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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Troglodyte March 27th 2012, 5:00 pm

The desert was definately making good on its name. It was a desolate wasteland, consisting of nothing but rocks and gravel, with a climate so hostile that only the occasional cacti and gnarled, ancient-looking bush-like tree managed to grow here. The sun was so mercilessly hot that only a few of rather sparse amount of inhabitants were active during the day. However, the dry, inhospitable landscape had a special kind of beauty to it. The way the air shivered when the blazing sun was up, or simply the timelessness of the whole thing. However, our little story does not take place during the agonizingly hot day, but rather in the surprisingly cool night.

It starts with a small truck comming to a stop in the middle of the desert. Despite the open sky it is nearly invisible, partly due to the fact that its lights have been turned off for the last half mile or so. Even though a situation akin to is usually considered an unnessecary risk to those driving in the middle of the night, the woman driving this particurlar car seemed to be not all that bothered by it. This was for two reasons. The first reason was that she had recently gained the peculiar ability to see in the dark. The second and far more sinister reason was simply that he was that nothing bothered him anymore, since she did not have a brain. A few days ago she had had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting Doctor 0, one of the militarys most embarrassing, most dirty little secrets.

The good doctor had quickly drugged her, and that was the last thing she would remember, if she could still remember anything at all, because after that he had her spirited away to a delipitated basement made into a makeshift laboratory, where she had been cut up and gutted like a fish, before her insides were replaced by a series of tubes, tanks and a crude pump-mechanism designed to keep her operating for a few more years before she was allowed to die. If she still had a brain, she would probably die from the shock, due to the fact that being kept alive in this manner would have felt so excruciatingly painfull that she would have fainted on the spot.

Her brain had been replaced with an advanced computer hooked up to her spine. This computer contained a rather crude artificial intelligence just clever enough so that it would act upon any orders provided to it by its master.

The car slowly drew to a halt, stopping a few miles from what looked to be an abandoned farm. "We have arrived." She said, her voice flat and monotonous, lacking any emotion or spark of life at all.

"Mmmm? Oh, yes, what? Yes! Of course. . . eh. . . O" A rather confused voice answered from the passenger-seat. The voice came not from any man, but rather, from the remnants of one. In a way this individual had been as cruelly violated as the driver had been, but there was a difference: The driver had been robbed of her ideas, her thoughts and her creativity, the creature next to her had been robbed of everything but these things. And even though he would say would protest most decisively if he was told it, they both had been robbed of their soul, their free will or whatever it was that truly made a human a human.


"Oh, my! It seems we have arrived at our destination, gentlemen!" The good doctor said enthusiastically, The indicator-lights of his chassiss blinking weakly with each syllable. He quickly hovered up from his seat, and out the door.
"Heh! Seems a bit pointless to have these lights flashing everytime I speak, given that we were oh so careful to approach without being seen! Haha! I'd forget my own head if it wasn't screwed on!" He continued with the somewhat confused and gravely yet cheerfully happy tone of voice that one normally associated with senility or early-stage alzheimers. Despite being a certified genius with an IQ far beyond of what was thought humanly possible, he was strangely unable to consider the Irony of a disembodied brain talking about forgetting his head.

"Hrrrmmmm. . . Loading file seventythree fourtyfive Beta point eight zero" he said thoughtfully before continueing, the indicatorlights on his chassis not flaring up with each syllable this time

"You see those farmhouses? Looking like an ordinary farm for farming and such, yes? Well, in the big barn there is an hidden elevator, leading down to a rather impressive base, where our objective is located. " seemingly being temporarily cured from the sometimes delibitating bouts of confusion and senility that struck him occasionally.

"To enter the base, I believe we aught to use stealth and guile. Wich is the reason I have brought along several discarded army uniforms for uniformity and proper identifimacation, er, for identifying, so that we may blendiate and insert ourselves into the crowd. Once inside, we will have little trouble to reach the, err, objective, since I have the bluprints of this base safely ensconsed on my hard-drive, yes. . . " He continued, the confusion almost entirely gone from his voice by now.

