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Bright Lights (Neon)

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data May 27th 2015, 2:01 pm

Hikari was right, meta human strike teams were on their way. However, this little situation was bound to erupt before they got there. Jake was impressed by Hikari's social skills, oddly she was excellent at calling peoples bluffs. Yet Jake had a feeling this wasn't exactly a bluff. Isabel was cackling wildly, she truly thought what Hikari was saying was funny.

"I don't think anything through, I'm not like Lucius and his other little bitches. I make things up as i go along. The only problem with your theory is you seem to think i give a shit what my 'boss' wants. In the end we don't need this little shit, if i kill him i'll maybe get yelled at and that will be the end of it. I'll do it, i'll snap his neck if it takes that confident bitchy smirk off your face." Isabel said with her own sly smirk. Suddenly Jake let out an agonizing cry, and a crunch could be heard.

"Ahhhhgg!!! You fucking whore!" Jake screamed through watery eyes, he was obviously at the brink of crying it was so painful.

"Oh, that wasn't me being a whore, that was me being a bitch. This is me being a whore." Isabel said grabbing his face forcefully, bringing his lips to hers. Isabel forced her tongue down his throat, which he tried to reject but it was quite fruitless. So he was now being mouth raped and had a few broken ribs, he hoped Hikari knew just what the hell she was doing. Once she finally pulled away she wiped her mouth, looking at Hikari with a crazy smile, Jake looked both shocked and in pain.

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy May 27th 2015, 2:43 pm

Hikari’s confident grin turned into a infuriated frown as this woman breaks Jake’s bones in front of her, she’s a nutjob, she doesn’t even care what her boss wants.  There’s nothing the heroine can do in this situation, her own bluff was called.  If she rushed at her, the goons will kill her.  If she took at the guards, the pink haired bitch will kill Jake.   Her situation sucked.

“Damnit…” She curses to herself in her native tongue, shaking her head in shame of her own actions as she slowly raises her arms in surrender.  “Fine, you bitch.. you beat me..  Just don’t hurt Jake..  I’ll do whatever you want.” She glares at her from behind the visor of her helmet, wanting to just attack her, but she has to be smarter.  If she has to suck in her pride and act defeated, then so be it.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data May 27th 2015, 3:40 pm

Dammit, Hikari gave up, not that Jake blamed her, it was really the only thing she could do. He needed to do something, and do something quick, or they were screwed. He mustered up all the force of his will he could to overpower the pain, to send one very small message to a specific person. He just hoped he would get it in time.

"Well all you have to do is follow us to our little holding cell, and if you try anything well...." Isabel said before gesturing her hand, the construct clamped down on Jake's leg with a literal ton of force, shattering the very bone.

"Aahhhhhh.....arggghh!!! Please! Stop! she gave up!....ehhhh." Jake screamed, pleading for the pink haired woman to cease. He was full on crying now, who wouldn't after getting their leg shattered?

"Just a warning, to make sure she knows what will happen if she doesn't cooperate." Isabel said casually, she was utterly crazy. Isabel turned, bringing Jake with her and expecting Hikari to follow. Yet before they got far, someone appeared. In a flash of blue light he was there, a gun to Isabel's head ready to fire.

"Let. Him. Go." Agent Michael Daniels said, pushing the tip of the gun into Isabel's head. Her eyes widened, she knew who this guy was, and knew he meant business. The goons stood down on her command, they couldn't very well shoot the guy and let one of their bosses die, or they would end up dead.

"A-alright.....lets just calDon't tell me to calm down! I'll blow your psychotic brains out all over the docks. Let him the fuck go Isabel!" Daniels said, getting ready to pull the trigger. With no other choice, Isabel freed Jake, who instantly collapsed. Michael went to him, still expertly pointing his gun at Isabel's face. He was prepared to teleport them out of there. He rested one arm on Jake and gestured for Hikari to come to him, hopefully she knew what was happening. The meta human strike team finally arrived, and they were raiding the docks, so they had done a decent job. As soon as Hikari grabbed Daniels they would all be ported to a hospital, where Jake needed to be.
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Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy May 27th 2015, 6:00 pm

Hikari didn’t know who this guy with the gun was, but he was a fucking hero for stepping in as quickly as he did.  In a couple moments Jake was saved, a shattered femur, but alive.  The bitch in pink looked defeated, and the new guy had Jake in his arms, and gestured for her to come too.  

No.. fuck that.. she thought as she clenched her fist and glared toward the crazy chick. “I don’t know who you are, but you saved Jake’s life, so take care of him.. I’ll catch up..” she spoke without looking at the man. “This bitch is mine..”

