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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 4th 2013, 9:22 pm

The air quickly chilled at a very unnatural pace.  Snow rushed to the ground as civilians stood their in shock.  It was the middle of july and yet the air and the sky turned into winter so fast.  Why just two seconds ago you could fry an egg on the side walk and now you might get frost bite from falling on it.  The sweat that was on people seemed to chill into nail bitting ice and people began to return home and change for the weather, that is until the news reported a very unnatural event taking place on the ocean.

A little ways away from tampa bay Florida was a thick fog.  The fog traveled at a cruising pace towards the coast of florida and it didn't seem to slow in the slightest.  The water in front of the fog seemed to chill as well as the fog drew closer.  Suddenly the fog stopped and Roseria walked into the front standing on a block of frozen ocean.  The air around her was so cold that she was slightly incased in armor.

"Should we begin the invasion?"  Came a young educated voice.  A girl with long black hair that curled slightly walked up next to her.

"Let the snow men have their fun first."  Roseria said as she pulled out her fan.

She swung the fan filling it with an immense amount of cold furry.  The wind broke through the water freezing it as it parted to let the wind rush towards the coast.  When the wind touched land it exploded upwards and sprawled itself across the city quickly blasting bone freezing wind through the streets and alleys, blowing snow into piles.

At first sight the small piles seemed useless but then it pulsed and a blue aura incased the piles.  Wood spewed from the piles and a carrot poked from the top of the pile as it grew into a snowman.  The size of the snowman was very random but most were the size of the average human.  Their was an inhuman scream and a suddenly the air was filled with tearing and the voices of panicked civilians as they tried to escape the snow men onslaught.

Roseria watched from afar as the low whisper of screams reached her ears.

"Karah where are you?"  She said to herself  Then she disappeared inside the fog leaving the curly haired lady to watch over the battle ground.

3 weeks earlier-

Karah and Roseria were sitting in the tower of the south pole when the tower shook violently.  Karah squeezed Roseria's hand tightly as they walked out of the throne room.  There was slight panic and a lot of movement from the inhabitants of the tower.  Then the tower shook again.  Roseria told Karah to stay in the throne room while she goes to check it out.

Roseria ran outside just as a huge fire ball hit the side of the tower causing the mirror wall to shake again this time leaving a giant crack.  Roseria followed the trail of smoke to a nearby group of people covered in ski outfits.  One of the other people in the group threw another fireball at the tower but Roseria quickly thrusted her hand forming a huge stream of ice that cut through the fire and froze the two pieces causing them to fall straight to the ground.

The boy looked at roseria then called to the others but what he said was not heard by Roseria over the roar of the wind outside the tower.  But it was pretty evident when the guys from before circled her and prepared themselves to strike.  Roseria pulled out her fan and took her fighting stance which was her leaning forward slightly with the fan resting on her hip.  The ground began to crack and shake as the man on her right raised his arms and stomped his feet.  Roseria jumped into the air and swung her fan at the guy causing him to hit the floor and fly across the ground into a nearby rock of ice.

"Hey where is the levishtas?"  Asked some guy behind her but instead of waiting for her answer he tried to attack her while she was in the air still.

At first it looked as though she was captured so the guys let their guard down for a minute.  Then the water froze suddenly and shattered leaving roseria standing there in the middle of the group where she had started.  Now she knew that they were after karah so she wasn't going to let them get no farther than this.  The ice around her feet twisted around into a Dna Double helix type of shape then spikes of ice spewed out cutting most of the people in front of her but a good bit still was left their.

"If you're after karah you're not getting her."  She said then she opened the fan again and lunged at the nearest opponent.

There were probably fifty people left to defeat but Roseria knew that it wasn't a challenge for her.  She jumped and rolled over the people letting them slowly take each other out while occasionally swinging her fan to redirect one of her opponents attacks.  As roseria fought it occurred to her that the fight was getting slower than it was earlier, almost as if they were trying to drag it on.  Roseria Turned abruptly to see that the fire guy was gone then an explosion went off at the top of the tower near the throne room and Karah was falling out of the window.

"Karah!!" Roseria yelled as she left the opponents from before.  

The force of wind she made with her fan was immense as she rushed to Karah to catch her before she fell.  Roseria was inches away from her when she felt a huge jolt of electricity rush through her body causing her to convulse speratically then fall in unison with Karah.  She looked at her as she was caught in Mid-air but she couldn't see by who for her vision was quickly going.

