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The East Harlem meeting.

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Elena Vexus February 8th 2012, 8:39 pm

This chick was smart, she could see that Elena was damaged and she decided to try and pick her off first.
"Tchh" she grunted as she was headed for. Vexus took a leap backwards and the punch was coming in and grabbed her right arm. She tore her right arm off and swung it at the girl's arm to deflect her punch while moving to the left of the attack putting more distance between the two. After that was avoided, she took another leap away just to be safe. She then saw Nightkill going forward with an electrical attack which, if anything, would disable that mask and armor she had on. Vexus gave an evil smile and a short dark laugh and then took a deep breath in and on her breath out she released a thin stream of her Nerve Gas that expanded to a thick smog that surrounded the doomed assailant.
"Marie, Nightkill. Step back for a moment..." she said with the gas still pouring out of her mouth. Vexus the resumed the thin stream for a second before biting down very powerfully. Inside her mouth were a couple pieces of metal that when she bit down caused a spark which ignited the stream of gas. The fire spread to the cloud of gas setting the whole thing ablaze hopefully completely charring the poor soul within the gas. If not, then then the possibly inhaled Nerve Gas would begin to deprive the victim of all physical feeling.

Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Mockingbird February 9th 2012, 10:22 pm

Looking over after Elena Marie spoke, Mockingbird saw the book in her hand. You have got to be freaking kidding me. In response to Elena, she promptly held up her hand and flipped her the bird. Mockingbird flipped her the bird, funny. Then she felt bits of her mask coming off as it cracked and her gauntlets too. Not wanting to have her face showing, she pulled up the shirt she was wearing to cover the lower half of her face and pulled the hood tighter so that most of her face besides her eyes was covered. Looking over to the sound of the boys' voice and hearing the alien creatures comment, Mockingbird blurted out "You little lying piece of scum. If you're associating with Marie over there, there is no chance that you aren't getting what you deserve. As for you kid, either help out or grab some popcorn, sit on the bench and don't get in my way." Thinking about what she had just said there, she hastily apologized "Sorry if that was a bit rude. As you can see, I'm kind of having problems today." Looking back at her three enemies, Mockingbird saw the nerve gas coming. The flames on it covered her body to the point where she had to drop and roll. Her suit was able to protect her from the fire a fair amount though. Returning to her feet, she inhaled some of the gas. It stung and had a bit of effect but was weakened by the barrier between her nose and mouth as well as the toxin. She could feel her chest getting tighter. Her breathing decreased into small, shallow breaths as the little toxin she received got into her system. She dropped to her knees, supporting herself with her arm. It was all she could do not to fall over right now. She could a burning sensation in her eyes. Removing the shirt from the lower half of her face, she allowed herself to vomit on the ground before pulling it over. Slowly getting up, she was going to continue fighting. Though, it wouldn't be easy. And she could really use this kid's help right now.

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Guest February 10th 2012, 12:31 am

Nightkill froze now. For a brief moment, there was nothing. Then she felt cold anger emitting off him. "I spoke no lie." he said calmly. "If you, child, are so self-righteous that you believe that anything you do cannot possibly be incorrect, I will inform you that you are quite sadly mistaken." he said. "I do nothing but help the world however I can and I have devoted nearly a century for this goal. You? What have you ever done to help others and this world?" he berated her. "You have no right, no right whatsoever to refer to me as a lying piece of scum. I am many things, but I am no liar."

Then he attacked in earnest.

He continued his walk, appearing right in front of the young girl. Then he swiftly and brutally began to beat her with his electric hands, slamming nearly all his strength and electrokinetic abilities into these punches, holding back just enough to make sure she stayed alive. Being conscious was secondary.

The two Elenas had never seen Nightkill this angry or this brutal. It would probably be a shock to them.

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Chellizard February 10th 2012, 6:39 pm

It was like a bad movie. She had been directed to finally meet with Elena Vexus and meet up with Nightkill as well. Being the newest member to the Harbinger's made her feel lowly ranked, but that did not matter. She was soaring, wings out stretched. The crimson feathers picked up on the light and were beautiful against the dark ebony. The stomach folding smells that rose from East Harlem and Jefferson park were just hideously revolting. She nearly gagged and had to bury her nose into her perfumed wrist to keep from vomiting. She wore simple clothes today. A low backed corset with a crop top jacket designed for easier flight. A pair of capri's dressed her bottom half and she was actually wearing shoes with a sole instead of a heel. She had become quite fond of low cut converse, but preferred the colorfully patterned one's.