She frowns at Isabel, “You don’t have a hostage anymore…  I’m going to tear you apart..” In a blink of purple light she ran at her and leaped into the air, using her own speed to fire herself like a torpedo at the other girl, her leg stretched out to send to foot rocketing towards Isabel’s face.  Well, she did say she was going to show her the bottom of her foot..
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data May 27th 2015, 11:41 pm

Agent Daniels just shrugged, he could care less if someone like Isabel got a brutal beating before being arrested by the meta human strike team. He would have stuck around to make sure she wouldn't somehow get out of it, but Jake was badly injured and he honestly had other matters to attend to. In a moment they both disappeared in a flash of blue just like Michael did when he showed up. Arriving at the hospital Daniels carried the now unconscious Jake inside. Some doctors tried take him to a room, but Michael just flashed a badge and they left it at that. He picked a random room, put Jake on the bed, then administered a highly advanced healing serum. If he hadn't done this and just let the doctors give Jake standard care, the technopath probably wouldn't have ever walked again. By the time Hikari got their Daniels would be gone, and Jake would still be knocked out in the hospital bed healing.

As soon as Hikari said Isabel was hers, the pink haired woman's eyes widened in fear. She knew she couldn't react to the speedster, and knew she was likely about to take a beating. In a flash Hikari was off, dashing at Isabel who was about to form a barrier, but was to late. The kick hit her in the face, sending her flying across the docks and tearing up the wooden blanks until she rammed into and crushed a storage container. Isabel grunted, spiting up a bit of blood that had came from a cut in her mouth. She instantly put a pink bubble up in an effort to keep herself safe, but even that was likely not enough to protect her from the enraged speedster.

"Ehg......I need a rescue. That Agent guy showed up." Isabel yelled through her communicator.

"You know what? Get yourself out of this one." Lucius said with much irritation in his voice before cutting off communications. Looks like Isabel was on her own.
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Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy May 28th 2015, 11:45 am

“A rescue?  You really think I’m going to let you get away?  You shattered his bones… now I’m going to shatter your’s!”  A furious Neon lifts up her hand to shoot out a very focused beam of purple light from her hand at the little pink bubble made by her enemy, not holding back in the intensity in order to attempt to break the shield quickly.

If this was successful, the speedster would be next her in a blink of an eye, starting off with two quick punches to each side of the woman’s ribs, and a powerful kick to the side of her leg, aiming to break some serious bones with these moves.  “Where’s your grin now, huh!?  How does it feel to have your body broken!?”  She screams out at her in an enraged roar, her body shaking with anger.
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Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data May 28th 2015, 3:39 pm

Oh, now Isabel was screwed. No help, no hostage, and nothing to keep her from getting her face ground up. Hikari's energy attack cut through Isabel's construct in seconds, and in even less time the speedster was next to her. One punch to her left side, broke a rib, another punch to her right, broke another, and finally a kick to the leg, which knocked her off her feet. The sheer speed these strikes were coming at made them incredibly deadly and powerful, powerful enough to shatter even Isabel's bones. She grunted on the ground, holding her rib cage in pain.

"..Arghh......arrrgh........i-i give up! Just stop!" Isabel pleaded in between grunts of pain and pants, but knowing just how pissed the speedster was, she was unlikely to get the relief she wanted. Suddenly, from the docks speakers, a familiar robotic voice could be heard.

"You should do it, you should kill her. She's kind of a pain in my ass, but i can't do it myself for some personal reasons. Come on, kill her, show me just how similar you are to us!" Lucius said. At this point he was just having some fun.

((The choice is yours, kill her here, she dies for real......but i can't say Jake would approve.))
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Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy May 29th 2015, 11:17 am

Neon stood above the battered and broken down body of her enemy, rage still flooding through her senses as she goes to kick the pink haired woman onto her back and point a finger at her face. “Look at you now… so confident a moment ago.. now you’re begging for me to stop..  Jake begged for you to stop.. and you hurt him more.  Why the fuck should I stop!?” Her finger began to light up very brightly as if another beam was about to shoot straight into her head like a bullet and end her miserable life.  Why shouldn’t Neon just kill her right here?  She’s a psychopath, she’ll just hurt people, and more importantly, Neon has all the power in the world to do it.

The heroine stared down at her wanting nothing more than to finish her off, it wouldn’t take any effort.  All she would have to do is release the energy she built up at the tip of her finger.  She paused when a voice came to her, a familiar voice, one she heard just yesterday, Lucius’ voice.  He was… encouraging her to do it, to take her out. This cunt’s boss even wants her dead…?  She thought to herself as she considered the mad-man’s words.  What use is she alive if even her boss doesn’t want her..?

A bunch of thoughts flood through Hikari’s mind; Kill her!  Don’t kill her!  Her boss wants her dead too!  I’m not doing his fucking dirty work!?  I want her to pay for what she’s done to Jake!  Her mind continued to rage, staring down at the girl with a deadily amount of energy ready to be used.  Its not like it’ll be hard, I already killed a man once… With that, her mind went to her parents, and her own past.  All of this thought filling her with a bunch of emotions that started chaos in her psyche.

Then she fired…..

Neon slowly put her hand down after putting a deep, smoking hole in the cement ground right next to Isabel’s head.  She spoke out to Lucius, who was no doubt listening. “No…  I am nothing like you.  You pricks ruin lives for your own selfish gain, where I put my own life on the line to help make others better.. free from people like you.  I’m not going to be your assassin, Lucius… take out your own trash.”  She looks down at Isabel and clenches her fist, “As for you… know that you’re only alive because I desided… now, if you ever… and I mean EVER.. come after me or the people I love, and hurt them… the next time I will not be as reasonable as I was today, understand?” She continues without waiting for an answer. “Good, now take a nap..” She growls and sends her foot into the side of the woman’s head, attempting to knock her out cold.  If she didn’t succeed, it wouldn’t of mattered much anyway because in a flash of bright purple light, Neon was gone.

