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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Troglodyte April 12th 2012, 9:17 pm

"Multiple personality disorder?" The female robo-zombie answered, her voice that of a female, somewhat gravely from smoking too many cigarettes in her day, but with the sort of innate authority that usually marked a person as a leader of men. However, the voice still used the exact same, rather odd intonation as Doctor 0 had done earlier, makign it rather obvious that he spoke through it right now.

"The somewhat irrational, unstable and-slash-or dangerous mood-swings that occured are entirely caused by braindamage, decay, corrupted databases, faulty wiring and shoddy programming, rather than any genuine psychological trauma." He continued, a slightly patronizing tone sneaking into his normally kind and amiable manner of speech. He had little interest in the 'soft' sciences like psychology or sociology. Why researching why people worked the way they did, instead of simply correcting the non-comforming elements via brainwashing or in the cases beyond salvation, some invasive psychosurgery usually did the trick. Still, he could not deny that Vision was probably the leading one in the field of psychology around these parts. It would probably be considered rude to declare his chosen field obsolete in an utopian society.

"I go through my databases on a regular basis and delete, erase and forget all pre-recorded information that may negatively affect my sciencariffic work with science Don't feel dejected, though. A proper scientist never wrong, he is eliminating another possiblility." He continued, his voice still disturbingly cheerfull and peppy.

The dead body of Lt. Maria Hill walked up towards the guards at the door, her movements enabled by a series of hydraulic pumps and artificial nerves, powered by a reciever of electrical energy from Doctor 0s secret base. She showed her I'd-card and gazed into the retina-scanner and it beeped happily and approvingly and the doors to a rather fancy elevator opened, ready to take them down into the base. . .

Lt. Maria had access to almost all the parts of the base, but not the Data-storage, a place that only one man knew the proper password to. Colonel Armbrustler. But Maria had known the Colonel very well, and she knew his routines well, and he would be down in the data-storage now. . . All they needed was his ID-card to initiate the mainframe. But first They where heading for the security-station, wich was conveniently located just left of the elevator. It was staffed with two soldiers. "Privates, unschedualed inspection! What is the action to be taken whenever an unathorized individual take the elevator down here?"

Whilst the two guards stammerred on about various contingences that was in place for when an unauthorized people was needed in the lift. Doctor 0 used his psychokinetic ability to disarm any alarms and traps set, due to the fact that he had already learned the passwords directly from the computer mainframe He also made sure that the only person with access to the Data-storage chamber was maria Hill, locking out any and all military presence on the outside of the heavily armed data-storage.

Then then went back into the elevator, going down to the Data-storage chamber. Now Hellcrafts part in the plan would begin

"I have disengaged, disabled and turned off all security and closed and sealed the way behind us. Nobody will be following us down here. Down there is a man called Colonel Armbrustler and a small unit of Elite guards. I would need you to decease them all, dear fellow." He said happily to the two people that followed him.

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Guest April 14th 2012, 10:12 pm

"I think you would be the only one to suffer from faulty wiring or decay and corrupted databases."Drake followed behind the floating brain as they got into the elevator going down to the Data-storage chamber. As they went down the elevator he closed his eyes and listened carefully to the sound of the elevator going down until the floating brain spoke up again."I do not think that should be a problem for one of us to handle. It would be interesting to see what Hellcraft can do and gives me a small opportunity to show off my abilities as well." Drake held out his right hand as energy began flowing around his fingertips bouncing from finger to finger before shaking his hand away to get rid of the energy. He closed his eyes again and held his head down listening to the sound of the elevator descending towards the Data-storage chamber.

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Van Helcraft April 14th 2012, 10:44 pm

Schneider stepped out of the elevator and smiled "Well it's about time something fun to do came around, and just stand back and relax vision your assistance is not needed." stooping over and placing his hand to the ground he mumbled, "Let's take a look at where the pawns are." He poured his physcokinetic energy under the tiles and spread it throughout the floor. He applied only the smallest pressure smiling at all the resistance points through the corridors. "There's ten guards in total on this floor I do hope that they are the extent of the elite guard you were talking about." He informed doctor 0, pulling out several knives that had been given to him with the suit. He lifted the three knives up to the roof and moved them along the corridor till they were all posed to kill. With a flick of his finger, he embedded the blades into three necks, severing the spine and killing the instantly. He kept the bodies in place as the knives moved out of the bodies, bloodless thanks to a little physco-dusting. He quickly dispatched the remaining four in a similar fashion. Though he kept all the men upright he left all the blades in the last ones neck, let's see what the shrink has to think about that, he thought amusing himself but worried. He had dealings with many elite mercenaries in his employ, there was no way these men would be considered elite attests not in his eyes. Quickly physco-mapping the walls and roof he for danger but he couldn't find anything remotely dangerous.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Troglodyte April 15th 2012, 2:48 am