Chelle was also accompanied by her trusty blade, it hanging within it's sheathe between her wings upon her back. She saw the whole scene unfold below her. Electricity sparking from the scorpion man's fingers. Elena Marie and then Elena Vexus. She also saw the girl, singled out. She hated that. Chelle may be chaotic, but she wasn't going to let this girl die for no reason untold. Chelle came down quickly, swooping into the fire and pulled Mockingbird out of the flames. She landed away from the Harbinger's, and the younger boy, her wings wrapping around herself and the girl. Her wings acted as a fire blanket, cooling Mockingbird down completely. "What the devil are you two doing? And who are you?" she asked, looking toward Ace, and the skorpion form of Nightkill. She hadn't seen him in any form other than his human shape. She knelt down and allowed Mockingbird to be sat on her rump. It was odd, but she smelled something familiar on this girl, but she couldn't pin it. "Anyone care to explain?"

-My DeviantArt-
The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Retired Moderator

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Mockingbird February 10th 2012, 7:19 pm

As the symptoms of the toxin were at work in her body, the alien scorpion thing decided to strike. The odd creature began to punch the girl as she fell back to the ground. The pain was overwhelming to the point where she was having problems breathing without a bit of pain. "You're deluding yourself." Mockingbird told the creature between punches and wheezes. "I know that I can do wrong things, though those are very few. Knowing the Crimson Bitch over there, it is unlikely you are as clean as you like to think. What have I done? Not much in all honesty. But I'm about to do a lot by locking you three up in GUN Prison. As you say, you are a lot of things. You are scum and you are deluded. It may not come across as a lie to you but it is one." She spoke to piss off the alien creature. She could not rely on anyone else to save her. Hopefully her comments would enrage him. Rage made people lose focus. Their techniques got sloppy as they went for power of skill. His advantages, my injury, electrical attacks and having the high ground. My advantage, his rage. She thought to herself as she was about to attempt getting back to her feet. Before she could however, a shadow came overhead. Oh great, now what? She asked herself before getting dragged out of the flames and the course of the alien creature's punches. As she was set on the ground by the winged girl, she was not sure whether to say Thanks or to be ready for an attack from her. For all she knew, she was just another one of them that wanted to have their crack at injuring her. But she felt herself cooling down in the wings of the girl that had wrapped around her. She took this as evidence that she may not be with them. Seated on the ground, she looked up to finally see the face of her possible savior. It was the girl in the paintings. The ones at Nathaniel's house. "You. You have a brother, don't you?"

Last edited by Mockingbird on February 11th 2012, 9:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Guest February 11th 2012, 12:27 am

Nightkill had lived for a long time. An advantage of this was the ability to generally control his anger. And he was doing it. Then a winged girl came in, grabbed the girl and pulled her away. Nightkill was briefly surprised and then saw his newest recruit. "Ah, Chelle. Glad you've captured her and- of course, you've never seen this form." he said. His face changed then, back into that of the aging but handsome and dapper Seth Khan, renowned businessman known for his philanthropic crusades. The rest of his body stayed inhuman, but the face was normal.

He nodded to Chelle. "The girl attacked Vexus and I, unprovoked. Marie was always coming and saw the fight, aiding us. Now you're here as well. The girl seems defeated, will you knock her out cold or give her to me? It seems you know each other somewhat and I'll allow you to talk to her when she's in custody and unable to harm or threaten anyone."

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Chellizard February 11th 2012, 4:51 pm

The wind picked up and brushed through the trees and the grass of Jefferson Park that night. It was dressed up in action, and all of East Harlem was just patiently waiting for something new to happen. Chelle's hair, pulled back into a pony-tail, was brushed by the wind, her bangs billowing to crown her head. She placed a conversed foot down on Mockingbird's chest, holding her down steady, but with little to no pressure. She had to put on some sort of facade for the Harbinger's. She was doing such a good job now, so why stop while she's this far? She drew her sword and looked from Nightkill, however gross he make look, it was sort of cool. She shrugged mentally and shook her head with a scowl lacing her lips. "Even if I did have a brother, girl, what's it matter?" She said, breathing in that same oddly familiar stench yet again. She basically just let it seem like she was holding her foot over the girl's body, lightly tapping before pressing down "hard." She was hoping the girl would catch on that she needs to act hurt or startled. Chelle was staring right into the girl's goggle covered eyes. She was secretly praying to all the gods above that this wouldn't fall through. That she wouldn't be caught. As soon as the girl gave way to some sort of grunt or groan, Chelle was washed with relief. She looked to Nightkil again, her blade being raised and pointed directly at him. "I'll talk to her right now and here. All of you can hold onto your damn panties." Her wings arched and flapped lightly, frustration being the emotion displayed here. Her grip was firm on the blade's hilt, and she was having a bit of control issues with her temper. If either of the Elena's attempted anything, Chelle would just have to snap.

