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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Black Arrow October 4th 2011, 1:05 pm

While The Black Arrow waited for Elena to make the first move, The Ranger made his. He shot his arrow directly between Huntress and Phil, and if the arrow would have hit it would have caused the two to separate, which was exactly what they wanted, but Malice created a wall of shadow that dampened the blow enough to no longer effect a superhuman. There was a short pause then, as Huntress called out an order to the head of the mercs. Luckily the two heroes were close enough to hear her order and prepare. As the order was sent out, several of the hired mercenaries pulled the pin out on their grenades. During this time The Black Arrow swapped out the toxin arrow on his bow for another frozen arrow. He wasn’t about to let six grenades go off in the streets of Chicago, so his only option was to freeze them. If he could hit all of the grenades with one of his freezing gadgets, the surrounding ice would be enough to contain the explosion. In less then a few second Arrow began calculating. He counted six grenades, and he already had two arrows lined up. Out of the corner of his eye, Arrow saw The Ranger brace for the attack himself by swapping out his arrows for new ones. From the look of it, they had the same idea in mind, which meant if Arrow would time it correct, he could freeze the last two grenades with the ice capsules in kept inside his utility-belt.

The Black Arrow’s mind worked so quickly he was able to think of this plan within the time it took for the grenades to leave the mercs hands. As the grenades began hurling at the heroes, the two archers shot their arrows. The Ranger hit the first two grenades, and the arrows formed a net around them; then sent them to a far away wall. Meanwhile the second The Black Arrow let go, with one hand he swung his bow around his shoulder, and with the other he reached into a pouch on his utility-belt. He pulled out two freezing capsules and held one in each hand. The arrows he shot had worked like a charm and froze two more of the grenades, leaving only the last two. And with his amazing reaction The Black Arrow threw one capsule to his left, and the other to his right, stopping the final two grenades.

All the grenades were now surrounded by blocks of ice, and fell to the ground, shattering, leaving the remains scattered around the street. The grenades were dealt with, but The Black Arrow still had other problems. While he was stopping the attack, Elena's mercs weren't just going to stand and watch, so Arrow pulled his arms back in and got into his fighting stance, preparing for the upcoming attack.

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha October 5th 2011, 4:32 pm

Huntress lips turned into an ugly snear as her efforts were easily repelled. How had they be able to anticipate the attack, and counter with with such an absurd ease? She had made sure she was not speaking so loudly, but heroes always proved themselves a nuesance. She could take them down still, if the right plan was employed."Malice, time we move out. Don't give Arrow boy any time to think, we just attack." She said only loud enough for the strange man to hear her hissing whisper. Lips a pale pink turning into a once again calculating smile, as she had many plans churning within her head."First we..." Then she went off into an almost indistuinguishable whisper only loud enough for Malcie to hear int he earpeice given to him. Though he barely understood, it was enough to get the plan moving. Phil had already got moving, so now it was her turn to make this fight memorable. Without a second, she rushed The Black Arrow.

Trailed by spikes of shadow that branched out around her, with deadly accuracy. Though that was not even the beggining of what she had planned, as she quickly activated the crossbow on her wrist. Pulling a bolt from the pouch on her thigh with impeccable timing, as it was notched, and shot. Aimed at the mans torso, only aiming to force him to dodge, or block. If he blockedms he was hopign to have him distracted long enough for a shadow spike to injure him. If he dodged, she was aiming to have him move right into an attack also being coordinated by her. While Phil had a more direct approach to how he would attack. As Elena quickly jumped form the fray, somewhat stunned by how easily they stopepd the attack. Though they were heroes, so she had to give them some sort of credit for it. They weren't stupid atleast."This might be fun after all." She smirked, landing soundly on the roof of a nearby building. She had met the archer in black before, though it was more him forcing information out of her. He would pay for threatening her son, and unlike him, she would show no mercy. No one crossed the Crimson witch Elena Marie, and lived for long.

With a smirk Phil looked down att he arrow aimed at his chest, slightly amused by it. This was the guy he had fought earlier, and his little arrow toys. With an almsot savage smirk he looked at The Ranger."No matter how fast you've gotten, i'm still stronger, and way tougher than you are kid. You have a long way to go." He said with a sort of cockiness about him, body still in motion. Though he quickly was stationary, as he faced the hero with a certain expectation. As if he wanted a good fight from the young man. He wasn't the unskilled man he once was. Thanks to a crazy ass cowgirl, he would show this guy the meaning of pain. With a burst of speed he rushed forward, ready to wrench the mans bow from his hand. He wasn't the cocky kid anymore, but the hunter pouncing upon its prey.

