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At last destiny convenes [closed]

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At last destiny convenes [closed] Empty At last destiny convenes [closed]

Post by Arcana August 17th 2012, 5:13 am

The image was vivid within his memory and only continued to play over, and over again. All that Sean knew was that he had failed and now he was running with his tail between his legs. Pain wracked his body as he ran from the destruction that was Brooklyn, holding the broken arm as he ran only faster. It hung limply at his side,unable to move without an immense amount of debilitating pain racking through it, mostly from his brief confrontation with the captain of the ship. They were defeated with no problem and that army guy brutally slaughtered. Sean only had two of his healing serums left, well only one considering that he had on break in the middle of that short fight. Now though he didn’t have the time to administer it while the ship was on his tail, firing powerful ammunition at him as well as the rest of the borough.

Ahead was a single jump he had to make between the building he was running on and the next, which was easily bridged by a jump and a bridge of water propelling him forward. Willing it to move,he was airborne as the projectiles zoomed past him. Sean had to keep an unpredictable pattern to his movement; otherwise he was sure he would be hit by one of the dangerous looking things being shot at him. ”Dammit,I thought these guys would leave me alone by now.” Sean muttered picking up the speed as he leaned forward, a sharp pain lancing through his broken arm. He would need to get out of sight quickly; otherwise there would be no way he would survive. These guys were just too powerful for him to take on by himself and Sean had no intentions of dying today.

There were other sections of New York he could protect but this one was lost; he could see it without having to be told. His home was lost to the damned forces of Doctor Necrodium, something he could not do a damn thing about. Teeth ground together as he ducked into an alleyway and continued form there, weaving about as it seemed that he may have been only in the line of fire of the massive ship. Attacks becoming infrequent as he skimmed along the deep water that now flooded the streets of Brooklyn, murky and filled with the bodies of the destroyed undead and of the dead civilians that were killed by the large ship. They had killed the initial troops but that thing was far too powerful to be taken on by anyone. That was the power that Doctor Necrodium had at his disposal but did that mean that he was even stronger?

Not wasting a second he continued onward and left the ruin that was Brooklyn at his back, not looking back at its destruction. He was leaving it behind and not going to give it a second thought, he could not let himself. He had to find Doctor Necrodium, the mastermind behind all of this and put him down. Pain would not take that pleasure away from him; he would kill the hero if he tried to get in his way. ’Where the hell are you?!?” he yelled to the sky as he ascended in a sharp but painfully defined arc, clenching the fingers on his only good hand. First he would need to get this thing healed up; otherwise he would be useless in a fight. No way in hell would he be a liability that was something he would not allow himself to become.

It was then, after what seemed like forever since he took off that he saw it, the Talons special vehicle flying through the air and stopping for him. Stepping into it, Sean collapsed to his knees, holding the arm in place. They were already off. ”Well,seems like things didn’t go as bad for you guys as it did for me. Nice.” They would be upon Manhattan in only minutes.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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At last destiny convenes [closed] Empty Re: At last destiny convenes [closed]

Post by Forceaus August 24th 2012, 5:25 pm

Looking on upon the dissapating clouds that had been generated by the cloud beast as it attacked the area, Forcewave was walking along the sidewalk of some streets whose name he didn't even know and doubt he would recognize due to all the damage that had been done.Looking through all the fog as it was evaporating away he could only see a few buildings that were even still standing.Luckily though the one that was being used to keep the residents of the queens district was still standing.He was extremely relieved by this fact for that had been the main reason he had been fighting at all.That there was something for which he was thankful for."Yes!" was all he could think to say before collapsing on the sidewalk.

Even though he had fallen where he had been standing he was still conscious and perfectly alright, outside some bruising across the left side of his ribcage and around his sternum.His right shoulder blade now had an extra scar on it to go along with the one he had already had on it.He had mainly just collapsed due to the whole ordeal in general.But at least it was over.The cloud creature had been defeated and the last of the attacking forces had been eliminated as well.This area was safe.He wasn't sure about the other ones though.No telling at the moment how things went in either of those districts.There may be a television in the safehouse that was displaying information on what was going on in this city but he didn't want to approach it at the moment.

