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The East Harlem meeting.

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Guest February 5th 2012, 12:32 am

Nightkill was currently taking a nap in the bus. This wasn't unusual, since lots of people did it, even though Manhattan was relatively small and the normal person couldn't catch a good nap in that time. But New Yorkers weren't normal people, and Nightkill could easily catch a nice nap in the time it took to get from the Financial District to East Harlem.

He didn't particularly want to go to East Harlem. But he had reasons to be doing so. First of all, he needed to look at the poor neighborhood and the people there. It reminded me of the things he needed to do to fix the place and the world. It showed him that what he was doing was ultimately for the greater good of humanity, to help others. When the Harbingers unleashed the new Golden Age, the problems and the crime of East Harlem and other areas like it…all would be fixed. Things would be fixed, would be purged. The world would be better and the world would thank him.

Also, he had a business meeting here. He was meeting with the charming Elena Vexus, who wanted to arrange for security in India so that they could be protected if any heroes decided to go to India to stop the source of the quantum computer. Some of them would be intelligent enough to figure it out and ruthless enough to go there and damn the consequences.

The bus stopped and Nightkill woke up instantly like a true New Yorker. The dapper middle-aged gentleman named Seth Khan stood up and walked out of the bus, paying the driver a bit extra for taking him here. “Gracias!” the man yelled.

“De nada.” Nightkill said, waving his hand at the man in goodbye. He continued walking down 108 St till he stopped at Jefferson Park. He sat down on a bench, looking around. Was this the world we created? He thought to himself, looking at a clearly high man stumbling down the street. It was 9:30 PM, a time when the drunks and other riff-raff began to emerge. He deliberately arranged the meeting here to remind himself to keep his resolve. He kept it at Jefferson Park, now mostly empty, to remind himself of humanity and how it needed his guidance.

These lessons would simply be lost on Vexus, he knew. But they were there for him and damn what others thought. Nightkill was a very moral man. Android. Alien. Thing. He swore he would fix these problems and he would. He would hold himself to that.

“Ah, the beautiful Elena Vexus joins us at last.” He said with only the slightest bit of sarcasm when Vexus walked up twenty minutes later. “You’re late.” He rebuked, but it was obvious he didn’t really care too much. Nightkill liked it when people were on time, but he didn’t try holding others to his standards. They just didn’t match up. For now, but soon they would all work. Nightkill didn't like the men who thought 'this is what people are like, how do we deal with it?' He was a man who thought 'this is what people should be like, how do we get them there?'

Last edited by Zaboo on February 5th 2012, 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Elena Vexus February 5th 2012, 1:33 am

Miss Elena Vexus had been summoned by the ever so dashing Nighkill for a meeting. She also wanted to speak about measures that she believed would be beneficial in protecting the quantum computer. Though to her mistake she left the meeting's location up to Nighkill. When she heard of it, she was immediately uninterested. But business had to be done and that was all there was to it.
She had a chauffeur drive her Maybach into the area. This was the safest car that she had and hopefully must of the slums in the area would just mistake it for a big time Mercedes. Nightkill said that he would be waiting on a park bench and Vexus simply refused to walk through any of the town. So, she had her driver cart her all around the area looking for him, but to no avail. She was already late and figured she'd have to rough it eventually. Even though it was dark, Elena put on a pair of sunglasses. Following she tied up her bright pink hair and stuck it under a black beret, she slipped on some black leather gloves and stepped out of the car. As Elena made her way through the park she tied together the belt that strung around the waist of her knee length trench coat, finally she spotted Nightkill and quickly made her way over, heel clicking every step of the way.
Vexus sat down next to the man and adjusted her scarf slightly so it wasn't covering her mouth. He made a comment about her beauty but she gave him a look through her glasses since she could sense the sarcasm, next he said how she was running late and she quickly said.
"Fashionably..." with a chuckle. Fashionibly late was fifteen minutes and according to her clock she was twenty.
"Timing aside, why don't we start up with our meeting. No offense, but I would like to leave here as soon as possible... I asked my driver to leave the car running..."
Elena crossed her legs on eh bench and adjusted her posture so she was sitting up more, how any human could sit on one of these for an elongated period of time simply baffled her...