"So, er. . . any questions or queries before we begin this little surgery. . .er, operation?" He continued, rather awkwardly, apparantly annoyed that the metaphorical crystal-clear, crisp and cool water of his thoughts had turned into a murky brown sludge again. Everything was once again starting to blurr, and lacked the level of sharpness that had been present in his mind until oh-so-very recently
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Guest March 27th 2012, 7:42 pm

6:10 PM Manhattan, New York

Drake had been in his office finishing up a session with his patient before he had to catch a flight to Arizona for some conference that he had been chosen to speak at. But for right now his mind was on the 50 year old pedophile sitting across from him. If Drake had his way the pedophile would have been blown out of his office but for now he had to abide by the rules. "So as I was saying before you kept interrupting me, you have a serious condition and you need treatment."

"But Doc be a friend here, what I did was not wrong. They enjoyed it, you should have seen there smiling faces. The joy it brought to me."

Drake was writing down everything this guy said to him, so he could report it to the courts when he got back from his little trip. "Listen, now I know you have a problem after what you just said. One you start by saying there is nothing wrong with messing with little kids which there is. Second you say they bring you joy..what kind of crap is that?"

"Doc, you have to be there. Please report that we had a good session, I could make it worth your while?" He pulls out some pictures from his coat pocket.

Having seen enough Drake stood to his feet angered. "That is enough Bill, get out and get out now!" Drake put his hands in his pockets as he could feel the urge to blow this man's had off right where he sat.

"Sorry Doc, I will be going now." He placed the pictures in his pocket and left the room quickly.

After leaving Drake's secretary Alice walked in holding some papers in her hand. As she walked in Drake finishing writing down the last of his notes and placed his notebook on his desk and looked at Alice. "I swear, I see more lunatics everyday now. But Alice what is it that you need?"

"Sir your flight leaves in 45 minutes, and traffic out there is heavy." She said sweetly as she tapped her pen in her hand.

"Thank you for reminding me, send these notes to the District Attorney and make sure he reads all these notes before skimming them, I hate when he does that to me. After all this hard work I had to do today." Drake grabbed his thin briefcase and headed out the door making his way to his Black Lincoln . He got in the backseat and gave his driver the directions as they headed towards the airport.

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Van Helcraft March 27th 2012, 8:33 pm

Staring out the window he hummed along pleasantly to recordings of his daughters piano recitals, the soft melodies never failed to calm him and he needed it now more than ever, after all when was the next time he'd get to work with a floating brain in a jar? He stared wistfully at the brain for a moment, he had already realized without to much difficulty that it's thought process muddled and cleared with the fluid in the jar. His only guess was that it was overloaded with more data than the human brain had the capacity to hold, which is what he supposed the bottom of the jar was for, holding the excess data. Schneider thought for a moment returning his gaze to the bland desert scenery, if he had to label the brain he would call it a bishop, what's more is that it seems that their powers are similar in several ways. The cars headlights had been out quite a few miles but that was just a precaution he presumed, he himself would have barged right in and taken what he wanted by force. He smiled as the car stopped and the music from his player stopped as well. It seemed like a beautiful sign to him, that this was going to be an amazing night indeed. He listened intently to the plan then sighed looking at the drab military uniforms and then his own crisp and clean thirty-five thousand dollar vintage suit and tie. "Very well if we must wear that drab attire then let's finish this 'surgery' as fast as possible." Schneider smirked intentionally copying the brains mistake and hoping to undermine his authority on this job as well as getting in a few laughs himself, seriously when would be the next time he could literally tell someone that they have a screw lose. Chuckling softly to himself he daftly pulled off his tie and slipped out of his dress close, "Well come on gentlemen nothing to be shy about low odds we'll ever meet again after this anyway." he knew he was prattling to hide the fact that he felt unsecured not being in command,  and without his mercenaries as bullet shields. Slipping out of his jacket, shirt, vest, and pants, he quickly dressed in the uniform provided to him, surprised by how well it fit him, wondering if it was luck or had the brain gotten his measurements.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Forceaus March 27th 2012, 9:34 pm

