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Bright Lights (Neon)

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy April 17th 2015, 3:15 pm

Hikari awoke to the smell of coffee, and the nudges of the boy she had slept with the night before.  She notices he was fully clothed, showered, and had a cup of coffee in his hands.  Well, he surely made himself at home while she slept.  After a nice yawn, Hikari slowly sat up in her bed, noticing too late that her naked chest was in full view of the man.  With a blush and a quick yank of her hand she brought the blankets close to her chest, covering up.  Why she’s covering herself up, she doesn’t know.  She already slept with the guy, he knows what she looks like.  With a shrug, Hikari lets the blankets fall again reaching over for her folded tank top.

“Yeah, coffee’s good… thanks.” She gives him a happy smile before taking up the cup and having a nice sip.  Another blush comes across her cheeks as she looks up at him, “Uhm… how’d you sleep?” she says, trying not to make things awkward, even if they already are.  She just met this guy, and hours later they had sex.  Even for her that was weird.

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data April 17th 2015, 4:15 pm

Handing off the cup of coffee he took a few steps to the side, leaning on the nightstand. He watched amused as she fumbled for the blankets to cover herself, no point in that now. She thanked him for the coffee, which he responded to with a nod. Taking a deep drink of his coffee Hikari asked him how he slept, which made him blush at the thought of the night before as he pulled the cup from his lips. There was an awkwardness in the air, some kind of conversation had to be struck up.  

"Pretty well, much better then on my own in that hotel." He said with the slight grin that had been stapled to his face all morning. Taking yet another sip of his coffee he sat the cup down on the night stand, preparing to tell Hikari about something he had seen with his powers.

"So, i heard on a police radio there was another arms deal down at the docks. There's metas there.......those cops are gonna need some help." He said, hoping she got the hint that he wanted them to go down there. He had no real gear at the present, but hey, he wasn't the one that would be doing the fighting.

"From what i can tell Lucius has control of that part of the docks, its his operation. We'll have to be careful, he has some pretty sleek tech and seems powerful." Jake said sincerely. He had no real plan, just go in and stop the bad guys pretty much. He just really wanted to see Hikari fight.
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Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy April 17th 2015, 4:50 pm

He’s already looking into criminal actions?  Wow, he’s committing pretty fast. Hikari thinks behind her smile that she gave Jake as she listens to his statements.  Her eyes turn to the window, seeing sunlike peek in. “Its still daylight, normally I don’t go out until night.. but things like this can’t wait.” She nods her head slowly and hops out of bed.  Literally wearing only her tank top, still nude everywhere else. “You won’t be able to keep up with me on the ground, can you ride a motorcycle?” She turns to look back at him as she statches up her underwear from the pile of clothing and quickly slips them on before walking over to her closet.

Upon opening it, Jake can see a black folded up suit with a weird looking motorcycle helmet resting on top.  It was all black like the rest of the outfit but with weird cat-like ears sticking on the top of it.  She looks to the side of her closet and rummages around for a bit. “I have some spare gear if you want it, it probably won't fit you because, well its in a woman’s size.” She snickers and looks back at him, going to toss a normal looking motorcycle helmet on the bed next to him, “That will fit you though.”

Instead of waiting for him to answer her questions she slowly moves towards her kitchen after taking her coffee, opening her window to let a black cat inside her house. “Morning Jinxy, hope you had fun.” She runs her hands through the cat’s fur before it hops inside the apartment and looks for its bowl.  With a yawn, Hikari picks up her TV remote and turns on the box, watching the news.  The traffic part in particular.  “I hate running in the day..” She sighs softly before taking another sip of her morning drink.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data April 18th 2015, 3:47 pm

She didn't go out during the day? Well, that was fine he supposed, but there was just as much crime in the morning as there was at night in a place like New York. With all the comic books and nerd novels he had read he never understood why some superheroes only went out at night. After all, crime doesn't rest for anyone.

He was visibly excited to go do this, even if he wasn't the one that would be in the action. The idea of being a vigilante was awesome, yet he never considered it before he met Hikari. It might have been a bit too soon to be going out and doing something like this, but there were men with families in danger. He was offered some spare gear, and it probably would have fit him with how skinny he was. However, it was obviously suited for a female body, so he would stick with his hoodie and skinny jeans.