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Mockingbird February 5th 2012, 1:50 am

Andree, dressed in her costume had taken a vacation to New York, East Harlem to be exact. She was following a bright pink haired lady that she knew was no good from the security footage she "borrowed". The new mask she wore fit nicely and it was so much easier to get ready to go with the goggles rather than contacts. The goggles on the top of the mask were able to mark her target in bright red to separate her from the blue glow of the other people even in the car she was in. It was dark out which gave her the perfect cover to hide in. She was running across the rooftops, hidden in the shadows. The woman turned off into a park, forcing Mockingbird to scramble through trees. Trees were much less convenient than buildings. They made noises as you moved through them, movements and you could disturb animals living in the branches. Hopefully they would consider any moving branches they may see as the wind. It wasn't as if it was too odd to see branches moving in the park. From her spot in the branches, she tuned the device in her ears to listen in on their conversation. So far it was just small talk but her and her associate should be getting down to business soon. Her arm was outstretched but still hidden in the branches for the attack she was about to do. Pulling back her index finger, a taser dart flew out of the gauntlet on her wrist to hit the woman in the neck. She moved her arm over a bit and repeated for her associate. Once the two of them were out, she would just grab them and take them back to Chicago. She was sure that the Phantoms wouldn't mind if she borrowed a cell or two to lock these two up. The woman and her associate were scanned into the database in her goggles, which functioned as a form of a computer, so that they would always appear in red in the sea of blue people. There would be no escaping her for these two.

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Guest February 5th 2012, 3:03 pm

Nightkill quickly jerked his head to the side, and used his electrokinesis for good use. The taser dart stopped, and then flew right back at Andree in one of the finest examples of comic book physics ever. After this, Nightkill flickered out of his handsome Indian man guise and appeared as a stern looking alien scorpion thing. He started walking over to Andree casually, even if the dart missed her. He used his intelligence to figure out just where the assassin was hiding, looking at where the dart had come from and guessing from there. He saw movement in one of the branches, more than the mild wind would have.

Electricity crackled around him, not doing anything in particular other than looking mildly scary. He started walking over to the branches. "Please come out now so I do not have to hurt you." Nightkill said, his voice calm even if his appearance was rather terrifying. "If you come out now, I will not harm you in any way. If you do not, I'm afraid I will be forced to resort to more barbaric measures and nobody wants that to happen. So please do us all a favor and do not try to be a hero. There will always be a cause worth dying for, but there are a limited number of people and we don't need to lose another intelligent one."

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Alpha February 5th 2012, 3:40 pm

Elena tapped expectantly against the tinted glass of her limo. She hated waiting, but there was really no other way for her to cartel herself around the city besides using her lovely way of transportation. What she was doing in the decrepit East Harlem section of New York was a less than noble reason. This was where she went to search for potential reasearch subjects for an expeirment of hers. No it wasn't humane, but progress sometimes trampled upon ones idea of humane. The vehicle would drop her off on a non descript street corner, where she would have to go from there.

"Let me off here. I expect you back within three hours." She ordered before stepping out, as the driver returned the limo to its resting spot. Where it would wait for her finish her dark deeds. Now she was on the hunt, searching for fortunate individuals who would....well there are some things better left unsaid.

" Its more deserted than I remember it." Elena muttered, pulling out a cell phone. Dialing a number in it before the ring came to her ear. A voice answering after about five rings. Which was slowert han she expected, and worried her somewhat."Hello Aaron, is your mother home?" After a minute she was connected with the person she intended to talk to. Why wasn't she at her cllephone?

"Ariel, you had me worried. Was there any trouble at the mansion I need to know about?" She asked raising an eyebrow, still walking along. Black boots tapping against the cold concrete, red hair flowing in the breeze. She wasn't as bundled up as she should be, wearing a simple white shirt complemented with a black vest. Jeans flaring out along the ankles, making her youthful appearence even more pronounced.

"Sounds nasty. Poltergiest can be a problem in a house that old, but i'm glad you fixed it. Anyway, I was hoping that maybe we could go shopping or something tommorrow. Unless you have some sort of romantic picnic with your husband." She didn't but Elena enjoyed teasing. "Great, see you tommorrow around ten." She smirked before hanging up, and placing the cell phone in her left pocket.

A flash caught her eyes, bringing it to what seemed like a confrontation. Then she realized she was at a park, dawning on her at how long she had been talking on her phone. "Well what do we have here? So Nightkill have you been causing trouble?" She asked with a smirk, ignoring his rather intimidating appearence. She had guessed there was someone in the tree, but she would let them make their move.

