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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 25th 2012, 2:12 am

Letting out a sound close to a little 'mew', she responded to the almost rapid motion by kissing back and taking in the feel once more. "I'll stay with you . . . " She told him quietly, keeping her lips tenderly pressed to him. She liked the new feeling of passion--quite a lot.

Leaning back into the cushions of the sofa, she gently ran one hand through his hair and let her eyes slide closed.


Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 25th 2012, 2:18 am

Otac felt elevated when she stayed. He wasn't going to be alone for today. He repaid her by going down to her neck and kissing it several times before going back to her lips. He felt like he was covering her from....well he didn't know what but he felt like he was protecting her. He loved this feeling he was having towards her, a feeling of a long need fulfilled. He tightened his arms around her and kissed her deeply again, his body oressed against her as he held her close.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 25th 2012, 2:27 am

When he kissed her neck, Cassie's soft purr grew a louder, a clear sign of encouragement. She always scorned humans for the wrong-dewllings and placing of their abuse of pleasure, but she could somehow now understand why they did that so much . . . It was lovely and endearing--she wasn't more and her animal instincts certainly agreed--and yet, she mainted her self-control. . . just for now.

As she felt his body against hers, she let both arms come to rest around him and she gently stroked his back. With the other hand, she used it to put behind his head and softly pull him closer and curiously deepen the kiss.

OOC: ({Gonna get to bed now, hun, see you tomorrow ^_^)}

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 25th 2012, 2:33 am

Otac ran his hand up her back, feeling her changing slowly. It was something strange hearing a woman purr like a cat but it felt relaxing. Her throat rumbling against him felt like a soothing message. He hadn't felt anything like this in ages. Pleasure from someone that wanted it. He had, forcefully, raped a women to be taught a lesson about cruelty by Cato but really he didn't get the lesson at all. Sure it felt goo but it felt empty, as if it was a pointless thing. But with her in his arms he felt like had some kind of purpose.

He kissed her neck lightly as her hand traced his back, the feeling of her nails giving him goosebumps. He slowly moved up as he kissed her neck, going to her lips and kissing them once more, then back to her neck.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 25th 2012, 3:34 pm

The Xeadian princess let out a soft breath, liking the way this felt. Tilting her back, showing him her full trust and letting him have power over her, her tail lightly brushed past his cheek--A sweet little Xeadian habit to show affection. "The feeling is strange . . . " She told him a soft whisper, her little hands gently running up and down his sturdy back. "But it is not at all unwelcomed by me . . . "

Reaching up, she took a soft, but firm on his chin to tilt his face up to look at her. Her metallic silver eyes were soft and not so intimidating anymore . . . "Do you care about me enough for me to allow you these privleges, Thomas . . . ?"


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 25th 2012, 4:21 pm

Otac accepted her gift of allowing him power and showed his approval by kissing her neck more. He looked his lips, the taste of her skin stuck to his lips. A taste that was sweet. He placed his hand on her tail that brushed his cheek and moved his thumb up and down. He oddly liked the fact that she had a tail. It was something unique. He looked up at her and into her silver eyes that stunned through him. "I care about you more than any of my possessions." He said, which he had a lot of possessions. "But do you the same feel this way?"


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 25th 2012, 4:36 pm

"I . . . don't know, to be honest. The feelings of affection are foreign to me . . . I feel vulnerable to you though, I have to admit." She sighed, slowly closing her eyes. "Is love a vulnerable feeling? Such a feeling that I feel I should be guarding my neck for the finishing attack--and yet I don't . . . ? It is highly confusing to me . . ."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 25th 2012, 4:39 pm

"That is love...and don't worry about the feeling of exposure. It's alright. I'm here." He said, holding her close to him. His heart beating in a rhythmic pace.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 25th 2012, 4:53 pm

Letting both hands come to rest delicately on his chest, she simply purred, "If it is love, then I do enjoy it rather much." Leaning up again, she tenderly kissed him for a good few moments. When she pulled away, she still remained close to him--not wanting to lose the moment. "Could you show me your sleeping room?" She asked, her voice so soft and sweet that the suggestion was easily blocked out. What she meant in human slang terms was, 'I'd like to go makeout in your bed now', but alas, Cass was still oblivious to many human terms.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 25th 2012, 5:01 pm

Otac pressed his lips against her in response, the feeling of love (what he assumed) was incredible. He moved his hands to her waist and kept them their, his hands fitting into her sides like puzzle pieces. He could read her mind and he knew what she wanted. Well he didn't literally read it but he knew. He picked her up suddenly and didn't say a word. He walked up stairs with her in his arms, easily able to maneuver the hallway to his room.

Otac's room was like any other bedroom. He had a large queen sized bed and a draw to the left of the bed along with another door to the right of the bed. The door was a bathroom with a toilet and a glass shower, fully stocked with shampoo. He sat down on the bed with Cassandra in his lap, kissing her deeply as her wrapped his arms around her.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 25th 2012, 5:12 pm

Raeching up with a hand, she placed it on his cheek as she kissed back. Passion was a new feeling--but it was one that she learned quickly and returned the feeling rather graciously. "Mm, could I trust you enough to say I loved you, Thomas . . . ?" She asked against his lips, eyes closed contently and completely engulfed in the moment.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 25th 2012, 5:25 pm

Otac's could feel his heart ache for her. He placed his hand on her waist and another on her cheek. He softly whispered. "I love you." as a sign that he trusted her. He placed his lips against hers in a passionate kiss.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 25th 2012, 5:32 pm

Accepting his answer and not able to feel any deceit in his voice, she kissed back just as passionately and pressed closer to him. "Then, perhaps I can truthfully say that I love you now . . . " She replied softly. Beginning to gently rub his chest, she slowly leaned forward, simply to get him on his back and get into a more comfortable poisition.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 25th 2012, 5:37 pm

Otac laid on his back, enjoying the feeling of her ontop of him. He placed both his hands now on her hips, kissing her passionately as they lay on the bed. He breathed in for a moment, pausing, and then he went back to kissing her. He had never felt such an incredible happyness with her with him. He had never felt like this in ages. He breathed in and kissed her one more time before drawing his hands on her back, lifting her shirt up slightly.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 25th 2012, 5:50 pm

Under his hands, the young woman tensed and got soft chills from the sheer foreign feelings of someone else touching her, but she was completely open to it. Smiling just slightly, she glanced up at him and didn't change forms, but instead, she let her soft skin change to the soft, beautiful snow leopard pattern of her Xeadian form. "Your hands aren't so cold to me now . . . " She purred quietly, pecking him on the lips again.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

Post by Otac February 25th 2012, 5:54 pm

"Yes, but your so warm now." He said, lifting her up with his hands and burring his face in her chest, the feeling of her fur like having a cat against his face. He felt her purring against his face, the feeling oddly relaxing. He wasn't used to this romance, just hard and cold violence. He brought her down some so he could peck her lips again. He wanted her so badly and that feeling of want was foreign.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness) - Page 4 Empty Re: Odd Situation (AbgelofDarkness)

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