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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Forceaus April 20th 2012, 10:33 pm

John continued to watch the sight of the explosion, trying to think what may have caused it.Darren had grabbed Sarah and started running towards the sight of the explosion.John was not sure what course of action to take.Though he wanted to head towards the sight of the explosion he was worried about what may have caused it.He was worried that if the cause was something that he would normally deal with as his other self he would risking exposing his abilities.That was not something he wanted to do.However he knew he could not just stand there and do nothing.That was not who he was.
He noticed the sand as he started running too but payed it no mind.There was something far more important to pay attention to.He took off at full speed, darting past the other two on his way to the epicenter of the fiery cloud.He was in quite the hurry.
In no time flat he neared his destination.The smoke was making it difficult to breathe.He covered his nose and mouth with his shirt and slowed to a walk not wanting to tire himself out yet.He could see that the source of the explosion was a boat.It seemed the destruction of the seafaring vessel had not stopped yet.He heard another explosion on it.As he started to near the boat and enter the midst of the smoke he saw a man walking across the deck calmly like nothing was happening.He called out to him to know if the guy needed any help"Hey.Are you alright?Do you need any help at all?"

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 24th 2012, 8:12 pm

Sarah, being not much of an athlete, was straying behind and tightly grasping Darrens hand in the attemps of staying at their pace--But this only resulted in being dragged just a bit. "N-no, Florida's usually quiet around here . . . " She shook her head a bit and then released her new Austrailian friend's hand and stopped running as she saw John speaking to a mysterious man. "I . . . I don't want to be here . . . ." She admitted quietly, biting her lip cautiously and taking a few tiny steps back and clenching her petite little fists in a frightened, deffensive manner.

She was a swimmer and surfer, a dancer and musical prodigy, but never a runner or an athlete. Nor was she ever a fghter or one to complain or speak out of turn. To see these boys running straiht TOWARDS the mysterious booming noise confused her and worried her more. They were basically running straight towards their deaths in her fragile mind . . . As if her words ddnt say it, her fridgiting powers that were now stealing and changing the colors of the sand certainly showed how worried and frightened she truly was of this man and the whole circumstance.


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7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Swordsmaster April 24th 2012, 8:49 pm

Darren watched as John ran by them and whistled at how fast the boy was going, it was about as fast as he could go when running top speed. Seemed he had found not one but two super humans just on his first day here, oh how wicked was that? Yet, his attention was soon turned away from the super friend running by when he felt no hand in his and stopped turning around to do a double take. It seemed that Sarah had stopped running and was just standing there all quite and lonesome and scarred and stuff. He looked down at the sand and once again saw it was losing color but not only that it was also changing color this time. She obviously was very powerful and could be useful if this man was a super human.

Walking back to her he looked down at her and picked her chin up, looking into her eyes still the oblivious person he always was. But when people sat, no stood, there and told him what exactly was wrong he could usually figure it out. Well usually being a big if, you know if he wasn’t distracted by a squirrel or a butterfly, or a hawk, or a….well you get the idea. He shook his head mentally to focus himself and spoke. “Look Sarah, beautiful you got some amazing ass powers right there and could be pretty damn powerful if you used them right. So, come on help me and John beat up the baddie over there, just use your powers to do something…you know awesomer, know what I mean? Ahh of course you do, your a smart girl.” He asked chuckling as he grinned at her then turned and walked up to John standing next to him. “Hey Man whats your problem going blowing ships up and shit?” He asked in his Australian accent “I mean you cant just go blowing up the ship I used to get to America and stuff, what if I wana go home?” He joked taking his sword out and spinning it.


John Smith, the mercenary, looked up at the kid and smirked. “No, I don’t need help boy, but you will pretty damn soon.” He muttered as he sent a telekinetic blast flying out at him with as much force as he could muster. But, it seemed he wasn’t going to be done just there, no of course another kid had to show up and try and play hero as well. Well, this wasn’t going to go to well at all either, he tried to push the first kid into the other one and hope they would go tumbling into the water or some part of the burning boat.