".....I probably could ride, but i can get there faster. Remember when i said my powers came with a bunch of other stuff?" He said with a smirk as he followed a fair distance behind her to the kitchen.

"I'll meet you down there, lets see how fast you really are." He said jokingly once she turned around. In the next moment, his body dematerialized in a flash of techno green. He was doing what he called 'technoporting', though it wasn't exactly teleportation. It would take him 3.4 seconds to travel from her apartment on a cell phone signal all the way down to the docks, how long she would take to join him there was unclear though.

At the docks.

"Get the shit loaded already! You guys move like fucking old people!" A girl of about 19 screamed at some goons who were loading a truck full of some pretty advanced looking weapons. Lucius had been giving these weapons away at ludicrously low prices, money obviously wasn't his motive here. These weapons were causing quite a large amount of chaos in the city, and until now their source wasn't known by anyone outside of Lucius' circle.

One of Lucius' higher ranking operatives going by the name Isabel was overseeing the operation, after all, Lucius had more important things to deal with. The reason for her being here in person was the attack on their shipments the night before, the thugs couldn't handle a meta on their own. So she wasn't just there to bitch at them, but to protect them......scratch that, to protect the weapons. Isabel stood in the docks warehouse, screaming orders and generally being the bitch that she was. After awhile a low buzzing could be heard, it was Lucius. Pulling out her high tech cell phone Isabel answered the call.

"Whats up Red?" Isabel said loudly into the phone, making sure all the goons knew who she was talking to. This for some unknown reason made them work faster.

"I'm expecting a guest or two today at the docks. Detain them as best as you can, but the boy is the only one i need alive." He said simply in response, his masks filter sounding even more robotic through the phone.

"Gotcha." She said hanging up the phone. She would get a few pictures of these 'guests' sent to her phone which she quickly put to memory, this day just got a whole lot more fun.
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Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy April 25th 2015, 7:46 pm

“Let’s see how fast I am?  Is that a chall~” Hikari’s statement was cut short by Jake just disappearing and going into her landlines. “.. That’s cheating.. I didn’t get to take a shower..” She sighs and walks into her closet to change her clothes.  Its true she can get to the docks in a couple seconds if she ran, but not in her friggen underwear!

After a few moments of getting suited up, she found herself on the fire-escape of her apartment, looking around to see if anyone’s looking.  Why does she usually do this at night?  Because she lives in a crowded ass apartment block, and people are nosey.  They’ll have a hard time spotting her leaving her apartment in this black outfit if it’s dark outside.  Now that its broad daylight, her skin-tight black suit is a no brainer.  “I need a damn HQ or something..” She said with a deep sigh before turning her helmeted head to the docks.  “Here I go!”  She prepared herself to run, and after a bright purple flash of light she was gone.  All that remained was a glowing trail of purple light leading into the street, and zipping between cars.  The trail itself was left by Neon, running at half the speed of sound through traffic, fast enough to where people will see her only as, “What the fuck was that!?”  Which wasn’t as catchy as Neon.

Mere seconds later, the bright beam of light stopped dead at the docks, materializing back into the feminine frame of the girl inside of it.  Neon looked around for Jake and crossed her arms, If he makes a ‘What took you so long?’ joke, I’m going to slap him..  she frowns beneath her helmet as she waits for Jake to find her.  

She heard the voices of a two patrolmen, walking over towards her position from behind a shipping container.  If she didn’t do something about them, they’ll see her and warn the rest of their buddies, and that’ll fuck things up.  The black-clad heroine moves slowly to the corner of the container in wait of them.  

“Did you catch the game last night?” A bald headed, generic goon said to the other.

“Dude, I hate football, you know that.” Responded the other.

“Oh yeah, I forgot, you like arts and crafts.”

“The fuck does that mean?  Yeah, I’m an artist, it doesn’t mean I’m less of a man!  I mean shit, you know Hitler wanted to be a painter?  Look where he ended up.”

The bald guy looked over to the artist like he was nuts for saying that.  At that momment they were greeted by the presence of the heroine. “Hey ain’t that the bitch who crashed out shit two nights ago?”