-My DeviantArt-
The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
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Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Alpha February 11th 2012, 8:29 pm

Not wasting a second Marie leapted back a few feet as the poison ignited, seemingly incapacitating the young heroine. Though she was not one to be taken down as easily as she let on, and Elena knew that. If she gave a sign she was ready to fight, Elena would strike her down without a second thought. This woman was Theresas daughter and that meant she was a danger. With a cautious gaze she waited for Andree to move, though Nightkill beat her to the to speak. She was impressed by the ability to show violence that he demonstrated, though it seemed he didn't aim to kill. Not yet anyway, though what he intended to do was yet to be seen.

The demonstration was stopped by the angelic women Chelle, who seemed to act as if she were master of the situation. She mentally planned to act if she said one thing out of line. Aparently Andree and the woman knew each other, which made her wonder if the woman was even on their side. Next she had the gall to give an order, not just to Nightkill but all of them and that was more than she cared to handle. Stepping forward she irgnored what the woman said as wind pulled up around her. Hair whipping as if on command.

" How about you hand over the girl? She attacked us, and thats unforgivable. Unless you insist on protecting her, which I do not advise." She said simply with an undertone of malice. As if she dared the woman to act against her, so she could dash her aside with her power. A smirk drew across her face as she waited for a response, which she felt would be negative.

Last edited by Elena Marie on February 12th 2012, 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 CjhXQha
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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Elena Vexus February 12th 2012, 12:32 pm

Vexus had an evil smirk on her face as she watched the toxic flames engulf the girl, but her expression immediately turned to one of mild anger when she saw someone or something swoop down into the flames and pick out the girl she was trying to detain. When the new face landed, Vexus did not recognize who she was but Nightkill did for whatever reason. She made her way over and stood next to Marie while holding her right shoulder since she had decided to tear off her uses right arm in the struggle earlier. Her systems had been restored to their full capacity but had decided to not allow her arm to reconstruct itself just yet. Elena did not know if this new girl knew of her abilities or not and always viewed it as best to keep others out of the know how for as long as possible. When the wind blew, the empty sleeve of her coat moved around in the small gust.
"My dear, what was it.. Chelle? I would ask that you listen to my co-worker Marie, it would only be in your best interest to allow us to take custody of our attacker here. She is correct in saying that if you guard her any longer we might have to consider you an accomplice to her."
She let go of her shoulder and pushed some of her hair behind her ear.
"Even if you tried to escape with her body it will only be dead weight. In a few moments my toxin will have taken full effect and the most movement she'll be able to perform is blinking. For the betterment of her health and yours, leave her with us. I'm the only one that has the antidote anyways..."
Vexus spoke with a cold dark voice just trying to corner the little girl. She had to talk with confidence even though she was missing an arm, which most might think is a major set back. Perhaps Chelle will have the same reasoning as the masked assailant and try to take out the 'weakest' link again. That is, if she was actually siding with the poisoned hunk of flesh.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Mockingbird February 12th 2012, 1:17 pm

"Please stick to the creepy alien scorpion form, I didn't know you could get any uglier." Mockingbird mocked him before adding. "Ah, yes. technically you are correct, I, personally, was unprovoked but I acted for those that you three and possibly four or five have injured or killed unprovoked. Looking up to the girl that was pretending to squash her chest, she asked her "Nathaniel, isn't that right?" Mockingbird spoke to her from under the girl's foot. Okay, so you save me and then decide to play "Let's pretend to step on your chest", double agent? Maybe, maybe not. She may just want to do this to allow me to talk first. Or it's a trick. Or it may be genuine. I'll find out soon. "I saw you in his paintings." She added for evidence that she did know him. The girl above appeared to fake pressing down hard on her chest. In order to not get the two of them killed by this act, she made a aharp, surprised groaning noise. As she was in this helpless position, she did not want the other participants of this meeting to attack her while she was down. The poison must have been taking effect, talking was becoming a chore now. A violent cough racked her body as the thought passed through her mind I need to get that cure. Her eyes silently pleaded with the woman that the others had identified as Chelle. They pleaded for her not to hand her over to the others here. I'll only be able to blink? That can't be good. How much time do I have left?

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Guest February 12th 2012, 4:24 pm

(As a note. I messed some stuff up by ignoring the order for a new while. New order is Ace, NK, Chelle, Meeka, Marie, Vexus. After either Ace or Vexus post, we'll start this order.

Sorry for the problems.)

