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Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only)

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Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only)

Post by Bliss June 9th 2013, 3:37 am

"What does that mean?"

Ashley turned from the stage with a sudden gusto. "A guy with a blade just came onto stage to..."

Biting her frustration over the phone, Bliss pulled her hand up to nervously bat the back of her head. "This stupid show is getting way over budget; how much is this costing me?"

Keeping a nervous eye on the stage, while not wanting to keep out of the limelight, Ashley tried to explain the situation as best she could to her friend. "I'm figuring with refunds and..."

"Hold on..."
Clarity came to Bliss as the dollar signs like binary turned to the real message. "...Someone is actually trying to attack Tyuki on stage?"

Furrowing her brow with the snark of her words lent some emphasis to the context. "I said that the first time."

"Not well enough." Bliss relegated accountability. "First of all, no one gets a refund. Got it? Second, tell people this is not another kidnapping and is just part of the show. Third, make sure no one leaves."

Confusion sat in the distance between the cell phones. "Why am I keeping people inside?"

"If people think someone is attacking, then there is a lawsuit. If they think it is a part of the show, then Tyuki is on the cover of Rolling Stone. Got it?" An explanation sailed through the air, grounded in business.

"What should I do after all the 'important' things are done." Ashley didn't know who she was air quoting for, but the inflection remained.

"Good attitude." Getting up from the couch, Bliss made her way to her makeshift equipment room. "Find Gwharr, back up Gwharr, don't break anything. I'll be there in a few."

"Okay?" Spoken all the absence of certainty she could muster.

"And done." Pressing a finger to the dial pad, Bliss ended the conversation and began to undertake the process of getting into her battle suit without a care in the world.

"How do I get this done?" Any hesitation would lead to complications. And any complications would lead to death. And of course Bliss would have to pay lawyer fees for that. "Gwharr!" Ashley called out for the gargantuan goliath. "I have to be a superhero for a minute!" She hoped her previous altercation warmed her up-- and hoped Gwharr put his hat on. "Can you help me?"


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Post by Thistle June 9th 2013, 7:12 am

Thistle's ears nearly dismissed the mortal's words coming from this device. She quietly sat, and counted slowly... Second after second dragged past, soon she would hear the glorious, gory squeals from the Human pigs. Like lambs to her slaughter they would feed her desire for destruction, her desire... for death. She continued counting, holding onto a rose, which she had mutated to work as a goblet of sorts, and within it was water from the finest of springs. She sipped it gently, and lent back on her thorned throne, flicking her hair back over her shoulder. Her green eyes blinked, before they gently closed, and then she flicked her hand towards the empty large space before her, sewer workers impaled against the wall by her beautiful briars.

She laughed, before her iris's swirled a brighter green for a second and she began to manipulate the genetic coding of the plants around her. She extended her fingers, and they began to twist and weave to her divine whim. The once normal plants had swelled and grew fat, rising up from the spot before her. Suddenly, their blooms because to spread outwards into a beige bubble shape, texture like tissue paper, and they dangled like apples. The large sacs of Thislytus spores nearly danced before her, playing in the wind. Her secret weapon... her leverage. She cackled, and rose almost ghostly, plants curling around her ankles to calmly lift her over towards the large sac. Her coarse croaks of feminine laughter echoed through the once putrid tunnels, and she ran her fingers down it's soft, fragile surface. Volatile, her own little bomb... And she quietly wished that her accomplice had forgotten his gas-mask, mainly because she hadn't told him about this little twist in the plot. However, he seems too daft to realize before she detonates these precious little babies...

