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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 15th 2012, 10:57 pm

Sarah Prevou was on the gorgeous beach currently. White sand filtered through her toes, her long, beautifully waved caramel colored hair lightly and naturally blew into the wind and mixed with stray sand, and her tan, sunkissed skin looked radiant in the gorgeous Florida sun.

She was now living with her two friends and wanted to get away. Dressed in a two piece, rather modest bikini, and a white cover dress over that, Sarah lived up to her word as a child of a nature spirit and the gods; she looked radiant and naturally beautiful.

But her mind was far from beauty or how she looked-- shed lived in Florida since birth and didn't feel the need to look decent in practically her backyard. With the sadness with her foster parents being in the hospital and her home burned down, she was still rather unsure of what to do at this point....

Yawning and plopping down in the sand and letting the tide lap at her feet, she leaned back and let her soft green eyes scan the rather empty beach, she laid back. Smiling just a bit, she began to dig into the wet sand and giggled slightly as she found colorful, tiny clams huddles under the sand. Sifting through them, she lifted her other hand, and drained them of color and began painting them with different designs. The salmon link one was now a soft orange and pink color with a little fish on the top simply painted. The others also had pretty little designs and icons on them. Tossing them out back into the water, she smiled inwardly to herself; she had so much potential and meaning to her abilities....but was far too afraid to find the reasons...


The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty B

Post by Swordsmaster April 15th 2012, 11:19 pm

Darren Cross was the stowaway on a ship heading out fom Australia to America, where in america he didnt know but that was something he intended to find out. So when he heard the ship crew talking about seeing land and almost being to their destination after the month long trip he grinned and dashed from his hiding spot onto to the ship deck swords, daggers, and costume all in his waterproof backback he kinda stole back home. Laughing the entire time at the crew trying to catch him he free-ran over and around them reaching the edge of the ship. "Thanks for the ride mates I'll repay you someday with a good 'ol barbie or something of that sort." He said laughing and giving a half wave before jumping overboard into the water below. Sure he had no clue where he was but that wasn't going to stop him he would become th most awesome hero America had ever seen. Swimming to shore he didnt see the beautiful girl sitting there playing with her powers just yet as he took of his shirt and shorts shaking then dry and then shaking himself dry, bag on the ground. "Burr now that was some cold water but a lovely swim." The now half naked Aussie said then turned and saw the girl and imideatly blushed madly pulling his sopping wet shorts on. "Err sorry 'bout that 'lil lady, im Darren Cross and you are? He asked running a hand though his beautiful brown hair before holding it out for her to shake.

Last edited by Swordsmaster on June 23rd 2012, 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Forceaus April 15th 2012, 11:45 pm

Tampa Bay, Florida.Boy was it hot or what?It was also where one could find John on this day.He and his father were on a much deserved vacation at this time.They had arrived only hours before from Wichita, Kansas where there vacation had started.They had gone their to reconnect with family and old friends.Also to visit the cemetery where his mom was buried.Instead of simply returning home they decided instead to take a few days extra to relax.Florida seemed like an ideal location this time of year so that is where they went and that is where they are now.
John was laying on the beach in a dark blue tank top and light red trunks watching the ocean's tide ebb and flow as the waves crashed against the shore.Though the sun bared down on the beach, it did not do so on him.He was sitting underneath a tree completely shaded from its rays.John had no interest in tanning.He had not done it in.He started to count the days then stopped when he remembered that he had never done it before.Tanning took time and he was not one to simply lie around waiting.Instead he was reading a novel while sitting under the tree.
The beach was nearly empty at this time.It was one of the one's that was not used primarily by those who go to them.In fact as far as he could tell he was one of only two people even there at this time.The other was a girl about his age it seemed.He could not be sure to be honest.He saw in the horizon a boat crossing the water.Minutes later a young man swam ashore.John was curious as to where he had come from.He had been there awhile and had not seen this guy at all the entire time.He watched closely as the guy came ashore and engaged in conversation with the girl.He could just barely make out what was being said from this distance.