"If you wanna fight for her than come to tampa bay florida our base is...." The guys voice died as Roseria's vision went dark and the last thing she remembered was the feel of the snow as she collided with the ground.

When she awoke karah was gone and the troops that remained from the invasion were already plotting an invasion strategy even though they had know idea where they were going, that is until Roseria took charge and Tampa bay became their target.


Roseria stood in the fog as a old deep voice appeared on her left.
"My snow queen have you found a use for us yet?" Asked the voice as two large dragon heads appeared.

"Loth I won't need you or Laura until I've seen opposition."  Roseria responded to the voice as she sighed deeply.

Last edited by creator on November 5th 2013, 10:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 5th 2013, 9:51 pm

A short buzzing sound emitted from Zedekiah’s pant pocket, pulling his attention from the ancient scroll he had been examining. The vibration was coming from his phone, of course, the short buzz indicating a notification as opposed to a call. Zedekiah didn’t make a habit out of social contact, in fact he avoided it like the plague. Unfortunately there were many times in life, especially in his line of “work,” where information was best garnered through the use of informants and academic associates. One man could not watch the world alone, after all. It was for this reason that Zedekiah had amassed a network of brilliant minds and underworld aficionados to inform him of important magical activity that might lead him to his ultimate goal. In return, of course, Zedekiah was forced to assist them by offering his vast store of knowledge and lore. It was a mutually beneficial relationship for all, though that fact made Zedekiah no more happy to interact with others.

Carefully setting the brittle scroll aside, Zedekiah pulled his phone from his pocket and pressed a button, awakening it from sleep mode. On the front screen a notification was displayed, announcing: “Text from J. Gattison.” With a resigned sigh, Zedekiah reluctantly opened the message. Dr. Jacob Gattison was one of Zedekiah’s more chatty associates. Any time Zedekiah had the misfortune of working with him, the man would act with exaggerated friendliness and would insist on dragging on with pointless small talk and “witty” anecdotes. Zedekiah wouldn’t have tolerated it, except that Gattison was without a doubt the most useful and most brilliant of his informants. Zedekiah even considered the possibility that the man could be even smarter than he was, though lacking Zedekiah’s knowledge of the forbidden arts. In addition, Zedekiah always held the suspicion that Gattison’s friendly personality was just a front, hiding a darker side that showed itself only behind closed doors.

The text took a moment to load before it displayed an image. It was a picture of fair quality, and showed a young looking humanoid creature, presumably female, with lava-like black and orange skin and red horns protruding through curly black hair. Whatever it was, it wasn’t human, which meant it may have come from an alternate dimension. His curiosity piqued, Zedekiah dialed Gattison’s number.

"Jacob Gattison." The voice on the other end spoke, sounding almost bored. Zedekiah prepared himself for an annoying conversation and then answered, quick and to the point, by asking when he could see the specimen. "ZED BISHOP!" Gattison exclaimed, drawing an internal groan from the Voidwalker. "You old dog! How have you been, my friend? I swear it's been too long! Far too long!" The question was apparently rhetorical, however, because Gattison didn’t so much as pause for an answer. "Ah, things have been splendid on my end, Bishop, simply splendid. I take it you got my message?" Obviously Zedekiah had recieved the message, but Gattison couldn’t have a conversation without these painful formalities.

"When can I see it?" Zedekiah replied, cooly. He wouldn’t allow himself be drawn into extended contact with Gattison. The call had already gone on long enough for his tastes.

"Ah yes, the demon girl." Gattison replied. "Well, if it were up to me I'd have you come take a look straight away! No doubt about that of course. Unfortunately we've run into a small... problem with the delivery. Nothing major I assure you, but significant enough to cause a slight delay." Zedekiah resisted the urge to hang up immediately, instead staying silent and waiting for Gattison to finish his ramblings. "The problem is the creature is under the control of some black market runners. I won't bore you with all the details, but the gist of it is that they have the package with them down in Tampa. Quite a ways from my cozy little shack up here in New York."

Zedekiah wasn’t amused. "So buy it and ship it. I don't remember money ever being a problem for you, Doctor Gattison."

