Roseria touched a few of them and a swarm of snow men appeared from his scales and began to walk in front of roseria. They parted so that she was now in a one way from her to zedekiah and the new opponent. Roseria decided that she would try to stop fighting and try to work with them until they got karah back.

"Okay snowmen I want you to go and guard the other roads nobody gets in or out." Roseria called and the snowmen began to trot towards the roads and alleys.

The dragons took a few steps back then sat up in a loyal dog position. Roseria closed her fan and put it back up as she stood and waited for the other two.

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Johawplastic November 18th 2013, 10:44 am

Hospitaller grunted as he poured effort into his hands. His powers, mysterious as ever, turned the straining into a glow, which extended itself over Zedekiah, healing the wounds and cuts as the storm of ice inflicted them. He could feel the strain, like pushing against a wall with both hands.

As the wind whipped at his jacket he heard the wind singing with a strange whoop as metal slashed at it and its cargo, the tinkling of shattered ice and the clash of ringing steel creating a crescendo of violence.

Eventually the deadly music died down, and Hospitaller looked up. The wind was gone, and nothing was looking to attack this very instant. He took the opportunity to rest a little, recover some of his lost faculties. Using his healing constantly like that instead of in bursts was taxing. Hands on his knees, he took stock of the situation. Snowmen had spread out and blocked the exits. Both dragons were next to the cryokinetic. No-one was saying anything.

He'd seen this before, although he was usually on the perimeter, healing and extracting civilians. This was the impasse after a climax. Where heroes and villains bantered and railed, monologue and diatribe battling like their powers had earlier. Like Arthur's parlay with Mordred, one slip now would be all it would take to start the battle again.

This wasn't something he did normally. He wasn't a line-fighter, one of the bellicose new demigods. His was the mandate to save lives, not take them. In lieu of stumbling about like an amateur, he would defer to the more traditional hero, act as support. However, an exchange of intel would be optimal. Taking advantage of the quiet, he whispered to Zedekiah.

"Know anything about this one? Will stopping her stop this attack?"

Hospitaller: Latter day Knight of Malta
"War is only useful as a means of saving lives; that is, not often."

Paul Phemos: Renegade grocer

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 18th 2013, 11:30 am

The struggle seemed to last forever, though in reality it was probably mere moments. The flood of ice shards died down, his constant flurry of movements slowing until he was merely going through the motions. All the cuts and injuries he sustained from the fighting were healed thanks to his ally's power. It seemed they had survived after all. The battlefield was strangely calm, no one attacking, but no one letting their guard down either. It was a tense atmosphere, the anticipation of continued violence keeping everyone on edge. The ice demon approached, surrounded by her entourage of frozen creatures. Hopefully it was a peace party. She sent her snowman warriors to block the exits. Zedekiah wasn't worried, though. If he really needed to escape the snowmen would provide little resistance. They were likely just meant to keep civilians and regular military from interrupting the proceedings. Roseria put her weapon away and waited, obviously intending to talk this out.

Meanwhile, Hospitaller was doubled over, breathing deeply and recovering from the outburst of power he used to keep Zedekiah in the fight. The man decided to use this lull in the violence to confer with Zedekiah, asking about his knowledge of the ice demon. "She's looking for something... or someone." Zedekiah replied, careful not to give too much information away. "She seems to think we have something to do with it, though it was difficult to get any more information from her. I don't know if stopping her will end all of this, but she does seem to be the leader. I suppose we can find out if it's even necessary. This may just be a... misunderstanding."

Sheathing his sword, Zedekiah walked toward Roseria, eyes locked on to hers. He would have to play this carefully to avoid turning the two others against him. He had already messaged Gattison that the mission was unsuccessful, so completing it was no longer a priority. He might be able to defeat the woman with the Hospitaller's help, but he couldn't rely on his new ally. One wrong word from Roseria and Zedekiah could end up on the wrong side of a 2 on 1 fight. He needed to diffuse the situation and perhaps still get something out of it. "Forget what happened before." He requested to Roseria, hoping she would be willing to work together without too much fuss. "Perhaps you could explain your cause in a little more detail. We might be able to help."