Two minutes. Her que... hahaha. Her tone changed, and she threw her rose goblet behind her, it's hardened shell hitting against the moss covered stone. She looked behind her self to her old throne, before she grunted, throwing her arm into the air behind her, the throne twisting around into a large, spiked tower. It nested into a hole in the floor, and she walked over, her hands on her hips, one foot directly in front of the other. It looked as though she was trying to appease someone, however she was alone down her. At-least by human standards. By her own, she was surrounded by the most devote acolytes and allies. Her feet rested on the top of the tower as it nearly knelt before her, and she looked up to the sky, placing one arm at each side, moving her body gracefully. The plant mutated yet again, and grew a thick, rock like bloom with teeth rimming along it's leaves. It snapped over her body as a protective cacoon before it rushed upwards at phenomenal speed, easily smashing through the concrete above her, and then through the concert floor. The large, monsterous tower nearly touched the ceiling, and through the hole it had made, plant life was already beginning to grow and spew out from it like a sickly man's throat.

The rock-like bloom blossomed opened, and revealed the standing body of the one true goddess... Thistle.
Her eyes graced the Mortal Spawn with their gaze, before she let out yet another montone laugh, remaining ontop of her twisted tower, at-least 20 feet in radius. She laughed, flicking her hand to the side, several briars burst through the floor, impaling many of the screaming fan girls. With that, the silence which had sprung with her presents quickly bloomed into pure terror, people ran around in a near-feral state desperate to make it to an exit. Thistle laughed, flicking her hand back to the doors and windows, wooden trees, spiked and poisonous burst through the floor and impaled the windows, blocked the doors and guarding them both as an exit as an entrance merciless and without prejudice.

Finally, her eyes turned to the stage, looking to all of the... lights, and her charge and partner. She wafted a hand to him dismissively, before looking towards the body of 'Tyuki' the one they were here to kidnap. As she stared, plant life had slowly began to curl it's way across the floor towards the stage, getting ready to snatch the female, should she try and escape.

Her first word to this... festering pit of meat bags was quite a simply one, and it was said with an odd form of gentle-ness. Her beautiful lips gently pulled apart, her hands wafting through the air as she spoke, her eyes almost seemed to grin...


Her laugh afterwards echoed, and she continued to stand atop of her twisted tower throne, arms folded, hair stationary. She paused for a moment... should she reveal her toxic bombs now, or leave them for whenever things get grim. That may increase the chances of them working and catching more of them off guard. Yes... That's what she would do. They can stay down there, festering, for now. Their time to shine would come however.
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Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only)

Post by Chellizard June 13th 2013, 4:40 am

"♫So call me, maybe!~♫"
A bright eyed, wide smiling girl finally finished the song. The grin was plastered on Tyuki's face while she stepped back to bow. She bounced, her hair wildly fraying around of her face while she bent forward and back up quickly. She then nodded and held up a set of horns with her right hand. Her hands returned to her instrument, fingers dancing over the strings while she stood back for a second, playing a random solo to bring the crowd back up to hype. While she played, her eyes were closed, so she had no idea some one was getting up on the stage with her. It wasn't until the guy was speaking to her that she noticed him.

Blinking, she assessed him quickly, and was about to jump him but had to remember one thing. She was not the hero while standing on stage. She had to keep to that code, and not blow her own cover. Standing stationary, she thought for a moment and then grumbled. "This is not another kidnapping!" Bonnie, Kyrie, and Yui were standing, dumbfounded, and the crowd was starting to get worried. A few screamed, and started to run. A few cheered, thinking it was part of the show. Tyuki was still frozen, her eyes looking from the Assault guy to the crowd. She held up her hands, her guitar strap snapping to a taut position. It hugged over her form, the gorgeous instrument hanging around of her torso. Batting her lashes, she could feel tears welling up in her eyes. They weren't fake, either.

"I wish Bliss were here..." she thought, and then remembered Gwharr was here!

"GWHARR!!" she screeched, her eyes closing to blink away the tears. Her heart was racing, and all she could do was chant a mantra: don't blow your cover, don't blow your cover, don't blow your cover!

She panicked for a moment longer, then turned and attempted to bolt off of the stage. Bonnie, Yui, and Kyrie had already bolted to behind the stage, but the exits were blocked. They were trapped, and the only person they could talk to was Ashley, who was busy muttering about being a superhero, and the big security guard was grumbling.

What the hell happened? This was supposed to be fun!