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Ace February 12th 2012, 7:28 pm

Everything was going too fast for Ace to comprehend, "Can you guys slow down please, I'm getting dizzy", lethal toxins filled the floor and Ace grappled up to the lamppost "you know what, I'm starting to think you guys aren't the good guys. Ace was going to swing in and get her from the toxins when an angel swept in "Oh for the love of... How many supernatural things do I have to come across today, giant spiders, ice people, scorpion man and now an angel." The angel placed the girl down and Ace swung down next to them "Hi I guess"
(Told you it was short)

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Guest February 13th 2012, 9:21 pm

Nightkill gave a sigh. "Chelle, I promise you that you will have all the time you need to talk to the girl after I take her to the base. The poison will soon reach her vocal cords, rendering her incapable of speech and useless to you anyway. So it's in everyone's best interest you do as I request, especially since I give my word you can ask her what you need and I'll make sure she gives you honest answers. You promised to listen to me when you signed up and I quite frankly am not asking for very much at the moment." he said, his body changing into Seth Khan entirely now, giving off an aura of genuine honesty.

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Chellizard February 13th 2012, 9:48 pm

"Hello.. and you, girl, hush dear.." She addressed the boy, Ace, and turned her attention down toward Andree. "Nathaniel, I swear on your mother's grave that when I get my hands on you.. you're dead." She was pissed, of course, at Nathaniel, but she wouldn't really kill him. She stood up to her full height of five feet and eleven inches. The flat shoes made her feel shorter, but she was tall with or without them. She narrowed her eyes at Vexus and Marie, completely annoyed by their 'I'm the baddest bitch' attitudes. She ignored their words but gave them a, 'yeah, yeah, yeah.' Her attention then stirred and was placed solely on Nightkill. Never had she agreed to listening to his every command. There was no such conversation, or any form of paper that she had signed, or the whats'it. She, Chelle Takeiro, did not belong to anyone. She told Nightkill she would participate in the Harbinger's, but never said she was permanent, and even if she were permanent, she wasn't a ragdoll dog of his. "Oh hell no," she said, her temper getting the best of her. Her wings snapped open and her sword was sheathed. She was pissed, but she wasn't going to let them think she was against them any longer. "She can go back to headquarters, but I am not your little pet that you can "sic" on prey whenever you call commands, Nightkill. I am a member of Harbingers, and a valuable one at that." She turned, her knee coming for the gut of Ace, his persona completely Hero. Once she had winded the boy, or scared him back, she would lift up Mockingbird and jump, her wings pulling her into the air. She then hovered over head of Nightkill. "So, where to?" She gave Andree a silent apology, a frown masked by a scowl lacing her lips. She was upset with the situation, but she had to be on their side. "Promise me one thing.. she doesn't die." She said this as she landed next to Nightkill, her head turned toward him.

-My DeviantArt-
The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Mockingbird February 13th 2012, 10:15 pm

"Oh, vocal cords paralyzing, that should be fun." Mockingbird noted sarcastically. "But then you wouldn't get to hear me talk trash about you." She said with mock concern. She could already feel it happening, her vocal cords freezing up, making it harder to talk, making her voice more hoarse. "Honest answers? I've been doing that already, including the part about you being scum." She added, her voice getting noticeably weaker. After hearing the winged woman speak, she contributed to the conversation once more. "Yeah, Nightkill, don't go treating people like that." She continued to tease the scorpion/human thing called Nightkill. Well, you aren't exactly the nicest person I've run into. Not even in the top three thousand or so. Why should I be anywhere near kind to you? Feeling herself get lifted off the ground by the winged woman, she listened to what she had to say. "Yeah, dying isn't exactly on my to do list today. If you would like to add that, I'm sure I could add it for sixty years from now. Though, I can pencil assisting in yours tomorrow." She mocked the alien scorpion/man thing some more. Towards the end of her sentence, her voice began to trail off. A few violent coughs racked her body as her vocal cords became fully paralyzed. All that she could do was look annoyed now. Aw, that means no more pissing off the alien guy thing. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

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The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Alpha February 16th 2012, 9:24 am

Marie untensed from, though still was ready to strike whenever she felt it had to be done. Chelle didn't seem like she would listen to a word that was said, and that annoyed Elena to no ends. Though she hid it behind a smile as she simply, held her tongue. Though she would have to talk to Nightkill about this later. This woman could be a liability in the future with this attitude of hers. Andree on the other hand made snide comments until she could no longer do so, just like her mother. "Well if we are done here, maybe we can get to taking her away." She had no intentions of killing the girl of course, not yet anyway.

The East Harlem meeting. - Page 2 CjhXQha
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