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 18th 2013, 4:25 pm

Roseria waited as zedekiah walked up to her. For a moment they just stood there but then he opened his mouth and began to speak to her. He asked her to forget what happened earlier and to explain what she was trying to do. Roseria looked for a minute at zedekiah then she looked at his more recent ally who was just behind him.

"I want Karah back." she said calmly then continued before they could state the obvious.

"Yes i know you don't have and i don't intend on killing you either....unless u plan on trying to stop me from rescuing her." She said looking at zedekiah while crossing her arms.




Karah (Renegade)
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Johawplastic November 20th 2013, 12:18 am

Hospitaller listened to the exchange, absorbing the information and processing it.  

A rescue attempt?  That was something he could sympathize with.  His mind wandered to a family that had been separated, a mother getting frostbite stumbling through the snow looking for her daughter.  

Misunderstanding?  That reminded him of another stranger from earlier that day.  An old man, veteran of a different conflict, intent on helping again, but clad in only the thin coats he had with him, augmented by improvised cloak and windbreaker, coughing into the snow and chilled with hypothermia.  

Not killing except where directly impeded?  A frozen building came to mind, a hospital with no central heating.  They had never needed it in sunny Florida.  

Martin narrowed his eyes.  His mouth tightened, and a scathing retort threatened to take hold of his tongue.   He mirrored the rider's stance, but held his lips.  He would not be the one to strike the adder.  Judgement and reparation were not his sphere, even if he did allow himself to be a bit more proactive in damage mitigation than was strictly necessary.  He would defer to the lead of his ally, but so far as he was concerned, this was a mass-murderer, who needed to be contained, or at the very least removed from the city as fast as possible.

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 20th 2013, 12:38 am

Roseria was thankfully not being argumentative. Perhaps that meant she intended to cooperated. If so, then this ordeal was mercifully almost over, but Zedekiah knew they weren't out of the woods yet. His partner was silent, something Zedekiah appreciated in an ally, but it seemed the silence was hard fought. The man seemed to be quite angered, only barely keeping himself from making some comment. Perhaps something the woman said had set him off. If so, then it was most likely going to be in Zedekiah's favor. The more angry he was at the ice demon, the less likely he was of teaming up with her against Zedekiah. Roseria calmly stated that she wanted Karah back, something Zedekiah of course already knew, and that she was willing to end the conflict so long as the two meta-humans stayed out of her way. She crossed her arms, and the Hospitaller responded in kind, not speaking in words but seething behind a wall of professionalism.

Zedekiah stroked his chin, looking pensive. It was for show: he wanted the Hospitaller to see him looking torn over a decision, but in reality the choice was quite simple. They would "help" Roseria by assisting her in getting to the kidnapper's stronghold, then they would let the two demons go. In the confusion of the escape, Zedekiah would be able to procure whatever data the kidnappers had garnered from Karah during her imprisonment, which would hopefully lead to some insight as to her longevity. If all went well, the Hospitaller wouldn't need to learn of Zedekiah's true intentions, and further bloodshed could be avoided. He might even be able to make a valuable ally for future endeavors, so long as he kept the healer ignorant of his more unsavory pursuits.

"She's dangerous, no doubt about that..." Zedekiah muttered to the man at his side. "But she seems to think her cause is just. Perhaps if we helped her we could avoid any more damage." Sighing, as if helping the ice demon was the last thing he wanted to do, Zedekiah stepped forward. "We won't 'get in your way,' but you have to call this unnatural storm off. We'll help you find 'Karah,' no one else needs to be hurt."

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 20th 2013, 5:37 pm

Roseria stared at the two for a minute and it was a very intense stare but it was directed mainly towards the man who was staring at her with hidden anger but lucky for him he stayed quiet. She looked at the sky then lifted her fan and opened it at the sky sending a pillar of frozen wind into the air. The sky when from gray to a sunny blue but a gray ring still circled the city.

"I can't take away the storm because I didn't make it but I can have it only freeze the border of the city." She said as she pointed to the giant ring that surrounded the city.

