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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by The Nekromonga September 24th 2015, 9:13 am

If Yumo looked around he would see that the cultists were knocked out, rather than killed. Sage and Alex both conformed to the creed of life, and bereft of their masks and the emblazoned symbols they slowly crawled away. After all, all of them were just bankers, salesmen, managers, cashiers... all unwitting accomplices to a sinister power.

Sage quickly distances herself from Alex, putting distance between her and Yumo as well. She fires off a foam cement arrow, hoping she could immobilize the Blood Weaver by encasing him in rapidly expanding foamcrete. She also decides to call him out. "Give up! You and your alien cult aren't taking this girl!"

The Nekromonga
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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by Lotsofluck September 24th 2015, 1:07 pm

"Is... Is that blood?? He is controlling blood..."

Alex reared his head back in revolsion at the sight of it. How disgusting. Alex striaghtened up though, steeling him self for the coming action. He stared down the incoming ball of blood, ready to move out of the way, when something unexpected happened. An energy welled up from within Alex's body and came pouring out. Two short beams shot out of Alex's eyes, hitting the ball of blood about mid way between Alex and Weaver.

The sudden burst of heat beams was unexpected, causeing Alex to cover both eyes for a second and blink. He floated backwards, shaking his head to recover.

"Just what the hell was that...."

A question for another time, there was a fight to be done. Alex flew up higher into the sky this time, circling around Weaver while Sage shot arrows at him. Alex gathered up strength then flew forward, breaking the sound barrier once more as he flew forward with both fists extended. One man battering ram incoming.

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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by creator September 24th 2015, 8:34 pm

Yumo watched the arrow impact his arm and began to laugh. "Hey lady work on your-!" Yumo was cut off by a sudden shift in his weight as he almost fell to the ground. He looked and saw foam like stuff growing on his arm. He fixed his weight problem easily and stood up with a chuckle. "That was good i'll give you tha-" Yumo was cut off again by intense weight and pain in his shoulders. The ground below him cracked and was blown away from him.

He fell into the ground as the force blew in all directions. He could feel that his shoulders were dislocated and several bones were cracked in his legs and rib cage. He laid there for a second before laughing in a steadily rising murderous tone. "Okay big ready?" He said as he turned his head to the side so he could look at the boy on him.

He stood up slowly and using his blood popped his shoulders back in place. He looked at the boy with a satanic smile as he pushed forward with amazing strength. Though he wasn't fast his strength made up for it as he was able to move at immense speeds for short bursts.

He swung his hand forward in hopes of slamming his fist deep into the boys stomach. As he did so he felt immense pain throughout his body and knew that he would need energy to heal himself if he wanted to continue. He looked at the bodies on the ground and quickly shot some of his blood onto one of them if the blow on the boy connected he should have enough time to take some of the henchmen's energy, unless the brat decided to interfere.




Karah (Renegade)
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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by The Nekromonga September 24th 2015, 9:13 pm

As the melee dragged on, Sage took aim and fired another arrow in an attempt to slow Yumo down- this time an electrified stun arrow, conveniently hooked up to the neighborhood's power grid. The metahuman probably needed more juice to knock out. She had to stop Yumo here and now, his brutal methods of dispatching his own... allies... meant he was a renegade, a sociopath.

From the shadows though, reinforcements came. The cult leader stopped in his tracks when he saw them emerging from the shadows, judging him to be useless for abandoning the mission.

"Mistresses! please! The believers... their faith was not strong enough!" He could not react quickly enough as the Viper came and coiled around his body.

"It issssss a poor SSSSShepard that blames his flock, reverend. This failure is yourssssss  alone!" She said, and promptly crushed the cult leader.

"No Mistress I can still -AAAAH!" The man's face turned red like a tomato for an instant, before his pulverized body fell to the ground, dead.

Slithering at viper speed, they took positions to strike at the metahumans with deadly speed and force. Sage would not see the tongue coming, latching onto her and pulling her far and away from the battle, into the amusement park office. Another slithered into the ruined Hall of mirrors, taking the child.

"EEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" The child simply screamed in terror, as the snake lady descended upon her and whisked her away. It was a cry of pure desperation, needing a hero's help.

Seeing Yumo and Alex as far too dangerous, a third Alien snake lady lobbed a plasma bomb in their direction and slithered away. The device was primed and glowing, and in moments would detonate with the power to reduce a third of the amusement park to molten slag.

Last edited by The Nekromonga on September 25th 2015, 3:48 am; edited 2 times in total

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by Lotsofluck September 25th 2015, 12:18 am

"Am I ready? I've barely even begun!"