For now he was just lying there on the sidewalk taking a moment to gently rub some of his wounds in order to get them to heal faster.He was wondering if his home was even still standing after all that had just happened.Perhaps it was or perhaps it wasn't, he really had no idea.During all that time he had never even approached the area that it resides in so had no idea if it could be based on how much destruction had befallen that place.He'd have to wait until later to find out though.Right now he just didn't have the willpower in him to go and see.In fact he stopped thinking about it entirely.

He just kept on lying there until he heard a broadcast coming from a nearby soldier's communicator device.Somebody on the other line was reporting in that Doctor Necrodium and more of his forces had suddenly appeared in the middle of central park.From all that he had learned that was the very person who had brought on this whole thing.Guess he finally decided to show up himself.Central park was of course in Manhattan.He had been there a bunch of times so he knew this quite well.There had been no reports of Manhattan being under attack.Seems he was saving that district for last.

Slowly rising back up to his feet he prepared to go there himself to try and finish this once and for all.True as it was that he did not want to go at all he knew how unavoidable this whole thing was.Being afraid and hiding wasn't going to do him any good.Then again it never seemed to do so.He took one last look at the shelter and hoped they would all stay safe before turning around and heading off to Central Park.Luckily he wouldn't need to be walking.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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At last destiny convenes [closed] Empty Re: At last destiny convenes [closed]

Post by Andrew August 29th 2012, 12:33 am

Phoenix sat in the back of The Bird with Forcewave and Seam as A.I. flew. He stood up and looked down below him through the open hatch in the back. "Get ready to drop us Gabe." Andrew shouted to the front of the chopper. He had been though a lot of battles in the assault and it all seemed to be coming to an end one way or another. Below him the buildings became bigger, and eventually he was almost at street level. "When I call for back up. we need you down here, understood?" Andrew asked his robotic friend. Once close enough the the ground, Phoenix leaped out of the chopper. Hitting the ground, the hero rolled and stood up. He wiped the dust off his pants and looked up at the scene around him with his fellow Talons.

He looked to the direction of Central Park and heard a scream. "Looks like we know where he is." Andrew said. Phoenix began to run towards the park, pumping his legs. He made sure to keep close enough distance to Sean to not get too ahead, and he knew Forcewave was as fast as him. Once upon the park, Andrew signaled for the two of them to take cover behind trees.
"He doesn't know we're here yet. That's to our advantage. Now, strategy time." the hero said to his companions as he got a look a Necrodium. "One ugly bastard." Andrew chuckled.I.

"Alright, my plan is simple but effective. We need to create some openings for one another. Get quick and powerful attacks on him. In between intervals of attacks, the next person should make their move. I'll clear the path for Forcewave to make the first attack. On the count of 3, we begin." Andrew said taking a look through the trees at the man responsible for so much pain. "This ends today boys. We can win this fight, and take back our city."
Andrew took a deep breath. "We'eve got you now you son of a bitch." the hero said under his breath.
"One, two, three."

Last edited by Phoenix on September 10th 2012, 11:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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At last destiny convenes [closed] Empty Re: At last destiny convenes [closed]

Post by Bliss August 29th 2012, 2:45 am

Onslaught marred the city in a wake of fire and ash. Even with Bliss pressing her frozen offensive against the forces descending on the city, the ash would slowly choke and kill the inhabitants of the city. Attrition would slowly wear away the frozen barriers Bliss put up to shield the blunt of the city, but within her frozen fortress Bliss began to think of a final gesture to save the inhabitants of the borough to give her leeway to make her attack against the man who made her this way.

Each wave of creatures broke against her ice barbs in a bloody display of their savagery against the cold resolve Bliss threw against them. Terrible claws from the Chaos beasts clawed ferociously against the walls only to fall under the encroaching expansion of ice. While her efforts claimed the lives of those horrible beasts, the impending doom of the ash would claim all those who hid beneath the city streets in the caverns Bliss carved through the subways with ice. What remained of the military fell back into the caverns to safeguard the passage of citizens while Bliss provided all the covering support they needed to escape.