She didn't wait for any words she began to walk towards a far off snowman. The snowman looked at her with puppy dog rock eyes then pointed straight ahead to a big warehouse. Abruptly the warehouse exploded and four bodies flew out of it. The flames were so large that Roseria could feel the heat from where she was which was a good 4 blocks away. Karah rushed from a plum of black smoke revealing herself to be one of the bodies. The witches also appeared but they crashed directly into a building while karah flew towards roseria.

"Karah!!!" She yelled as she charged to grab her from the air.

The ware house was emptied in seconds as the thugs were no match for the witches and karah. Karah had noticed that the temperature had changed while she was being freed from her table. She jumped around excitedly but then just as she was about to run to the door to find her nearby friend a man with spikey orange hair blocked her way.

"Move!!" She yelled as she was ready to see roseria.

She let a bright light fill her mouth before a ball of lightning blue light escaped her mouth. It hit the man with orange hair but he brushed it of and snapped his fingers. A couple of pops went off in a chain that led to karah then an invisible force hit her and she flew across the room and into the wall. Eclipso charged him with listera quickly behind her while heran healed karah. When she turned she was hit by her sisters and they all hit the wall then fell next to karah.

The man looked at them laughingly and a few large pops went off around him then a few more expanded out and up. Before the witches could react the building exploded and all of them were sent flying at an immense speed.




Karah (Renegade)
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Johawplastic November 21st 2013, 11:56 am

Hospitaller watched the rider as her eyes narrowed.  Just as she read him, he was reading her, their faces holding a silent conversation deeper than most words.  "Yes, hold your tongue.  You are a worm, but at least you know your betters," her features seemed to say.  There was a part of Martin that wanted dearly to smite that message off the rider's face.  For the sake of those that might be saved by a change in the weather, the rest of Hospitaller kept that part in check.  

She didn't make it?  A cryokinetic showing up unrelated amidst the most snow the region had seen since the last glacial period?  A likely story.  

The explosion snapped Martin out of his thoughts, even as it almost rattled him off his feet.  

Instinct, logic and simple reason took over as he started moving.  

They had reached an accord.  Unless he attacked, he would like as not remain unattacked.  

An explosion meant people.  Those rarely happened when only animals, even sewer rats, were the only things around.  

An explosion with people around meant casualties.  

A small part of his mind wondered if this was the adder, the situation that reared its head to ensure conflict.  If he drew his sword to strike the adder, Mordred would see the steel and begin the battle.  If he didn't strike the adder, then it would bite him and cause him to fall, once again producing movement that would catalyze the ensuing fight.  

But Hospitaller, or the grand majority of him, was not thinking about that.  The part that was also quickly dismissed that line of thought.  To not act in this situation would be a betrayal of all he was at this point.  

He could see four bodies.  The rider was moving to seize one of them.  He rushed to the others.  Going closer to such a detonation would only find him bodies, and as wonderous as his healing was, it could not bring back the dead.  

So, he ran up to the three that had impacted a building.  A part of him recognized them from earlier as the three metahumans that had given him the slip.  The rest of him saw them only as wounded.  Shimmering energy reached out from his hands, healing the blond-haired woman, melding broken bones, restoring shattered organs, and knitting sundered tissue.  Before the process was complete, he moved on to the next one, the brunette, and then the last.  He could finish his work once all three were stable enough that they would not expire.

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 22nd 2013, 9:19 am

The ice demon listened to Zedekiah's request and reopened her fan, blasting a jet of icy wind into the air that cleared the storm. At the outskirts of the city, however, the grey sky persisted, and Roseria claimed that she couldn't completely remove the storm. Whether that was the truth or not, it seemed that she had the city more or less held at ransom, her powers keeping the storm from returning and causing more destruction and injury. Zedekiah couldn't help but admire her cunning, but he had more important things to worry about. The woman was walking away toward a snowman, presumably back on the hunt for her Lavishtas friend. The snowman pointed toward a warehouse close by. And that must be where the poachers keep their cargo... Zedekiah reasoned. It didn't look very well protected, but looks could be deceiving.