A few miles away in an alleyway Neon stops running, her breathing was deep and rapid.  She slowly removes her helmet and throws it hard at a wall in anger, shattering the visor and snapping off one of its ears.  Her mind is going wild as all the emotions built up from a few moments ago struggle to be released.  “Gyaaa!!” Hikari screams out as loud as she could before firing out multiple means of deadily purple light at dumpster, a few trashcans, and flour pots.  Her legs give out and Hikari goes down on her hands and knees, furiously punching the ground a few times before finally…. she begins to cry.  Tears pour out from her eyes as she weeps.  The idea that she wanted so badily to kill someone, after making a promise to herself and her parent’s memory to never take a life out of anger again, was too much for her to handle at this point.  Once she was away from the docks, and alone in some random alley, she was safe enough to finally let herself break down.

An hour later Hikari walked into the hospital that Jake was staying at, she was wearing normal clothes; a pair of ripped blue jeans, boots, and a black tanktop.  She made her way to the front desk, and the nice lady working there kindly directed her to Jake’s room.  Wasting no time getting there, Hikari was in the doorway of Jake’s room, looking at him lie there on the bed, no doubt heavily drugged up to stop the pain from his leg.  Which was probably in a nice bulky cast with metal rods sticking out of it while suspended from the ceiling with wire.  The sight made the tomboy frown, wishing she could have prevented it all.  She was an idiot for letting him come along before training him better.  With a sigh, Hikari slowly walked into the room and sat herself in a chair next to Jake’s head and buried her own into her hands, calmly waiting for Jake to wake up.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data May 29th 2015, 5:46 pm

Lucius could only smile at the speedsters refusal to kill. It was obvious she had trouble with it, she was practically shacking with anger. He had done what he intended, he got in her head, and caused her to freak out. Lucius loved playing with his toys. He said nothing as he watched Hikari knock his minion cold, warning the girl that next time, if there was one, she wouldn't have so much mercy. As soon as she left the strike team surrounded the now unconscious Isabel, but were met with a bit of a surprise. Lucius appeared, sending red energy constructs into all the officers, killing them instantly. Just as this happened Isabel awoke, if only slightly, giving Lucius a look of anger.

"...Don't give me that face, i knew she wouldn't do it." Lucius said before grabbing the pink haired girl and teleporting away in a flash of red.


It had been about an hour since Jake was brought in by Daniels. Unfortunately he was still knocked cold, as well as wrapped up in all sorts of bandages. He would be fine due to Michaels healing serum, but he was still in a ton of pain. After about ten minutes at his side Hikari would finally see him awake again, if a bit shaken up.

"H-hikari.." Jake groaned, a smile forming across his face as he weakly brought his hand to her cheek. He was pretty screwed, and really drugged up. He likely didn't know exactly where he was, but Hikari was here, and that was all that matter to him right now.
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Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy May 30th 2015, 8:28 am

Hikari gasped out loud when she heard her name called in such a weak voice and she quickly propped her head up to look over Jake.  Her lips coiled into a small smile when his hand touched her cheek, Hikari slowly sliding her own over his.  He was drugged up, and clearly in pain.  The sight of him in this condition was very upsetting for the heroine, causing drops of tears to form in the corners of her eyes.

“Jake…" She rubs her cheek against his hand as she stares into his eyes, sad to see him in his current state, but very happy to see him alive.  She wouldn’t know what to do with herself if she got the guy killed.  She thought she could protect him, and that he was safe… she’ll never make that mistake again..

“Jake… I’m so sorry this happened to you..  I-its all my fault… I shouldn’t have brought you along…  You’re inexperienced and I jumped into the field too fast with you…”  She slowly places her other hand on Jake’s cheek, looking at him with a frown. “You go hurt… and I didn’t protect you…”  She sniffles a bit as the tears in her eyes slowly roll down her cheeks.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data May 31st 2015, 2:14 am

This was shitty. He felt like utter crap, but that was to be expected after getting your bones obliterated. He was so drugged he really didn't understand what Hikari was saying, but he knew she looked upset. He weakly wiped her tears away, not wanting her to cry over this. As much pain as he was in, he knew it would end and he would be fine. He just needed to stay here and eat a bunch of hospital food for awhile. He grunted and held his ribs as he struggled to sit up, but eventually did. He then pulled Hikari close to him, bringing her into a hug.

"I love you." He said in a hushed tone into her ear. Neither had said those words yet, and who would after such a short time together? But he meant it, even though he was drugged, he truly did. After that, well, he did what anyone would do, he kissed her. Not like before, which had a lot of aggression and lust, this was more emotional. He held the back of her head as he did so, weaving  his hand through her hair before finally breaking away. He stared at her for a moment after that, then returned to his previous position. He was clearly very tired, probably because of the drugs. In mere moments, he would fall back into a deep sleep.

(Final post for Jake.)
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Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

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