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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 23rd 2012, 11:45 pm

In 20 seconds a person can successfully rob a bank without having any injuries but can be caught by the police in 10 seconds. In 30 seconds it takes the swat team to arrive and in one minute the robbers are taken away.

It took Otac 5 seconds to rob a bank without any interference.

The bank was occupied this morning as people flooded in to invest and deposit money. The same money that turns the world and minds to one way. The security of the World Bank was extra as they had a recent robbery made by Otac the Younger. It wasn't a successful robbery but it was after he robbed it again with his new gang, The Made Men. Otac had entered the bank at 10:30 a.m. in a business suit and held a brief case like before. He looked around, blinking as he realized the security was increased. This time, there were swat members and dogs inside the bank. He cursed under his breath as he realized that he wouldn't be able to rob the bank easily. He walked, more like smoothly strided, towards the bathroom where it was far to the right corner of the main lobby. He had remembered last time when he had robbed the place that he asked for the bathroom. The kind old lady told him that it was far off in the corner. Such a kind women, Otac had nearly regret blowing her brains out with a 9mm pistol. He headed for the first stale, where he set the brief case on top of the toilet seat. He opened it up and revealed his mask and a 9mm pistol like before. He put the mask on, the vale that was attached to it hiding his face, and he picked up the pistol. He wasn't going to need it but it was just for show. He closed the brief case, walking out of the stale and stopping in front of the mirror to check and see if he looked alright. His hands were covered with black leather gloves and the vale had covered his head to hide his hair and his mask hid the front part of his face. He walked out of the bathroom, leaving the brief case behind, and held the pistol up,. With one shot, he forced the people to flinch.

The Swat teams that were stationed their quickly turned and aimed at who had fired, but it was too late. With a thought, he forced the guns out of the officers hands and made it so that they were pointing at them. "Gentlemen and ladies, please be cooperative as I am robbing you. Notice that the SWAT has lost their weapons. Noticed I have their weapons. If you put two and two together, you'll realize that this bank his being robbed and that the security has failed." Otac said through a voice filter in his mask. He pointed his pistol at the Bank manager, whom was behind the counter of the bank, and ordered him to open the vault behind him. He pointed his pistol at one of the pedastrains and said "Humans are weak." He fired the shot, blood and brain matter splattering the floor as the pedestrian lay still. The people flinched and Otac said "Keep quiet you insects! With a thought...A THOUGHT...I can destroy all of you." He walked around them, paying not attention to the doorway as he wasn't afraid of the cops. He had hostages after all.


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Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 24th 2012, 1:13 am

There was one figure imparticular that hadn't flinched at all. It was none other than Princess Cassiopeia of Xeadia. Or, as of right now, just little Cassandra. Cass was simply getting some money for the week to provide her food, coffee, and book budget. She was sitting in a chair with a book and waiting for her turn at the teller. Upon seeing the man, she cocked an elegant eyebrow and set her book down, watching almost in an amused perspective. Sure, she was a 'good guy' and she occasionally helped the innocent and defenseless. But it never failed to amaze the tribal princess to see how arrogant and vulnerable this species could be.

Seeing everyone trembling enough as a whole to shake the entire building, the petite, beautiful young woman got to her feet and dusted off her jeans neatly. Blinking her metallic silver eyes slowly, she took in the scene, her always working mind conjuring up ploys to different ways to either escape, get away, dodge a bullet, and looking for escape routes. She calmly gazed at the main man before letting out a little sigh.

"A thought, sir? A mere thought . . . ?" She questioned, taking a few rather bold steps towards the man. She wasn't in the least intimidated by him--Sure he was taller than her in her tiny, vulnerable human form, but in a few seconds flat, she knew well that she could morph into a 7 foot tall Xeadian . . . No reason to be worried. Also, what could set her apart from the other New Yorkers was her accent. Cassandra was originally Xeadian and spoke in an entirely different tongue and dialect. When she was morphed into a human, she was forced to learn English--When Xeadian and English mingled, it made an Italian accent almost. She was highly intelligent, tired of the humans slobbish ways, but had to deal with it . . ." And 'insects'? I believe these are homosapiens, human beings. Though I highly frown upon their species, it is rude to call them otherwise--that's an insult to insects all over the world. “She told him, crossing her petite arms over her chest and then frowning as one human let out a plea for her to help or call the cops.

"What is most amusing about your race, sir, the simply fact that there's so much potential, so much power, and its wasted upon petty things. Money. Sex. Drugs. And for what? Everything is based upon knowledge--What are humans without knowledge? Dogs. Pets with no free-will or subconscious to say whether something's right or wrong. When the world ends, money, riches, and drugs won't matter anymore. You as a nation have the capability to be stronger than any other--and yet here you are stealing paper currency from a bank."

Reaching into her purse, Cass literally took out a few twenties, balled them up and threw them right at Otac's face. "There. Paper. Isn't it wonderful? It's made a whole new purpose of living, has it not? No. Intelligence is varied and often void in this environment. It annoys me. Kindly sir, take the money and leave the people alone--As if shooting them with your lead invested seeds would help anything."