As Zedekiah prepared to head toward the warehouse, it violently erupted, sending debris and a few bodies flying through the air. Three of the bodies landed on the ground, none of them in pieces but undoubtedly gravely injured. One body seemed to catch Roseria's attention. She called out "Karah," and ran to snatch the body from the air. It seemed finding the woman's friend was far easier than he originally expected. The warehouse, on the other hand, was a wreck. Zedekiah doubted he would find any good data in the destruction, but he would have to check, and soon. Even in the chaos of an ice storm and war, a massive explosion would draw unwanted attention. Hospitaller was already running to the other bodies, healing them without a word. "I'll check the wreckage for survivors!" Zedekiah called out to his ally, sprinting toward the building.

The ruins of the destroyed warehouse were difficult to navigate through, but Zedekiah carefully sifted through them, looking for any item that could hold information on Karah. He knew there must be some, professional poachers would realize that information on a demon would fetch a high price to the right buyer. The more Zedekiah searched however, the more he feared that the information was destroyed in the explosion. Perhaps he would have to walk away from this ordeal empty-handed after all. There were few charred bodies, but most of them were obviously dead. He passed by a couple who looked like they were still clinging to life, so he made a mental note of their location and went on his way. He entered field of rubble that used to be a laboratory of some kind. Ruined equipment and shattered glass littered the ground. Upon close inspection, however, Zedekiah noticed a floor safe underneath a misshapen block of concrete. He worries were dismissed from his mind, and pulled out his blade.

Careful not to destroy any of the contents, Zedekiah pierced the door of the safe, carving it out of the floor. What was left was a hole, filled with important looking documents, several USBs, and a small sum of cash, perhaps an emergency fund of some kind. Zedekiah emptied the safe and ran back in the direction of the Hospitaller, picking up the 2 live bodies on the way. "I found some survivors!" Zedekiah roared, calling Hospitaller to his position and he ran. "They need help now!"

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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Location : middle of nowhere, Oklahoma
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 23rd 2013, 11:51 am

Roseria crashed into the ground tumbling across into a nearby jewelry store.  Karah had got up slowly and went to help roseria up when the boy from earlier appeared in front of the jewelry store.  He didn't speak just let a few pops flow towards karah and roseria.  There was a slight draft then wind rushed at an immense strength towards them then something sparked and exploded sending roseria and karah through the building.  Roseria stood up and winced in pain as karah pried herself from a nearby car.  Tears streamed down her face as she rubbed her arms and legs.

"Ow Ow Ow OOwwww."  She whinned while walking to roseria who just looked at her and then at the giant hole that smoked a little from the explosion.

"Karah we have to do this now."  She said giving karah the look she always gave when karah needed to unleash herself to fight.

Karah nodded and a strange energy rushed apon her and an eruption of black energy dispersed around her and dissolved just as quickly revealing a large creature that used to be the little girl like karah.

The witches woke up and looked up to see the man that was chasing them earlier but they were still in to much pain to move so they just looked at him.  Eclipsa looked a heran and nodded.  Heran closed her eyes and took a deep breathe.  Seconds later the witches were standing as the man had his back to them.   Another guy appeared yelling about how he found two more survivors.

"Those bastards took karah so they don't deserve to live."  Listera called then she swung her hand and bullets of water formed and skewerd the two survivors before they made it to the military man.

The witches then look over to see Karah transform and they knew instantly that Roseria needed their help so the took off towards the battlefield.

Name- combustion(NPC)

Fighting Skills:5

Power- Explosion
He is able to cause instantaious explosion on selected targets. The draw back is that the explosion must charge and it also must flow to the person on the wind. This is what most people see or here as 3-6 pops which is followed by a rush of wind in the direction of the explosion and then the explosion happens.
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Johawplastic November 25th 2013, 10:36 am

Hospitaller had just stabilized the last of the trio when they all vanished. That wasn't good. He wasn't done healing them. While they weren't in any danger of bleeding out, and he didn't know if any of them were super-humanly durable, if they were anything close to baseline too much exertion could very well prove fatal.

His bewilderment was only momentary, as Zedekiah's call for assistance overrode other concerns. Once again, saving lives took precedence. He turned just in time to hear one of the trio call out and see the survivors attacked. Passing judgement and summary execution? The callous disregard for life galled at Martin.