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Forceaus April 24th 2012, 9:18 pm

John had arrived there ahead of the others.He had found a boat destroyed with a man walking across what was left of it.He wondered if this man needed any help.Turns out he did not.Well this was certainly interesting.He could hear Darren getting closer.He was about to turn to him when something was fired right at him.John was surprised at its nature.It was familiar to the kind of attacks used by a villain he encountered a few months ago.He quickly dodged out of the way of it.
"Guess he really does not need any help at all."He said to himself quietly"I wonder if he is the one responsible for that boat's destruction.He probably is."Darren had arrived too.He turned quickly and saw Sarah in the distance.She did not seem interested in being here.John couldn't blame here.He didn't want to be here either.This was quite the predicament.He had never used his powers in front of people without being in costume before.Now it seemed he would not have much choice in the matter.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 24th 2012, 11:00 pm

The young teen's worries only progresses more and more as time went on; but for a mere split fraction of a second, her fears were quieted as she listened to Darren. Not taking much of it to mind, nor his guestures, she absently nodded and seemed to be standing back and debating what to do or what not to do. She knew well of her capabilities . . . She could drain the LIFE out of human beings. She could paint lifesize, ralistic scenery that was LIVING and moving, and she could also make apparitions of other things rather easily . . . But she was most scared of hurting her new FRIENDS.

It was one thing to 'stop the bad guys' as Darren seemed to so easily think, but it was another to try andhelp and end up hurting them. She remembered all too clearly the beautiful little innocent butterfly being shriveled up and dyinf with just one touch . . . But suddenly gasping quietly as the man behind alll of the ruckus stepped out and rudely spoke to John, she blinked, glancing around frantically.

"Oh, please, Momma give me strength . . . " She whimpered quietly, easily forming a plan in her convuluted mind but not knowing how to execute it correctly;

She knew that her friends were being threatened. Alright. And she also knew that this new enemy didn't see, acknowledge, or know of HER abilities. So, with a little breath of air to calm herself, a silent prayer to Mother Hera, and a nervous moistening of her lips, young Sarah went forth into her plan;

Her weak, but just enough, water manipulation was easily performed through her source of the baech water. A streak of water hardened into that of a thick whip with the force and momentum Sarah was diriving it. She didn't wish to hurt the villain, only distract him for her friends to do something more than she could.

The water slapped against this man's leg and from there, Sarah suddenly drained the color from the sky, sun, sand, and water. Whimpering a tiny bit--As she didn't know HOW the hell she would fix this-- she went forward to briskly use her colorful imagination to paint the image of a rainforest. Breathing her god-like breath upon her creation, suddenly, she, Darren, John, and the villain were all engulfed in the vision of what was a beautiful, perfectly ALIVE rainforest. You don't see THAT often in Florida . . .

"John! Darren! Now's your chance--Do SOMETHING while he's focussed on me!" She called out in a feeble shout, continuing to bite her lip almost to the point of penetration as she glanced around, still merely trying to conjure a way to bring color and the normal state back to the beach after this. Everything was completely colorless, savde for teh random rainforest in the center.


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7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Swordsmaster April 25th 2012, 6:37 am

Darren watches as John simply dodged the telekenetic blast as if it was nothing and knew this wasn't his first time. He wistled lowly then saw then saw the barrel come flying out at him and he jumped, feet brushing off the top as he front flipped over it landing on the ground sword at the ready. Grinning he knew this was obviously the guy causing the trouble as he was the one who attacked them without warning. As he was about to run out at the man and commit some very complicated sword fighting technique he had to stop mid flight. Because it seemed the water behind him tool flight and shot out at the man leg. "Oh no, your in for it now Sarah..."He mutters then watched in awe as the rainforest simply appeared around them as if from nowhere. Hearing what Sarah said he took off as fast he could and dive rolled out of the way of a barrel and jumped in close delivering a slash into the man's left leg. The merc growled and shot a blast down at the boy who rolled out of the way and flipped backwards then he shot a blast out at the girl and other boy.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Forceaus April 25th 2012, 3:09 pm

As John had just dodged out of the way of the guy's attack and prepared to fire back despite the fact that it would reveal that he had superpowers.Not that it really mattered at this point in time with what he had done already.After all having been able to dodge what this strange and dangerous person had fired at him was not something any normal person could do.Nor could any normal person have run as fast as he did on the way over here."Some vacation this turned out to be."He thought."If I wanted to be doing stuff like this I would still be new york."
Suddenly the area around them was engulfed in vibrant colors.He thought for a second that this was the work of the man on the boat but looking for notified him that it was actually Sarah."Well this is getting far more interesting by the second."He was thinking.Encountering not one but two super powered individuals on a desolate beach in Tampa.Sarah called for them to take action.John was curious as to how his powers would work in retrospect to hers.Might something dangerous happen.
He then saw Darren charge directly at the menacing stranger with quite some speed, his sword ready.Now this was getting crazier.Not two but quite possibly three he finds in one location.It was like they were unavoidable no matter where he went.The stranger had managed to dodge the blade strike and fire his blast at him.He then fired another blast at him and Sarah.John deflected this attack away from them both with his own power then fired a blast of his own at him having it weave away from Darren's location in the process to avoid possibly hitting him too.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 26th 2012, 9:58 pm