A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 CjhXQha
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger October 5th 2011, 4:51 pm

As soon as Phillip starts to move The Ranger releases the c7, or semtex, arrow firing it off at the man's chest, at the speed it is moving, the speed Phillip is moving, and the small distance between the two there is no possible way he will be able to dodge it. Well that is what Ranger hopes at least from the last time they fought; after the arrow is fired he dives to the side and Phillip either rushes past him or is stopped in his path from the arrow. Whichever happens he pulls out two tranquilizer arrows separating them between two of his finger's sprinting behind his opponent and quickly and with amazing accuracy firing them off at back of Phillip's right knee, one of the weakest points in a human body. Even with his built up durability beside the ankle it is the easiest place to penetrate or cut through on one's body and The Ranger hopes it can penetrate this man as well for two of his tranquilizer arrows should insert enough serum to knock this man out.

After the quick attack is done The Ranger gets in a position of defense, bow trained at where Phillip is with an Electric Net aimed at him ready to fire it off. "You may be stronger Phil, but strength does not always give one the upper hand in a fight. It is a big asset but the stronger you are the easier it is for you to slip up, besides your all brawn and not as much brain if I remember right; now I ain't callin you stupid or nothing just not as smart as Huntres. Huntress is the brains of your little passé isn't she? Always giving you orders, telling you what to do, must get annoying sometimes." He says smirking trying to mess with this guys head knowing he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed in the slightest.

The Ranger
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Black Arrow October 7th 2011, 8:01 am

The Black Arrow stood in his perfect stance; he expected an attack to come while he was occupied, but Huntress was smarter then that. She knew she couldn’t give Arrow much time to think, but if they went in and attacked without a plan, the hero had a good chance of slipping away. So using their communicators, Huntress plotted with Malice, but much quieter this time. They didn’t want to let the phantom hear one bit of their plan, knowing that he could use the smallest amount of info to flip a situation. The Black Arrow kept his fierce glare locked on Huntress, but even with his tuned senses he couldn’t make out a word she was saying. It all just sounded like a venomous snake, hissing right before it struck.

Then they launched their attack. Huntress was the first to move, running forward at full speed, followed by a trail of shadow spikes created by Malice. As the Huntress moved, her crossbow popped out from her wrist, and she prepared a bolt from her pouch. Aiming then firing, the bolt flew at great speeds towards the hero, and right behind the bolt was the line of spikes. This left Arrow with little time to react, so he did a few backwards somersaults. As he flipped back, the bolt flew right over him, but the wave of spikes kept coming. He continued doing somersaults, and started to fall back into the ally trying to get some distance. As he reached a dead end in the ally, he knew he was corned in every direction; expect one. Up. So without wasting any time The Black Arrow bend his knees and leaped into the air. His super human strength caused small cracks rippling through the ally, but he held back enough to make sure there was no serious damage. Though holding back on his strength made his jump weakened. Arrow only leaped about one story up, and had to cling onto the wall to stop himself from falling.

Looking beneath him, The Black Arrow saw the spikes pierced into the wall, but he didn’t know the limitations of Malice’s shadow manipulation, so he climbed up further just in case if they could continue chasing him. As Arrow reached the top of the two story building, he quickly ran over to the edge, and knelt down. At first he looked over at Elena, who was standing on top of the coffee shop. She was simply watching, amused at all the chaos she was causing. ”You won’t get away with this witch. Once I’m done with these two, I’m coming after you.” Arrow said to himself, as he redirected his attention back to his current problem. Looking down at Malice and Huntress, their eyes met with a vicious glare as he took his bow off from around his shoulder and lined up two toxin arrows. ”Get ready!” He shouted out as he took the last step off the building. 'This is when the fun part starts.' Those thoughts ran through his mind while he fell to the ground. Releasing his grip on his bow, the two toxin arrows shot off and landed right between Malice and Huntress, creating a smoke screen cover for Arrow to land in. But this smoke wasn’t ordinary smoke; the toxin inside of these arrows could burn someone’s eye nearly blind, and if breathed in, it could shut down their immune systems temporarily. So Arrow made sure to have his mask on tight, and to take a deep breath before landing.

When he landed, he switched the vision on his mask to heat, and located the two. He knew that Huntress had some of her own gadgets up her sleeve, but Arrow decided that Malice was more of an immediate threat to him, and the city. So without wasting time, Arrow went for a sweep kick at Malice's feet, hoping that the smoke screen would throw off his reaction time, and let him get the attack in.