Into the ground and through the very earth's crust the dreaded beast tunneled on its way to its destination foot by foot and and chunk of rocky wall one right after the another.The rocks could not hold up its progress in the slightest.It merely burned them away as it continued forward towards its destination.
It was on a mission for its new ally in its quest.It did not know why it had agreed to ally itself with such a feeble lifeform such as this doctor O seemed to it but the promise of power was too much for Magmasterus to pass up.Power after all was all that it desired and the possibility of acquiring it just by doing such a simple task was one it could not pass up.Not if it was going to achieve its sole purpose for its existence.
Through more and more dirt it tunneled through until it reached its destination.It then began tunneling its way upwards back towards the surface.It broke the the surface and crawled out of the hole in the ground.Upon seeing his newfound allies it growled menacing at them simply to indicate to them that it was not a creature that they should try and take advantage of.Magmasterus had no qualms about simply reducing them all to ash if need be.It walked over to them and listened as the leader of the little group informed them of the plan.Its role in the plan was very basic.The mission involved alot of sneaking around.Magmasterus was there to ensure their escape.The brain in the tiny flying machine asked them if they had any questions.It had none.The details of the plan were of no matter to it.Only its part mattered and that was all.With that the terrifying creature headed back to the hole in which it had crawled out of and climbed back down into the ground and began slowly tunneling through the ground towards the selected location where it had been instructed to make the escape route.As it did so it pondered on whether or not this was even worth its time.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Troglodyte March 31st 2012, 5:08 pm

"Yes, finnishing this errr. . .(surgery? Realy? Yes, fine, surgery.) Surgery is of the most important importance!" Doctor 0 said somewhat flatly and rather confusedly. He could feel himself slipping slightly, as the earlier so crystal-clear vision of his planned turned murky and muddled, making him feel rather uneasy about the whole thing. He hated losing his thoughts like this, and in his heart of hearts he was quite worried that the periods delerium that occasionally gripped him would become worse as well as longer and longer with shorter intervalls, untill all that remained of his once brilliant mind was a babbling old fool that could barely remember his name.

However one thing with having debilitating fits of confusion was that he soon forgot his doubts and fears about his mental-state and could feel the somewhat confused sense of happiness and enthusiasm wash over him once more. The only thing that bothered him right now was that the quality of his earlier villanous speech was somewhat lacking in sincerity. After all, he couldn't let a second-rate non-scientist like Schneider Hellcraft challenge his mind. He might be somewhat muddled and confused, but even at his worst moments, he still had twice the IQ and vision of someone like Hellcraft, and he needed to prove it.

"Oh, I know all too well that I appear to be somewhat feebleminded occasionally, but I assure you that it is not the case, Mah boi. Even at my most delerious state I have more than twice the intelligence of anyone that has ever won a nobel-prize, so don't you worry, son." The doctor said in a grandfatherly tone, following it up with a friendly chuckle before hovering over to the trunk of the veichle, opening it with his mind, lifting out yet another few sets of uniforms for his Atomic Robo-zombie driver. Then he sent yet another message through his inbuilt radio-transmitter, causing it to lock-down completely. He couldn't afford to leave it to chance, since it was his second ace in the hole, in case anything went 'brown' whilst in there.

As the ground rumbled and shattered to let out a creature formed entirely out of rock, it seemed that his first choice of acting 'ace in the hole' had arrived. Magmasterus, as the gargantuan, monstrous alien was called was an interesting creature indeed with very interesting abilities that should not be scoffed at. If Doctor 0 would be so bold as to consider himself a likeness of the great visionary Doctor Necrodium, then Magmasterus would definately be his 'Ibis'. What role Hellcraft would take in this little mirror of Project Perfection he had no idea. He was rather unsure about Hellcraft and wether or not he was really all that good to work with. He might be a superpowered metahuman criminal, but he still had all the qualities that he usually avoided when he looked for accomplices. Greed, Arrogance, Ambition and the usual dark desire of humanity.

