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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 4 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Black Arrow October 14th 2011, 2:49 am

The Black Arrow got into his one-armed stance, and waited eagerly as Elena did the same. There was a moment of silence as the two waited for the other to make the first move. But that silence was broken by a loud explosion. Immediately following, Arrow dropped what he was doing and looked behind himself. He wasn’t even sure what had happened yet, but he had a bad feeling in his gut. When he turned around, The Black Arrow saw the cloud of smoke and dust surrounding where Phil last stood. He had his ideas about what was happening, but he never expect what happened next coming.

As the smoke began to fade away with the breeze, the true realization of what happened hit Ranger. His bow dropped from his hand and he stood paralyzed, only being allowed to listen to Phil’s last words, and the sound of Elena laughing in the background. The Black Arrow had seen death many times in his life, and has even been the one to cause it quite a few times, so he knew what Ranger was going through. Arrow was never a very religious man, but he still cherished a person’s life more then anything else. And even though he would have rather see Phil in a cell then a coffin, The Black Arrow knew that there was no changing what was done. After seeing the pained expression on The Rangers face, Arrow turned back to Elena and growled. ”Shut-up!” As he spoke, the phantom grabbed both of the two c-4-e arrows in front of him and threw them at Elena. He waited until they were close enough to her, then detonated them by the trigger on his wrist.

Arrow then looked around to find his bow. He ran over to it, threw it around his shoulder, and then moved over to The Ranger. When the first set of tears ascended from his eyes The Black Arrow began to realize just how much this meant to him. He didn’t realize that this was the first time The Ranger had ever taken a life, so when he did, Arrow placed his hand on his shoulder. ”It’s alright.” The rain started to pick up. The drizzly slowly started turning into a pouring rain as the clouds completely blocked out the sun. The Black Arrow was never one for superstitions, but he did believe in ‘fung-shui’ and that this rain was caused by the deep depression building up in the young hero. ”I know you didn’t mean for this, but these things happen. Your mind gives you great power, and sometimes it might be too much power for one man. But it’s our reasonability as heroes to carry that burden, and use it to stop those who otherwise would use it for there own selfish gain. Even if it means that we have to sacrifice a piece of ourselves each time to do so." The Black Arrow then kneeled down and picked up The Rangers bow. ”Now I need you to take this, and continue doing what you’ve been doing. Think about all the people you’ve saved in the past with this bow, and all the people you’ve saved by stopping Phil. Regardless of how it happened, you saved people today. You’re a hero Ranger, and I need you to be one now. There’s nothing you can do for him expect wish him well in the afterlife, but right now we need to stop Elena.” The Black Arrow said in a calm and steady voice while extending The Ranger's compound bow to him.

The Black Arrow then started to move his right hand in circles, working his muscles back into his control. The poison was slowly wearing off, and Arrow would have full control back within another minute. In the mean time, he had to make due with one hand, so The Black Arrow reached into his quiver with his good hand, and wrapped his fingers around an electric arrow again. He then looked back at the cloud of smoke created by his two exploding arrows to see what Elena was up to.

Last edited by The Black Arrow on October 14th 2011, 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 4 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha October 14th 2011, 5:02 pm

Her laughter was like a dark song that rang through the air ominously. Even when her mind knew to stop, her body urged her laugh on. Even at The Black Arrows growl, she was unphased. His words were like a mans cry to the wind, a plea that would go unheard. Then came the arrows, though she was able to steel her standing enough, though the pain was to come. Warm blood trickling down he stomach, though she knew it wasn't major damage. Elena was not worried, as she continued to laugh loudly. It was oddly wet, and thick, though the smoke obscured her stomach. With a sweep, she wiped away the blood, a smirk visible across her face, the wound were already mending. With a sigh,she stepped from the smoke. Her hair was deep red, slack against her shoulder. As the smoke clung before falling away. Lips stretching into something rather devious, as she looked to Ranger. The whirr of helicoptor blades above her, and she knew it was time to leave." That was a suprise dear Ranger. When I sent you to Chicago, I never expected you to do this. I guess that makes us more alike than you think." She stood next to Malice, who was still a good bit from Arrow, and Ranger. Lifting him into her arms, and holding him close"Remember, some things must be done. If you regret it, you only lessen what you do. If you forget the person you kill, you kill them twice. I suppose he wasn't exactly the cold blooded man you thought him to be. He regrets every kill, but its how he lived, and what he did best. You can't damn a man for that." She finished, voice now a cold steel."So walk the right path, and you may never have to regret what you do."

