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Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade]

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Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade] - Page 2 Empty Re: Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade]

Post by CainVulsore July 20th 2012, 3:28 pm

Cain listened to what he was told, he didn’t believe everything that was said but he listened, and he listened well. Did she truly believe she could take the world even with everyone here? He may not know much about any of them but he was certain they couldn’t do it. That much was proven on the night of the New York Assault, when hundreds of them failed to take control over a single state. Sure, that state, his state, lay devastated, destroyed, and broken but still it was not theirs. No matter what they seemed to do the ‘heroes’ got in the way. “How do you plan on doing this Elena? How can you hope to achieve taking over the world when we couldn’t even take New York?” He spoke most likely asking the question everyone here was thinking about.

“You say you have the means, and all of us here may be powerful but can you truly hope to take the world? If so, what’s in it for us? Why don’t you…enlighten us on your plan beautiful?” Cain may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he saw failure easy enough, and this wasn’t looking to be much of a success story. He took another sip of the glass of blood looking around at those in the room with them five people, six counting him, could it be done? He had heard rumors that the old G.U.N was starting up, they were just whispers echoing out from the shadows but there was reason to believe them. “Give us one good damn reason why we should trust you can do what you say Crimson Witch.”

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Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade] - Page 2 Empty Re: Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade]

Post by Mr Wonton July 21st 2012, 12:04 am

Daji stood with arms folded as she listened to the other members state their thoughts, many believing that this task of 'taking over the world' was a bit too farfetched...even for a horrendously powerful group of people such as themselves. The demon princess knew all too well that such an exploit was far from achievable but nonetheless she was somewhat enjoying the company of like-minded people..even if the majority of them were men. Glancing at Elena, Daji saw no cracks in the fiery headed woman's confidence and was a bit perturbed with the calm air of confidence, as if no logical rebuttal to her plans could distract her.

"I hate to admit it but shadowy creep over here is right, how do justify such a grand scheme with only just us" she spoke, not caring to see Cain's reaction to his new nickname, "I can list a whole foray of people who would so eagerly stop you, the Dominus Corporation being just one of the many obstacles that would prove to be a major pain in the ass" she muttered, thinking back to the time she was held prisoner in Dominus' base. She was a princess and her treatment at the hands of her captors was extremely humiliating so the chance of exacting revenge against the organization crept into her twisted mind.

"Regardless of whether you succeed or not I will offer you my talents in exchange for what is rightfully mine and mine alone" she snarled, envisioning herself as the woman of power that she once was, "Oh and I want that slut...agent Gossamer" she darkly spoke as a menacing grin crept across her porcelain skin...this was going to be interesting...

Daji / Daji's weapons

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Mr Wonton
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Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade] - Page 2 Empty Re: Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade]

Post by Tek August 8th 2012, 8:00 pm

"If you guys wana take over the world. We're going to need to start a lot smaller. If all those villains couldn't take New York, how can we possibly hope to take the planet." Tek said as he crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair. "I think we can do it. Now as for that glowing orb thing, me and Volt will get that for you." Craig saig as he looked over to his lightning wielding friend. "What exactly does it do?" Tek wondered as he looked around the room to his fellow villains.

Turning over to Daji, Tek began to ask a few questions. "Who is Dominus, and what do you know about them?" he asked quietly and reserved. Then he turned to the lord of shadows. "One good reason why we can trust her? She has yet to try and kill us yet." he said with a grin forming across his face. "So let's get to this. Where can me and Jake find that thing?" Craig asked for once being a little eager to do something.

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Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade] - Page 2 Empty Re: Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade]

Post by Alpha August 8th 2012, 9:31 pm

”All legitimate concerns but I have an answer to each.” Elena said not letting her unbreakable confidence waver for a second, not letting them see any sign of doubt. No way would she give them a reason to doubt her, if she were to be a leader, Elena would need to seem powerful.”I don’t plan to simply perform an all out assault, as that alone would be suicide. No I have much grander plans than something as simple as that.”No way would she make the same mistakes as the late Necrodium, there would be no way she would fail as he once did.