Neon blinked with purple light, and was suddenly in front of him, leaping up into the air and twirling around before smacking her boot into the side of the bald guy’s head, sending him twirling to the side and causing his head to hit the container knocking him out. “Don’t call me a bitch… Its not nice…” She looks up at the artist, who is now trying to produce his gun.  The heroine’s form blinked again, appearing on the artist as she turns around and wraps and arm around his gun wielding hand, twisting it upward and cracking a few bones, causing him to gasp loudly and drop the gun.  Neon afterwards jerked the elbow of her arm that was previously wrapped around the artist’s and smacked it into his face, making him stagger backwards.  She spun her body around and followed the elbow with a sharp punch to the throat, causing him to choke on his breath and not be able to scream out to his buddies.  Neon finally finished him with another spinning kick to side of his head, knocking him out like she did with his buddy.

Neon slowly leans back into the container and sighed in relief, “I love this job..”
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Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data April 25th 2015, 8:59 pm

Jake appeared on the docks, roughly falling out of his signal form onto the ground. Damn, still needed to work on that. Looking around he didn't see Hikari, maybe she hadn't arrived yet. After aimlessly walking around for a moment Jake spotted some thugs and quickly ducked behind a wooden crate. He would try to listen to what they were saying, but the distance was a bit to much for him to hear them. After a few moments of thinking on what to do he saw Hikari arrive, purple light radiating from her for a moment after she stopped. Well, that was quite fast, especially since she was in her underwear when he left.....

Wait...what is she doing? Shes just gonna walk up to them and try to punch their lights out? What if she alerts everyone? He thought to himself concerned as he moved from crate to crate under cover. What he saw next shocked Jake, he had felt a bit of pride and pity at the sight. Hikari brutally and quickly dispatched the two goons almost faster then Jake could see, martial arts combined with speed didn't seem like a fun combo to face. It was pretty fun to watch and all, but quite horrible looking. They had just had multiple bones broken, Jake couldn't help but cringe at the thought of it. Regardless though, they had a job to do, if a few thugs had to get beat up then they would. Finally showing himself Jake slowly walked out from behind his hiding spot, doing so cautiously so the speedster didn't mistake him for a thug and break his face or something.

"Well get right to the point now don't you." Jake said with a smirk as he pulled his hood up. He sensed several alarms and methods of catching intruders in the area, those would need to be taken out or this would not go well for them. He tried looking into Isabel's phone call to Lucius but found it had been encrypted beyond belief, was this guy everything? With a bit of effort he shut down all the security measures in the area, they would be free to move forward at anytime.

"Alright, i took out the cameras and motion sensors. As long as we aren't seen by an actual person we should be able to maintain our element of surprise." Jake said so Hikari would know it was ok to proceed. He couldn't fight, that was true, so he felt he needed something to protect himself. He took his slimline skaters backpack off and pulled out yet another illegal item he really shouldn't have. It was a 9mm hand gun, one he had gotten a few weeks ago. He wasn't planning on shooting anyone really, but if  he had to use it he would.
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Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy April 25th 2015, 9:36 pm

Neon looks up from behind her helmet at Jake and sighs, lifting herself off of the container. “They would of saw me, and this way.. we’ll have two less people to deal with.”  She slowly walks over to one and nudges at him with her foot, the man groans and rolls over. “They’ll live… a few broken bones means when they wake up, they won’t be fit to commit crimes for a while… It also means when they do, they’ll have the fear of knowing what I will do to them if I catch them.”  She looks up at him, “Its a dirty business, being a vigilante.. its not like comic books.”