Nevertheless, when the three women moved on before he could react, directive overrode anger and Hospitaller moved to try and save the two men. Light stretched out from his hands again, but once their wounds closed and the glow faded, neither man was breathing.

Fury boiled behind Martin's eyes. How dare they? Returning his help by murdering his patients in cold blood? Martin had not seen such inhuman savagery since a genetically engineered pack of velociraptors had attacked Buenos Aires.

Even as memories of that blood-soaked day coursed through his mind Hospitaller was moving. Reflexes and anger coalesced into his hands, which started to shimmer with the beginnings of a smiting blow. His feet left the ground, and his eyes shone with a light not unlike his healing glow.

He turned to the battle, where a newcoming metahuman was throwing explosions at the Rider and her entourage, which apparently now included an abominable human centipede thing. They were ignored. A more detached part of his mind remarked that it had found the adder, and that he probably ought to report the situation to the Americans. The rest of him was seeing too much red to comment.

Precise, sharp and traumatic, the thunderclaps came. He would not kill. Even this cold rage had not driven Martin over the edge. Instead, the hard light bit out at the trio, striking at limbs where they met the body. Each attack was followed up with another salvo at the next target, with Hospitaller not checking whether he'd hit the first or not. He could keep them from dieing once they were dismembered, but they would not escape retribution for the atrocity they had committed in front of him.

Come hell or high icewater, those three would see justice.

Hospitaller: Latter day Knight of Malta
"War is only useful as a means of saving lives; that is, not often."

Paul Phemos: Renegade grocer

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 25th 2013, 1:34 pm

Zedekiah seemed to have missed much while he was rummaging through the ruins of the kidnapper's warehouse. A newcomer, some metahuman with the power to generate explosions from thin air, had begun attacking Karah and Roseria. Zedekiah assumed that it was this explosive antagonist who destroyed the base. Karah had transformed, changing from her humanoid body to a more monstrous appearance. This must have been her true lavishtas form. She was titanic in size with a gaping, unhinged maw and several arms jutting out of her elongated body. Zedekiah wished he could take some time to study her more closely, but it just wasn't feasible at the moment. A pity, but with any luck the data he gathered from the floor safe in the warehouse would prove enough for him to garner some good information.

Suddenly he felt the bodies he was carrying jerk violently, blood spewing from new wounds. Looking up he realized the source was one of the ice witches, formerly incapacitated by the explosion but now healed thanks to the Hospitaller's energy. Zedekiah doubted the Hospitaller would appreciate the woman killing a couple of already half-dead humans, but he had better things to worry about. The witches were joining in on the fight between the exploding man and the demons. Dropping the lifeless bodies on the ground, Zedekiah drew his sword and walked in the direction of the action, contemplating his next  move. He didn't know who this newcomer was, but he didn't seem to be on the side of good judging by his disregard for collateral damage. He obviously wasn't on The ice demon's side either, which meant there was some other third party at work here. Zedekiah couldn't be sure of his allegiances, which made him dangerous.

Instead of rushing into battle, Zedekiah resolved to hang back. Perhaps the opposing forces would kill each other, which would effectively end Zedekiah's troubles and even give him a few demon corpses to study. Behind himself, Zedekiah could hear the Hospitaller's attempts to save the slain kidnappers. This endeavor was no doubt in vain, as the men were already just barely clinging to life when Zedekiah picked them up, and there was no way they survived the ice witch's attack. As if to confirm Zedekiah's thoughts, a bolt of light fired over his head toward the battle. Turning around, Zedekiah saw that the Hospitaller had gone into a fit of rage, seemingly beyond reason. The distraught soldier fired blast after blast of energy at the witches, aiming to tear them apart.

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 25th 2013, 7:26 pm

As Roseria stood up the boy tried to hit her again with another explosion but karah shot a large red bullet towards him before rapidly charging at him. The boy turned into a blurred line and appeared in front of the unsuspecting Roseria. He then set off an explosion sending her across the street and into another building. She got up just as the man was causing numerous explosions to protect himself from the bullets of water coming from Listera.