The East Harlem meeting. CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Elena Vexus February 5th 2012, 8:45 pm

Vexus was waiting for Nightkill's response when her infrared sensors picked something up in the trees. She could tell that Nightkill had noticed it to. Less than a split second later she felt a dart hit her neck, her eyes shot to the direction that the dart had come from. Nightkill had a similar situation, but instead he directed the dart away from him. To her surprise, the dart did not contain poison but an electrical charge and because it was injected it shorted out some of her systems but she could not pay any mind to it. Her processes will fix themselves and for the time being she is still fully functioning.
Elena sat on the bench and watched as Nightkill got up and went towards the tree where the attack at came from. He had reverted back to his alien form, which she still was not entirely used to. He also had an electrical aura as he approached the tree, he spoke calmly and offered first peace as he generally does. She personally would have just set the plant a blaze once she found where the attack came from.
"Dear, why don't you just burn down the tree? Or the city while you're it maybe...?" she called over as she pulled out the dart in her neck and flicked it aside. Just then, she caught sight of another approaching individual. It was none other than the one and only Elena Marie.
"Marie! Darling! Simply what are you doing out here in this side of town?!" she said leaving the bench and making her way over closer to Marie in order to reconnect with an associate. Vexus took off her glasses and hat so that Marie might be able to better recognize her. She pulled out a hair tie that kept her bright pink hair put in a bun and tossed and twirled her hair around to let it flow free and then fall perfectly. She placed the glasses and hat in her purse that she carried over he shoulder and left the hair tie around her wrist. Whoever this brave individual was attacking Vexus and Nightkill were in for one hell of a conflict.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Mockingbird February 5th 2012, 9:43 pm

A look of shock crossed the face of the girl in the tree. The dart she had fired had been redirected at her face. The dart that she fired at the pink haired lady had lodged itself in her neck but didn't seem to do anything. Oh shit. This really is not good. Hearing someone behind her speaking, she turned her head. Holy crap. You are freaking joking, right? Elena Marie too. Isn't the pink haired lady and the guy- Her thoughts were cut off when she saw him in an alien like form in front of the tree, talking to her. Errr, Alien, mutant, something like that, enoguh for me? Now I get the crimson bitch as well? Isn't today just lovely. I need to move quickly so they can't hit me, rely on my speed for the most part. If I don't, I just may be going home in a body bag. And I am not letting that happen easily. Mockingbird thought to herself. They outnumber me so I have to try and keep them all down at once. As she thought this, she took apart her Bo Staff so that it formed the twin electrical Eskrima Sticks. They would return to her after she threw them. First, climb up to the top of the tree. Second, jump towards the alien guy. Third, throw the Eskrima Sticks towards each of the lady's. And finally, kick the alien guy in the face to knock him over, land on the ground and catch the Eskrima Sticks as they return. I'll make up the rest as I go. She launched her plan into action after finishing her train of thought. Much like a squirrel, she scampered up the tree to the top and jumped off towards the Alien. While in mid air, she hurled the electrical Eskrima Sticks towards the two women here.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Guest February 5th 2012, 10:09 pm

Nightkill was hit in the face by the kick. He looked appalled and then even more appalled when he discovered his assassin was a teenage girl barely older than his daughter, despite her costume. Some things were just evident. He snapped his fingers and the two Eskrima Sticks stopped in mid-air before going right back at Bird to assault her.

While he was doing this, he also raised one hand and the lights in Jefferson Park went off, draining into his hand. The lights flickered on and off as the electricity was sucked out of them. When it was dark, Nightkill held up a ball of electricity before it disappeared into his body.

"Do not press me, girl." he said in his stern, educated parent voice. "You're young, hardly older than my own child. Surrender now and I won't, as the kids say, kick your ass to the curb and stomp on it." A pause. "Elenas, the kids DO say that right? Or I'll fuck your shit. Either one."


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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Alpha February 5th 2012, 10:29 pm

"I suppose you could say I was...hunting." She replied to Vexus, giving a brief smile. Though it was more like a smirk in how she performed the gesture. That much was true, but it didn't include any sort of wild game. No, it was of a human variety of course. She crossed her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes into slits at who the assailent was. Smirking widely as she thought of many ways she could end this without a single punch being thrown. So easy when you had probed a persons darkest thoughts. Much easier than one would think.