((If there's anything wrong with the post, just lemme know wally.))

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Thephantomssig
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha October 7th 2011, 4:56 pm

Eyes narrowed upon the warrior in black that seemed to almost offortlessly dodge the onsault. Though that was just a testament to the skill of who they were fighting, and how much of a threat he was. Still, she could think of something to take him down. It was a battle of wits, and skill, which Malice lacked both of. Though he brought the force that could turnt he tide of battle. Even if this hero was more agile than she gave credit for, he would need all he had to even hope for a victory. Overconfidence was not even part of this thought process. It was either win, or be locked in a prison for life. She knew Malice wouldn't suffer to be locked away, he would rather kill himself.

Elena turned to the man, smirking gently."Yeah, keep talking big." She muttered,arms still crossed.

Next came the arrows, though her eyes caught it before the dumb brute did. As she drew in as deep of a breath as she could, closing her eyes. She was the master of poisons, and knew when one was about. Theresa could smell it, and it burned her nostrils as she quickly leapt back.

She aimed to if possible blindly move from the cloud, though that would be harder than she thought. Malice ont he other hand was caught offguard by the sudden attack. As his ungs began to burn, and eyes teared up. Though that was only accompanied by the kick to his ankle. Sending him over, a snarl forming on his face as he tried to find the person. Sending out a blind kick towards the source of the pain as he aimed to break him.

"Now this is getting fun." Phil smirked as he quickly moved out of the way formt he arrow. Grabbing it by the shaft, as he twisted around, side of his leg meeting the sides of the darts. Effectivly dashing them against the ground. With a fluid motion he threw the arrow with its momentum mostly intact at The Ranger, leaping back with all his speed, and strength. Now to see if this guy could play dodgeball.

Huntress let out her held breath, it coming out in sputtering coughes, as he lungs ached. In that situation she had little time to gather a proper breath, so it was not an optimal one. Her green eyes narrowed on the cloud, as she quickly pulled her thermal vision contacts formt he appropriate case. Placing them in with as much speed, and care as possible. As the signatures of the two came into veiw. Malice, and The Black Arrow, with a smirk she pulled a bolt from her puch, and notched it. Letting it fly. With calculations permitting, the poison soaked bolt would, if it hit at least cause numbness in the region it hit. She aimed for his right hand, to take away his use of his bow, hopefully anyway.

"This is going almost as I planned, though having The Ranger under contract would've been much better." Elena sighed surveying the fight, as she brought her knees to her chest. It would be a long fight most likely, and she had a mode of escape on standbye.

Last edited by Elena Marie on October 10th 2011, 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger October 7th 2011, 5:34 pm

The Ranger watches as Phillip catches the arows, and moves out of the way of the two tranquilizer arrows. He dives to the side to the dodge the exploding arrow as it blows up on the building behind them and makes a very big hole in it. "Well that sucks, like a lot, hope those people had insurrance." He mummers notching an electric net arrow quickly firing it off at him before sprinting around the gas from Black Arrow's own special arrows and ends up behin Phillip spinning out an exploding arrow from his quiver before aiming it at the brute of a man sighing softly to himself knowing this fight will be much different from the last time they met, though the ending will be changed that much is for sure. Huntress will not be able to save him from the justice he truely deserves, no Ranger will not kill him but he will go to jail and stay there this time. The Ranger will make sure that this outcome comes true and nothing else will happen, well hopefully at least.

Looking around at his surroundings he notices Elena standing on the coffee' shop as if she is planning everything that is going on, though from what he dug up about the woman she probably is. The Ranger sighs and fires off the exploding arrow at Phillip's back, hopping he won't be able to dodge it this time and at least injur the man a little bit. He sprints off to another section of the ally way, not wanting to take any chances with this man considering what could have happened last time had things gone differently; had the setup been in Phillip's favor like it is now he could have lost. Really not wanting to loose and unimpress the Phantom he is working with he pulls out two fire arrows notching them in his bow, sepperating them between his index finger an middle finger ready to fire them off whenever the man gets in a close enough distance that would do some freaking damage.