Her lips coil into a smile as Jake tells her he took care of all the cameras, making everything very easy for her.  “You’re amazing, you know…  You can do a lot of good with your powers.”  She puts her hand to his chest reassuringly, if she didn’t have a motorcycle helmet on she’d probably kiss his cheek or something.  Neon moves away from him to move closer to the meeting site, movingly slowly to avoid attention.  “Okay… first let’s see what they’re up to.. then we figure out how to fuck up their day…”

She looks back towards him and gasps, seeing his gun.  She quickly turns around and goes to skillfully disarms him pulling the gun away and quickly remove its clip and take it apart, “What are you thinking?” She says in a shouting whisper, “No guns!  Gangsters use guns, we don’t.”
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Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data April 25th 2015, 9:52 pm

Jake smiled at the complement, he really never thought of himself as amazing. Yes his powers were pretty freaky, but amazing? Anyway, they would go on to plan there course of action, that is until Jake was shocked by Hikari moving faster then he could blink to disarm him. Holy shit he would have to get used to that, she nearly gave him a heart attack moving so fast that close to him. It seemed she moved even quicker then he thought when he saw that she had taken his gun apart, completely. He felt ashamed, what was he thinking anyway? Using a gun was not only lethal to those that were hit by it but it would draw attention.

"A-alright, haha, no guns." He said awkwardly laughing. He didn't know her rules, but at least now he knew guns we off limits. He was glad she caught him now before he shot someone, that would have not been good.

"Um, ok, back to business. That building over there has the weapons in it, its throwing off all kinds of energy signatures and signals. From what i can tell, they are very advanced, we need to be cautious." Jake said slinging his pack back over his shoulder and attempting to change the subject. He had no combat abilities, so for the most part he would need to stay behind cover while Hikari did the dirty work. It wasn't that he would be doing nothing, he would actually make this mission possible, but he just wouldn't be busting heads.
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Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy May 9th 2015, 9:05 am

Advanced weapons?  The most advanced weapon Hikari has ever witnessed was a rocket launcher.  Which reminded her of the time some asshole shot a missile at her, in the middle of a crowded street.  She literally had to run alongside it, move everyone out of the way and then dodge it herself, which almost didn’t work and she was sent flying into a trash can. “Ugh… I hate weapons…” Hikari spoke out loud with a visible shudder.

“Alright, let’s go wreck their shit then.”  Hikari spoke quietly as she makes her way toward the building, being as stealthy as she could in daylight.  Suddenly another damned patrolman comes out from around the corner and spots her. “Uhm… I know what this looks like… but let me explain…” The black-clad heroine says with her arms up, the man pointing his rifle at her and opens his mouth to call out to his buddies.  

In a blink of an eye, Hikari shot a fist out and punched the guy in the adam’s apple, making him choke on his own breath and preventing him from making noise.  She then followed up her strike with a straight punch to the side of the jaw, knocking him out cold.  “Glad we could talk.”  The man, for some reason, had a cattle prod on his hip.  Hikari blinked her eyes and grabbed it, turning around to Jake and tossing the prod at him. “Here, use this.  Its not a gun, but its still fun to use.”
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Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data May 11th 2015, 3:51 am

Jake followed behind Hikari as best he could, even when she wasn't using her superspeed she was difficult to keep up with. He tried to remain unseen, hiding behind crates and the like as his speedy ally took care of the almost laughable henchmen. Jake had thought mooks were only like that in comic books and movies. Though, Hikari did make it look easy. He himself probably wouldn't stand a chance against one of those guys. Eventually he was presented with a....pipe or something, presumably to use as a weapon.

"I don't think beating someone with this would fall under what i call fun, but ok." Jake said grabbing the prod and continuing on. Suddenly, the alarm went off. It blared so very loudly and every thug on the dock was alerted. But right now, that was the least of their problems. Around the corner from them came Isabel, flanked by very big, very armored solders. They looked like robo cops but, ya know, without the cop part.

"Come out come out wherever you are! I know your here, might as well show your faces!" Yelled out Isabel with a sadistic amusement in her voice. This did not look good at all.
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Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy May 26th 2015, 8:03 pm

Hikari grinned at Jake’s peaceful nature, she finds it not only cute but admirable.  But she wants him safe before peaceful, and those rods will make someone shit themselves if used right.  She can only assume his combat training is next to nothing, he doesn’t know multiple fighting styles like she does.

Fuck!  Alarms! Her mind raced and her body jumped at the loud blaring noise of the alarm systems.  She tried to be quiet and unseen, but she normally did this shit at night.  She wasn’t used to being out at day.  Her arm slowly rests on Jake’s shoulder, “Alright.. Jake.. stay calm.. and try to see what you can do about those weapons.. I’ll handle this bitch, kay?” She whispered calmly to him before standing up and walking out into the open and leaned onto the side of a container.