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Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Forceaus February 24th 2012, 4:34 pm

((Can I join?))

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 24th 2012, 5:04 pm

Otac could feel his anger rising as someone questioned his abilities. That was one thing he hated, when people question what he could and could not do. He turned quickly his pistol pointed at whoever questioned him but what he didn't expect was a petite woman. He was expecting some ignorant teen who thought she was going to prove something to everyone. A pitiful teenage hero doesn't deserve to question a powerful villain such as himself but here was someone he felt would be different. He watched as she spoke, one of the pedastrians making a run for the door, but Otac pointed his pistol and looked for a moment, shooting the pedestrian straight through the heart. He slowly walked over to her, almost menacingly, as she talked more about man kind as homosapiaens.

He caught the money, looking at it as he kept walking forward. He stopped in front of her, a two feet away, looking at the money within the light as if examining a gem. He was smiling under his mask because, for once, he was amused. He put the money in his pocket and shoved his pistol against her chin, his telepathy squezing around her neck. "I can see you haven't been to the dark side of the city or even stepped into politics. Money brings the world together for a moment in sweet ignorant bliss. Money is what turns the world and the minds of others towards yours. These, insects, are weak enough to allow greed to control them and that's why I am robbing this bank once more. It's just some pocket change for good cause." He put his pistol away and his telepathy around her neck tightened and lifted her up. "Human beings are the weakest creatures, aren't they? Such wisdom from someone who hasn't seen the dark side of this city. Tell me, can a human do this." He let go of his telepathy and with one thought, he unleashed an area telepathy, concentrating all around him. The humans around him were caught in the blast, which was strong enough to blast their bodies into bits. The room was painted in blood but around Otac and the woman there were circles that prevented the blood from touching them. He held his arms out, showing the mess he had created. "As you can see, this place is a gore house. I can't tell you how weak humans are but I hope this shows." He grinned, hoping that she would shrink back and cower away.


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Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 24th 2012, 5:24 pm

Cassandra watched, nearly unphased and completely unamused. As he lifted her with his powers, she was slightly surprised, but not in the least scared. If he'd kill her, then he'd only be putting her out of her misery--no big deal. The metal of his gun was cold against her chin and when he lifted her, she began to hold her breath. She'd learned, quite well, through her years of training and fighting that to struggle against someone choking you was suicide. It wasted breath--breath she needed at the moment. So he was another mutant or super-human, wonderful. As much as Cassie hated the human race, it was the super-humans that PLAGUED her with the curse of even being in New York in the first place. Her first love had been a super hero, he best and only real friends in life had been super heroes and mutants . . . She already found him more interested and found her accusations against him wrong--therefore, she needed to, as a proper woman, to apologize.

"Well, I apologize; I did not realize you were of super human background. Gore does not bother me, sir. I've seen manslaughter of my people, wars, and complete mutiny with my own eyes. And if you wish to kill me, you can. It's not going to solve much . . . I don't want to be here anyway--My daily routine merely consists of reading, working, and reading." Taking a moment to close her silvery eyes and try to catch her breath, she finished, "I do not dwindle your abilities--You are powerful. But I am also with special abilities, you see . . . "

All the while, Cassandra, though breathless, seemed completely calm and content. The feelings of being threatened and in pain weren't anything new to her. Plus, she was now too interested in what this man could do with his abilities to really care about pain. It so seemed that Cass could only feel one emotion at once--Right now it was curiosity rather than pain and fear. Besides, at this point in her life, she wasn't even aware that she COULD feel fear anymore . . .


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Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 24th 2012, 7:49 pm

Otac felt as if he had accomplished something so meager that it became important. He grinned and clapped his hands together. "So, you realize now that I'm not a normal human being. That I have transended from the homosapien and into the super human." He walked over to her, the crunch and sqwush of the gore on the ground making Otac shiver a little. Not with disgust, but with excitement. There was something about the human body that amazed him. How, when it is destroyed, it leaves such a beautiful mess. But he wasn't paying attention to that when he was walking towards this woman, he was paying attention to her. He was focusing on her physique, how it was petite and smooth. A perfect example of an Eve but he was far from an Adam. He was too evil to be one. He stopped as soon as he was close to her and said. "Really? Now you have perked my curiosity. What special abilities?"


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Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 24th 2012, 8:07 pm

Glancing up at him, she gave a little dull look and then sighed. "Not so much of an ability as it is a curse . . ." Leaving it at that, the little woman stepped back, closed her eyes for a split second. The spirits in her head spoke vividly, giving her the mental strength to go through with her morph.

Spiritas ateiti pas mane ir leiskite man pakeisti.

She repeated the chant rampantly in her head and finally, after maybe 3 seconds had passed, the fast process was over and she was changing . . .