The Ranger
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Black Arrow October 10th 2011, 4:07 pm

After his swoop attack, The Black Arrow braced himself with his right hand, and spun around while getting back up to his feet. He was able to trip Malice, and make Huntress recede from smoke. So now Huntress was unable to help him, it was time to finish Malice, or at least deal some good damage. Arrow was a gifted fighter, but even he would have trouble taking on two opponents at once. So he had to find away to even out the playing field, even if it was only injuring one of them. While Huntress was still trying to catch her breath, Malice got back on his feet, so The Black Arrow moved his arms back into their usual fighting position. As Malice threw a powerful kick in his direction, Arrow used his right fore-arm to block the attack. A shot of pain rippled through his arm from the devastating blow. His phantom armor absorbed most of the damage, but the sheer impact still hurt. Arrow knew that it would only take one or two lucky hits from this guy to knock him out so he had to be careful, and act quickly. Using his amazing reaction time, The Black Arrow leaned to his left following the momentum of the kick, and threw a kick of his own at Malice’s other leg. It was all that was holding his balance, and was a major weak spot on the human body, so it was a great choice of attack. Arrow aimed to hit his knee cap, hoping to hit with enough force to break it, or at least make him unable to use it. Either way, if the attack landed there was no doubt that it would slow Malice down enough for Arrow to continue avoiding his attacks.

While The Black Arrow was recovering from his attack he was nearly completely blind to what the Huntress was doing behind him. He also didn’t expect her to be able to see through his smoke screen, so when she fired off one of her poison trenched bolt, Arrow had less then a split second to react. He attempted to move out of the way, but was hit back of his right shoulder. Letting out a groan, The Black Arrow gripped tight onto his shoulder with his left hand. He immediately found it near impossible to move his right arm. And if that wasn’t bad enough he was running out of breath, and had to retreat from his smoke screen. Quickly rolling forward past Malice, Arrow ducked behind cover behind an old dumpster. The first thing he did was turn his vision back to normal, and catch a breath. ’Damn it. There goes my bow. I should’ve expected this from her. Guess I’ll have to finish this with one hand; I’ve pulled through worse though, right?’ Arrow questioned himself with a slight chuckle under his breath. While looking around the corner, The Black Arrow reached back into his quiver with his good hand, and gripped the end of two freezing arrows. Holding them between his ring, middle and index finger, Arrow jumped out from his cover, and ‘tomahawk tossed’ them at Huntress. Even though he couldn’t shoot his bow, the Phantom had more then enough experience to hit a target. He wasn’t known as the best archer for nothing. After throwing them, Arrow ran forward trying to close in the distance between him and his opponent. However she reacted to his previous move would determine his next…

The Black Arrow's application,
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Thephantomssig
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha October 10th 2011, 4:45 pm

The battle was moving on in an interesting direction. Elena knew that unless the heroes changed pace, it would en badly for them. It was as if one of her television dramas were unfolding right before her very eyes. Graned there were no rediculous love plots saturating it. With a sigh she allowed her feet to dangle over the edge oft he building. Murky green eyes folliwing each scrap with equal enthusiasm."Don't disapoint me." She muttered, brows furrowing.

The sounds of an explosion rang through Phils ears, as his eys turned towards where he thought the Ranger was. Just in time to see the arrow aimed true at his back, and it was most likely one of those arrows that went boom. With all the speed he could force, Phil turned his body, barely dodging the arrow. It would have meant certain death. Projectile of death sailing into a nearbye building, as it set offf loudly."Put me in jail ,my ass!" He smirked, quickly rushing the Ranger. Ready to leap over the arrows, and deliver a bone splintering overhead blow to the head.

Malice snarled as pain shot through his leg, as he spat a curse in the ancient language he was born to. His leg was damaged, and nothing could help it at the moment. he would be less mobile, though that didn't really matter. His dark power was all he needed. The Black Arrow would see why he was called a demon in his time, and fear him. Though he would be rended into peices before he would truely know the fear, as the smoke began to dissipate. The pain of the smoke was lost on the primal rage that ahd clouded out his dark mind."I will kill that worm." He hissed under his breath, as the cloud slowly dissipated.

Theresa was rather pleased with herself, as the bow clattered to the ground. The archer was now without his prized weapon,and that meant she had the advantage.That was quickly dispelled by the arrows thrown skillfully in her direction, which prompted her to pullt he blade from her left boot. An ellegant katana of a foot,and a half in length. Yet sharper than any blade made by most warriors. With a swift stroke, the arrows were sent off course, though they met the ground, and froze along to her feet. She was stuck, and the man was already closing the distance with his inhuman speed."Shit!" Theresa mentally cursed, knowing that she would be stuck.

Though with the smoke clearing, Malice saw the man approach Huntress at his speed. With a simple command, a few sharp tendrils of shadow shot out at The Black Arrow. All aimed at his legs, though one had strayed toward his torso.

