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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Teen Angel March 23rd 2014, 3:53 pm

Feeling unusually weak X-98B is in Pike Market in Downtown Seattle After Using his Neon Dash to get on to a roof with a Neon Sign and he drained it starting to feel better he decided to go for a walk hit the town go and see the space needle

Last edited by X-98B on March 24th 2014, 1:36 am; edited 1 time in total
Teen Angel
Teen Angel

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus March 24th 2014, 1:32 am

It had been a long and treacherous few months in hiding, but Vexus had finally decided to emerge back to the public again. She looked nothing like she had before, so there would be no worry of anyone recognizing her. For now, Elena would just have to use a different name so that people didn't jump to conclusions. Granted, Elena was a common enough name so it would be easy enough to use that. Last name though, maybe she would use Smith. Or possibly Jane. Two first names? The excuse could always be 'I didn't pick the name'. It would have to work for now.
Another problem she has come across is dealing with her money. It wasn't of too much concern, but because of her appearance change it was starting to become increasingly difficult to access her funds. It couldn't be helped. There was nothing for her to use it on anyways. Strangely enough, she had made her return to society in Seattle, Washington. It was far enough from the disaster site, but sadly not far enough for her. The weather was not the best, but it was days like these that Elena enjoyed going out on. It was cloudily and raining steadily, also growing closer to night with most of the neon lights of the city kicking to life. Vexus walked through the city in all black as if she had just come from a funeral. Black top, black skirt, black gloves, black shoes, black umbrella. Her outfit almost made it hard to see her in the dark.

In her very long life span, this city was one that she had actually never been to. There was never a purpose. It was nice to explore on the quieter nights such as these. Eventually she made her way to what is called the "International Fountain" which had an excellent view of the Space Needle as well. The fountain was still going with some nice lighting to it, the sound of the running water was calming despite the pitter patter of the rain on her umbrella. There were some benches before the large crater area that contained the actual fountain, after clearing off the water in a small area of the bench she took a seat. From one of the pockets on her skirt, Elena pulled out a phone. Taking off one of her gloves she navigated through the touch screen device while holding the umbrella in the other hand. She had always had the thought of possibly forgetting everything that she was trying to achieve in her life time and maybe just becoming a normal person for a little while. No power usage, no world domination schemes. Just her, some traveling, maybe some friends. Friends would be difficult... Vexus let out a sigh, put away her phone, and put her glove back on, crossed her legs and just sat under her umbrella in the rain. Thinking.
"I could level this entire city in nothing flat... But where would that get me...?" she thought out loud seriously contemplating the idea just to add some spark to the night. She wasn't going to do it, of course. It would be brash and downright silly. Elena was just in an odd limbo with her destructive side and a new sort of peaceful side that enjoyed the calmer and simpler aspects of life. Maybe she needed to go back into hiding. The world might not be ready for her again, or rather, she might not be ready for the world.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Ink March 24th 2014, 2:02 am

"Blake, I have a meeting out here at the Seattle Branch.  I told you that.  I can't just drop everything to come home and beat up some psycho rampaging in the street," Lana said over the phone.  "No, I don't expect you to put on the costume.  It wouldn't look as good on you, anyway."  Lana sighed as her old friend panics into her ear from Detroit.  "Then just run over him with your truck!  If he's that tough, I'm sure he'll live!  Look, the meeting is in two hours and I have a few stops to make.  I'll see you when I get back."  Lana drove her luxury rental car along the slick Seattle streets as the light rain sprinkled down on the pavement and her windshield.  The tires kicked up a water as she zipped by, skillfully managing to stop the vehicle on a dime in spite of the rain.

Quintessence hadn't been active for over a month.  Not since Blake got back from overseas.  He'd promised her a surprise for when she returned from her trip.  Lawless Publications was in the middle of a deal that had the potential to make or break the company.  But before she could settle into that, Lana would have to spend some time familiarizing herself with other branches.

It amused Lana, how much of a role reversal this was.  Once upon a time it was Blake sticking his neck out for her on a regular basis.  Now she'd given him a job and a role in her double life.  But she did occasionally have to question the whole thing.  What are you doing, Lana?  Super Strength or not, the first time you tried this, you nearly got yourself killed.  Why can't you just let the boys in blue take care of things?  It's their job to do it, right?  She continued to think in that pattern until reaching her first stop; a nearby post office.  Upon getting out of the car, she reached in back and grabbed a large box that, to a normal person, would be several times heavier.  But there are things the cops can't do too.  And who says every cop is a good guy?  Blake knows.  Maddie knows.  Half the staff back home knows.  A good chunk of the force there is on the level.  Why assume it isn't like that anywhere else?

After carrying the box inside and dropping it off, Lana turned back to the car, hoping for a quiet trip to her next destination. wouldn't hurt to have something to fall back on besides muscle to get things done.  I should work on that with Blake when I get home.
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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Teen Angel March 24th 2014, 3:48 pm

Felix feeling bored again he decides to go and Stencil paint a frequently passed wall so he gets out his paint and stencils he carries in a bag he brought with him and tapes up the stencil and starts listening to music while starting to spray paint getting the attention of some cops who are fairly far away which gets the attention of the civilian and tourist crowds near by including Elena and Lana.

Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) 10313864_1413509632258176_4350737071325790484_n

Teen Angel
Teen Angel

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus March 24th 2014, 6:52 pm

As Vexus sat around she heard a bit of rustling around the corner. Figuring there was nothing better to do than investigate, she got up and slowly began walking over to where she heart the commotion. Soon music began to blare from the location and it was quickly becoming annoying. If there was one thing that Vexus never was able to adjust to over the years was the music. Eventually it seemed like she was not the only annoyed by the music choice of the delinquent. There was a lone siren that sounded in the distance, it cut out shortly after though. Elena figured they decided to run the lights to dodge a light or something, but there was still a good chance they were headed this way. A public disturbance was nothing to get too worked up about.
As she moved closer to the source of the disturbance Elena heard more sounds. That of aluminum cans being set down, shaken and then sprayed. She had a feeling that whoever was using these aerosols was not using hairspray. Unfortunately too, as the rain had done a number on her hair. As she turned a corner she came upon the sight of what appeared to be a derelict vandalizing a wall with spray paints. It was quite peculiar seeing as he was using stencils.
"You see, I find this pretty interesting." she said as she took a couple steps closer to the kid.
"I always thought that the delinquents who made such nice murals on the city walls were just rebellious artists looking for a creativity outlet. Using stencils though seems so demeaning. Vandalizing for the sake of, well I suppose just making a mess of things."
They were still in a sort of park setting, trees around, and a bench along the walkway through the nature. The tree cover was stopping some of the rain from falling, but Elena still kept her umbrella up.
"Now, I do not do this often. But I did hear the authorities not too far off. So, I would suggest picking up shop as soon as you can." Vexus eyed his 'artwork' up and down for a quick second.
"I mean, even with the stencil I'm not entirely sure on what its supposed to be..." she said tilting her head back and fourth trying to make sense of the image on the wall. With this comment it seemed that she always had to throw in some sort of condescending comment. At least being bitter came with age, this way she had a little bit more of an excuse for her actions.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Ink March 24th 2014, 7:20 pm

As Lana passed by on her way to her meeting, she took notice to the scene.  She had time.  She could watch for a bit.  She didn't particularly like the music, either, but it wasn't exactly her place to tell the kid what to listen to.  Being from Detroit, she knew that to some people, tagging was more than an art.  They practically had it down to a science.  This kid wasn't bad but he definitely wasn't from Detroit.  Still, there was something about younger generations that intrigued Lana.  She was still young.  She could understand.  But some people...some just didn't.

As the other woman approached the boy, Lana took to leaning against a light post and listening in.  Superhuman senses were fun to play around with.  She heard some pretty harsh words being thrown around and each volley hit Lana where she lived.  She took action, walking over to them.  "Hey would ya lay off him, lady?  What'd he do to you?" she protested in his favor.

She turned her attention to the boy.  "Don't worry about the bag lady, here.  Look, I know you don't mean no trouble, but you think you could maybe turn the tunes down a peg?  Some people got...sensitive ears."  Then her gaze met the mural on the wall.  "I like what you're doing, here.  I see some room for improvement, but practice makes perfect, right?"
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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Teen Angel March 25th 2014, 12:08 am

hearing those ever so familiar criticisms Felix just kept on spraying and then simply said to the crowd "tis but art my dear folks so please calm down" then in a few minutes he was finally done then of course the police arrived one of which was Felixs sister she said to him "felix calm down just come to the station please" to which he said to her "to hell with that" Felix throws a non lethal neon grenade at the police officers and normal runs into the crowd to blend in

Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) 10313864_1413509632258176_4350737071325790484_n

Teen Angel
Teen Angel

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus March 25th 2014, 1:58 pm

Elena rolled her eyes under the shadow of her umbrella and for whatever reason there was now a crowd of sorts. Another woman had arrived completely undermining Vexus' comments telling this boy to continue on with his work. There are too many goodie-two-shoes around these days, if people are not honest in telling people that what they are doing is bad or wrong then nothing will ever get accomplished. This kid had lost his window of opportunity to slip away before the authorities arrived. A couple of officers emerged out of the car and apparently, the female officer knew the delinquent. This kid's name was Felix, and he did not want to come quietly. So now his charges of public disturbance might be taken up to resisting arrest.
This boy was digging himself a deeper hole here. He manifested a bright orb of energy that Vexus did not immediately recognize. He threw it at the officers and then tried to make a break for it into the crowd. Without moving anything besides her eyes she gave the ball of energy a flick sending it much further than the intended target but making it look as if Felix had just put too much force into the throw.
"I suppose he needs to work on his aim and his art..." said Vexus under her breath with a smirk.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Ink March 25th 2014, 3:34 pm

"You've gotta be kiddin' me.  It's just paint.  The city's covered in it already," Lana says to herself as the officer comes to check out the situation.  "I don't mean to undermine what you do, officer, but tagging is hardly worth taking someone to the station for.  Just write him a-"  Lana's interrupted when the boy protests.  Already, she can see where this is going to end up.  "Wait, everybody, just calm-"  And again she's interrupted when she sees some sort of ball of light forming in the kid's hand which he then lobs at the officers before disappearing.