"Its i'll curb stomp your ass, and fuck your shit up." She corrected with the patience of a mother. Raising her left index finger, its talon-like nail painted a deep blue. Nightkill was an interesting character indeed. He knew nothing of modern day venacula, despite of how many years she speculated he was alive. A curious individual, but everyone had their secrets. One day she would find out, possibly.

"Hello Andree, its been so long since we've last met. How are you and your mother? I so hope you two are getting along." She said with a tint of mockery deep under her voice. Four white sprites with skin white like snow floated around her, flitting about like a summers breeze. The wind picked up lightly around her, causing her hair to flutter ever so lightly. If Andree made another move to hit her, she would be prepared to counter it. Marie knew what this girl was capable of and would not give her the chance.

The East Harlem meeting. CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Elena Vexus February 5th 2012, 11:01 pm

And so the action had started, Vexus gave a smirk as the electrically charged weapons that had been thrown at her were pulled away by Nightkill's abilities. She looked over at Marie and she was also getting ready for the fight, Vexus then began looking around for something that she could do. She shrugged and casually walked over to the tree that the new opponent had been hiding in. She looked it up, down, and around and put her hands on her hips. She then crossed her arms and leaned against the tree looking at Marie, then at Nightkill, and finally the girl who was attacking. Vexus stood up straight and scratched the back of her head still thinking about what she would do. Her eyebrows raised as an idea came to her.
Elena walked behind the tree and extended her arms straight out so that they were parallel to the ground, after a moment of them being like that she bent her knees let out a grunt and her hands buried themselves within the trunk of the tree. About one third of her forearm was in the tree and with strain on her face she began to try and stand up ripping the tree from the ground. When Vexus had looked the tree up and down she had memorized the tree's height and when she looked at their opponent she noted the distance she was from the tree. Her systems were screaming at her because the weight of the tree was far too much to handle, but Elena took a few steps towards the girl and then with another powerful grunt she thrust the tree forward sending it to collapse on the girl.
Vexus stood up straight after she threw the tree and looked down at her arms that lay at her side. There were dozens of splinters in both her arms, she then tried to lift her arms to put them at her waist, but only her left arm moved to the desired spot. Lifting the tree had almost torn her right arm completely off, it was disconnected in enough places where it would no longer function and was clearly lower than where it should be. Vexus then started to bring up her left hand to flip her hair, but it moved very slowly and in a shaky manner. About half way, she stopped and simply looked at her left hand and then her eyes widened. She wasn't repairing. The bitch's electric dart from earlier must have caused this, it was foolish of Vexus to have not run a systems diagnosis to pin point the problem so that she could fix it immediately. Now it would take time. Fortunately though, she seemed to have bought herself just enough by tossing the tree on that kids face.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Mockingbird February 5th 2012, 11:43 pm

Andree's eyes detected the movement of her Eskrima sticks. The alien creature had sent them flying back towards her. This is really not my day, is it? She asked herself as she dodged them . As they collided with each other, she combined them into the Bo Staff once more and placed it on her back. "The stern parent act isn't going to make me change my opinion, scorpion boy. And I am especially not surrendering to the Crimson Bitch over there." She jutted her thumb out towards Elena when she made the last comment. "How's it feel losing your book of shadows, Elena?" She asked her in a mocking tone of voice. Not answering the Crimson Witch's question, Andree looked up to see that the other woman, the pink haired one, had knocked a tree over. You know what. This really wasn't the brightest idea. Tapping a button on her wrist, she activated her durability booster on her suit so that she was not injured by the weight of the falling tree. Mockingbird could now see that the pink haired lady was an android of some kind. Her arm had been turned off. Pick off the weakest link. She thought to herself as she sprinted towards her at full speed. When she got close enough, she would throw a punch towards the android's head before throwing a kick towards her knees.

Posting Master
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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Ace February 7th 2012, 5:10 am

Ace swung back through New York "For gods sake, how hard it is to find an exposed power line in New York? Apparently very" Ace was complaining about missing his flight, he was dressed in his normal Denim jacket, orange t-shirt, jeans and and orange sunglasses. one of the pockets were ripped off his jacket, a part of the events earlier in the day, "Im a superhero, how do i miss a flight, I can teleport and swing through New York. Now i'm in this dump, wait. Look a power line! All i have to do is get over that park, how hard could that be" Ace was quite pleased with himself, he jumped down to one of the street lamps and started jumping from one to the other in a zig zag pattern, fixing his mistakes with a grappling hook to the next one.