A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger October 10th 2011, 5:07 pm

The Ranger watches as Phillip barely dodges the arrows and smirks at what he says laughing slightly. "Oh, shut up you would have been fine...maybe." He says firing one of the arrows off the flames igniting as it leaves the bow, when Phil jumps to dodge the arrow he quickly fires off the second one before diving off to the side an standing up straight. Spinning to face his opponent he pulls out an electric net arrow knowing it won't be able to shock Phillip but it should be able to hold him which will give Ranger the time to fire two tranquilizer arrows off in between the small holes in the net and knock the speedster out long enough to give the red archer time to go help Black Arrow with one of his own opponents before they move onto the boss of this organization. Elena Marie, the reason the two of them are here in the first place, the witch behind the lackeys, the lady who thinks everything is going the way she wants. Without taking his eyes off of Phillip, Ranger spins and fires off a Tranquilizer arrow at Huntress' un-expecting, unguarded, durable as a normal humans, back attempting to hopefully take her out now and help Black Arrow and maybe even screw with Elena's 'plan'.

Sprinting around behind Phillip to see if what he hopped happened worked he turns invisible and waits for everything to unfold, letting the surroundings and anything that can help him flow through his mind. 'Come on work please, it has to work, none of them were expecting this it just has to work.' The Ranger thinks to himself slowly notching an explosive arrow just incase somehow his plan did not work, for even the best laid plans have their kinks or flaws in them.

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Black Arrow October 10th 2011, 6:20 pm

As The Black Arrow charged forward, he watched his freezing arrows were thrown off their trajectory; however not by enough. They slammed into the ground in front of Huntress and froze her feet. The think ice glued the Huntress still, and left her wipe open for an attack. Plus on top of that while The Black Arrow was running, The Ranger was able to fire off an arrow of his own to aid him. It didn’t matter what kind of arrow it was, it was going to help. Now that Arrow thought about it, focusing on taking Malice out first wasn’t his best decision. Granted he could pack a meaner punch; his moves were ‘sloppy’, and not nearly as coordinated at Huntress’. It was made obvious just by the shot Huntress got off at Arrow’s shoulder. But there was no taking his actions back, he just had to make up for it now. So as Arrow closed in the last bit of distance between them he prepared to make his attack, but Malice had other plans. Taking out his leg wasn’t enough; he created a trio of shadow tendrils, two aiming for each of his legs, and the third for his chest. But Arrow wasn’t going to let this opportunity go to waste; they might not have gotten this chance again if he did. So without hesitation Arrow jumped forward into a front flip, and ‘axe-handle’ swung his foot down; hoping to slam his foot onto the top of the Huntress’ head. With the combined damage from the arrow it should be enough to stop her, but that was only if it hit. As The Black Arrow finished his kick, he used his only good hand to brace the fall, and push himself back up to his . Then he quickly tried to do a one-hand hand-spring, in the direction away from Malice, expecting an attack to follow. Sliding back out of his handspring, The Black Arrow narrowed his attention completely at Malice, seeing him as the immediate threat. "You guys are good; I'll give ya' that." He reached back into his quiver and twirled his fingers around an electric arrow as he waited for Malice to strike again. "But you'll never beat a Phantom!" The Black Arrow taunted, as he noticed he was beginning to get some feeling back into his shoulder; it was still unmovable, but he could at least twitch it now.

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha October 10th 2011, 9:02 pm

Elena raised her eyebrow at the situation, which had turned nasty. It was time it end this little funtime. With a sigh, Elena stood to her feet,cracking her knuckles by the joint. After that was done, she with all the force in her legs jumped. She had enough time to get used to the strength, and guess where she would land. So it was a matter of gravity, and where it would take her.

First came the sharp pain in her leg, which she figured out the cause rather quickly. Next came the figure of The Black Arrow charging her in her fading vision, followed by a sharper pain. Then everything was swallowed by darkness, though she could hear the sound of the ground quaking, as arms wrapping around her torso. Then it all went black.

Malice watched as the young warrior went down, and he sighed. This was, even in his mind a hopeless battle. Then the red one came, as the ground cracked in her wake. Her collosal power was amazing. Only someone as powerful as her could even hope to control him, and that she did. He looked to ther, his broken leg hindering him from moving. Elena picked a small canister, and threw it to Malice."Apply this to your leg, and move out of the way." She said simply. Malice nodded, and pushed himself out of the way with a flex of his strength, now about 20 yards away. As elena placed the young girl to her side, as her eyes narrowed onto The Black Arrow."Lets get this over with." Elena shrugged, slamming fist into open palm.