"Oh, I am glad to see you Magmasterus! How was your trip? Pleasant I hope? At any rate, it seems that we are all gathered where we aught to be. Your part of my plan is to bury underneath the earth and provide us with an exit if we are discovered. As well as covering our escape. Something wich a creature of your magnificent abilities aught to handle just fine, hehe, yes." The Genuinely Gregarious Genius said amiably as the great beast approached them. The expressionless, somewhat drooling atomic robo-zombie driver reached into the pocket of the uniform she had put on and retrieved a small comm-device, wich Doctor 0 levitated over to Magmasterus, not expecting to have to explain its purpose to the beast. After all, magmasterus had tested above average when he utilized his Brain-mo-measurer on him earlier.

"Gentlemen! Soon, all the science will be mine! Mwuahahahah! And the other classified information will be yours to utilize as you wish, Hellcraft!"The Somewhat Delerious, Demented, Dramatic, Deranged Doctor said in a manner so menacing, so villanous that he himself almost got chills from hearing how deliciously devilish he managed to make himself out to be. After making that little point he quickly lowered himself telekinetically into the backpack of the zombie-driver to avoid rousing suspicion. "Lets go" he said, utilizing the voice and vocal-cords of his Atomic Robo-zombie servant.
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Guest April 1st 2012, 6:44 pm

Getting off of the plane, Drake wanted to see some scenery that was around Arizona. "I wish I had a motorcycle here or something." Drake pulled out his phone and googled a rental car company; he placed the phone call asking about a motorcycle. Usually he would have gone straight to the hotel to catch up with this different timezone he was in but today he felt full of energy. After waiting a few minutes a truck showed up with a black and white harley on the back of it. "Good you all deliver, that is good for business now load it down and I will pay you an extra 250 dollars if you can drop my bags off at this hotel please." Drake paid the man and got onto the motorcycle starting it; he grinned at the roar of the engine. It felt like a shot of adrenaline to his heart; he pressed down on the gas and sped off from the airport. Drake flew through weaving in between cars dodging traffic. He if had not learned how to ride a motorcycle in college he would have crashed into the back of a 18-wheeler. Drake continued racing through the streets until he saw a long dirt road to his right, hearing the sounds of sirens behind him he quickly made a sharp turn onto the dirt road almost crashing into a tree. After regaining his balance he sped down the dirt road turning his head to look behind him. Drake knew that was a mistake to turn his head around but he to make sure he was not being followed, as he turned around he was approaching the back of a black car. He examined every possibility of getting past the car, he went with the most obvious choice. Drake pushed down on the gas as hard as he could, right before getting to the back of the car he pulled up as hard as he could causing the front wheel to go up the trunk of the car propelling it in the air. As Drake hit the ground he saw he was coming towards a group of men and something floating in the air. He grabbed the brake handle hard and turned the bike to the right causing a large sweep of dust to form underneath it. Drake's attention was bothered by the several men that were changing and the floating men. "Does somebody want to tell me what is going on here? The name is Doctor Vision so call me Doctor or Vision either or works."

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Van Helcraft April 3rd 2012, 5:02 pm

Schneider was not prepared for a giant to crawl out of the ground, he jumped several feet into the air, via aid of his power. Once his heart rate had calmed he returned to the ground. The brain addressed it as magmasterus, he remembered vaguely hearing about him, he supposed he would make a good pawn, he certainly looked the type to enjoy destroying things for little or no reason. He watched mildly interested as he burrowed back into the ground. Then he listened with a smile to Doctor 0, " I was not insulting your intelligence I assure you, I know my wit is pathetically dull when compared to yours, I was merely enjoying the novelty of your manner of speech. I realize that your unique position and abnormally large intellect intitle yourself to the occasional grammar blunder, especially when the words are so closely related" he said still smiling, as a bike soared into the air and braked close by. " Ah you must be our last member pleasure to meet you, I am Schneider Van Helcraft," He said tipping his new hat, " You'd better hurry into your disguise we where just about to storm the place."