"Oh please, call me Jacob, or just Gattison if you prefer. None of this Doctor business between us friends, eh Bishop? Now, obviously I've already bought the product. It's the delivery that's become a bit more... problematic. You see that creature has some quite powerful friends. Not powerful in the monetary sense, that I can handle. They are powerful in the physical sense, and quite intent on getting her back"

Zedekiah finally understood why Gattison had contacted him. "You need me to eliminate the threat so your delivery can be made without incident, and in return you will allow me examine the creature for my own research."

"I'll even let you have her demon friend for free!" Gattison proclaimed excitedly. "I'm so glad we've come to an agreement. There's a limo waiting outside to take you to the jet. Good luck, old friend."


Finding the source of the unnatural cold had been simple, considering it became colder the closer you got to it. The dense fog being produced by this magical power also helped guide Zedekiah the way. Unfortunately, actually getting to the source would prove to be a far more complicated matter, as it seemed to be originating from off the coast, on a sea of now frozen seawater. The ice couldn’t be trusted to be sturdy enough to stand on, so Zedekiah had to consider alternative methods of reaching the power source.

All of a sudden there came a bloodcurdling scream, and sounds carnage erupted around the city. Torn from his introspection, Zedakiah realized that streets, which had previously been occupied by regular citizens, were now filled with bloodthirsty snowman warriors. With a sigh he drew his white blade from its scabbard and prepared to defend himself from frosty attack. "This creature had better be worth the effort" he murmured to himself.

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 5th 2013, 10:35 pm

As Roseria stood at the end of the fog she was notified of the situation. She sat their for a moment and then contimplated what she was going to do. If she whent to confront this guy herself she could potentially find the whereabouts of Karah if he was associated with the gang that took her. But at the same time he could be looking for karah for an alternate reason rather than to save her or some thing. Roseria assumed it was the second thought that seemed more appropriate but this person was the only lead she had.

"I'm going to go deal with the opposition the rest of you find Karah by any means necessary." She ordered and the order stood with great firmness. Roseria motioned to Laura and Loth who followed her as she walked out of the fog. She climbed onto the dragons forehead and they began to rush to the coast touching land and rushing into the city in mere seconds. Frost covered the buildings as they trecked through the city, causing a path of destruction that lead straight to the person opposing her at the moment.

"Are you with the people that stole karah?" She asked as she jumped off Laura's head before motioning them to wait atop the buildings to stop any other incoming opposers.

Karah was now face to face with the man as snow continued to fall but once the snowmen formed they ran away whimpering as they weren't expecting to see their queen so early in the fight. Her face was cold and the only thing keeping her from freezing this guy on the spot was the simple fact that he might have information on karah's whereabouts. She pulled out her fan and opened it to rest it on her side as she held the top.




Karah (Renegade)
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 5th 2013, 11:46 pm

It's funny how things sometimes seem to work themselves out. Zedekiah had unsheathed his blade and was preparing to cut through the army of snowmen when he suddenly felt a burst of activity coming from the magical power source. Whatever the source was, it was heading toward Zedekiah's position at high speed. "So it's showing itself already..." Zedekiah whispered to himself, "It doesn't waste time. Good." It took only moments before the origin of the frozen mess became visible. Hurtling through the sky on the head of a formidable-looking ivory dragon was a pale grey humanoid creature. It seemed to be female, and was wearing a ridiculous outfit that was matched in silliness only by the creature's appalling neon-blue mohawk.

Zedekiah's first thought was that this creature and the captured creature looked nothing alike, which made him wonder why this one was so interested with the other. Upon further reflection, however, he reasoned that other planes don't necessarily follow the same rules as this one. The creatures could very well be good friends, lovers, or even sisters. Zedekiah moved these thoughts to the back of his mind as the dragon rider approached. The ice queen's serpent halted before Zedekiah, and the frigid woman leaped to the ground. She dismissed the the beast to a nearby rooftop, as well as its apparent twin, which had followed her. The path she had taken to arrive at this point was now a wreck, overrun with crackling frost, broken windows, and terrified bystanders. The snowmen, who Zedekiah assumed were under the woman's control, fled in terror at her arrival. The dragons had done nothing to help calm down the already hysteric citizens, but thankfully they were running away in their fear. Soon there would be no more people to get in the way. In the midst of all this Zedekiah's frosty opponent opened up a large fan, and was holding it at her side. Perhaps it was her weapon of choice.