Phil frowned, as the arrow skimmed past his face. Next came the net, which he knew was a problem, as well as the tranqs that would prove a problem. Though with his limited movement, he managed to dodge two of them. Though one sunk into his thigh. It sent a wave of nausea through him, as well as a quick spurt of dizziness, but that was it. As Phil tore the net apart as if it were nothing, though he used his full strength to do so. Though the Ranger dude was gone, possibly invisible. With a snarl, Phil put allt he strngth into his legs, and leapt tot he opposite side of the street. Eyes scanning for the man."Why don't you fight like a man?!? Instead of using your fancy toys, and that power of yours?!? You're nothing without them!!" Phil goaded, with a devious smirk.

"I challenge you to mortal do Chomhrac na, or you would know it better as mortal combat. No weapons, no tricks. Just your wit, skills, and strength. Will you, as a hero accept my challenge, or do you lack the balls to?" Elena smirked, as she prepared. True this man was more skilled than her, and faster. Though in a contest of strength, and endurance she had him beat. Also her body would heal any fatigue it took on. Elena would flatten this man into the ground like a pancake.

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger October 10th 2011, 9:59 pm

The Ranger watches as his arrow strikes true and with the combined kick from Black Arrow ; Huntress goes down quicker than you can say supercalifragilistic exspealidoshis, okay that's a long word so bad example but she goes down pretty damn quick.Turning to the main threat for him now, Phillip he sees a different matter altogether and frowns in confusion, the net could hold people as strong as Black Arrow but none the less he can work with this. Rolling his eyes at what the man says he silently slips on his strength gauntlets and still invisible, without making a noise, he sprints behind Phill and sends a punch straight at the man's back with one hand while spinning out a fire arrow and jamming it at one of the weakest points in the human body, that being the soft flesh behind the knee as hard as he can. Once that is done he dive to the side and jumps up running a bit away before firing off an exploding arrow at Phill and taking off his strength gauntlets. "Eat it bastard," The Ranger mutters under his breath turning visible aiming an electric net arrow at his foe ready to release it at the man if nessisary, if not than all the better for him. He will take this man down then move in to help take down Elena Marie, or if nessisary turn his attention onto the third super lead by the witch; the shadow manipulator who goes by the name 'Malice'.

The Ranger
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Black Arrow October 11th 2011, 10:31 pm

The Ranger and Black Arrow’s combo attack worked perfectly. Huntress was slammed to the ground, and the tranquilizer made sure she would stay there. But now that Elena knew her mercenaries were on the verge of being defeated, she decided to enter the battle. She jumped down off her perch and landed in front of Huntress. After tossing Malice some kind of medicine, she started to move her fallen minion out of the way. The Black Arrow remained still during this time, and just kept his hand on the electric arrow in his quiver. He could have tried to attack Elena during this time, but he had more honor then that, and he gave her the time she needed to attend to her wounded. After she placed Huntress up against a building out of the way, she glared over at The Black Arrow and spoke. ”Lets get this over with.” Arrow simply nodded as she made her way back into the street.”Hm, if you wish.” A cold wind blew through the empty street of Chicago while the two stared each other down. The sun light vanished as a cloud covered its path, followed by the slight drizzling of rain. The Black Arrow’s numb arm swung back and forth with the push of the wind, and his fingers began to curl up into fist. He was starting to get some control back in it, and if the fight dragged on for just a little longer, he would be able to use his bow again. But for now he had to keep focus, and stay alive.

Elena started talking again; this time challenging Arrow to ‘Mortal combat’. A fight with none of his gadgets, and none of her magic; just a straight hand-to-hand brawl. But this struck Arrow as odd. The last time they met, her close counter skills were nothing to brag about, so why challenge a martial arts master to mortal combat? She had to have something up her sleeve, and Arrow didn’t like it. Clearly by the ripples in the ground around where she landed, she picked up some strength, but he would have to test just how much. He let go of the electric arrow and gripped onto two c-4-e arrows. While pulling it out, Arrow spoke. ”Mortal combat, eh? Well I'm at a bit of a handicap here. He said looking down at his numb arm with a chuckle. "But if you insist. I’ll apply to your conditions.” With that said he threw the arrows into the ground at his feet; one on each of his sides. ”Ready for round two?” He said with a sly smirk. The Black Arrow looked down at his wrist, and activated the signal on the two c-4-e arrows so that they were ready explode whenever needed. Arrow would obey her rules, but he wanted to be prepared in case she pulled anything. You can never trust a villain after all.