As the blast came full force towards her, Sarah let out a feeble squeak and reached up with her arms and hands to block her face--As if that would've done anything. But as John deflected the blow for her, she slowly and carefully glanced up from her hands to peek through the holes her fingers made. Wanting to contribute more, she glanced at Darren and shook her head quietly;

Her palms extended and her mind began to flick through images. Tons and tons a green and brown pythons, anacondas, and snakes were painted in her mind and the color somewhat faded just a little from the trees to form these deadly snakes.

But as John sent out blasts of energy, it shocked the young teen as she wasn't exactly EXPECTING him to have powers like her. The surprise of his attack caused her own powers to trigger. Not just simple images, but her full potential was tweaked right out of her'

An almost electric jolt coursed through her divine and human veins as it happened and staggering backwards, and the crystals in her necklace glittered in the dull 'rainforests' light. The blast of prism energy--Sarah's true powers--surged towards the mercenary. Threads and threads of color began to string away from him, like a piece of yarn having little strands torn away from it, leaving it frailer and weaker. Likewise, that was what was happening if this mercenaries body wasn't as durable. She was draining his energy, power, and essentially color by color, energy, power, ability, and strengths were being pulled slowly.

She didn't know HOW to control this power at ALL, so it was both powerful and weaking, but completely easy to stop and dangerous to others around . . . Like her friends. She didn't realize it, but her powers were also picking into John and Darren; Slowly weaking them. She needed to stop and she knew it; but her mind and inner purpose loved the feelings of draining the humans of their strength and power . . .

So much was she trapped in the power that her pretty green eyes were softly glowing a prism color; An assortment of rainbow colors and pure light. She was a creature created by teh gods and sent to accomplish one thing . . . Hopefully her friends could snap her to her senses once more; She knew she couldn't.


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7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Oh

Post by Swordsmaster April 26th 2012, 10:25 pm

Darren was the closet to the mercenary when the phenomenon stared to occur. The color seemed to be literally drained from the man and Darren knew who it was coming from as soon as it happened. He didn't know how powerful Sarah was but if she could do this by accident he had a feeling she might accidentally kill the man. Looking between the two he made a split decision and raced down at the man pushig him diwn into the water yelling for john to deal with him. Immediatly be raced twoqrds Sarah and while running he was litteraly feeling his life force simply fall away as he did. There were no jokes coming from him now, when death was part of the equation if he messed up he did not joke around. The closer he got to her the more noticeable it was that he literally could be dying because of her power. When he thought he was close enough he swooped her up in his arms and did the only thing he thought would freak her out of it, or calm her down. He kissed her, yes that's righ folks, the oblivious 'hot' Australian kissed the freakishly powerful girl hoping it woukd get her to stop using her powers. Pulling away a little slow though he set her down. "Told yea you were powerful beautiful, just learn to control that please" He mutters practically out of breath as he ran a hand through his hair sword still at the ready if the merc hit past John.

The mercenary used a telekenetic blast of his own to entercept the first boy's attack. Though when the girl freaked out he felt something strange and looked down at his body as it seemed to be simply faiding away into nothing, any attempt to yell or use his powers was effortless. He simply could not do anything and to make matters worse the boy with the sword knocked him into the water like he was nothing. As he fe in he started to feel the effects wear off but it just wasn't enough. He was not dead that's for sure but he wasn't going to be fighting any time soon either. Floating to the top he drug himself out of the water heaving for air and then falling face first on the sand, "Shit." was all he said.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Forceaus April 26th 2012, 11:00 pm

