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Daji's weapon's of choice

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Daji's weapon's of choice Empty Daji's weapon's of choice

Post by Mr Wonton June 26th 2012, 11:04 am


Beads of the Eight Immortals (8 OCC)

Enchanted Buddhist prayer beads used to Vanquish the most powerful demons known to man, unfortunately this powerful item is no longer used for the good of mankind but as a medium for Daji to siphon the otherworldly power housed within her body. Said to be formed by the Eight immortals of chinese mythology these prayer beads are wounds around her left arm like a snake, continuously glowing with a disturbing crimson energy. Each bead represents a different aspect of Daoist perfection. Over the centuries, these characters formed a team of kindred souls and concentrated into a powerful link from this world to what many people consider to be 'hell'. Unfortunately Daji has tainted this renowned item and forced it to become a weapon which will filter demonic energy into her without fully transforming into her monster form. Once 'activated' the beads grant Daji an increased aura, equally disturbing as it is powerful. Burning off her body like an ephemeral energy which contorts alongside her movement, this aura sucks the oxygen and any other element ( 8 Energy ability Max) into her chi and releases it into a terrifying burning energy that scolds anything within a 20 meters range of her (Anyone within 15 of her experience level 8 Burns). The concentration of this scolding aura lessens every 20 meters. (E.g 40 meters range = level 7 burns, 60 meters =level 6 burns...etc).

Daji's weapon's of choice Prayer10

Muramasa Blade (7 OCC)

A millennia old Japanese war-blade used by the superheroes of old to vanquish evil. Daji has managed to find this fabled relic and corrupted it not only with her knowledge of the occult but also her malicious intent. Capable of harming some of the most resistant skins the blade is both lightweight and extremely deadly in the hands of Daji. This weapon is more than just incredibly sharp and light, it also emits a noxious thick black gas when in use. The more frenzied a battle will get the more potent the gas will become, often suffocating Daji's opponents before she even has time to cut them down. The gas diffuses indefinitely in concentration, becoming less potent and less concentrated once it has expanded. The gas can also be used to generate smokescreens and allow Daji a way of escape if she is significantly injured or about to lose. (Gas effectively equals 7 ABILITY poison gas)

Daji's weapon's of choice Katana11

Phoenix feather (7 OCC)

A royal weapon used by the high courts of imperial china, the phoenix feather is an exceedingly long and powerful whip imbued with the untamed potential of the phoenix king. Daji inherited this item as a showcase weapon, something to inspire the people around her with. Little did they know that the Phoenix feather actually possessed power far greater than what they initially assumed. Aside from being a highly durable and flexible weapon, the Phoenix feather is capable of combusting into bright and powerful flames, capable of burning things to cinders if it was to snag onto something. The whip extends to 50 feet (15 meters) and although it requires considerable amount of momentum to achieve proper usage it is still exceptionally dangerous in the hands of a monster like Daji.

Daji's weapon's of choice Los_in10

Zhuque Fan (6 OCC)

An ornate oriental fan that Daji stole from a archeological museum in Beijing. Originally a weapon used by the Shaolin monks centuries ago the Zhuque fan was not only used for closed range combat but for mid range as well. Hidden within each fold of paper there are minuscule titanium needles which can be shot out of the fan for a good 30 metres before they either change trajectory or lose their initial strength; these needles don't necessarily kill but will gradually wear an opponent down. Daji has upgraded this ancient fan, coating it with a highly flammable substance which activates when the fan is flicked open, with a simple flick of her wrist the weapon can light up into flames becoming more effective in battle and allowing her to shoot out flaming needles which can cause significant damage to anyone with durability under 6, as their durability gets higher the needles burn becomes less severe

Daji's weapon's of choice 8ad2dc11

Poison Gas Pellets(6 OCC)

Pellets that contain concentrated forms chlorine gas which when broken and expelled into the air create a silvery haze that is incredibly poisonous to breathe in. The compound readily eliminates a chloride ion by intramolecular nucleophilic substitution to form a cyclic sulfonium ion. This very reactive intermediate tends to permanently alkylate the guanine nucleotide in DNA strands, which prevents cellular division and generally leads directly to programmed cell death, it effects the internals organs causing mass swelling and build up of internal warts that can be serious if not treated.

Daji's weapon's of choice Gaspel10

Pi Yao Gloves (5 OCC)

These extremely light gloves are made from titanium fibres and weaved together not only for comfort but also for their special ability. Daji has extracted some of her demon infused blood and put it into the gloves, chemically fusing the titanium mesh with the poisonous liquid and successfully creating a lightweight weapon which burns when in contact with something. When it comes into direct contact with unprotected human skin the gloves can leave horrendous burns depending on how long she holds onto the victim, anyone without proper protection will find themselves with acid like scars that can burn for weeks without proper treatment. It is mainly used as a torture device once she has caught her victim.

The Gloves are also capable of allowing her to stick onto things, effectively allowing her climb up troublesome obstacles and buildings with relative ease.

Daji's weapon's of choice Red_la10

Last edited by Mr Wonton on March 5th 2013, 11:20 pm; edited 5 times in total
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Daji's weapon's of choice Empty Re: Daji's weapon's of choice

Post by Troglodyte June 26th 2012, 11:59 am

We're russian dancing men, oh yes we're russian dancing men, I'm dancing with a purple hen, I've also got this ballpoint pen

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Daji's weapon's of choice Empty Re: Daji's weapon's of choice

Post by Forceaus March 5th 2013, 11:23 pm

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