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Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Post by Troglodyte June 18th 2013, 12:44 am

Gwharr felt alot better with himself when he was once again able to scarf down food undisturbed by the intrusion of lesser men. And lesser women. And any other sort of individual that might interrupt him in the middle of dinner. Of course, whilst he was on tour, Dinner lasted from whenever they decided that it was a good idea to stop the cars untill it was time to get back into them and start driving again.

He had little idea of why Tyuki was carted around the world to play at various venues, but he had just assumed that it was part of living in a modern society. After all, they tended to drive food around quite a bit too. Grown in Germany, packaged in Australia and flown over to brittain to be sold to the U.S. They did something similar with radioactive waste too, although it tended to end up buried somewhere until further notice. Hopefully Tyuki would not be burrowed for several thousand years. He had grown rather fond of the hyperactive little weirdo during their brief meetings. She was still annoying, but annoying in an endearing way. Like a particurlarly clever, rabid hamster or an especially noisy turtle

Gwharr was a simple man of simple taste and a never-ending dinner of nachos and ham-sandwiches was not too far from his ideal view of paradise, but there was something in the background that kept reminding it that this was not paradise. And that thing was Ashley, blabbering on in her cellphone. She alwayd did that for some reason, and Gwharr could not figure out why. From the numerous explanations he has gotten on the subject, this little thingey apparantly let her talk to Bliss, But Gwharr was still hesitant. He could hear Ashley, but not one word that bliss said. Obviously something was wrong. If he himself needed to communicate with someone far away, he'd most likely yell as loudly as he could, that usually did the trick. If he needed to talk to bliss he just had to smash a wall or something, and she came running and told him that he could not do that sort of thing anymore.

However, his train of thought was interrupted by the woman appearing in the doorway, asking for him in that voice that was not quite conversational, but not quite a shout that usually meant trouble. Or that he had to do something. Or put the hat on again. But he was already wearing the hat, so the number of reasons she could have to talk to him grew slightly smaller. Then she announced that she needed to be a superhero for a bit, and that she requested backup. Gwharr grunted, grinned and nodded eagerly, tearing the uncomfortable shirt off.

This would almost be as fullfilling as dinner had been!
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Post by Forceaus June 20th 2013, 11:54 am

A curtain falling atop two of the band members had not been enough to stop the performance on stage. Even with whispers of what had caused the curtain to fall not having been an accident, but somebody had caused it to collapse on them. John could hear people claiming to have seen something fly overhead right before the curtain had fallen down on them. Several people were worried. This just did not feel like it was part of the show. Having the curtain collapse and fall on two members of the band was not safe and unusual for them to even attempt. John was worried too. He had met Tyuki before and based on those previous meetings she was one to attract trouble to her. He did not mean the usual kinds of trouble either. Having borne witness to a mall's shopping center and a cafe getting shot at with bullet after bullet simply so those who were doing it could attempt to kidnap her sure made one wary of being around her. If she was still being targeted by those same people then everyone in this building was in danger. This pleasant concert might soon turn into a disaster zone. He could see the headlines now. 'Mass shooting at a concert. Lead singer is kidnapped.' That was assuming he even survived it. Now his mind was plagued with such worries. 

Surely there was not anything to actually worry about. She had been touring for over a month now without any incidents. Those guys had had plenty of chances to make another attempt. Why wait until tonight to actually try something? For what purpose was there to wait for this night to do it? John was thinking that this may in fact be a false alarm. Perhaps the curtain had truly fallen entirely by accident and people were just imagining something having flown overhead. The fear had set in and caused some mass paranoia. John set about trying to relax. He still felt terrible. The worry and some sadness showed a little bit on his face. 

He started to feel better when he saw somebody walk up on to the stage. This individual was clearly not security or something. Not that security would approach the stage in such a way. This person was suspicious in a multitude of ways. What he said confirmed such thoughts. He spoke of something that was exactly what he feared. His words, they drove the audience into a frenzy. Some were fearful and started to panic. People started running for the exits while others simply cheered on the events occurring on stage as if they were just another part of the show. John got caught by the retreating hordes and pushed away from the stage. Things were definitely no longer pleasant. Things quickly got worse as a giant plant burst out from underground. An attack this definitely was. Somebody would have to do something before this turn into a massacre. 