The Black Arrow's application,
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Thephantomssig
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha October 12th 2011, 9:13 pm

Eyes widened as the Ranger was still invisible, and he knew it would be even harder to fight him now. This guy was the most annoying, yet the funnest to fight with. Almost as if they were mean to fight, fate some called it. Then came the powerful fist across his face, though he swore he was ready. How could this guy catch him by suprise? Though that was not even the worst part, as he felt splintering agony fill his knee, eyes darting down to see the arrow stabbing through his knee. The man would have him crippled?Phil let out a gutteral cry of pain as he fell, though the sound of an explosion caught him as he feel. pain bloomed through his body like a flower, as he felt the blood splatter against his face. Stomach aflame, and he wanted to cry. Smoke clouding his vision, and blocking the true veiw of the damage.

"Pleased to see you accept. I knew you were an honorable man, unlike the others i've had the misfortune to face." Her mind went to heroes who had stood in her way before, and they were far less chivalrous than him. Elena took a stance she had seen once, though it was far from perfect. Her strength didn't really require form to take its toll. Though the sound of an explosion caught her ear, as her head whipepd towards the source. The Ranger, and Phil. Had he finally taken his revenge?!? Elena's smile for a moment died, as if something bad had already happened. Malice smirking like a blood hungry dog."He didn't?" She said, almost pleased. She was the perfect picture of a warrior, with the singed, and torn clothes. As well as wet hair that was slicking down to her shoulders, like a celtic princess.

The smoke slowly cleared, as a simple wind blew. The form of a man kneeling, arrow jutting fromt he back of his leg. As well as a chunk of his side missing, blood spouting from it like a fountain. Phils eyes raised to the Ranger, he had managed to avoid being blown in ahlf, but only by an inch. Though a good portion of his side was not so lucky."Damn, that.......hurt." He managed, spitting a gout of blood. Supporting his weigth with one arm, while the other held his grevious wound. He would not make it."Didn't think you you. Finally...went for..." He coughed up blood."The kill didn't you? Finally you did. Thought my adversary was a weak willed person." He fell faceforward, looking up to him."Though you shoudn't forget...the face of the one you kill, I never do. It's a disservice to them." His eyes were glazing over."How ironic, I don't even know the face of the one who killed me." The life was leaving him, and would be gone soon.

Elenas eyes widened, as she saw Phil, holding to what she saw was a wound. One that would kill him, and it made her wonder for a second. Now things were going bad, and she would most likely have to fight both. Though she involuntarily let out a peal of laughter, that resonated from the buildings. He had actually went for it, as Phil fell, she laughed louder. It was a great joke to her, and she laughed. Elena had won, and he had lost. Not in battle of course, but he did what he swore not to. He killed Phil, and that was all the victory she needed.

In the coffee shop, the grey haired man called for a helicoptor, it would be there shortly. He didn't want to linger a second longer."All these heroes don't spell well. Not at all."

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger October 12th 2011, 9:54 pm

Silence, which is what the sound of ones death is; the sound of a soul slipping away from this world to the after life, a thing beyond human comprehension. An experience that a human mind, body, and soul should not have to endure in life, yet The Ranger has just experienced it not for the first time but twice in his short life of only nineteen years. They say that revenge is best served on a silver platter or something like that, but this is not the silver platter or revenge he had in mind. To be honest he never thought he would see this day come, especially not at all like this; to him it was always supposed to end with cuffs and the man getting life in prison. Not death, no death is not something The Ranger ever wished upon anyone for it is not his way and against everything he believes in and holds dear.

That is the sound that came after the explosion when the realization that the arrow hit came to the young hero. His heart already sunk deep and into a pit of guilt is only made worse with the scene that shortly follows with the clearing of the smoke, which is like the shroud on one's death bed being pulled back so all may go an see the dying man in his last minutes of life. Except with this one there was no rushing forward, no crying at least not yet, nothing except for laughter heard in the distance which is drained out by Ranger. The words spoken by Phillip are the only sounds he hears besides the his own made by dropping down to his knees and the light clanking noise as the compound bow hits the ground leaving the man's hands. Ones last words must always be heard out; for they are the most important one may ever say in a life time. These words The Ranger takes to heart, to mind, etching them forever in those two places the grief of what he has done finally sinking in; the realization that he just killed passing through his barriers and into his mind.