As he runs off into the crowd, her eyes narrow.  She checks and sees to it that the officers are all right then looks in the direction he ran off.  "And now, kid, I have no sympathy for you," she says to herself, running back to the rental car and grabbing her briefcase from the back seat.  "I can just hear Blake now. 'I told you so!  I told you so!'  Yeah, well, I'm a sucker for stuff like this.  What can I say?"
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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Teen Angel March 25th 2014, 8:10 pm

"i never asked for your sympathy lady" Felix said then he Neon dashed by his stencils still up on the wall and took them off and grabbed his bag and quickly came close to the exit of the Space Needle Center and stops running "id love to stay and chat but i got places to be buildings to tag you all understand" he winks at vexus in a way that says follow me we can have some fun taking over this city together.

Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) 10313864_1413509632258176_4350737071325790484_n

Teen Angel
Teen Angel

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus March 25th 2014, 10:16 pm

Elena's eyes were going to roll right out of her head at this rate. The police weren't really doing anything, the onlookers were just... well, looking on and now both the unidentified woman and Felix were leaving. Vexus was not yet finished with Felix though, he was a cliche with legs and she found him decently entertaining. As he approached the exit, she erected a telekinetic barrier in front of his path. The boy was probably in far too much of a rush to notice the light distortion it was causing. Hopefully he would run straight into it. Elena then turned to the officers to have a word with them.
"You two have been very helpful, but despite your relation to this delinquent I am going to have to ask you to leave. I'll handle the situation from here on out."
"I'm sorry miss but we aren't going to do that. You're not in change here."
"Oh don't be silly, I'm in charge everywhere."
Without moving a muscle, Vexus took the handcuffs from her partner's belt, hooked one around the man's wrist and then dragged him over to a fence and locked the other side there. Following she crushed the barrels of both of their guns.
The female backed down and went to help her partner so that they could leave the scene. Elena then turned to the somewhat surprised crowd.
"Thank you ladies and gentlemen for attending tonight performance... Now go home." she said sternly. In a bit of an organized mess everyone who had been a bystander was quickly making their way out of the vicinity and in just a few moment the area was clear.
"Now then, Felix was it? Would you come down here please? I would like to have a word with you..."

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Ink March 25th 2014, 10:25 pm

Lana had seen the cops go down. She slips on something a bit more comfortable while out of sight then jumps from there to the police. "Hi, officers. Sorry to interrupt, but would you mind leaving? I think it's safe to say that you're a bit outclassed here. I'll take care of your little problem."

"Aren't you that joke from Detroit?"

"Yes, I'm that joke from Detroit. You know, the one who can do this," Quin says, breaking the chain of the cuffs with her bare hands. "Now, as I was saying, please be on your way. Trust me, I'm being nice. Now isn't a good time to test my temper. I could have just knocked you both out so you wouldn't be any trouble."

Then Quin turns and leaps up, grabbing onto the side of a building by digging her fingers into the wall and looking down for the boy and that condescending old woman. "Okay, super senses, do your thing."


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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Teen Angel March 26th 2014, 2:55 pm

Felix in a hurry to leave walked right into Vexus' force feild of telekinetic energy and then said "okay miss fine ill come to you" assuming that she wasnt his enemy he saw Lana
and ran past her to Vexus "okay what do you want lady?" playing around with his neon powers just throwing around a neon ball

Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) 10313864_1413509632258176_4350737071325790484_n

Teen Angel
Teen Angel

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus March 26th 2014, 9:30 pm

"I feel like you could have a much more creative outlet for your talents. Something that won't always attract the authorities."
She saw the other girl tending to the two officers she had roughed up not but a moment ago. The girl wasn't causing any trouble so Elena would leave her be for the time being.
"I'm just a lonely old lady looking for some entertainment and I just have not witnessed any abilities similar to yours before."
Before now she had not been facing Felix, after turning to face him she raised her umbrella up so that her face was in a more clear view.
"Could I trouble you for a demonstration young man?" she said with a curious smirk.Be though as it may, the other girl in this situation was still on the premises and her actions could not yet be predicted. So regardless of her current interest in the police officers Elena kept a sharp eye on her still.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) Empty Re: Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus)

Post by Teen Angel March 26th 2014, 9:37 pm

"i never did catch your name there lady and uh what did you wanna see" he said he started looking over at the police and Lana thinking this lady could be like my mother figure and maybe a few things about my powers and how to control them

Bright Lights and Fun in Seattle (closed to Elena Vexus) 10313864_1413509632258176_4350737071325790484_n

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