There had to be something to do about all of this. John remembered that Gwharr had been backstage. Perhaps he was still here. He could probably take care of all of this if the noise annoyed him enough or felt like showing that he was the scariest thing here. It was not too unlikely. He looked towards the backstage area half expecting to see him charging out or something. No such thing occurred during his brief glimpse into the area. He had been pushed away. The place had delved into a sheer state of chaos. John finally got out of the retreating crowd and leaned up against the wall. 

Some guy up on stage and a woman on a massive plant. A basic overview of the two people responsible. John walked a short distance to his left feeling he knew which one to try and deal with first. He looked up at the ceiling as a bunch of the lights suddenly had electrical bolts burst out of them and blast apart the plants. He had transferred some energy through a fusebox. This would take care of one of them for a bit. It would probably distract the other one too. For now some of the exits were cleared and the woman controlling them all had been struck at as well. John had to get out of there before he could do anything else.

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Post by hazard5259 June 21st 2013, 2:01 pm

Billy could hear screams over the phone. These weren’t the kind of screams of a good time either, these where screams of fear and some of extreme pain and death. “CHRIS WHATS GOING ON?!” Billy screamed into the receiver of the phone.

“A man jumped up on stage saying he was here to Kidnap Tyuki, and then a plant burst through the floor and a women came out then suddenly a bunch more plants burst through the floor impaling people in the pit.” Chris was stunned his friends near him looked to him for direction. Chris was the leader and to see him stunned was a scary thought.

Billy was already beginning to turn around and run for the car. At the moment he hated his dads Philosophy, he hated Murphy’s Law and he hated the fact he wasn’t already in there. “Chris can you get out?”

“Kidd, get outta here. Call you dad tell him to get everyone down here, and for god’s sake do not try to get in here.” Chris said.

“Fine, I won’t try to get in, but I’m not leaving either. Keep sending me information, Pictures, Videos, Messages, anything you thing the police might be able to use."

“Alright consider it done.” Chris replied.

“Stay Alive,” and with that Billy hung up.

He then began ringing his dad. He picked it up on the second ring, and before he could say Hi Billy quickly began talking, “Get  SWAT teams down here now. Something big is going on.”

“Slow down kid, what’s going on?” Billy’s father asked him.

Billy had just arrived at the car and opened the back up and after checking to make sure no one was around opened the bag and quickly began changing into his combat gear.  “I called Chris as I was walking up someone is trying to kidnap Tyuki, several people are already dead. I’m gearing up now.”

At that time Billy’s Dad turned the TV and began booting up the ops center. He changed the channel to the live stream of the concert and quickly pulled a credit card out and paid the fee. The camera was focused on the girls with that planet’s. “Oh god no. Not her.”

“Dad, what did you see?” Billy asked, worried. His father was never one to freak out.

“A Cordoning to the TV feeds there appears to be at least two targets. One I don’t recognize, but the other is a very dangerous Meta. She uses planets so fire and Cryo is going to be your best bet.”

“Rodger that, did you pack grenades?” Billy asked him.

“Yea in the back with the spare tire. I didn’t want those in plain sight if you got pulled over.”

Billy lifted the floor up and saw three grenade’s, a stun(normal), one of his bb grenades loaded with yellow bb’s(Maximum stun), and one with Frost blue clear bb’s  (cryo). Billy added them to the vest and then said “Alright I have work to do, I’ll have the head set on, but I assume you won’t be able to contact me easily.”

“No, but I’ll find a way when its important. Good luck Kidd, and be careful son” His father replied.