On broken wings and knees one must fall when they kill, to cry out in guilt and pain for their actions is not uncommon if they are one who swore never to do so. The Christian Hero lets the first flow of small tears that will become a flowing river leave his eyes, hanging his head down in absolute shame of what he has done. Praying and crying out silently for forgiveness for his actions that is surely not to come for committing a mortal sin, to The Ranger, the worst a man can commit. This action being something he never thought he would come to do no matter the circumstance, which only goes to prove that haste and rash actions without thinking can not only be the death of you but someone else as well. Just as a drunk driver can kill himself and another, this rash action not thought out brought about not only the death of Phillip James, but the mental 'death' of Rey Miller, The Ranger. The young man of nineteen only trying to prove himself to the world and god has just gone against everything he believes in and all it took was a simple, stupid, action that can not be taken back. This is an action that destroyed a life by physically taking it and destroying another, his own, by mentally and emotionally killing himself.

As if god was watching the beautiful sun is replaced by dark, grey, foreboding, dreary looking, rain clouds that release what they carry. This only adds to the small long 'stream' and puddle produced by the young hero's own tears shed for guilt and depression. Maybe the rain is a sign that he is forgiven or that god weeps for the loss of yet another person who killed when they vowed not to do so. One may never know, but what is certain is that unless his mind can be changed The Ranger will be putting down his bow and quiver never to draw them again. For if one accident can lead to all this than a bigger one may lead to much worse, and this is certainly not what he wants on his conscious at this point in life. If anything is certain and can be figured out by those with a clear mind, it is that the rain clouds are gods weeping tears for the loss and confusion of the Christian Hero. For only he knows how much of an impact on this world the young man make in this world if everyone thought the way he did before his rash action made haste during the fields of battle.

The Ranger
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) - Page 3 Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Black Arrow October 14th 2011, 2:49 am

The Black Arrow got into his one-armed stance, and waited eagerly as Elena did the same. There was a moment of silence as the two waited for the other to make the first move. But that silence was broken by a loud explosion. Immediately following, Arrow dropped what he was doing and looked behind himself. He wasn’t even sure what had happened yet, but he had a bad feeling in his gut. When he turned around, The Black Arrow saw the cloud of smoke and dust surrounding where Phil last stood. He had his ideas about what was happening, but he never expect what happened next coming.

As the smoke began to fade away with the breeze, the true realization of what happened hit Ranger. His bow dropped from his hand and he stood paralyzed, only being allowed to listen to Phil’s last words, and the sound of Elena laughing in the background. The Black Arrow had seen death many times in his life, and has even been the one to cause it quite a few times, so he knew what Ranger was going through. Arrow was never a very religious man, but he still cherished a person’s life more then anything else. And even though he would have rather see Phil in a cell then a coffin, The Black Arrow knew that there was no changing what was done. After seeing the pained expression on The Rangers face, Arrow turned back to Elena and growled. ”Shut-up!” As he spoke, the phantom grabbed both of the two c-4-e arrows in front of him and threw them at Elena. He waited until they were close enough to her, then detonated them by the trigger on his wrist.

Arrow then looked around to find his bow. He ran over to it, threw it around his shoulder, and then moved over to The Ranger. When the first set of tears ascended from his eyes The Black Arrow began to realize just how much this meant to him. He didn’t realize that this was the first time The Ranger had ever taken a life, so when he did, Arrow placed his hand on his shoulder. ”It’s alright.” The rain started to pick up. The drizzly slowly started turning into a pouring rain as the clouds completely blocked out the sun. The Black Arrow was never one for superstitions, but he did believe in ‘fung-shui’ and that this rain was caused by the deep depression building up in the young hero. ”I know you didn’t mean for this, but these things happen. Your mind gives you great power, and sometimes it might be too much power for one man. But it’s our reasonability as heroes to carry that burden, and use it to stop those who otherwise would use it for there own selfish gain. Even if it means that we have to sacrifice a piece of ourselves each time to do so." The Black Arrow then kneeled down and picked up The Rangers bow. ”Now I need you to take this, and continue doing what you’ve been doing. Think about all the people you’ve saved in the past with this bow, and all the people you’ve saved by stopping Phil. Regardless of how it happened, you saved people today. You’re a hero Ranger, and I need you to be one now. There’s nothing you can do for him expect wish him well in the afterlife, but right now we need to stop Elena.” The Black Arrow said in a calm and steady voice while extending The Ranger's compound bow to him.

The Black Arrow then started to move his right hand in circles, working his muscles back into his control. The poison was slowly wearing off, and Arrow would have full control back within another minute. In the mean time, he had to make due with one hand, so The Black Arrow reached into his quiver with his good hand, and wrapped his fingers around an electric arrow again. He then looked back at the cloud of smoke created by his two exploding arrows to see what Elena was up to.

Last edited by The Black Arrow on October 14th 2011, 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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