She called out to Zedekiah, asking him if he was with the people who stole "Karah." It didn't take a genius to figure that this "Karah" was the creature that the black market thugs had stolen. This woman, then, was the threat that Gattison needed eliminated. Zedekiah resheathed his blade, confident that he could draw quickly enough if the situation called for it, but not wanting to put undue stress on his opponent. He had found in his infrequent encounters with other people that they were far more comfortable when you didn't have a weapon out, and comfortable was good when trying to get initial information. The weapons came later, when they began to get tight-lipped.

"What are you?" Zedekiah asked frankly, not wanting to waste time. "And what is 'Karah?'"

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 6th 2013, 5:04 am

Roseria sat their as the man asked her questions about her and karah. At first she planned not to answer but after thinking it over she decided the best thing to do was answer. She closed her fan as he did his sword and tossed it back in it's latch. Roseria knew that nine times out of ten he didn't know anything of her and was probably underesstimating her. She sighed and looked at the man for another couple of seconds.

" I am Roseria and i am an ice demon. Karah is a Lavishtas and she is my adopted child or sister, we go by either one that gets us where we need to be." Roseria looked at the man one more time before looking at the ground and in the sky.

"Now who are you and what do you want with karah?" She asked as she rubbed the side of her mohawk soothing her raging demonic emotiones inside her till she got an answer.




Karah (Renegade)
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 6th 2013, 8:30 am

Thankfully the woman decided to play nice, putting her weapon away as if wordlessly agreeing to try diplomacy first. Things were so much easier when people cooperated, and it seemed like this creature shared Zedekiah's penchant for getting straight to the point. He liked that. It's a shame we will inevitably have to fight, Zedekiah thought to himself regretfully, This woman may have been someone actually worth getting to know. Unfortunately it wasn't going to be possible. He had an agreement with Gattison who, despite his annoying qualities, was far too valuable for Zedekiah to risk removing him from his network.

The woman called herself a "demon," which explained her strange appearance. "Demon," however, was such a common term. It could mean any number of creatures, and even some metahumans adopted the term to make themselves sounds more intimidating. This ice demon's friend Karah, however, was apparently a lavishtas. That was information Zedekiah could use. A lavishtas was an interdimensional creature that fed on rift energy, and while they had pitifully few encounters with the human world, they were not unheard of in the Void. Zedekiah had never had the opportunity to study one extensively, so perhaps this would be a chance to get some good data.

Roseria, which was what the ice demon introduced herself as, posed her own questions to Zedekiah. It seemed that if the conversation was to continue, he would need to answer. She was being so cooperative, and it would be a shame to end the conversation prematurely, so Zedekiah decided that answering the questions wouldn't hurt. "Zedekiah Bishop." he stated plainly. "I am interested in your friend as a source of information, and I am similarly interested in you." He hoped that answer would be adequate for now, but he was sure that the ice demon would next want to know where Karah was.

"How old are the two of you?" He asked after his answering was done. The question may have seemed random, but it was important to know how long-lived the creatures were. Humans' time on this earth was woefully short in comparison to the beings of other planes, and in order to reach his ultimate goal of immortality, he had to know all there was to know about the subject. That meant finding out more about seemingly ageless creatures.

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 6th 2013, 4:45 pm

Roseria looked at the man as he explained who he was and what he wanted with karah. He looked pretty formidable but Roseria knew in the back of her mind that with the current storm and temperature around them she would win before it even started. Roseria looked up at the dragons who were constantly stairing at the sky watching for any incoming intrusions. That's when the whirr of propellers hit her ears and helicopters appeared from all directions.

"Laura, Loth go tell the witches to send the harpies." She commanded and the dragons looked down at her. "As you wish." They said in unison then they crawled down the building and retreated back to the fog. Roseria looked at the helicopters and the people jumping out of them. But then abruptly they began to get knocked out the air and shards of ice and streams of feathers flew across the sky.

"I myself am somewhere around three hundred years old. Karah is unkown of age but she's been with me for about two years now." She said answering the mans question. She knew that eventually they woulld have to fight but the question now was who would insinuate the altercation. Roseria looked at the man one more time then she began to pace slowly side to side.

"I'm going to tell you now that if you don't have karah as of now you aren't going to get her, even if i have to destroy this whole city." She said calmly as she stopped pacing.