“I will.” The I love you’s , where absent, but where felt in the words. Billy zipped the vest up and pulled the mask over his face followed by his goggles and helmet.  With a few more straps he was ready to go. He grabbed both guns and did a quick ready check. He still had his back up at his leg, his pistol at his leg, and his mp5 in his hand, and his big paintball rifle slung on his back. His father left him a variety of rounds, and Billy made sure to take advantage of that. He was happy for the high capacity clips the MP5 used, he had no idea what to expect, but he felt ready for it.

Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 Hazardsmall

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Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only)

Post by Frogger June 28th 2013, 7:53 pm

Assault nodded to Thistle, who had made QUITE an entrance. "If I had known you'd been kidnapped before, I probably would've made a bigger production out of it honestly. I'm talking heavy artillery, goons, laser cannons, the whole nine yards you know?" He'd ask as she attempted to bolt off stage. When he realized what she was doing, he raised his voice and a bit of Patois came out. Aye! WOT THE BLOODCLOT YA DOIN PICKNEY GUHL? Assault would shout, brows furrowed over his domino mask. Tyuki would then hear something whiz right by her and see a silver blur hit the side of the stage, only to bounce back into Assault's hands, clearing his throat as this happened. "Don't make this hard on yourself, just go along with it, aight?" He'd ask before noticing the crowd out of the corner of his eye, seeing Thistle's plants being burned.

Someone started something, ill leave her yo handle them, or vice versa he thought before looking at Thistle. Having spoken with the extremist environmentalist turned purported goddess, he knew that communication with get had to be handled with delicacy. For example, telling her right now that she should fix that burning sensation she's feeling would probably go badly for him. Instead, Assault merely nodded to the plants that were on fire. She probably felt it, but he nodded to let her know he had his part down, so she can get to hers. He knew better than to try to command her, judging from the footage he saw and their initial interaction where he quickly saw that not only was she above him on a literal bed of roses, she thought she was above him as a being as well. To put it short, bitch was haughty and if he didn't need her he'd be weed wacking or something. He kept thigs under wraps though because he knew she was necessary to his plans.

"Anyways, my partner and I, or well mainly I am only after Ms Gold, rest of you can get off the stage. Don't try to pull any hero shit though, and that goes for ANYONE IN HE AUDIENCE" Assault would shout the last part, blades twirling in his hands. A smile creeped up on his face, and he felt like nothing could go wrong today

OOC: idk if anyone knows this but in patois he's basically saying "what the hell you doing little girl"

Assault's Profile

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Post by Bliss June 29th 2013, 3:54 am

Take a left onto ramp...

"You didn't give me a first..."  Bliss shook her steering wheel with a force coming close to pulling it off.  "...How am I supposed to get in the lane if..."  Pleading her case to the emptiness of the small car, Bliss looked for a way to turn around.  

At next exit, take ramp to...

"No..."  Bliss shouted at the dashboard, blocking out the directions.  "...You don't get to make decisions for me anymore.  I'm taking this exit, because I want to..."  Calming down with some control, Bliss returned to her driving posture.  "...because I want to."

Take turn on your left to...

"I was going that way before you said anything!"  A few more twists and turns and Bliss could see the venue before her.  Leaving her car in her power suit, Bliss prepared to make her way to do damage control.

"Well..."  Ashley spectated the terrible turn of events erupting on stage.  "...He said no one from the audience-- I guess that excludes us."  Waiting for Gwharr to draw the majority of the heavy lifting, Ashley would try to put up some barrier to keep Tyuki safe from the fires and debris of the upcoming spectacle.[/i]

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Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

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Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
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Post by Thistle July 4th 2013, 2:10 pm

Thistle's attention was immediately drawn by the swirling fires which had already erupted. How primitive. Typical of the humans, attack the threat first, ask questions later. She would soon change that agenda however. Her figure turned to the direction of the fires, raising her hand upwards, the burning plant matter extended upwards, and she tilted her head towards the flames. Before flicked her hand to the side, and the large limb of plant matter began to twist and tear itself off from the rest. The burning mass of plants hovered in mid-air near telekinetically before she through the burning ball to the side into a large crowd of screeching people. Suddenly, her attention was turned upwards, eyes widening. She extended a hand as a reflex, as 3 bolts of electricity tore into her smooth body. She was sent barrel rolling from the top of her plant, hitting into the mossy floor before. And there she lay for several seconds, smoking, before she slowly began to get on her hands and knees. She panted heaily allowing her now slightly charred ginger hair to fall over her face once more, before the large stalk behind her extended an arm, which seemed to mold over her body. It smashed through the floor and lifted her into the air, where she was able to walk, or limp, back to her original pedestal, holding her ribs.