The sound of a helicoptor was closing in, as her eyes narrowed on the two."Well this is my que to leave, enjoy my tribute to you. its my curse, and my blessing." She motioned to Huntress, as the helicoptor broke the clouds. A long rope falling to her head, as the many scratches on her stomach were already closing. With a smirk she grabbed onto the rope, and was slowly lifted, leg dangling daftly."I'm sure we will meet again, but you won't know it. I look forward to it, Ghosts of Chicago." Slowly she was lifted, and soon would be gone. Though she whispered to intercept to Malice to use the shadows on the unerside of the Helicoptor incase they shot any arrows their way. Elena would not be stopped this time, as she was making her escape. Against the building Huntress muttered in her sleep. One thing that was just sleep talk.


As the aircraft ascended to take off, to New York, where she would begin the next phase of her plan. Dead green yes locked on, int heir last moments of life, yet the lips were in a smile. Atleast his death wasn't for nothing.

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 4 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger October 14th 2011, 6:47 pm

The Ranger slowly opens his eyes hearing out both of what Black Arrow and Elena says taking them both into consideration before grabbing his bow and standing up facing her. "I am nothing like you, absolutely nothing like you." He states whipping his eyes slowly and makes the sign of the cross over himself before saying a silent prayer asking for forgiveness once again. When finished he turns to the Black Arrow, "Thank you for your help, I am sorry I had to bring you into my little feud though it seems you already knew Elena and her friends, we should get huntress and what’s le...le-left of Phillip then get out of here before we attract even more attention." He sighs softly and walks over to Phil kneeling down in front of him and slowly giving him last rights even though he is not a priest, he is the closest thing Phillip is ever going to get in this situation that they have all gotten into.

The Ranger slowly takes out one of his many flamethrowers and lights him on fire turning the man into ashes, giving him the closest thing to cremation. When the body is finished he scoops up all of the ashes and blows it into the wind. "Fair well Phillip James, have luck in the next life even if you did kill countless people no human deserves hell not even Dracula." He whispers softly only partially quoting the original Dracula's book written by Bram Stroker, the quote said by Mina Harker at the end of the story. Turning to face Huntress he walks over and picks her up carrying her bridle style without realizing it, only doing so because it is a simple way to carry the girl, and sighs walking over to Black Arrow, "What do you plan on doing with her? Or is that Phantom information that I am not allowed to know?" He asks softly not having heard Elena say Ghosts of Chicago when she left, really only hearing 'Ghost' so he assumed she was talking to Arrow. The Ranger sighs softly as the rain beats down upon them making this scene look very movie like to say the least.

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 4 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Black Arrow October 16th 2011, 5:44 pm

As the smoke from the explosion began to fade; again, Elena wiped the blood from her stomach and continued laughing like a bi-..witch. Then she started to give her speech to Ranger as the soar from helicopter blades came hovering over buildings. The Black Arrow knew she was planning her escape now, but there was little he could in this scenario. If she could take two explosions directly like that and walk away with nothing but a blood spatter, then there was no way Arrow could stop her and her helicopter. Not without destroying this entire street of Chicago anyway. He wanted to stop her, but something’s had to wait. Elena then picked Malice up and hung onto a rope from the helicopter. While saying her final goodbyes the rope ascended up to the copter, and Arrow could do nothing but stand silently and hold a fierce glare while he watched the Crimson witch slip away.