Radio contact broke into her ear just as the invasive forces made their ways past the outer limits of Bliss's overreaching fortress. If nothing else she knew the citizens escaped the city and she saved the lives hundreds of thousands, but if she failed now she would only buy them a few extra days on Earth. Each crack echoed the pouring of the horde through her outer sanctums. Pressing her hands against the frozen ground, she poured her waning powers into the ground to insulate the area surrounding her. Icicles draped themselves around her form and began merging her into the base of her bastion.

Burning rage fell to arctic subterfuge. Every movement of joints slowed while skin dried and splintered. The Chaos beasts and Gwharr spawn fell to the ground in a tragic display of the true power of absence of life. Bliss drew colder, ushering in the final death trap for the savage hordes. They sought to overwhelm her, but merely found themselves succumb to the vicious bitterness of Bliss's ice.

With the fall of the Bronx underway, Bliss knew the finality of the battle would draw it's close from the death of Necrodium. Every frozen bit of fury within her pulled her towards her goal. Slowly her hands pulled her through the what she built as a fortification, but now left as a mausoleum.

Pulling ice from her hands she could finally feel the burn against her skin. Feeding the adrenaline coursing through her, Bliss pushed out enough of her ice to break through the streets and into the subways. Dropping through the gap, Bliss descended a flight of stairs she pulled from the major build up of ice. Her knowledge of New York subway systems and schedules came through for her in her greatest moment of need. Just a few hundred meters ahead a subway car would have found itself stranded during the initial attack. Bliss started running; as tired as her body felt, and as drained as she could ever remember, Bliss moved with all of her might to find the way she knew she could get to Necrodium's final point of attack in Manhattan.

Reaping the benefits of her local lore, Bliss found the abandoned train resting in it's place of desertion among the newly minted ruins of New York. She made her way to the front of the subway and ascended to the operator's control panel. Instead of rolling her luck with trying to override a system possibly not even powered, Bliss simply relied on her saving grace of the pas day.

An hour later, the subway car pulled into the station hub close to Central Park, powered by the pull of ice against the train railing. Her exertion of power weighed heavily on her physique, but she pushed on. With each muscle fiber and frozen molecule in her body she pushed on. Nothing but the broken sunlight peering through the dust ridden sky greeted her. Nothing but the smell of smoke filled her senses. And, nothing but raw determination coursed a fierce resolve through her body.


Mitsy's Boutique


At last destiny convenes [closed] D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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At last destiny convenes [closed] Empty Re: At last destiny convenes [closed]

Post by A.I. September 10th 2012, 9:29 pm

It had been hours since his fight with Chaos, but A.I. still couldn't stop imagining every gory detail. His shirt was tattered and the "skin" along his jaw was mostly missing, revealing a white metal underneath. He hadn't had time to repair himself after the battle with Chaos. A.I. had stayed by Retaliate to the bitter end, watching his friend die with every passing second. And the battle had just begun. Necrodium and his forces were upon Manhattan, and the Talons were spread across New York with no way to get there in time. Luckily, A.I. had a plan. His prototype helicopter, "The Bird".

Hovering over the ruins of New York, A.I. sighed. How could they have let this happen? Even with all the heroes in this city, how could they have failed this badly? There was no way they could have expected this. Gabriel grimaced as he flew towards the location of Phoenix's dog tags to pick him up. Once on board, they headed towards Deluge, then Forcewave. Once the four of them were patched up and ready for battle, A.I. flew them to Manhattan, and possibly, their deaths. As they neared the island, A.I. explained to his friends why Retaliate was not with them. He was so ashamed that he could not keep his friend alive. Jason had been counting on him. And he failed.

Once they arrived in Manhattan, A.I. dropped the Talons near the ground as ordered, and waiting for Phoenix's call. He waited on a rooftop near Central Park, ready to fly into battle and unleash the full power of "The Bird" on Doctor Necrodium and his army.

At last destiny convenes [closed] Tek4f910


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Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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