As John fired an attack at the villainous stranger the guy attempted to intercept it with his own powers.The two attacks collided in midair but John was able to overpower the other guy allowing his attack to continue on towards the guy.At the exact moment that it finally hit him something else happened as well.
It seems that sarah's powers were quite dangerous indeed.The man himself had been hit by them and it was affecting him seriously.It was as he was dieing the way he was freaking out.He also seemed completely paralyzed by it as Darren was able to simply knock him into the water with ease.John turned to Sarah not wanting her to continue using her power on the guy.He did not wish for him to die.He then saw how scared she look.It seemed she was not in control of her powers."Sarah?"He simply said to her.She did not seem to hear him.He was starting to worry that she may kill the man without meaning to and how it may affect her.John knew all too well what that was like.
After having knocked the fiend into the ocean, Darren had yelled at John for him to finish the guy off as he jumped down off the boat and headed back towards them.John watched as Darren embraced her and managed to calm her down and put an end to her use of her powers thereby not bringing about the unintentional death of the villain.
John turned away from them and back towards the ocean where the mercenary had emerged from the water and onto the sand.He seemed to have no strength left to fight as he collasped onto the sand.John carefully walked over to him ready to attack in case this guy continued to fight.When he finally reached him he simply nudged the guy with his foot.The guy did not react.He was completely unconscious.John could hear sirens in the distance.It seems the local authorities were on their way.He walked back over to Sarah and Darren."We should get out of here.We really do not want to be here."He said to them as he hurried away from this place and back towards where they had originally all met.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 26th 2012, 11:09 pm

Ultimately, the only words to describe Sarah's current state was FLUSTERED. She had no clue what just happened, why she felt so lightheaded and drained, why there were cops. . . But as it all came back to her, she suddenly got the idea. "C'mon, you two! My beach house isn't far and I have the key! We'll stay there until it's safe!"

Quickly grabbing her beach bag and slinging it over her shoulder, she glanced back at the two boys and began to head towards the distance where her vacation home was located right on the edges of the beautiful beach. As she reached the door, she wiped her sandy feet--And not getting much off-- On the rug and then dug out her keys to get in. After setting her alarm and setting her things down, she glanced at the other teens. "Are any of you hurt . . . ?" She asked gently and sweetly, glancing around the condo and making sre the beautiful place was still in its full beauty since the last time she'd visited.

Sarahs foster parents were in no way poor, therefore, Sarah had the keys here and could really go to the beautiful beach house anytime after being at the beach. Whether she needed shelter from rain, to shower after a long day, or wanted to have a sleepover with her friends, it was always available. Now that they were inside, she locked the doors and switched on the TV to rid the room of the quiet; but still, she made no real connection to what had just happened. Whether or not she was trying to ignore and forget about it or that her mind was simply blank from using her powers was unknown. Right now, she just was worried about her battered friends.


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7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
Post Mate
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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Swordsmaster April 27th 2012, 7:11 am

Darren listened to both of them as they spoke, hell if it was his choice he'd stand there grinning at the cops saying' hey we beat him up for you!' or something stupid like that. But, it seems that not how it works in America, apparently your not supposed to be proud or your actions and saving lives by stopping the bad guys. Shrugging he yawned and put his sword back in his bad and slung it over his back. Only the. Sid he look around and notice Sarah and John were half-way across the beach and the cops were pulling up. His eyes widened and he took off at full speed after them like a mad man or something, which he probably was. When he got into the house, a little after the other two be stopped and leaned against the wall panting a bit. "Well now, that was exciting, I knew America had a lot of supers but damn, three in one day." He said grinning at his two friends, the third one obviously being the other man as he himself didn't really show of any powers besides his fighting skills and reflexes. Okay so maybe a little but if strength as he was able to knock a full grown man over the side if a boat and into the water but whose counting.

((sorry its a bit short))

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Forceaus April 27th 2012, 6:11 pm

After having successfully defeated the villain who had brought about the destruction of the boat and quickly leaving the area as the police rapidly approached they had taken shelter in Sarah's beachhouse.He was planning on simply heading back down the beach and then heading back to the hotel that he was staying at but she had insisted on them coming here instead.John agreed simply so that she would not wind up worrying about him.He did not like having people worry about him.The knowledge of such a thing was rather unpleasant to him.When she asked if they were ok he simply stated that he was indeed so.
Darren had come in and was still exclaiming wildly about the recent events.He was quite more surprised about this encounter with super powered individuals than he was.John wound up responding to him before he could stop himself."I see them all the time.In fact they are seemingly impossible to not see.I think I would have a better chance avoiding the plague.Or perhaps the zombie virus whenever that begins to spread."John rather regretted having said anything.He really wished he had not."Anyways if you knew that there were alot why would you be surprised?Were you on watch for the like or something?"
He glanced at the tv screen and saw that the incident was being reported on the news.He was worried about what may come of this.This was definitely not what he wanted out of what was supposed to be a vacation.Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Sarah was still incredibly worried.He decided to try and comfort her some."I'm fine ok.Trust me on this I have been through far worse that that."

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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