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 16th 2012, 12:03 am

Sarah's thoughts were set aside and she blinked as she slid back into the land of reality. Seeing the teen seeming to be climbing out of the water as if an everyday occurrence, she giggled softly and stood up to dust off the sand from her legs. "You look about as fresh and lively as a fish--Im Sarah Prevou." Turning around, she reached into her bag and took out her thick towel and gently draped it over his shoulders. Though she didn't know it, she'd always been a very loving nurturing young lady, for she was the daughter of a nature spirit. But as a normal human being, many found her sweet and a simply softhearted girl. "I live here, but...Could I ask why an Austrailian is washing up onto Floridas shores?"

The young teen had a laugh and a giggle that sounded like the sweet chime of happy morning birds--A sound that brought the mind back to pleasant memories and childhood. Little droplets of rain and the clear echo of a thunderstorm. Her foster parents always said that her smile and laugh could brighten anyone up and Sarah liked that--She didn't like when people were sad when she could do something about it.

Despite this rather attractive young mans seemingly 'sent from an angel' as her friends would say, arrival, and his accent, or him practically stripping down in front of her, Sarah seemed indifferent and just as hospitable to him as she'd have been to anyone. Her green eyes glinted warmly in the sun, giving her already pretty eyes that strange and exotic glow and hue of all the colors of the rainbow. She and all of her friends loved her eyes and no doctor could ever explain why Sarah sometimes had a rainbowy glint to her eyes at times...But the past boyfriend she'd had adored her eyes, as did anyone else that saw them up close. It was flattering; but Sarah was a humble girl that was thankful for every little thing she had--so what, she was beautiful. It was a blessing and a natural elegance--perhaps it was her rather beautiful personality as well that added to the effect? She never took it for granted and thanked the gods every night for giving her what she had. Well, the gods made her-literally. But what child would ever guess that they were actually a massive destruction weapon for mankind? Yeah, Sarah didn't either.


The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Swordsmaster April 16th 2012, 10:08 am

Darren laughed slightly at what she said and blinked as the towel was wrapped around his damp shoulders. "Well it's nice to meet you,and to answer your question miss Sarah I'm a stowaway as you Americans would call it." He said a grin upon his face, eyes traveling over her body quickly before she would notice. "You see I wanted to get away from my life over there and decided this would be the next best place, hope you dun mind what i did just a couple seconds ago though." Darren laughed looking at her eyes and blinked letting a low whistle escape his lips smiling at her his beautiful perfect teeth complementing his own eyes and smile. He ran a hand though his brown hair and shook his 'mane' to get the water out of it. "You have a lovely little laugh and beautiful eyes mate, are all the angles in America as beautiful as you?" He grinned not trying to flirt but simply being his oblivious and fun loving self that complements anything and everything he sees.
((sorry its short))

Last edited by Swordsmaster on June 23rd 2012, 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Forceaus April 16th 2012, 4:11 pm

John just sat there and watched as the other two talked and engaged each other with barely any interest in what they were talking about but he continued to pay attention anyways simply because it was the most interesting thing occuring at the moment.He could hear them talking and he was actually finding himself enjoying the conversation for what it was.He smiled slightly as he looked away from it and went back to reading the novel he had.Well trying to at least.He found himself unable to due to the noise coming from the conversation.He sighed and did nothing really.He went ahead and continued listening to what they were saying simply because he was going to hear it regardless while looking at the pages of the novel since he did not to be watching or for either of them to think he was.

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 16th 2012, 5:28 pm

And with that, another little giggle set itself free--Innocent and soft like a young birds first flight. "I'd prefer to be called a fairy over an angel, you know. Because all angels do is stand there and look pretty and radiant while a nature spirit nurtures and helps our world." Shrugging sweetly, she told him. "The suns bright on the dryer sand. C'mon, so you can dry off quicker!"

Seeing the other teen about her age simply reading off to the side, she blinked slowly. "Hey! Don't look so gloomy--It's gloomy enough on this beach. So quiet . . . Come one down and don't be a stranger! You'll get no where in Tampa if you're a loner." Hr ten was sweet and upbeat despite her family issues and the fact tat soon her friends would be looking for her. When talking or meeting new people, Sarah lost track of time. She was a social butterfly and was naturally curious about the world and the different people in it . . . .