"That. Hurt."

Now she had to set them straight, she knew that against their combined forces she would not stand a chance, it was a hard thing for her to accept, but she would not give up. No, she would find a way to make them cautious and give these people a reason not to attack her. Haha...

Her large tower moved to the side, smashing through some more of the floor in order to expand the hole from which the tower emerged, before two large pulsing beige pods, which swirled with near-neon green gas, which were suspended from two thin wooden stalks. They raised up through the air behind her, and she walked to the end of her tower. Looking down upon the rabble her voice projected over the screaming masses.

"Listen up, you miserable little sacks. I will make this simple..."

She motioned her hand to include everyone screaming member of the audience. Some of them continued in their frenzy, while some others turned their attention to her figure, as if she were some form of guiding figure.

"You will not dare touch me again, or my... 'friend' there. Or, every, single, person in this room will rip each other apart!..."

She began to pace, feeling more important than she usually does, holding so many peoples lives within her hand. She moved the pod's suspending branches, one in front and one behind in order to gain more area of effect, should she decide to detonate her bombs. The creaking of the wood was both intimidating and rhythmic.

"Now. Me and my accomplice are going to take our little victim here and leave, with no more death. But that last part is entirely in your hands. Kneel down and surrender or watch in horror as friend turns against friend like savage animals, and then die."

Thistle's mouth erupted in a wicked cackle, dominating these things was great. She should do it more often. Now she held a higher place on the field. They could not dare harm her, or she would unleash holy hell upon the idiotic mortals. For the time being she remained on her spore riddled spire. Her green eyes moved to her partner and she motioned for him to move his idiot fleshy body to move the women of the stage before people decided it was worth everyone's lives here to try and save the women.

EDIT: I didn't spot Forcie attacking me, so I added it in. I also added the odd word where I accidentally skipped one, etc. Sorry.

Last edited by Rudolf on July 14th 2013, 11:07 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only)

Post by Chellizard July 6th 2013, 2:36 pm

Panic raced through her. All she could do was panic. But, with a moment to breathe, she had tried to run.

Running was not an option. The man, Assault, had thrown a knife her way and it bounced back to him. Swallowing her fear, she turned back around and stepped forward. She met with a barrier. Ashley! Good ol' Ashley. Not-Blissy face was attempting to save the day. Glancing back to just behind the stage, Tyuki saw her standing, concentrating all of her focus onto the barrier. Tyuki frowned slightly. Not because she was sad. Because she felt bad for Ashley. There was no reason for her to try. All of these people were in danger. It was up to Tyuki. She had to sacrifice herself. All she needed was a moment though. Just a moment.

A moment she did not have.

"So if you take me, you'll leave ALL of these people alone?!" a question, simple, but laced with stress erupted passed her lips.

"I'm Tyuki Gold! What in the world do you want with me?" with hands on her hips, and brows furrowed together, she stood, confident in Ashley's ability to keep her safe.

The popstar then looked up and saw the pods, and glanced down at the people. They would tear each other apart? But why? A closer look, and listening to the weird lady gave Tyuki some insight. There was obviously some kind of plant virus in those pods. A nasty one.

"My bodyguard won't let you take me!" she said, stamping her foot, and crossing her arms.

Now, if only Gwharr would pop out from behind the stage.