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Forceaus April 3rd 2012, 5:54 pm

While the strange supposed doctor set his plan in motion and prepared to begin operations, Magmasterus was already fulfilling his part of said plan.It was not sure how this communication device it had been given by the strange cerebral bodied enigma worked.It had been told that the figure would be able to communicate to Magmasterus through it and that was enough for it to accept.It was not concerned with their lives nor anyone elses.
It burrowed its way towards the base.It had to make sure the tunnel was wide enough for them to fit through for when the exit would come.Tall enough was no problem at all.It was far bigger than them to begin with.The width it had the tunnel at now seemed to be enough.It was wide enough to for two of it to fit in.Another thing it needed to ensure was that the tunnel was stable enough so that it would not collaspe on any of them while they traveled through it.As much as it cared not about their lives he had made a deal with thing known as Doctor 0 and it was intent to living up to its end of the bargain so he had no excuse not to live up to his.
It continued to burrow its way towards the designated location under the base itself until Magmasterus reached it.It then started tunneling an upwards slope towards the floor of the base stopping about 15 feet from the floor itself.The last bit would only take a few seconds for it to tunnel through to form the exit for the others to escape through.For now it waited for further orders.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Troglodyte April 5th 2012, 5:52 pm

"Well, Heh-heh! That's qui-et a way to defuse, or was it disarm. . hmmm. Derail this whole situation, although It is completely unnessecary, I assure you. I am quite well-aware of my qui-et awkward personality, and I understand that you might be worried about my abilities to lead and be in charge of this rather delectable operating-surgery." The brain said, his cheerful, encouraging tone being somewhat remniscent of an old, slightly senile, but good-natured grandfather. The only part that did in fact make the voice sound somewhat less than human was the fact that it had a slightly electronical tint to it, and a bit of "static" in the background, a bit like old-timey radio.

"But I assure you, that my occasionally peculiar, even damaged and-slash-or demented personality and my occasional psychotic mood-swings can be completely attributed to brain-damage, decay, faulty programming, corrupted data-bases and faulty wiring rather than mere congenital stupidity." he continued, his tone now that of a good-natured, kind elderly college-student explaining a rather obvious fact to a particurlarly thick-headed student for the ump-teenth time.

However, his attention was caught by the newcommer, a seemingly ordinary person, calling himself "Doctor Vision". There was nothing on any "Doctor Vision" in his data-banks, there was quite a few information on "Doctor", but he soon dismissed it as irrelevant when conserned with this particurlar doctor.

"Oh, no! This man is not one of our collaborators. I think I would know, since I hand-picked almost all of our collaborators by hand. Errr. . . Not literally of course. Well, That is to say that I chose very, very carefully who could come and who could not. And in the end, since I did the choosing, I am well aware of the fact that he is not chosen. Unchosen if you like." The doctor droned on, sounding more and more like a nursery-home patient who had lost his room-keys and was quite confused how this could be.

Doctor 0 manouver his rather small chassis up out of the backpack he had recently hidden himself, and hovered slightly above the man, his various sensors scanning him, whilst giving up low-pitched, nearly inaudible beeps and whirring noises, as if they where props from some lowbudget fifties science fiction masterpiece "Scan complete. Evaluating results" the Doctor droned in a far more robotic monotone than his usual expressive tone.

"My, my, my! My scan indicates that you have an IQ that is way of the charts! You are to a genius, what a genius is to poor Hellcraft here! And a Doctor no less! Hooo, now this is just marvelous!" He spoke obviously exited by the results of the various measurements. If he was able to grin, he would have grinned wildly at the prospect of conversing with someone at an intelligence-level so close to his own, Even though the man happened to be an intruder and could possibly be an obstacle in the great plan he had planned.

"I had planned to sedate you, remove your brain and turn you into an Atomic Robo-man slave who'd do menial work in the name of science, but such a fate is most undeserved by an intelligence as impressive as yours! Provides that you solemnly pledge not to ruin my villanous master-plan of course!" He continued, still as happy as ever, painfully unaware of the implications what he had just said could have on a normal, rational being.
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Guest April 5th 2012, 8:57 pm

Drake remained silent taking in the looks from the group around him; he put his hand on the key of the motorcycle and turned it off.Drake wondered why he was the last member for something but then it became apparent when they were going to raid some farmhouses; to the normal eye that would have looked stupid but Drake looked passed the normal eye because it could be deceiving but he would suit up with these guy to go along for the ride. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Hellcraft, and I want to know what it is like to be inside the mind of a criminal."