The floating brain in a glass bowl observed Schneiders use of his telekinetic abilities with great interest, it seemed that even though the two for all intents and purposes had the same abilities apparantly at similar levels of sheer power, the boy probably had more skill using his telekinetic ability in combat. It was probably a matter of experience, since Doctor 0 had never actually been in a fight before. He had usually let his Atomic robo-zombies deal with any threats that approached whilst he activated his retreat protocolls and cowered behind the closest piece of cover he could find whilst his minions sorted everything out. He could not get over how elegant Helcraft used his abilities, as he calculated them to be far more sophisticated than his own would be in a similar situation. He would probably use his abilities more like an ogre would use a sledgehammer or a maul, pummel everything mercilessly untill it stopped moving. The good doctor had to admit that the boy showed great promise when it came to lethality.

"Marvelous work, Helcraft! Most Marvelous indeed!" he cheerfully congratulated his companion as they stepped out of the elevator into the room. Doctor 0 was what most people would call a selfish, ruthless, individual with a metaphorical heart of ice, but he was not actively cruel. He never engaged in acts like torture or similar for the sake of causing pain. In fact, he often tried to mimic the pain of his research-subjects if he could, and this was why he apreciated how neatly and cleanly it was done. "Quite surgical." He mused as he hovered into the chamber followed by his Robo-Zombie servant. Amongst the bodies he soon saw what he was looking for. Colonel Armbrustler himself, killed by Helcrafts Telekinetic onslaught.

He quickly used his own psychokinetic ability to take controll of one of Helcrafts knife and made it plunge into the skin of Armbrustlers forehead. It cut through the flesh like a hot knife through butter, but it took longer for it to properly perforate the bone. He only needed a small opening to absorb all that Armbrustler knew in life, including the codes to activate the computers.

"Keep your alertness level at maximum and your survailance at high. Although I estimate the chance for any additional trouble low on the likely-scale, We are not qui-et out of the metaphorical woodlands yet." The doctor continued, his voice encouraging, yet cold and clinical. He felt as if they had this one bagged already, but he would not turn sloppy just because everything was going their way.
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Mockingbird April 15th 2012, 10:44 pm

As the sun hang over the city in the distance, Andree packed up her stuff back into her typical three suitcases. Wind rushed through the open window and made the blinds dance. A sigh slipped from her throat as she packed away the last few items of clothing and zipped the bag closed. Gracie and Sachin were out somewhere while she was packing, so they wouldn't worry, Andree wrote the two of them a note and left it on the fridge. The note read 'Taking a trip to Vegas, be back in three days'. It was true, she was going to Vegas, but only for the landing. In reality, she was going to a government base in Nevada, Area 51. Through research, she was able to learn that the government's records were accessible through there and the Pentagon. She guessed that Area 51 would have less security than the Pentagon and charted out a trip there to make sure that, according to the government, she didn't exist.

After the bus ride to the airport, Andree collected her bags and walked through the automatic sliding glass doors. After checking her bags in and waiting a while, she was allowed to board the aircraft. Her flats made small clicking noises against the tile floor as she boarded the plane. Walking through the aircraft, she found her seat. Once seated in the chair, she pulled out a book and read until they arrived in Las Vegas.

The sun was just setting in the horizon as she stepped out of the airport in Las Vegas. She waved down a taxi outside and had the driver take her to her hotel. Once there, she checked in and rode the elevator up to the top, alongside her luggage. Once in the room, she dumped her stuff and got changed. She didn't want to look casual, as she did now, while walking into a government base. The clothes she now stood in were a white, button up blouse and a pencil skirt. The clothes just felt all wrong to her as she walked into the bathroom. She hated being dressed like this but it was what she had to do. Her hands quickly got to work to do up her hair into a bun and put on a light bit of makeup. The fake ID card she had made waited for her on the bed when she returned. She picked up a black purse and slipped the ID card, a pair of flats, a couple of smoke grenades, a few acid grenades and her retractable bo staff inside. She slipped her shoes into a pair of heels and turned the door handle to leave her room and go to Area 51.