She wasn't going to let anyone take Karah....even if that meant giving her permission to transform. Suddenly the ground began to shake and explosions whent off in the sky. The millitary was trying to fight back but they were having little luck. Abruptly huge beams of blue light shot into the sky freezing planes and scales were shot above into the jets that had just arrived.




Karah (Renegade)
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 6th 2013, 5:44 pm

As he finished speaking, Zedekiah noticed the arrival of military forces in the form of approaching helicopters. Zedekiah knew that such a large and unnatural incident wouldn't be left unanswered for long, so the military interference was far from surprising. It seemed that Roseria noticed the newcomers as well, because she commanded her dragon escorts to alert the "harpies." It didn't take long for the helicopters, as well as those jumping from them, to be assaulted by a flock of feathered monstrosities. She has quite the host of subordinates... Zedekiah noted. Once again he regretted having to fight the demon. She could have made a valuable ally.

Roseria answered Zedekiah's question without trouble, not so much as blinking at the strangeness of it. 300 years... Zedekiah thought, Ah the information I could gather with some further study. Perhaps if I could see her realm... As Zedekiah was thinking to himself, the woman began to pace. It seemed she was growing impatient with the questioning. She would no doubt prefer to be looking for her kidnapped friend, but she was tolerating the conversation for now. Calmly she announced that she had no intention of allowing Zedekiah to gain control of Karah, going so far as to threaten the destruction of the city. She stopped pacing after that, standing with a look of determination on her face. Zedekiah knew that no amount of talking would sway her from her quest.

Around them the sounds of battle were ensuing. Despite the military's best efforts, they were simply no match for the armies of this ice queen. Jets and planes could be seen falling out of the sky, blasted by beams of light and other weapons. Eventually things would get out of hand. The time for speaking was over. They would have to continue their conversation another time. "Enough games," Zedekiah proclaimed, pulling an oaken bow off his back. "I have my goals, as do you, but you cannot be allowed to interfere." With a fluid motion he pulled a arrow from it's quiver, nocking it and drawing the string back. With an almost inaudible whisper he released the arrow, allowing the magically-charged projectile to soar directly at Roseria's chest. Simultaneously he began to move, strafing to the side in order to make his form more difficult to pinpoint. Standing still was a death sentence in combat.

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 6th 2013, 6:18 pm

Zedekiah looked into the sky then looked down and pulled out a bow. He shot an arrow at me aiming for my chest but it quickly froze over and shattered. Roseria smirked as the guy began to move assumingly to make his movements less readable. Roseria swung her hand and ice began to wash everywhere and block the guys movements. Roseria jumped back and raised her hands to swing them down causing a bunch of shards of ice to fly to the ground.

None were directly aimed at zedekiah but if one were to cut him that would be bad news. Roseria lunged towards the first dozen shards of ice shaped like swords that were near him. She began to swing the swords in a fluid motion letting one touch the ground as she lunged with the next letting go of them as the connected with something.

The movements weren't meant to stab but too cut multiple times until she thought he was wounded enough to use her final movement for this combo.




Karah (Renegade)
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 6th 2013, 7:13 pm

The arrow proved to be quite ineffectual, shattering before it could even make it to its target. Ranged combat is out of the question, then. Zedekiah thought to himself, more than a little annoyed at the development. He quickly stowed his bow, watching his opponent as he did so. The demon waved her arm and Zedekiah braced himself for an attack. Instead a wall of ice sprung up in his path, restricting his movement. The ice wasn't meant to harm him, which meant it must be setting him up for a follow-up strike. Rather than stop short and let himself become a sitting duck, Zedekiah leaped into the ice, planting a foot on it and pushing off with all his strength. Using it as a springboard, he vaulted himself off into the opposite direction, hopefully throwing off Roseria's aim.

Zedekiah was satisfied when a rain of ice shards fell from above, whooshing through the air where Zedekiah had been before. At the same time Roseria rushed toward him, taking control of about a dozen shards before they hit the ground. Using her cryokinetic powers she attacked, using the pieces of ice like swords. Fortunately swordplay was something of a specialty for Zedekiah. Expertly dodging the first swing, the shard crashing harmlessly into the ground, Zedekiah drew his sword from it's sheath. The next shard came straight at him, but he deflected it easily enough with the flat of his blade.