He then turned to see a floating brain actually talking, this would have surprised him but being a psychologist not much surprised him anymore. "No I am not one of your collaborators, just somebody who was driving down this road but now I am one of your collaborators whether you like it or not. Drake watched as the floating brain took out an instrument and began scanning him. His first reaction would have been to blow up the brain and his instrument but he was out numbered and stood his ground.

"In order for you to do all those things you would have had to kill me first. The odds of you killing me were slim to none. But enough of that, yes I will help you out just because I want to know how criminals think. Oh and one last thing." Drake held out his index finger to the ground and fired off a small bolt of energy to the ground. "Getting on my bad side will result in me lighting you up like it is the fourth of July of you give me a uniform to change into." Drake was handed a uniform to change into to match all the rest of the people.

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Van Helcraft April 9th 2012, 2:10 pm

Schneider nearly laughed at his attempt to be threatening he had half a mind to show the new guy just what he could do, but decide leaving his powers a mystery was the better idea. Out of the goodness of his black heart he even forgave the insults to his intelligence, though he did make a mental note to fling a large rock at visions head the moment the opportunity arrived. He wondered if he had ever seen this mans face before it was nagging him like a long forgotten memory with a lot of importance. He gave up soon enough though throwing another suit at vision and labeling him a pawn until further notice, as he returned to his own preparations. He chided himself for remarking to a stranger but three doesn't make a group, three since he wasn't counting the robot lady, well that ought to teach him to stop assuming what people meant. He quickly finished his preparations and waited.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Troglodyte April 9th 2012, 7:00 pm

The good doctor felt several subroutines acivate somewhere in the back of his consciousness, but those subroutines seemed flawed, half-baked. They tried to access files that were either corrupted, innaccessible or simply not evenpresent. He suspected that this might be a form of agression or some particurlar form of anger, due to the a few of the files being accessed were the same as those used when his more common anger-protocolls were in effect. At first this was seemed slightly peculiar to the doctor, as he was not entirely sure why this particurlar access of his personality-program had been tampered with at some point, before it was installed but he was not yet certain of it.

"Apologies. It felt as if I was feeling that one of my automatic, automated responses imbedded in my personality-core would kick in when I was threatened and menaced by you. However, it seems that this particurlar protocoll program has been tampered with and partially deleted. I'll see if I can start up a similar program, so that I can give an adequate response"

Doctor 0 quickly started searching through his various protocolls and automated responses to figure out wich had most in common with the deleted protocols to see if he could find one that might provide an effective substitute for the deleted subroutines. Anger or outrage seemed to be the ones that fitted the best for the situation as well as the sharing quite a bit of the data with the deleted packet.

"]Program found. Initializing 'Anger.exe':Well, I do not! respond well to threats, mind you! Threats is a big No-no, one-one-one! If you keep this up, I might just. . . Just. . . Hold on, I need to checkify my database for the proper protocolls when engaging in inimidation as well as those for warfare and small-group combat-tactics." The disembodied brain within the tank said in a rather confused manner. He could not say that he liked this suddenly discovered gap in his personality-core. After all, he was a super-genius, and he routinely tried reprogramming parts of his personality-core to improve himself, and this whole gap in his program was far too large to have remained undetected for so long. He was gripped by a sense of confusion-addled anger as he realized that his creators must have programmed him to not notice these flaws in his programming, as a sort of a fail-safe to prevent him from spontaneously attacking them whenever they annoyed him. However, this had not prevented him from reconfiguring the sentry-guns to destroy them for him. Still, it was a rather impressive failsafe.

"if there is going to killing, I will defer of your expertise. I seem to lack the proper protocols for such an occasion, all I keep fnding are corrupted files and convoluted, uncomprehensive, inelegant snippets of code. Seems that someone deleted those particurlar protocolls before I reached sapience, presumably to prevent me from turning on my creators and slay them with my mysterious. psychic abilities. Oh, well. I'll look into it later. By myself."

Whilst they had been speaking the Atomic Robo-man had retrieved another uniform from the trunk of the veichle and handed it to the newcommer. The good doctor once again hovered into the backpack of his zombie-like minion and then close the lid.