As the copter began to fly away, The Black Arrow turned back to The Ranger. He had already taken his bow back, and said he’s last words to Elena. Now he was replying to what the phantom previously told him. As he finished speaking, The Ranger knelt down next to Phil and gave him his last rights, before incerating his body to ash. As the ash blew away in the wind, The Ranger walked over to the building Huntress laid upon and picked her up. The Black Arrow had almost forgetting about her; he figured she would’ve been on that helicopter too, but apparently Elena was too hasty. When Ranger questioned what to do with her, or if it was classified ‘Phantom information’, Arrow chuckled to himself before he began to speak. ”No, thank you.” He started from the beginning. ”You have nothing to apologize to me for; if it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have gotten this update on Elena. And even if we didn’t get her this time; you heard her. She’ll be back. Besides, it was time we meet Ranger. Your heroics haven't gone un-noticed, and The Phantoms have plans for you. Arrow then paused for moment for speaking again. "That is, only if you're interested." After waiting for his response, Arrow looked around at all the unconscious thugs, and Huntress. ”Anyway, we can leave all these guys for the police. As for her though…Well it’d be easier just to show you where she's going.” The Black Arrow then clicked two separate buttons out of the rows on his hidden wrist pouch. One sent out a signal out to the police station, and the other activated Red Scarlet’s auto-pilot.

Red Scarlet turned on, and soared out of the ally where Black Arrow left her, then went straight to their location. Once there, The Black Arrow popped open the top of the motorcycle, and two seats were revealed. They were set up similar to a jet; one seat in front of the other, and each having their own head rest as well. "Come, I’ll take you there. We’re not far.” He stated blankly while jumping into the front seat. Each seat had a good amount of room, but Ranger would have to keep holding onto Huntress for the ride. Arrow expected that wouldn’t be a problem, and once they were both in, Red Scarlet would take off again.

The Black Arrow's application,
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 4 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger October 16th 2011, 7:40 pm

The Ranger listens to everything Black Arrow says and blinks in supprise laughing at the irony. "She was right...she would be the reason I got into the Phantoms, just not the way she figured." He mummers whisteling as the motorcycle pulls you very impressed in the slick rides design and build. The Ranger listens again to what the Black Arrow says before getting on the bike,"How fast does this thing go?" He mutters impressed, wondering if he could outrun it or not though he most likely can't do that at all exspecially with how fast it seemed to have got here.

A very small and rare smile spreads across The Ranger's normally stone face as the realisation sets in. He is becoming one of the Phantos, a group of superhero's he grew up reading comics about and watching on television as a kid. Hell he used to even pretend he was some of these guys, trying to be as fast as Entropus, smarter than Black Knight, and the dream of being a better archer than Black Arrow has never left him. Not even seeing the much more experienced skill displayed by him today wavered that dream, to him it's just an obsticle he needs to overcome to the best of his ability.

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 4 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Black Arrow October 16th 2011, 7:46 pm

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 4 Thephantomssig
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 4 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Black Arrow October 16th 2011, 8:41 pm

The Black Arrow let a smirk stretch across his face as The Ranger was fascinated by his bike. He didn’t even mind that he didn’t answer his question; his smile and enthusiastic was more then enough to answer for him. ”Hmm. Right now, probably only a little over two hundreds miles per hour. But that’s nothing compared to how fast it ‘could’ go. I keep it at that speed so it’s safe to ride on the street.” The Black Arrow answered. ”But we should hurry up and get out of here. Police don’t care too much for our vigilantly work.” Arrow stated blatantly as he waited for Ranger to either get in his bike, or put Huntress in then go his own way. Though he figured Ranger would want to come see the phantoms lair. The Black Arrow didn’t even know why, but he trusted this young hero. He liked The Ranger, and admired his courage, even after the way Elena tormented him. There was something about him that stuck out. It was something about the way he carried himself; it let Arrow know he was going to make a fine addition to The Phantoms.

After The Ranger made his decision, Red Scarlet’s top closed down, and she started to soar down the street again, this time back to that old ‘abandoned’ warehouse that would become The Huntress' new home.

(Topic End)

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