The frigid weapons kept coming at him in a series of slices and swings. Despite the sheer number of blades, Zedekiah's inhuman reaction time and well-honed fighting prowess allowed him to keep pace. Unfortunately he didn't make unscathed. One reckless swing of his sword left him open to a shard that came at him from his blind spot. He noticed it at the last second, but he only had time to shift slightly before the searing cold blade bit into his upper-right arm. It was thankfully a glancing blow, though his armor did little to protect him. He expected to feel hot blood running down his arm, but the wounded area just felt numb.

Soon after the first injury Zedekiah slipped up again. This time he saw the blade coming in time to react, but when he moved his own sword to block the attack his arm responded a millisecond too slowly. The cold had made him sloppy. The ice shard sliced past his left leg, cutting it deeply. It brought pain with it, but pain was easy to ignore. Zedekiah was more worried about the icy cuts slowing him down. Hopefully they wouldn't get in his way so long as he stayed mindful of them.

All throughout the skirmish Zed had been making his way toward his opponent, who had drawn near in order to attack. Once he was at an acceptable range he swung his sword in an arc, the marble blade smashing through one incoming ice shard and carrying on towards Roseria. If left unchecked, it would cut her in half. He didn't expect the attack to actually connect, he was merely testing the waters to see how well the woman fared in close combat.

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 6th 2013, 7:30 pm

Roseria watched as two cuts made contact.  One on his arm and one on his leg.  She knew this was enough to finish this battle quickly but as she was about to commense the final blow he appeared closer.  Roseria didn't catch on that as she was attacking he was also inacting his own plan to get closer to her.  The sudden knowledge of this caused Roseria to pause for a second but in that second Zedekiah swung his sword shattering the blade she had in the air.  The sword continued to come down in an attempt to cut her.

"You're good."  She said as she slipped down and then she spun over the sword sending a kick in his direction purposefully onto his right so he'd have to dodge with his left.

If the kick made contact this match would be over in a few seconds after but if the kick didn't make contact the movement would at least show her how much damage was done to his leg.  

"But as i said i won't let you have Karah."  She said as she began to swing the shards again.  This time she was faster with her movements.  

She could hear the explosions and cries that came from the damage still being done by the minions of ice.
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 6th 2013, 9:06 pm

In the heat of battle, the demon girl had the gall to compliment his performance. Very cocky. She avoided Zedekiah's slash swiftly, leaping over his sword and aiming a kick at his right side. The creature was fast, Zedekiah had to admit that, he was confident that his superior fighting ability would allow him to come out victorious in the end. So long as he kept his wits about him he knew he could persevere. Zedekiah lurched over, ducking under his opponents kick. Roseria flipped away as Zedekiah readied a counter attack, and then immediately lunged forward with a new set of ice shards. Zedekiah had a begrudging respect for the creature. She moved with a purpose and attacked with stunning ferocity. Her friend was obviously very important to her.

As she resumed her offensive, she reminded Zedekiah that she wouldn't allow him to have Karah. Perhaps she intended to prove her resolve, or maybe discourage Zedekiah from attacking further. Whatever the reason, Zedekiah wasn't really interested. The attacks were faster now, coming from all directions. He now had to dodge and roll this way and that, constantly moving or else get speared from behind. Fighting instinct took over, and he found himself moving without having to tell his body to. The cuts on his arm and leg burned, feeling painfully hot and cold at the same time, but the problem at hand was too great to focus on that now. At this point Zedekiah realized that Roseria was spinning at high speeds atop a shard of ice embedded in the ground. The frozen blades were hurtling through the air far too fast for Zedekiah to defend against them all now. He took a few hits, though thankfully the high amount and high speed of the blades meant his opponent had to sacrifice power.

After a particularly painful hit in his side, Zedekiah decided it was time to bolster his defenses. With an unintelligible whisper, spoken in the tongue of the ancients, Zedekiah activated the magical properties of his voidsteel armor. Immediately the storm of ice shards became far more manageable. Easily blocking the strikes at his head, he allowed the blades aimed at his body to strike. Some merely glanced off, and those that did manage to pierce through did far less damage than before. With this new development, Zedekiah went on the offensive. He lunged at his opponent, slashing his blade to shatter the ice shard she was standing upon.