“I can’t really show you my face… will the bottom of my foot work for you?”  Her eyes scan the girl, sizing her up, trying to locate weaknesses or anything she could take advantage of.
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Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data May 26th 2015, 9:51 pm

Despite the fact this lady was totally and obviously evil, Jake kinda thought she was hot. Maybe it was the pink hair, maybe the tattoos, he couldn't really tell.

"Don't be such a perv brain...." He thought to himself. He realized he should probably not do that, especelly with Hikari around. The speedster made a plan of action, which was basically just him sitting there and Hikari doing all the physical stuff. If he was going to keep doing this, he would need some weapons and gear. Even so, he was still pretty useful. Reaching out with his mind, he started to cause the weapons to short themselves out. In a few short seconds they were all completely unusable, yet showed no signs of damage.

"Kay." Jake said, not revealing he had already done his job before answering her. She sped out in full view of the pink haired lady, who just stared at her with a defiant grin.

"...Sounds like something i would say." Isabel said with a chuckle, signalling for the two robocop dudes to attack. They advanced, pointed guns, and then fired streams of death at Hikari.
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Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy May 27th 2015, 8:42 am

Who the fuck is this chick?  The pink hair, the tats, the weird outfit.  Okay… she’s pretty hot.. Hikari had to agree, this punk rock chick has a nice look going for her.  This villain is probably into the same shit as she would be, the only problem is.. she’s on the wrong side.  NIce style or not, she’s helping out a mad-man, so its her job to fuck her up.

So apparently Alex Murphy comes back from the 80s with a minigun and a twin, because these two robots are now staring her down and their barrels are revolving.  ….Wait… are those barrels revolving!?  “Oh shit!” she yells out as the miniguns begin to blast hellfire at her.  Luckily Hikari was faster than a speeding bullet, as cheesy as that sounds.

Alright, considering what happen next will be finished within a blink of an eye, let’s go through this in slow-motion.  The bullets of the two drones’ weapons begin to fly at the black-clad vigilante, but haven't yet reached her before her body begins to lean to the right and pick up a running pace.  As Hikari began to run, her body sparked with a purple energy which begins to grow over and somewhat dissolve her body.  At this point three or four of the bullets actually cross her path, but due to her body being essentially pure light at this point, the bullets pass right through her and even disintegrate due to the high temperature of her form.  The robots would probably struggle to keep track of her, because while they were still firing at where she was before, she’d already close the gap and was running at them from the right after circling around.  Her body stops dead, and her body quickly materialized as she stretched out her arm at the direction of the robocops and her hand began to glow bright purple.  A long, beam of the same light shot out in an attempt to slice both of the miniguns in two, effectively disabling them.

If all this happened with full success, to the human eye it would have went down like this;  Neon would essentially blink in a purple light at the same time as the miniguns fire, and a half second later, the guns are missing their barrels and the black-clad woman was standing right beside them.  The poor robots only able to fire a few rounds of their thousands.  

“Wooh!  That was pretty damn close, I mean if you hadn’t presented the robots like something in a movie, they might have caught me off guard and snagged a shot!  Fuck, Miniguns are fast.” She chuckles.  “It’s pretty sucky for you that I’m pretty damn fast too, huh?”  She says in her bitchiest, and most convincing tough girl tone, letting this pink haired beauty know she’s not just some bitch in a gimp suit.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data May 27th 2015, 12:04 pm

Alright, Hikari was even faster then he had previously thought. Before Jake could even blink she had disarmed the robots rendering them pretty much useless. Isabel was slightly shocked, she knew Hikari had superspeed, but that was just fucking insane. Who did Lucius think Isabel was? Some uber metahuman that could easily knock this bitch cold? She would try her best, but it was a damn good thing she had a hostage.

