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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Madhouse June 20th 2013, 12:05 pm

James waved "get down from there! The helicopter's going to..." Sure enough, the helicopter's searchlight found them once again. James rolled his eyes. "Nevermind! However you should still get down here, you'll be able to get to the plants better." Speaking of which, behind James was a collection of around five trees, along with various other vegetation. The most prominent of these trees was a great oak, towering above the rest. James pointed at it. "Can you use that thing to deal with the helicopter?"


Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Augsp June 21st 2013, 3:41 am

Lyra immediately dropped to the ground in shock.
But too late. The spotlight seemed to blind her eyes. Looking around, she frantically searched for a plant that would suit her needs. Only a couple of trees. A shame. If she didn't act ASAP, a very bad cirminal record would be ahcieved. Well, even if they did, there was a huge chance about that.
If she had just chosen to stay back..........

There was only one way of doing this.
Realizing the great oak tree, she immediately thought of a reckless plan.
She thrust a hand up and made a bending motio.. The oak tree bended to her will, with its branches smacling mercilessly into the heilcopter. None were strong enough to penetrate the glass seperating the air and the pilot, but.........
A shattering noice was heard as the spotlight went off. Good. Not if she just had some vine plants. That would definately help. But now, it would be better to run.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
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Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Madhouse June 21st 2013, 2:48 pm

James grinned when he saw the searchlight had been extinguished. "Not bad! It doesn't look like the helicopter can do much else, I sure don't see any guns on it. So well done indeed!" He couldn't help but wonder what the extent of Lyra's powers really were, but decided not to ask her anything for the time being, after all they had more important things to do. The helicopter had decided to pack up it's bags, as there wasn't much else it could achieve.  

He dashed over to the gates, noticing several police standing outside. He took a moment to wonder why they weren't running in, coming to the conclusion that they must be waiting for backup. The real question was concerning whether or not the police were simply waiting for more cops, or something else. He ran back to Lyra, and explained the situation, bouncing a question to her after doing so. "To be honest we have two options: we could fight off the police, or flee elsewhere. I could do both of these options, so it's really a question of what you want to do. It's your choice, fight or flight?"

James Thurman:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Augsp June 21st 2013, 8:51 pm

They weren't doing anything. Obviously they overestimated their strnegths-at least Lyra's- and were waiting for back up like a bunch of fools. Right. So strategetic.
They should escape. Now. It would be better for their fates. Who knew what would happen if they stayed and fought?
Gtting arrested was the best case senario. Worst case: shot to death. Lyra wasn't scared of death, but she wanted a meaningful one.
“Better to run. Who knows what'll happen if we stay,”

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Location : SOUTH Korea
Age : 24
Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Madhouse June 22nd 2013, 6:43 am

James shrugged. "As you wish. One moment, please." James sped off, taking a lap round the park in order to get a sense of where he was. Unsurprisingly, they weren't very far away from his humble home. Arriving back a moment later, he briefed Lyra. "Alright, looks to me like we're closest to my place. I don't know where yours is, but mine's just down the road. The helicopter's gone, but it looks like they've got their ground based searchlights going too. If you like, I could distract them whilst you fly over, then once you're over I can shoot over to the roof of my apartment, that way you'll be able to tell where you can land." He smiled, rather satisfied with his planning.

James Thurman:

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Augsp June 23rd 2013, 10:26 am

Lyra watched, speechless as James ran a quick lap around the park. Gods, he was fast. Physically and mentally too, obviously. Quick thinking was always a useful tool. If only Lyra had that too. Her brain never helped in times of danger.
So. Obviously his house was close to the park. But what could they do in his house? Wouldn't it be.......more vulnerable? But they had one tool the poilice didn't. Night. Darkness.
“I don't might get in trouble,”

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 183
Location : SOUTH Korea
Age : 24
Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Madhouse June 29th 2013, 12:26 pm

(OOC: Alright i'm back for now)

James grinned. "I'm fairly certain i'll be able to outpace these guys. Heck, i'm fairly certain i'd be able to outpace their cars. I will concede there's a small risk of me getting captured. However realistically I will be just fine. Still, it's your call."

James Thurman:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Augsp June 29th 2013, 6:32 pm

Lyra tried to think up of something. But what could one do when her mind was too crowded with the scenes that had just happened? “Are you sure-are you sure this'll be safe? I don't want you to get captured,” she said tentativly.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 183
Location : SOUTH Korea
Age : 24
Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Madhouse July 1st 2013, 11:54 am

James twitched noticeably, his impatience clearly getting to him. He began to bounce back and forth on his heels. "Look, I'm going to be just fine, I've done this type of thing a thousand times before." That was, admittedly, a lie. However, there was no doubt in the speedster's mind that he would be able to handle the situation presented to him. He'd realized by then that Lyra wasn't going to be making any decisions anytime soon, he should have known she wouldn't be the type to make a call in a second. James shrugged, guessing he'd have to make it for her.

"Alright, let's do it. Three. Two. One. Go!" As soon as he'd said it, he was gone. Seemingly appearing moments later on top of a police car, he began his distraction. "Gentlemen. Allow me to bargain with you. I intend to convey this in the form of a Shakespearean monologue." James cleared his throat, holding one hand to the stars and placing another behind his back. "Hark!"

James Thurman:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Augsp July 2nd 2013, 3:33 am

Seeing James get impatient Lyr abegan to scold herslef again.
Seriously, Lyra?
You're acting like a little kid on the midst of a fire. You're supposed to be a hero. Act like it.
the little voice in her mind seemed harsh to her. Ah well. So much for normality. As James began to run, Lyra flew p, hidden by the shadows. She forced the trees to grow thicker and gain more leaves, so that she would be harder to spot. As for James-well, he'd need to work it out on his own.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Number of posts : 183
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Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Madhouse July 3rd 2013, 7:00 pm

James continued his admittedly awful speech, darting from place to place as to avoid any police that may try and harm him. "If music be the food of love..." he zipped to a nearby bench "play on." James paused for a moment, raising an eyebrow. "Hold on, I didn't write that. That's actually Shakespeare." He stood up, rubbing his chin. "How peculiar. I suppose that-" sadly, James was unable to finish his ramble as during the said speech his torso ran into a particularly nasty meeting with the 120mm shell. The beast had arrived, and it was doing well so far.

James, on the other hand was hardly skipping in the meadows. Rather, he'd taken a short journey through a wall. Though, thanks to his incredible durability he was still in one piece. Had he been a normal human a shot like that would have left him scattered across Los Angeles.

James Thurman:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dusting Off the Old Hero Boots.

Post by Augsp July 4th 2013, 6:58 am

Lyra's heart lept as the bullet hit James. It sent him flying into a wall. She let out a muffled gasp that was almost inaudible. So hiding out for all hose years had been of some benefit.She hovered in the air and looked for someting,anything hat would help the two heroes.
There were a few trees,none of them bearing anythig good such as heavy fruit. Just grass,a few clovers,flowers and such.......
But look!there in the huge willow tree,a wasp's nest was there. She willed the branche surronding it o intertwine closer and closer............there!
The nest broke open with a great sound and many wasps tumvled out ad began to sting the poilce. Lyra quickly willed the trees around her to grow more and cover her. It must have worked,because none of them stung her. Maybe it was just meta genes.
She desperately lookedfor tings that could cover James from the wasps.Even if he could stand a bullet, she didnt think he'd be onvincible against wasp stings.

Last edited by Augsp on July 4th 2013, 6:59 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sorry for the crappy post,im on a different device and im not quite used to it. but don't worry it will ony be temporary)

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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