If she blocked the attack, he would fight on, continuing to pressure her with quick strikes until she countered. If shattering her icy perch knocked her off balance, he would seize the opportunity and use his momentum to barrel into her. His armored shoulder striking her unbalanced body would hopefully be enough to knock her to the floor, and he could continue the attack from there. If she jumped away, he would pursue her with unrelenting swings of his sword. He would do his best not to allow her enough time to ready more cryokinetic attacks.

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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Location : middle of nowhere, Oklahoma
Age : 29
Job : cool stuff
Humor : much funny. very laugh. wow.
Registration date : 2013-11-04

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 6th 2013, 9:22 pm

At first Roseria thought she had the upper hand but the tides quickly turned when she heard the man whisper something and then her attacks were a complete fail. Roseria tried to continue her attacks but zedekiah shattered the blade she was spining on causing her to fall for a split second. She spun while falling opening her fan with a ferocious speed. She swung the fan with immense power blowing herself backwards while causing a gust of chilling sharp wind. Even though the guy was alot stronger now she wasn't going to stop that easy. The fight was just begining and if she had too she would resort to fighting with more on her side, what some would consider ganging, but that was an absolute last resort, it fell right before destroying the whole city.

Roseria stood up and took her fighting stance readying herself for the onslaught of his attacks. Now she was on the defensive for she didn't know what zedekiah was capable of anymore but it was evident that he had occult knowledge making him more dangerous than he was thought to be.




Karah (Renegade)
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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by Zedekiah November 6th 2013, 10:54 pm

Zedekiah successfully broke the ice shard Roseria was spinning upon. It felt good to finally push an advantage, but before he could follow up, the demon woman whipped out her fan. With a gust of cold wind she managed to blow her self away. I won't allow you to get away that easily... Zedekiah thought to himself. He took off after her, pursuing her as a hungry predator would pursue its prey. It was important that he didn't allow her enough time to recover. Spending too much time running around trying to avoid ice shards would get him nowhere, and he needed some medical attention for the wounds he had sustained. The only way to stop her from using her cryokinesis was to keep her on the defenses, which was easier said than done. The woman was a formidable opponent, there was no doubt about that.

As Zedekiah approached, Roseria stood and entered a fighting stance. Now we fight on my terms... And with that thought he attacked. His initial strike was low sweep, which he hoped to follow up with a lunge at his midair opponent if she jumped. If not, then he would just continue with a series of quick strikes if possible, of course staying mindful of possible counter attacks. So long as he stayed close he had a good chance winning his fight, but he had to keep the fighting at sword range. Otherwise he was back to playing flyswatter against a horde of stinging ice shards. In the background, he could still hear the sounds of battle. The military was having a terrible time trying to push back the frozen army, and Zedekiah was aware that at any moment the snow warriors, harpies, and dragons could be turned against him. He had to end the fight before it came to that.

Zedekiah Bishop
Zedekiah's Items


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Location : middle of nowhere, Oklahoma
Age : 29
Job : cool stuff
Humor : much funny. very laugh. wow.
Registration date : 2013-11-04

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The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open) Empty Re: The Retrieval of the Red snow princess (open)

Post by creator November 7th 2013, 4:15 am

Roseria was able to jump over the low sweep that he tried to hit her with and Zedekiah then procceded with a lung attack. The wind caught her fan and she sllipped out of the way just in time to barely dodge the attack. Roseria smiled and dropped to the floor but before she could use her attacks the guy was on her again. He would constatnly stay just close enough to fight her but not too close to give her the advantage. Roseria was on the defensive now. She was trying to hit him but at the moment she couldn't do it. She had to wait for him to mess up then she would deal a major blow to turn the tides in her favor, but until then she had to spend her time blocking, parrying, and dodging to avoid a lethal stab.

"Roseria we found Karah." Came a female voice. The voice wasn't too deep but it was just a little raspy. She turned to see Eclipsa run towards her then she stopped and waited.

Roseria smiled with joy then she found a new determination to finish this fight. She parryed one of his blows with all her strength sending her sliding to the side a bit. As expected zedekiah rushed in on her again but roseria jumped into the air without a moments hesitation then she used the cold air from her fan to fling herself atop a nearby buildinng. Hopefully free of the man known as zedekiah....but who was he.

"Eclipsa, you and the witches go ahead after her i'll stay behind and continue to distract this man." She said and after a second the witch nodded and was off.




Karah (Renegade)
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