"You think i haven't dealt with speedsters before? We're just getting started honey." Isabel said with a half smirk forming across her face. Finally reinforcements arrived, every guard on the docks was in position with fully automatic weapons, and every high point had at least four snipers stationed on each. Even if Hikari was fast, it would be hard to see this many bullets coming if they were all given the order. On top of this, Isabel had a pretty cheap idea. Sending out a light based construct she smashed through the crate Jake was hiding behind and entangled him, then, once he was fully retrained, brought him next to her.

"Hey! Let me go!" Jake said, trying to phase or teleport only to be violently squeezed, causing him too much pain to use his powers.

"Aren't you a cute little thing." Isabel said with the same smirk on her face as before as she examined Jakes face, moving his head with a single hand on his chin.

"So what will it be babe? You gunna charge me? Maybe get shot and your boyfriend here killed in the process, or are you gonna give up?" Isabel said addressing Hikari. Jake just hung there grunting from the constant pain being put on him, if you thought he was not much help before, well, now its even worse.
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Orsy May 27th 2015, 12:58 pm

Hikari gasps and holds her hand out to catch Jake, but he was already in the pink haired ladies clutches, “Jake!” She looked at him, clenching her fists in anger at the sound of his pained cries.  Then came the clattering of foot steps as every thug on the dock was pointing guns at her.  Assault rifles, and snipers, all trained on her.  It reminded her of a firing squad, and she’s the one being executed.

Fuck… this sucks.. what am I going to do now.. she thinks for a moment before the other woman begins to touch Jake’s face, with pissed her off even more, “Don’t you touch him!” She called out infuriated.  Every single bone in her body telling her to just send one of her death rays right between this bitch’s eyes.  But that wouldn’t do much for her situation.

Her eyebrow arches when she was referred to as “babe” by this chick, in fact she was also called “honey.”  Is she… flirting with me? Hikari ponders for a moment.  The pink haired girl then said something about Jake being killed in the crossfire if Hikari moved.  That statement right there made her grin behind her helmet, giving her an idea.  “Heh, you bluff as bad as your boss', ‘honey’.” She crosses her arms defiantly and stares her down.  “Did you really think this all through?  Let’s say I just keep running, and take out every single one of your goons before they can even pull the trigger.. Hell, a few of them get lucky and shoot me while I’m running.. it won’t stop me?  Then what we’ll have is a situation with just me and you with a hostage…  Then again, how useful is he as your hostage?” She lets out a confident chuckle, “What’s to stop me from rushing you at this point?  You’re going to kill him?  You can’t kill him, your boss wants him alive.  And knowing my friend here, he’s probably already taken care of what we’re doing here and tipped off the ATF.  Or…” She points her finger directly at the pink lady’s forehead, “What if I just skip your thugs and put one between your eyes right here, right now.  Then both of us can slip away before your goons can even react.”  She grins, “In no version of this situation do you walk away, Princess.  You lost."
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Bright Lights (Neon) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bright Lights (Neon)

Post by Data May 27th 2015, 2:01 pm

Hikari was right, meta human strike teams were on their way. However, this little situation was bound to erupt before they got there. Jake was impressed by Hikari's social skills, oddly she was excellent at calling peoples bluffs. Yet Jake had a feeling this wasn't exactly a bluff. Isabel was cackling wildly, she truly thought what Hikari was saying was funny.

"I don't think anything through, I'm not like Lucius and his other little bitches. I make things up as i go along. The only problem with your theory is you seem to think i give a shit what my 'boss' wants. In the end we don't need this little shit, if i kill him i'll maybe get yelled at and that will be the end of it. I'll do it, i'll snap his neck if it takes that confident bitchy smirk off your face." Isabel said with her own sly smirk. Suddenly Jake let out an agonizing cry, and a crunch could be heard.

"Ahhhhgg!!! You fucking whore!" Jake screamed through watery eyes, he was obviously at the brink of crying it was so painful.

"Oh, that wasn't me being a whore, that was me being a bitch. This is me being a whore." Isabel said grabbing his face forcefully, bringing his lips to hers. Isabel forced her tongue down his throat, which he tried to reject but it was quite fruitless. So he was now being mouth raped and had a few broken ribs, he hoped Hikari knew just what the hell she was doing. Once she finally pulled away she wiped her mouth, looking at Hikari with a crazy smile, Jake looked both shocked and in pain.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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