-My DeviantArt-
Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Post by Troglodyte July 9th 2013, 10:07 am

Oh yes, he had seen it all before. a room full of civilians held as hostages by a pair of crazy-arased little spoilsports. In this case one of them seemed to be just some guy in a fancy suit, but there was most likely more to him than that. Especially since his companion seemed to boost quite impressive plant-based powers. Especially if she could do what she claimed she could do, IE turn friend against friend somehow. Originally he had been quite worried that she had some relation to his lost love, Aurora, but that seemed to be unlikely. Aurora might not have been humanitys number one fan, but she was definately not a killer. Heck, she had even tried to save Ibis, who was barely even alive in the first place. Their plot seemed to be fairly run of the mill aswell, prattling on and claiming that nobody can stop them, that they kill everyone if anyone tries and the whole shebang.

At first Gwharr thought he would be asked to sit this one out, due to the hostages. Normally, the Crude, Crass, Cave-dwelling Curmudgeon had a no-negotiation-policy regarding people with hostages, but he was not in charge this time. Bliss was. And Bliss was clever and apparantly trusted her minion-girl to handle things here. However, When she suggested that they run into action the caveman was both surprised and excited. Maybe she wasn't all that bad after all. Gwharr nodded enthusiastically at the womans words and tried on his best angry face for the confrontation, beating his chest slightly to psyche himself up a bit before going out there and doing his thing. After all, this was a concert, aka showbuisness and all that TV he had been watching told him that preparation was the key to make a smash performance

He then lept onto the stage like a wild animal, roaring ferociously like an agrravated beast of some sort, before snarling viciously as he looked around the stage, foam dripping from his mouth. He considered quite an entrance, and judging by the audiences reaction they were of the same opinion

"To be the primordial!" He howled loudly! Droplets of spit flying from his mouth as he raised his fists and beat his chest like a gorilla. When a human beats his chest it usually looks silly, but Gwharr considered him to be big enough to make it look impressive. After all, each of his fingers where thicker than an average man's arm, and each of his arms where thicker than an average man's entire body.

"To be here to eat YOU!" He roared in a manner similar to the old wrestling-stars from the nineties as he pointed at assault to make it clear that he was indeed the main course. before charging towards the man, throwing a flurry of punches at him, each of wich was more than powerfull enough to derail a train!
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Post by Forceaus August 8th 2013, 6:19 pm

He was ready to deal with this attack on the concert hall now. Beforehand things were beyond his control. He did wish he could have more prepared for this. Forcewave did not expect an attack during this concert. So he did not bring any of his stuff. It was just fortunate that he brought his superhero costume. Other than that he was emptyhanded. None of his usual stuff that he used in hero based situations. None whatsoever. It was just him, in a concert hall under attack by, a knife weilding specialist I suppose, and of course a plant controller. Great combination isn't it? Why, yes of course. Their plan seemed to be working out in their favor. Somehow, someway, the attendees of this here concert were being controlled by the plant user via some kind of gas. Yeah, gas. That's all he could think of to refer to it as. Oh, now what? He would have to deal with the plant user first somehow. First he had to get over there.

Forcewave set off towards the rafters. They would work perfectly. In the meantime something else was happening back in the main hall. A lot of commotion was caused by Gwharr arriving on stage in a dramatic entrance. Looks like he was fulfilling his bodyguard duties. That or he ran out of food in the back. He had certainly captured everyone's attention. The two villains, the band and the entire audience now stared in awe of the caveman. It was the perfect distraction for him to work with. Forcewave climbed up to the rafters and carefully moved across them. He steadily made his way to the other side of the room. Now he was above where the plant user stood atop the giant plant she had brought into the room. Time to act. Hopefully he could stop this controlling of the audience thing. Forcewave jumped down and landed on the plant only a few feet from the woman controlling it. "Get rid of the gas and let these people go. You also better get out of here. You got one chance." he told her as energy surged through him ready for whatever came.