The tiny woman had sprouted up to a stunning 7 feet tall. Her true Xeadian form was just as gorgeous as her human exterior. But, this form was also more terrifying. A massive humanoid feline with the hide of a snow leopard, a thick tail, cat-like eyes that maintained the same stunning silver color, 5 inch claws, massive bulk of a muscled wild cat, and then the mobility of a human. She stood on her two strong hindlegs, giving her the 'humanoid' look. "This is my true form . . . Xeadian. A beautiful species not known by man's feeble mindset. I am Princess Cassiopeia. Banished heir to the thrown, sentanced here amongts humans for as long as I live . . . I am known as Cassandra here, but never simply Cass or Cassie or whatever nickname these feeble brained pests can think of . . ." Her voice as well wasn't softly accented, crisp, and alluring anymore--rather it was almost a gravelly, growl sound that crooned from her chest. "I can also morph into a true snow leopard if I wish . . . But that is only if I must make a quick escape or need extra mobility. Anything else you wish to see from me, sir . . . ?"

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Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 24th 2012, 8:30 pm

Otac was slightly impressed as she transformed. He had seen, so far in this city, a cyborg that almost killed him, a sorceress that tried to kill him, and three wannabe heroes that almost were killed. He walked around her, examining every strand of hair on her, trying to see if he could kill someone like this. He stopped when he was in front of her, crossing his arms as she spoke about her royalty. He smiled, having a feeling that she shared a hate for authority. He placed his hand on his mask and removed it, the veil falling off, and revealing his short brown hair and youthful face. He was handsome, having melted many women's hearts but removing them and dissecting them later.

"I am Otac the Younger. No one calls me Thomas because the city simply knows me as Otac the Butcher. Like you, I hate authority but seek power. When this city thinks it has no hope, I'll be their to ruse them into hope." Otac took his glove off and held his hand out, a perfectly exposed and unusual Otac.


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 24th 2012, 8:44 pm

As he extended a hand, she blinked several times skeptically, listening with her finely tuned ears to his heartbeat to try to pick up traces of deception . . . .

"You are not lying to me . . . " She observed, slowly morphing back to her graceful human form. Quietly brushing her bronze curls over her shoulder, she reached out to politely take his hand. It wasn't the casual rough American handshake, but rather a little petite greeting of a handshake. "So, would you prefer for me to call you Thomas or is Otac more of your . . . 'thing'? I dunno . . . ."

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Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 24th 2012, 8:55 pm

"I like Thomas when I'm not Otac and Otac when I'm not Thomas." He said as he shook her hand. He was a bit disapointed when she changed forms, he liked it when someone's themself. He let go of her hand and placed a the mask and veil back on as the bank manager walked in. He turned pale and backed up as Otac took his pistol out, firing a round through the man's head. He took the mask off and veil, putting it into his coat pocket with his pistol and glove. He grabbed her hand and lead her to the back of the Bank. "I don't want you around this massacre. They might blame you." He said, letting go of her hand.


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Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 24th 2012, 9:11 pm

"But why , Sir Otac . . . ? I am an innocent witness with no traces of guns or 'powers'. They would most likely take me as such--a witness and I'd haev to tell them you were the cause and ahve you arrested. Unless you wish me to be silent and remain an accomplice, as of course, I simply let you do this. You're choice . . . Either one does not affect me in the slightest sense." She blinked calmly, glancing at her hand uncertainly as no one ever really gave her physical contact like that.

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Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 24th 2012, 9:16 pm

Otac smiled as she called him "Sir Otac". He placed his hand on her cheek and said. "Don't call me 'Sir Otac'. Just Otac. I'm not royalty." Even though he wanted to rule New York. Just New York, the world will take longer. He walked down the alleyway and said. "Well, if you were to take me in I would have showed the authorities this," He held out his smart phone and a video of her transforming. He put the video away and spoke again. "I only do this if someone tries to betray me. So...accomplice...shall we enjoy the day sense this robbery was the only thing I had planned?"


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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 24th 2012, 9:25 pm

"Well, I, on the other-hand, had several books to read, had to go work in the libary for a few hours, eat dinner, and then read some more . . . But perhaps I can fit in your plans if it pleases you." She told him in a velvety smooth voice as she blinked her sharp eyes. "But then again, a source of black mail could always shift my 'incredebly large' schedule around . . . I wouldn't mind." She admitted with a little aloof shrug.

OOC:({ Hey, hun, I left eh chat--Im tired of Chaos and Im done with arguing. So Ill still be here posting my replies to you ^_^)}

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 24th 2012, 9:31 pm

"You should know I only use black mail when my life is in danger," He said, walking away from the crime scene. " Shall we have some coffee, Xeadian?" He looked around for anyone who was watching them leave. It was clear, the SWAT team had just arrived on the scene but weren't anywhere near Xeadian and him.


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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 24th 2012, 9:49 pm

"Yes, I very much enjoy coffee from these humans--One of the very few things I can stand from them." She nodded a bit, the tiniest hints of a smile licking at her soft lips. "I was going to go anyway . . . Though if I had your company it wouldn't affect me as much as if you were a regular human being. Which way shall we leave, Sir Otac . . . ?" She asked, purposely saying 'sir'. She liked labelling people. And he was officially 'sir'.

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Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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