The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Swordsmaster April 16th 2012, 6:44 pm

Darren laughed slightly at her explination of why she would rather be a nature spirit than an angle which made him simply shake his head grinning. "That makes sense and I've heard they are just as pretty." He joked then nodded as she said to go up to the dry sand grabbing his bag and shirt then running up after her. He ran at about a quarter of his speed so simply jogging at an average pace and coming to a stop next to her. When he heard her yell out to the other guy he laughed at the words and grinned waving his hands to get his attention more. "Come on mate, do what the lady says she seems to know what she's doing and you got no need to be a bump on the log. Besides I've seen koala's more active than you are." He said laughing and lightly putting his stuff down on the ground, shirt on top of the bag not wanting any prying eyes to get in there somehow. Though his sword handle could still slightly be seen sticking out of the top of it.

Remember that ship Darren had been ridding on to get to America? Well he wasn't the only person on there that wasn't supposed to be, about a mile away that ship docked into the harbor. They would soon find out that someone else had decided to get a free ride from Austria to the good old US of A. But for now he was hiding secretly in a dead mans cabin waiting for the perfec opportunity to raid the ship,leave and make off with the goods on that ship. The goods being the presidents personal, special shoes and something congress needed, what it was the USA congress needed he didn't know. It it wasn't his place to ask. He was a mercenary and was told to commit the crime on American soil so it could not be trace back to a secret Austria political party.

((force said we needed some action xD so this will be it, my next post the merc will make his mic and I'll make his make his grid as well))

Last edited by Swordsmaster on June 23rd 2012, 7:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Forceaus April 16th 2012, 8:49 pm

And so his presence there on the beach was no longer unnoticed.The girl addressed him in a rather kind manner.Saying to him that he should join them.The boy agreed with her as he to called out to him.John took a moment to consider how to respond to them while still looking at his novel.Finally after a few seconds of thinking he got up, put his novel in his bag and hung it from one of the branches before walking over to where they were.It was not like he had anything better to do.Besides just some gold old fashioned fun experience was something he kind of needed what with everything that had been happening.
As he drew closer he noticed a hilt from a blade sticking out of the guy's bag.He was curious to what it was but did not show it.He was not interested in awkward questions arising but he really hoped the guy was not planning something with it so he kept his guard up just in case.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 18th 2012, 12:07 am

Plopping down in the warm sand, Sarah pulled her soft, long, caramel brown locks back, she patted the spot next to her, asking the two teens to join her. "I've lived here since birth. So this is basically my back yard, you know? Its nice to meet nice new people around here. For such a big place, Tampa Bay is really small to the ones that live here.

(short but meh ><}


The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Swordsmaster April 18th 2012, 9:04 am

Darren laughed as the guy came over but still a silent as ever, like if the guy spoke the entire world would come collapsing on top if them. 'Now that would be an awesome power' He thought to himself shaking his head as he sat down next to her and listened to her talk. He stretched and leaned back mulling over why she said, so be ended up in Tamapa. Not exactl where he set out to end up at but it was still America so that is perfectly fine with him and who knew maybe Tampa would get some action it's self. Then he looked over at the other guy an caught him eyeing his bag, and imideatly knew he saw the sword handle hanging out from the top of his bag, because his shirt obviously couldn't cover it. He chuckled to himself and shook his head not going to mention it, secret identity and all that mumbo jumbo. "So, what's your name stranger? Gona talk to us or continue the damn silent mysterious act that never works?" He asked holding his hand out to him, not noticing to do so he had to reach across Sarah.

The ship docked and the crew started to slowly unload and the man on board made his move. He raced out his hiding spot and shot straight for the captains room where he wa told the articles would be, though imideatly he was met by yelling sailors. Not where they not happy to find that someone had gotten on their ship and this one seemingly from America himself. They were outraged an started shouting and yelling but weren't able to do much else as the water around them shook and rattled then shot out at any who got in his way. He continued on his way laughing at the idiots before a gun was fired. He spun around and stopped the gun mid air sending it flying back with his telekenesis. Oh sure he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he had a fucken awesome power as he saw it at least. Only problem was when he sent the bullet flying back was the original shooter was standing behind a gas pipe and when hit it exploded. The explosion could be heard from a mile a way.