”But yes, I do intend to make the entire world ours. Though it will not be us alone, as I have plans for a little…help.” She tapped a nail against the wooden table, considering how she would flesh out this plan; give them a reason to follow her. ”Heroes are but a small nuisance really, all you need to do is separate them; then you can snuff them out individually. They are nowhere close as intimidating without their precious little teams.” She explained in a tone that bordered upon cold, calculating.

”Though what I hold in front of you is the key to our to speak. It is one of many keys to an ancient weapon that was long ago forgotten. This orb alone holds more power than I do and if we could gather all seven, as well as procure the weapon in question.” She took in a sharp breath as if letting tension build up with the room. ”We would have the means and fire power to wipe a landmass as large as North America off the map. Thus effectively holding the world hostage” Giving a second to let this sink in, the orb began to float above her palm, supported by a small hand of light.

”As for Dominus, they are but a nuisance. I’ve heard about them and they won’t pose a threat to us, as long as we do things covertly at first. I don’t want us to make a big reveal until I begin my first plan.” Elena would not be stopped by the government and its damn organizations; she would crush anyone who dared to stand in her way, even if they were backed by a weak nation.

”Especially once we eliminate Pain. Once he is gone, no one would think twice about challenging us. “ That was sure to get their attention. ”As for missions, I will hand them out soon. I assure that you shall get your revenge against this Agent.” She said this last bit to the angry seeming woman with a smile. All would go as she wanted.

Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade] - Page 2 CjhXQha
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Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade] - Page 2 Empty Re: Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade]

Post by Volt August 15th 2012, 10:06 pm

Volt listened to the crimson witch explain her plans for the group of killers before them. It seemed like the shiny thing was more powerful than he thought. And there were more. "So we're gonna hold the world hostage eh? Can we use the weapon on somewhere before we do it, just to show 'em we mean business? If we do, I say we take out Canada. Those bastards need to pay for what they did in World War Two." Volt snarled.

Elena continued to address the group, mentioning something called Dominus, and then Pain. As always, Volt had something to say. "FIRST OF ALL" Volt said loudly, "Why in God's name would Domino's be a threat? They make fuckin' pizza! Great pizza! And cinna-stix! And OH MY GOD Their FUCKING LAVA CAKES ARE-" Volt coughed and looked around. "Excuse me, it seems I got off track. Second thing. How the hell are we supposed to eliminate Pain? I heard that under his five o'clock shadow isn't a chin, but ANOTHER FIST! Tell me how you beat a man of such talents. Tell me." Jacob said, whispering the last 'Tell me' with narrowed eyes.

Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade] - Page 2 Voltsg10

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Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade] - Page 2 Empty Re: Casting a shadow [closed to members of Shade]

Post by someguy626 August 21st 2012, 1:37 pm

Vulcan smiled a large stony grin as Elena Marie discussed her battle plans with them. A divide and conquer strategy was a smart decision. "I can agree with this plan, though what will stop our actions from going unnoticed?" Vulcan asked with a tone of cautiousness. If the heroes of this world were to discover their actions they would surely band together to stop them. Hopefully they could keep things quiet until such a time that they could obliterate squads of heroes before they had an army of them knocking upon their doorstep. However this Pain individual interested him. "If the man named Pain has a third limb hidden in his jaw then we shall wrap it around him and break his neck with it". The thought of killing such an individual in this manner excited Vulcan.

Vulcan then proceeded to stare at the glowing orb in Elena Marie's hand. Seven of these tiny orbs existed, they were so small yet held so much power. Using such a device to bring destruction to this world sounded much like the worldeater of the Magnus of Karth. The man had created a battle station that it's soul purpose was to eradicate entire planets that the Magnus had deemed unworthy of existing in his perfect universe. Vulcan remembered how the worldeater had come to the Magnus had given down judgement, and his people gave the Magnus a simple Using an old enemy's tactic against a world seemed slightly hypocritical of Vulcan, but in all honesty...he hated this world, and every living thing on it.

- Vulcan
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"For my Next Trick, I'll make you DISSAPEAR"
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