Roseria took this time to unleash her fan and swing it towards the man causing a rush of wind to knock him off balance. Karah used this opening by sending a barrage of bullets towards the opponent from a green light that appeared in her mouth. The boy jumped back but the bullets hit him causing him to hit the building that Roseria and karah flew through initially.

As the fight dragged on the witches were caught off guard by a rush of energy that narrowly missed them. Heran looked over and noticed the man that was following them shooting waves of energy at them. From what they could tell by the impact wounds around them from the waves of sound these blasts were meant to render them immobile. Listera waved her staff and a large wave appeared from thin air and rushed towards the man.

Eclipsa ran around it and punched a nearby car towards him. She then clasped her hands together and three mirrors appeard around her and she used these to absorb some of the energy from the sound blasts that were rushing towards listera and her wave. One of the mirrors began to pulse and then shot a blast of ice filled wind, that whistled with sound, towards the man. She knew he should be able to dodge this for if he didn't then this fight would be over quickly.

As this went on Heran looked around and noticed that a man was standing a good ways behind the two fights. As she began to heal the injured roseria and karah, she observed the man closely. Abruptly one of the dragons appeared and began to tell her of the situation. The military was going to bomb the city in a few minutes. Heran looked at the dragon then at roseria then back at the dragon and nodded.

"Take them all out, take some of the harpies with you." She said and the dragon rushed off towards the highest building.




Karah (Renegade)
Posting Master
Posting Master

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Neena November 26th 2013, 10:02 pm

Neena pulled her long, dark hair back into a ponytail. She wasn't that familiar with Tampa, she preferred colder climates, but when she had received the distress call she had suited up. She pulled on her black gloves, she wasn't the type to dress as fancy as some of the other superheroes she saw in the news. A simple light blue and black body suit, gloves, comfortable boots, gloves, and of course a half mask, over her forehead, eyes, cheekbones, and nose to cover her identity. Wind rushed around her, the hum of the plane engine numbed her hearing but that would pass. She could have easily flown to the location, but compared to the speed of the plane, she would have been much slower.

In the distance she saw the city of Tampa, the plane lurched to change course. They must have closed down the air space over the city. Well there went her ride. Neena slid off of the side of the wing and hovered in the air, letting the plane fly past her. Well, now she was on her own. She took off towards the city. Neena preferred to be organized, well prepared, and informed. After a quick briefing, she was handed a communication device and allowed to join the fray. She did like that organization, though she hadn't enjoyed the fact that they warned her about bombing the city. Shesh, was that the military's only solution to everything?

Neena took to the air again, keeping close to the higher levels of the buildings to avoid detection. She followed the ice, as she neared the center of the fighting it grew thicker and thicker. Well, least it would cut down on air conditioning expenses. She pursed her lips, being rocked back a few feet by an explosion, it seemed she was near the location of the problem. She rounded a corner, letting out a small gasp as she watched a giant ice dragon clamber up a building.

"Dibs," she whispered once, an odd smile appearing on her face. Her skin shivered with excitement as she took off after the dragon. When she was close enough to the dragon, she didn't give it any warning, that wasn't her style, nor was it to monologue.

Her odd eyes suddenly focused on the head of the dragon, they widened, and from her eyes, and explosion of hot fire shot forward at the dragon. The building it was near the glass began to turn brittle and melt, the concrete cracked, and the beams groaned. The Amblyopia Avenger had appeared, and she wasn't the type to go easy on an enemy.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 3
Location : USA
Job : Student/Superhero
Humor : Dry
Registration date : 2013-11-16

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Johawplastic November 27th 2013, 3:56 pm

A smiting blast into the wave's heart cut it in two, the bisecting ray of solid light sending the walls of water crashing into the surrounding buildings.  Martin ignored the collateral.  Although that explosion had shown there were still people in the area, by this point he was mostly operating on reflex, fury and instinct.  

The flying automobile received similar treatment, rendered to its component parts by a flurry of golden strikes.  A carburetor sailed past his head as the radio on Hospitaller's hip tried communicating.  

"Hotel Oscar Sierra Papa, this is US Command.  Be advised recon units have reported new meta-operatives entering the sphere in your sector.  In addition, there is an A-10 warthog moving in on your position in response to the heavy fighting."  