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Post by hazard5259 August 10th 2013, 10:30 pm

Billy ran straight from his fathers car to the front door of the theatre. As he approached the front doors he raised his MP5 to his shoulder as he slowed his approach. With his left hand he reached over and opened the door. Thanks to the glass doors he knew the main entrance was clear, but he didn't easy up just because of it. Moving in to the theatre he felt his phone vibrate and he quickly secured the area before opening it up and seeing the video that was sent to him from his friend Chris. He watched as the gas took over people in the front and the violence began. Billy's eyes grew wide with shock. He had no idea he was going to walking a Bio-Weapons attack. He quickly patted himself down hoping he had a Gasmask in his gear. His normal gear included a butt pack which would carry it in there, but this was not his normal gear, and his dad couldn't have planned for everything.

Billy knew his healing factor could protect him from a lot of things and even strengthened his immune system, but they had never tried it against Bio Weapons. This was going to be the test. Billy quickly walked the corridor to the right hoping to find an entrance to the back stage and hopefully even be able to surprise the two assailant's. Before to long Billy was climbing a set of stairs and found himself exactly opposite of where he wanted to be, instead looking on the scene as someone laid down an ultimatum on the would be kidnapers. Billy in a moment of clarity decided that this could work to both their advantages. He quickly slung the MP5 and grabbed the rifle from his back unfolding the Bi-pod and sighting in the target. He didn't know they guy that was down there, but he could tell that at the moment what he needed was someone to aid in the rescue and with Billy at range he could keep both in his crosshairs.

Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 Hazardsmall

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Post by Frogger August 14th 2013, 9:03 pm

As Gwharr approached Assault, the hitman raised an eyebrow. "TO EAT YOU" he said, and while normally Assault would've replied "not interested, you're not my type" he had taken a mental note of MASSIVE this dude was. No, not dude, this man, this, Cro-Magnon motherfucker in front of him. He knew the chick had a weird looking bodyguard but all the photos he'd gotten from various sources just showed him as big. Like, wrestler big. This just reminded Assault that pictures can, and do lie. In one swift motion, he grabbed Tyuki in a chokehold and backpedaled away from the punches of a man-who was built more like a superhuman pro bodybuilder bear lovechild-who was sending punches with the intent and power to cripple him. "Well damn, I didn't know you rolled with 'Captain Caveman' Assault remarked to Tyuki while evading Gwharr's blows. He didn't want to play keep away all day and aimed to get out of here. He dipped his right arm, the arm not holding Tyuki in a chokehold, into his shirt jacket and pulled out a circular spiked object, a lethal boomerang of some sort.

"Yeah, this'll work" he'd say aloud to no one in particular (Tyuki probably thinks the dude is nuts) as he swings the boomerang up into the rafters, the material in his weapon slicing through a part of the rafters over the head of him and Gwharr. Wasting no time while the weapon returned to him, he took out some type of dagger from his right sleeve and tossed it at the floor behind him, snapping up a piece of it which he jumped on.

"I guess I gotta go down one way or the other" he said, falling under the stage. He then let Tyuki out of the chokehold and placed his weapons back in their respective spots. Assault would then smile at Tyuki Gold, and put his hands up.

"So, I'm thinking you gimme about 50 grand after this, and I let you out alive, nothing big happens, everyone goes home happy, 'cept those folks who came to see your concert and saw mother nature on her period instead" He'd say, sticking a hand out, ready to make a deal

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Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only)

Post by Chellizard September 20th 2013, 2:36 am

Due to everyone just taking forever to reply to this thread, I'm going to close it and give everyone the chance to gather the EXP.

The way it ended is this:

Assault gets taken off to jail, as discussed OOCly with Frogger.

Thistle can get captured, escape wounded, escape unscathed, or etc.

The heroes win, obviously. There were 10 deaths, and up to thirty people injured.

Tyuki eventually put on her mask and hero suit and came out to heal as many people as she could. Forcewave, Gwharr, Billy, And Bliss saved the day while Eclipse (Tyuki) did crowd control.

The Band, Girl Alive! makes it out safely, but news reporters take heavy, heavy interest in this tragic event.

End of thread.

-My DeviantArt-
Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only)

Post by Thistle September 20th 2013, 7:13 pm


Not Another Kidnapping! (Invite Only) - Page 2 WSIrRjr
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
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