All to true. It was like something was uncoiling inside his chest as he began to exert himself. IT had been the same when he first fought. His heart was jacked, but his hands were steady. Still, this man had just taken one hell of a shot. Good in a way. Now Alex wouldn't have to hold back against this guy. He landed on the ground, arms up and ready. But even so, he wasn't ready for the sudden burst forward. With all those broken bones, Alex wasn't sure how this guy was even standing let alone capable of throwing himself forward so fast.

Alex barely managed to drop his arms down into a guard position when the zombie's fist connected. The force of the blow hurled him backwards into the sky. Alex felt like he was dragging his heels as he tried to regain his balance. When he finally recovered he was a good twenty meters away. He glared at this man, about to hit him even harder this time when a scream tore through the air. Alex's attention shifted immidatly.

"The girl"

All to suddenly, Alex was aware of the new people surrounding them. Reinforments, not good. Time seemed to crawl by as he looked around. Sage was missing, so was the kid. A small orb was flying through the air slowly, least slowly to Alex. What to do first, who to save? Sage or the kid? Sage was a hero and could probably take care of herself, but maybe she was in to over her head and need Alex. But the kid was entirly defenseless from what he had seen. The kid then.

Wasting no more time, Alex shot forward in the sky. A ring formed around him as he broke the sound barrier yet again. He wasted no time, simply going through the house of mirrors in direction of the girl. He came through a wall as an weird snake person was reaching for the girl. The girl was still wearing her black handband around her eyes, but was still cowering in terror. Alex lowered his shoulder to ram the snake alien then moved to grab the girl. He tried to tuck himself into a ball to protect her with his body. He heard the bomb go off outside and braced for impact.

"Don't worry little one, I will protect you."

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Registration date : 2015-09-17

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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by creator September 29th 2015, 11:03 am

"Laser eyes?" Yumo said with a slight interest. He hadn't seen such a simple yet destructive power in a long time. He was about to up his game when his employer appeared and tossed a bomb at him after speaking incoherent words towards him and his opponent. Yumo coated his skin in a bright crimson as he created a layer of blood to use as a shield.

After a few seconds there was an explosion and Yumo took a step back as he covered his face from the blast. Through the corner of his eyes he saw the boy go into the house of mirrors. When the blast settled and the area fell silent Yumo let the blood on his skin fall to the ground like armor.

He entered the house of mirrors in search of the laser eyed cliché. "Though I'd hate to speak it first. about we call a truce. " Yumo pushed through his lips letting go of that small amount of pride.

(Sorry about the extremely late post my laptop is broken and I was trying to get it fixed)




Karah (Renegade)
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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by The Nekromonga September 29th 2015, 9:02 pm

The Plasma bomb detonates, the explosion reducing everything on the north side of the amusement park to slag under intense pressure and heat.

The snake-woman Alex attacked would be sent into the walls of the ruined House of Mirrors, but the creature had enough foresight to remove the child's blindfold. The snake-woman hissed and slithered away, to watch from afar what happens next.

The truth of her power would unfortunately be revealed to him- Alex gazed into terrifying supernatural eyes, feeling a burning sensation coursing through his veins. The child, a gorgon, had begun to develop the deadly gaze of their kind, and while Alex would not be turned to stone, he most certainly would be poisoned with supernatural venom for looking at the child.

Elsewhere, Sage emerges, bloodied and bruised, but not broken, as she sheathes her emergency combat knife. Away from prying eyes, she did not bother with playing hero- a stab riddled corpse remained hidden in some bushes, as she walked slowly to the house of mirrors.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by Lotsofluck September 30th 2015, 2:25 am

The heat of the plasma seared Alex's back, but thankfully nothing more. After a second, he slowly unwrapped himself from the kid like a cat unwinding around its kitten. His eyes darted around the room as he looked for more signs of those weird snake ladies, but found none. He must have sent that one flying pretty hard with his shoulder. Grinning, Alex looked down at the girl.

"Well how do you li...."

His words died in his throat as he met the little one's eyes. They were... otherworldly in a way Alex had no words for. They were full of magic that no mortal was meant to look at, but he could not break eye contact. His hands clenched as he struggled to free himself, his body rebelling against those eyes. Only with a supreme act of will did Alex finally manage to close his eyes and free himself. He pressed the childs head into his shoulder, cradling her.

"Oh little one."

His head hurt, his eyes hurt. Every heartbeat send fresh waves of pain centering around his eyes. Every heartbeat, the pain spread. Every heartbeat, the pain grew. It stole his very breath away, threatened to rack his body with tremors. A shudder ran down his back as he forced a breath in, mastering himself. He slowly stood up, still holding the child. She was crying into his chest, arms wrapped around his neck. Around his eyes, the veins darkened and pulsed with every beat of his heart. A single black tear ran down the side of his face, only to drop to the ground where it hissed on contact. He needed to be strong right now. Bloodweaver was in the room.