Last edited by Mockingbird on May 24th 2012, 1:42 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Guest April 19th 2012, 8:48 pm

Prime watched as Hellcraft and the floating brain dismantled the soldiers. Being bored he took out his right hand and watched as energy jumped from finger to finger before going away. He was upset by the fact that his presence had no affect here. From his standpoint Hellcraft and the floating brain were a two man show and he was the third wheel. Prime turned around and got in the elevator waiting to go. "Whatever floats your boat." Prime looked at his hand as he waited for the floating brain and Hellcraft to get what they needed so they could leave. Although Prime could have found something of value of him down here, he had no muse to go searching through their files to find it.

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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Van Helcraft April 27th 2012, 8:28 pm

Schneider chuckled at Visions remark, it seems their unexpected member was feeling bored himeself. "Well you said you only wanted to study a criminals phsyche, you realize killing them yourself makes you a criminal, or have you already crossed that bridge, if so I'd love to hear about your first kill and I can tell you about how I orchestrated my fathers later. But then I guess all the juicy details will have to wait until we are finished here, since I'm sure the good doctor will be done with this guys brain shortly." He said pointing at 0 as he retrieved his knives with his physcokinesis. Leanining into the back of the elevator waiting calmly for the fun to continue, but the guards lack of attention to their surroundings still puzzled him. " Dr.0 I can not believe that those men are considered elite, they were not aware of their surroundings or their comrades, unlike the skilled mercenaries I employ, I can't help feeling that we are walking into some kinda ambush," He states, his suspicious business face taking over as he kept his eyes open checking the surroundings for pressure indicating a person may be nearby but still finding nothing.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Troglodyte May 1st 2012, 9:37 am

At that point Doctor 0 had absorbed all the nessecary information out of the man's brain, all the passwords, all the information. He quickly sifted through it as he hovered over to the mainframe in the middle of the room. His time was now! He had the key that would open the door to a multitude of information about secrets from all over the world! There would be no end to what he could acomplish with this know-how in his data-banks.

"Yes, completion-levels are almost entirly filled up! Any interference are currently extremely low on the 'likely'-scale!" the doctor said, his cheerfull, somewhat professor-like voice seemingly losing the calm it had possessed earlier, It was obvious that he was rather excited about the way this was going. He was working with the various systems and protections of the systme, disabling them one by one and could feel how his brain was filled up with oh-so many wonderfull new ideas, concepts and secrets that the government had tried to hide for oh-so-long Aliens, government conspiracies, drugs in the drinking-water, mindcontroll through docusoaps, dental-paste that rendered teeth detectable by spy-satelites! It was all true! Everything was true.

"Mwua ha ha! Science has once again triumphed over ignorance" The disembodied brain boasted beatifically as the flow of seemingly unceasing information made its way into his head
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The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Brain Robbery! (Doctor 0, Prime, Schneider, Magmasterus, Mockingbird.)

Post by Mockingbird May 24th 2012, 1:46 am

The heels that Andree now wore were uncomfortable and awkward, resulting in her shaking from side to side as she walked down the hallway. A growl slipped past her throat as she saw that the elevator was broken. No way was she walking down the stairs in heels. Leaning down, she slipped them off her feet and carried them down the flights of stairs. Eventually, freedom came in the form of the end of the stairwell. Once outside, she walked over to the curb to grab a taxi.

Once inside the taxi, she had it drive her out near the base but not right to it. After paying the driver, she briskly paced towards the base. The heels were uncomfortable but she was getting used to standing in them. Eventually, she approached the base. The ID card had been removed from her purse and now sat between her index and middle finger. The card had been copied to match a card already in existence, with the name and picture changed though. These changes to the card also appeared on the government computers. It bothered her that she was unable to do the task she was here for from her computer at the apartment but, it was under a billion locks and keys for good reason.

The key card got her pas the first set of doors. So far, so good. But she could only hope that her luck would continue. The card did not have too many levels of access, unfortunately, she was going to have to improvise as she got deeper. Nothing was going wrong until she reached a door that she could not open. It was for the room she needed to get into too. Her hand rummaged through her purse to pull out her flats and an acid grenade. The heels took their place in the purse as she slipped into the flats and slipped the grenade onto the door. Once it was in place, acid emerged from it and ate away at the door until there was a hole large enough for her to get through. The sight that stood before her was an odd one, mostly the floating brain in a jar.

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