It wasn't long before Ace came across some pedestrians, and he decided it best to not scare the hell out of them by jumping over them and possibly falling. There was a man, late 30's early 40's sitting on the bench, talking to a 20-something lady with pink hair, she seemed somewhat awkward sitting on the bench. Watching these guys seemed to be a good idea,the man turned into a scorpion, *Oh shit, what is he doing that for*. Another lady came by and pinkie started gushing over her.

The next part happened extremely quickly, something moved from the bushes to the tree and then that thing jumped on the scorpion what-sit. Two things flew off towards the ladies and flew back like a boomerang. Ace, while watching all this, lost his footing "Oh crap!" Ace yelped as he felt the ground landing on one foot "That was pretty cool, it may have been a stuff up, i made it look cool, I make everything look cool, especially orange sunglasses." Ace rambled on before looking up "Oh yeah, Who's on who's side here?" Ace asked quizzically.

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Post Adept
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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Guest February 8th 2012, 12:50 am

Nightkill snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a sort of electronic blast went out at Andree's face and arms. If it hit, it would overload the electronic devices there, such as her gauntlets and her mask, causing them to shatter apart and possibly leave mild burns as they did so. And after he did that, Nightkill started walking over to the hopefully soon to be unmasked girl, firing lightning bolts from his hand as he did so, aiming them with extreme precision at her.

Then he was distracted by the boy who just dropped in from a tree. Nightkill frowned. "Who the devil are you, boy?" he asked, lapsing into old slang in his surprise and with possible hints of a German or Russian accent. Perhaps it was just his act, or perhaps it was a moment of Nightkill being genuine. He then switched back to a New Yorker accent. "This girl attacked my friends and I completely unprovoked." he explained. "I've been working in self-defense."

As he said these words, he kept an eye on the girl, an electric blast charging in his hand. Just in case. You never knew.

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Alpha February 8th 2012, 5:07 pm

She winced at the strain that Vexus managed to put upon herself witht hat stunt, though her healing didn't seem to gain her anything. Instead it seemed like she couldn't heal. Marie smirked at Andrees response, which did her little good to make. She reached into her backpack, pulling a leather bound notebook "You mean this book?" She smirked, pulling one of the parts of her Book of Shadows out into view. It was actually a collection of three notebooks full of knowedge, and Andree only managed to steal one. The spell to stop her plan was in this notebook, but she woudn't allow it to be taken. If push came to shove she had a spell on it designed specifically to cause it to burn if she spoke a certain phrase.

Next came the appearence of a hero she had seen a few times if the reports on her son. He was a member of the hero organization Sentinels, and worked with her son very closely."Well this is a surprise indeed. What brings you to New York?" Elena spoke off handidly to Ace raising an eyebrow, not really thinking about what she said. She returned the notebook to her backpack. snapping her fingers as the wind picked up aroudn her.

"So, are you with Andree little Sentinel?" She asked not really expecting a proper answer, as the wind formed a blade around her left hand prepared incase any sort of attack was launched.

The East Harlem meeting. CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The East Harlem meeting. Empty Re: The East Harlem meeting.

Post by Elena Vexus February 8th 2012, 8:39 pm

This chick was smart, she could see that Elena was damaged and she decided to try and pick her off first.
"Tchh" she grunted as she was headed for. Vexus took a leap backwards and the punch was coming in and grabbed her right arm. She tore her right arm off and swung it at the girl's arm to deflect her punch while moving to the left of the attack putting more distance between the two. After that was avoided, she took another leap away just to be safe. She then saw Nightkill going forward with an electrical attack which, if anything, would disable that mask and armor she had on. Vexus gave an evil smile and a short dark laugh and then took a deep breath in and on her breath out she released a thin stream of her Nerve Gas that expanded to a thick smog that surrounded the doomed assailant.
"Marie, Nightkill. Step back for a moment..." she said with the gas still pouring out of her mouth. Vexus the resumed the thin stream for a second before biting down very powerfully. Inside her mouth were a couple pieces of metal that when she bit down caused a spark which ignited the stream of gas. The fire spread to the cloud of gas setting the whole thing ablaze hopefully completely charring the poor soul within the gas. If not, then then the possibly inhaled Nerve Gas would begin to deprive the victim of all physical feeling.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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