((Grid for mercenary:

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Forceaus April 18th 2012, 3:59 pm

So he had walked over to them to join them in the activity that was going on.They greeted with such enthusiasm and humor that it made him smile.The young man had noticed that he had seen his blade handle and had signaled to him not to comment on it.He was still curious as to why the guy had them so he kept an eye on him the entire time."It is totally not an act that I am putting up.I just do not talk very much that's all."He said as the wind picked up nearly drowning out what he had said.He waited for it to subside before continuing to talk"And well I didn't think I would be doing much of anything.To be honest up until a couple days ago I did not even think I would even be down here in Tampa.Anyways my name is."Just then he stopped talking.He had stopped because of the loud boom that could be heard in the distance.He turned very suddenly and look towards the direction which it had come from.In the distance he could see smoke and fire billowing upwards into the sky.He was now concerned about far more than the hidden blade.He wanted to run off towards the source of the explosion but he did not think he could with these two right there.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 20th 2012, 9:27 pm

With a little gasp, Sarah leapt to her feet in a flurry of sand that quickly lost color. With emotions and surprises, Sarah often had little random spurts of her powers flying it everywhere-- and now was a case of that. The boom frightened her and she took a few steps back. "W-what was that . . . ?" She asked In a quiet voice, evaporating the brown color she had as there was no use for it, and leaving the sand completely COLORLESS.

Sarah's abilities were strong, but she was scared of her stronger powers . . . But also, bearing in mind that she was scared now--as nothing like this is ever really happened in lazy Tampa Bay--she knew that she may lose control of her powers. She wanted to leave and run home . . . . But she wouldn't leave her two new friends . . .

Despite her knowledge that she may hurt herself and her initial fear, the young teen always tried to do what was right. And completely ditching at the sound of a boom was not the right choice . . . .


The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Swordsmaster April 20th 2012, 9:50 pm

Darren listened to the new guy raising an eyebrow when he didn't shake his hand and pulled it back but said nothing. And then of corse he heard the boom and blinked but his reaction wasnt as bad as Johns or even close to Sarah's reaction. The sand had completely lost all of it's colors when she jumped up, sure most people wpuldnt have noticed it but he notices the most random things in the world. Standing up himself he wistled looking at the sand then at John and Sarah, then over at the sight of the noise. He grabbed his bag and slung it over his back then grabbed Sarah's hand without thinking and pulled her in the direction of the noise absentmindedly. "Come on lets go find out what that was!" He yelled out to his new friends and laughed slightly taking off at speeds they could keep up with, not wanting to show off his awesome powers just yet. "So, Sarah, you live here and stuff. Is that kind of crap common here?" He asked still running and blinking as he heard yet another booming noise.

The mercenary walked into the captains room with a smirk on his face looking the captain dead in the eyes. He didn't say anything only stood there fairing the man to shoot the gun he was holding at him, and the fool did. When the bullet was fired he stopped it with his powers and sent it flying back at th captain hitting him in the head, who then of course fell on the ship controls and sent a couple explosives flying off their spots and to the side. A couple of them exploded while the others knocked harmlessly against the side of the ship. He laughed and walks over to the vault and pulled it open with his powers then looked down at exactly what he was here to get. Grabbing them he walked outside of the room and back onto the deck.

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

Post by Forceaus April 20th 2012, 10:33 pm

John continued to watch the sight of the explosion, trying to think what may have caused it.Darren had grabbed Sarah and started running towards the sight of the explosion.John was not sure what course of action to take.Though he wanted to head towards the sight of the explosion he was worried about what may have caused it.He was worried that if the cause was something that he would normally deal with as his other self he would risking exposing his abilities.That was not something he wanted to do.However he knew he could not just stand there and do nothing.That was not who he was.
He noticed the sand as he started running too but payed it no mind.There was something far more important to pay attention to.He took off at full speed, darting past the other two on his way to the epicenter of the fiery cloud.He was in quite the hurry.
In no time flat he neared his destination.The smoke was making it difficult to breathe.He covered his nose and mouth with his shirt and slowed to a walk not wanting to tire himself out yet.He could see that the source of the explosion was a boat.It seemed the destruction of the seafaring vessel had not stopped yet.He heard another explosion on it.As he started to near the boat and enter the midst of the smoke he saw a man walking across the deck calmly like nothing was happening.He called out to him to know if the guy needed any help"Hey.Are you alright?Do you need any help at all?"

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

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Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite) Empty Re: The Evening Florida sun looks better with Friends (John C and Darren--PM for Invite)

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