"Now, let's get going, shall we? This robot has the all the proper identification to get us into the base, and I have all the proper passwords." he said cheerfully as the small group started walking towards the hidden ase, finally getting this show on the road.
Posting Master
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Guest April 11th 2012, 4:15 pm

"You seem like you have multiple personalities even though you are a floating brain, but if I was to have a session with you I could probably pick your brain out some more and really figure if you suffer from MPS." Prime had finished gotten dressed and left his regular clothes on the motorcycle. He flexed around in it trying to get it to fit him properly; after doing so for a few minutes he was ready to go for action. "Seems I will have to take mental notes of this whole ordeal." He said quietly as he began walking with the group towards the bass.

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Van Helcraft April 12th 2012, 7:45 pm

Schneider nearly shrugged and began following the robot lady and vision, wondering how the mission was going to play out. Even though it was supposed to be a stealth mission he wanted to cause a little chaos. He mearly yawned and began humming one of his daughters songs, falling into an easy stride. With the military blue prints he hoped to find here he could make a killing with foreign arms dealers, or keep them for himself until his business was ready to expand into a weapons corporation aswell as his pharmecueticals. His cloned body parts where already on their way to becoming legal, with all the congress and senators he was paying off to make clone research open and legal. Casting a glance around all he could see was barren land, and he prayed they wouldn't have to walk to far.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Troglodyte April 12th 2012, 8:17 pm

"Multiple personality disorder?" The female robo-zombie answered, her voice that of a female, somewhat gravely from smoking too many cigarettes in her day, but with the sort of innate authority that usually marked a person as a leader of men. However, the voice still used the exact same, rather odd intonation as Doctor 0 had done earlier, makign it rather obvious that he spoke through it right now.

"The somewhat irrational, unstable and-slash-or dangerous mood-swings that occured are entirely caused by braindamage, decay, corrupted databases, faulty wiring and shoddy programming, rather than any genuine psychological trauma." He continued, a slightly patronizing tone sneaking into his normally kind and amiable manner of speech. He had little interest in the 'soft' sciences like psychology or sociology. Why researching why people worked the way they did, instead of simply correcting the non-comforming elements via brainwashing or in the cases beyond salvation, some invasive psychosurgery usually did the trick. Still, he could not deny that Vision was probably the leading one in the field of psychology around these parts. It would probably be considered rude to declare his chosen field obsolete in an utopian society.

"I go through my databases on a regular basis and delete, erase and forget all pre-recorded information that may negatively affect my sciencariffic work with science Don't feel dejected, though. A proper scientist never wrong, he is eliminating another possiblility." He continued, his voice still disturbingly cheerfull and peppy.

The dead body of Lt. Maria Hill walked up towards the guards at the door, her movements enabled by a series of hydraulic pumps and artificial nerves, powered by a reciever of electrical energy from Doctor 0s secret base. She showed her I'd-card and gazed into the retina-scanner and it beeped happily and approvingly and the doors to a rather fancy elevator opened, ready to take them down into the base. . .

Lt. Maria had access to almost all the parts of the base, but not the Data-storage, a place that only one man knew the proper password to. Colonel Armbrustler. But Maria had known the Colonel very well, and she knew his routines well, and he would be down in the data-storage now. . . All they needed was his ID-card to initiate the mainframe. But first They where heading for the security-station, wich was conveniently located just left of the elevator. It was staffed with two soldiers. "Privates, unschedualed inspection! What is the action to be taken whenever an unathorized individual take the elevator down here?"

Whilst the two guards stammerred on about various contingences that was in place for when an unauthorized people was needed in the lift. Doctor 0 used his psychokinetic ability to disarm any alarms and traps set, due to the fact that he had already learned the passwords directly from the computer mainframe He also made sure that the only person with access to the Data-storage chamber was maria Hill, locking out any and all military presence on the outside of the heavily armed data-storage.

Then then went back into the elevator, going down to the Data-storage chamber. Now Hellcrafts part in the plan would begin

"I have disengaged, disabled and turned off all security and closed and sealed the way behind us. Nobody will be following us down here. Down there is a man called Colonel Armbrustler and a small unit of Elite guards. I would need you to decease them all, dear fellow." He said happily to the two people that followed him.
Posting Master
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

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