Alex stood opposite the blood covered man, ready for another round. He would have to be ready, the girl was counting on him now. He was about to attack when bloodweaver offered a... truce? Wary of a trap, Alex paused before giving him a terse nod.

"That...That would be fine with me. These guys tried to kill you as well as me. You will pay for killing those people, but that will have to be another time. For now... For now, we have to deal with these.. these damn snakes."

Talking was painful, but Alex could handle the pain. He clenched his hand into a fist, his strength flaring. He guesstimated that he was at roughly 90% strength right now. More then enough... if they made this quick.

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Registration date : 2015-09-17

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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by creator September 30th 2015, 7:59 am

It didn't take much for Yumo to figure out that the little girl had poisoned his opponent now ally and he was glad that the girl was looking at the other guy's backside. He could see the unusual color in the girls eyes and knew that her ability was more than just poisoning, he had only got a small dose of damage from the little girl.

Yumo looked at the boy for a second and rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't be the first to threaten me and I know you won't be the last." He said with a laugh. "Do you need help or can u handle that on your own?" He asked as he raised his hand and gestured at his own veins.




Karah (Renegade)
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Registration date : 2013-09-18

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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by The Nekromonga October 4th 2015, 9:01 pm

Sage made her way to the House, searching around and eventually finding them. She was about to toss her Alloy combat knife at Yumo, when his stance and demeanor had greatly changed, apparently having changed his tune. Still... She was never the trusting type.

But right now, Alex was in trouble. Apparently the girl lost her blindfold and looked at him, knocking him down with poison. Sage put herself between Alex, the girl and Yumo, knife in hand while she put her own helmet on the girl's head. "Ooooohh..." The innocent child marvelled at the pink tactical helm, which offered opaque lens functionality. Sage kept it on.

"...So... your alien friends decided to let you go?" Sage said, her valley girl accent slipping there a moment. "Like, you are totally not cool, blood bro. What's your angle?" She minded the mistake and corrected it. While her knife was in hand against Yumo, she knelt beside Alex and brought out a metal syringe. The little girl gasped, terrified of needles.

"Ah, sorry! I promise this won't hurt him. Like, it'll help him in fact." She assured the girl.

"...Hey man. Like, you got a look at her eyes, didn't you?" She said, patting Alex on the shoulder. "Just so you know, This is a special anti-toxin I... ah, like, my lab guys made. It could slow down the poisoning, but like, Until we can get a sample of her blood, we can't make a real cure..." She paused.

"I saw how tough you are, but don't worry, like, this syringe is so totally made of a special alloy." She assured him, offering the anti-toxin. She skipped the part where it was reverse engineered from the metals the aliens used.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by Lotsofluck October 6th 2015, 7:01 pm

"Her eyes are weird, did you know that?"

Alex sounded funny, distant. His head was pounding as his eyes felt like they were on fire. His strength though was... weird. He felt great in that his strength was still there, he was still strong. But his body felt weak, his legs barely able to keep standing. It was as if he was leaning on something that was supporting his body. A very weird feeling.

"No, lets not pull all my blood out of my body yet... Not that desperate.... right?"

He looked over to Sage as she pulled out the needle. Oh good she was a doctor then. Least to Alex's fevered mind she was. He nodded his constent to the needle. But when Sage moved to plunge it into him, she felt no resistance other then normal human resistance. It was as if Alex's toughness wasn't resistant the needle.


He muttered more to himself then to anyone else. He struggled to stand up striaghter, still holding the girl.

"Can we just leave now? Lets get the hell out of here before this gets any worse."

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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by creator October 6th 2015, 7:20 pm

Yumo looked at the two and rolled his eyes. "I can't pull blood from the living." He said as he looked at the girl. He smiled and looked down towards where the others ran to. " We could leave but I'm sure you don't like the thought of leaving the other innocent children in that things hands." He said as he looked back at alex. He then pushed out a green breath from his mouth and held it in his hands.

"This is a healing aura that I can use to heal others or myself. The hard part is healing others though. " He said as the energy began to diminish. Yumo then put one of his hand on his hips and waited for more jabs towards his powers as well as himself.




Karah (Renegade)
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What we Reap - Page 2 Empty Re: What we Reap

Post by The Nekromonga October 8th 2015, 12:04 am

"We'll need to head to a safer place. I doubt the snakes will give up so soon after this." Sage says, seeing that their new 'ally' has no more reason to continue working for such treacherous masters.

Sage picks up the gorgon girl, giving her a piggyback ride. She turned towards Yumo. "Can you carry Alex? I know a safe place where we can stay..."

Even as police arrived on the scene, Sage was able to help them evacuate with the arrival of a personal limo, driven by a British woman.
((End thread. You may post closing posts.))

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
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