These important updates were lost in the cacophony of the battle as Hospitaller fired another volley of blasts into the oncoming wind.  Unlike the other attacks, this one was not completely dissipated.  It was, however, still a painful experience as the ice in the gust cut at him.  

As the wind ended Hospitaller dropped to one knee, and the red in his sight faded a bit while his healing glow knit the cuts and bruises the flying chunks had inflicted.  He looked around, taking in the scene.  He couldn't see Zedekiah.  There was a dragon halfway up a building getting lasers shot at it by a flying girl, a huge demon that apparently had a machine gun for a mouth, the rider from earlier swooshing her fan again, and some guy was crashed halfway through a window.  

He pushed thoughts of those aside.  There wasn't healing to do, but he could help pre-empt more destruction if he could minimize the ice demons' effectiveness.  Taking on the rider solo was not a good idea.  Neither was a drawn out fight with these three.  So, he would divide and conquer, concentrate on one, take her out of the battle, and move on.  Remove her support, and then help Zedekiah with the rider.  Provided, of course, that his ally decided to intervene.  In any case, it would be good if they finished this before the warthog filled that rider with fist-size ballistic lead implants.  

To this effect, he concentrated on the hydrokinetic.  He aimed for her outstretched arms, beams of solid light lancing across the gap between them.  Hopefully without use of her hands she'd have trouble blowing anything up with water.

Hospitaller: Latter day Knight of Malta
"War is only useful as a means of saving lives; that is, not often."

Paul Phemos: Renegade grocer

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 29th 2013, 8:23 pm

This exploding metahuman was really holding his own against the the two demons, and Hospitaller's temper tantrum definitely wasn't helping the unfortunate women. The witches, who were no doubt supposed to be providing support, had their hands full trying to avoid being dismembered by beams of light. They were throwing attack after attack at the soldier, but his powerful rays of light managed to cut through their offenses. In the meantime, the demons' antagonist was flitting about the battlefield, sending Karah and Roseria flying with instantaneous explosions and simultaneously using his powers to defend himself. Eventually the two demons were able to work together to send him crashing into a building. The witches finally managed to bring Hospitaller down with an icy blast of wind, giving one of them enough reprieve to offer Karah and Roseria some healing support. As she did so, one of Roseria's dragons arrived, not joining the fight but instead giving the combatants some information. The dragon was swiftly sent off, scaling a nearby building to escape and perform its duty.

Zedekiah didn't have to worry much about what it was doing, however, because it promptly met opposition. A blast of powerful flames erupted towards it, and the source was none other than a new metahuman. This battlefield was getting far too crowded for Zedekiah's tastes. He rubbed his temples in frustration, feeling the beginnings of a headache developing. The stress of the situation was going to start giving him hallucinations if he wasn't careful. He couldn't afford to fight superhuman enemies and his own damaged psyche at the same time. Zedekiah looked to the Hospitaller, checking to see if his rage had subsided. The soldier seemed much calmer, and his wounds were even healed thanks to his powers. Zedekiah wondered whether he would still pursue the ice witches, and his thoughts were answered as the man fired yet another bolt of light energy at the one who murdered the two kidnappers from earlier.

At this point, Zedekiah's decision on who to support was becoming more clear. As much as he respected the ice demon, the risk of helping her now far outweighed any possible reward. The explosion generating metahuman was probably not out of commission for long, and both the Hospitaller and the new flying, fire-eyed girl were both opposing the demons as well. Zedekiah had very little to gain from continuing a shaky alliance with them, so he decided to act now and make sure the new girl knew he was on her side. The Hospitaller was taking care of the witches, and flying girl was busy with the dragon, which left Karah and Roseria for Zedekiah. He didn't like his odds, but the witches and the dragon would last very long, so the alternative wasn't an option. Sheathing his sword he pulled out his oaken bow, and with a precise skill and fluid movement he loosed a volley of arrows in quick succession. His attack was aimed at Karah, mean to incapacitate her buy taking out some of her legs. With such a massive body, losing a few legs would hopefully leave her incapable of movement.

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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