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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Wolf Girl October 22nd 2014, 7:31 pm

Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States of America. October 22nd, 2020. 7:12 PM Central Time

If someone was to look up on the Philtower Building, Located on South Boston Avenue in Tulsa, that would have seen a figure on the roof of the building. this figure was wearing a shiny, blue leotard, which showed off her curves well. What they would have also seen if they were close to her was that she had Wolf-ears and a wolf tail..

It would be a shock for anyone to know that the Heroine of Little Fox Creek, Wolf Girl, was in Tulsa. the question would be why she was in Tulsa in the first place?. The Answer was she was on a stake out for a biker gang that had been running guns, moonshine, Meth and Counterfeit money for a while. Wolf Girl had captured a few of the members and found out they were taking a bunch of Ak-47s to Tulsa to be sold to the highest bidder. Wolf Girl was now in Tulsa, using her super hearing to listen over the noise of the city it self for any signs of the gang, who were to meet at the Philtower with the buyers of the guns.

'Which is what I want to know, who are the buyers?' she asked her self.  The buyers were unknown and from what she was told by one of the gang members she caught, the buyers were the highest bidders.

Just then, she heard the sound of Motorcycles and soon she saw the gang. 12 members wearing brown jackets with three red slashes on the back. "That must be them." she said to her self, looking down from the edge of the building. "Now to see who the buyer is."

Last edited by Wolf Girl on October 22nd 2014, 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edited what the gang was smuggleing.)

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Number of posts : 36
Location : Missouri
Age : 38
Job : Writer
Humor : "I may have a shiny blue leotard but I am not Showgirl!"
Registration date : 2014-10-17

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Alpha October 23rd 2014, 8:25 pm

While focused, Travis was not one known to be single minded, and in fact he preferred to be as flexible as possible and that explained his current venture. To this end he was traveling to what one would call the ass end of nowhere in comparison to his usual route, out of his way so that he could look into something of interest to the perfect boy. The location was Tulsa Oklahoma, and there he was t o meet with a biker gang of all things, having prepared a payment for a shipment of weapons of interest, high yield energy weaponry to be exact. One would ask why someone so concerned with genetics would want these, but then again The Alpha was not known for having obvious motives, he preferred to keep a certain amount of secrecy with him. Omega was the first to question him, but then again he was the only one that ever did without dealing with any backlash.

”Alpha, what stake do you have in this?” He would as rather simply to the male as they both rode within a rather sleek looking black vehicle, Travis and Omega both dressed up in designer suits. What he wore was a simple white mask with two ear like protrusions branching off the top, giving him the appearance of an animal, as the mask would swoop backwards to cover even his hair. Adjusting his tie, he would turn to the male with a similar mask.

”Trust me Omega” Spraying something upon himself to hide his scent so to speak, and doing the same to Omega. Superhuman sensory was a real thing, and to hold their double life, they would need to make sure that they did everything to not let these conflicting lives collide. All a small scientific discovery by the wonderful Travis Masters himself. ”I have a method to my madness, this is no exception. You don't need to worried brother.” He said through the filtered mask, placing a hand upon the males shoulder reassuringly and nodded. Omega seemed to have calmed down somewhat, but that did not completely win him over, he however was the one that kept him....on correct course when his mind strayed. One could say that Travis still had much to learn, despite Omega's age. Soon enough they would step, brake being applied and allowing them to open the door.

Stepping out from his vehicle, Travis felt the sun shine down them as he took notice of the bikers in their rather drab looking jackets. ”Hello boys, I do hope you have the weapons i've paid for.” He noted with voice still as filtered as ever, the humans shuffling somewhat upon seeing the man.

“If you've got the cash.” One who appeared as a leader would say with a gruff voice kicking over a crate to Alpha, who knelt down and opened it, examining it and tutting.

”Excellent weapons, but I was told that you had something....higher grade. Something that could take down tougher targets.” He noted standing to his feet and dusting off his knees. ”Afterall, I did not bring a million dollars just for peashooters.”

The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Wolf Girl October 24th 2014, 10:47 pm

"Well, this interesting." Wolf Girl said to her self. Deciding for a closer look, she went to the other side of the building and jumped off, landing quietly. and racing to the side near by the bikers and the buyers. What she saw was that two bikers were near one of the crates of guns and soon lifted on something. what it was was a false top on the crates, made to look like five AK-47s. what was also surprising was what one of the bikers pulled out. It looked like some type of strange futuristic gun, kind of reminded her of a blaster.

"Meet the AK-3000," The Leader said, "a High powered Electromagnetic projectile weapon built that Came from Russia with Love."

Wolf Girl's ears perked up in surprise at this. These thugs had mini iRAILGUNS and they were selling them to some strangers! Wolf Girl decided to prepare to come out and capture the criminals. she had to wait for the right moment and then pounce.

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Wolf Girl

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Quote : "I am not one being to be messed with"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Location : Missouri
Age : 38
Job : Writer
Humor : "I may have a shiny blue leotard but I am not Showgirl!"
Registration date : 2014-10-17

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Alpha October 25th 2014, 6:02 am

The leader of the gang would produce what appeared to be some manner of weapon from a fake bottom, a rather interesting looking weapon that one could say was inspired by a sci-fi nerds wet dreams. His eyes quickly scanned over the weapon, looking over each detail and taking in all intricacies, to understand what made this weapon so desirable. Travis reached out and took hold of the weapon, turning over to look at each angle with discerning gaze, letting a low humming noise slip through his lips as the nodded and looked up to the men who would sell him the product. ”Now, this is what I was looking for.” Travis said with a tone that indicated pleasure, that he was pleased at least with the weapon within his hand. Turning to Omega, he would nod as if indicating that this was what he wanted, gloved hands caressing the weapon lovingly.

”It was a pleasure doing business with you, I do so hope we can do that again.” They would not feeling it, but Omega had pulled them into his hive mind for a moment, enough that they psychic virus could be placed. They would feel nothing out of place, because the male did not want them to, and so things would run smoothly.  He would have a perfect place for this weapon later, but now he had more important things to do. Omega returned to his side with the money, untraceable payments and all of that. One could say that Travis' disposable income was great, he was never wanting of anything. Placing the simple leather suitcase upon the ground, he would kick it to them with his heel, letting it slide along the ground to the feet of the bikers. Such a crude method of business, but it had a certain poetry to it.

”Count, if you're not sure.” Travis noted motioning with his head towards the suitcase, and one of them would crouch down, and open it with a small clicking noise. Opening the case, he could see the subdued amount of surprise and shock at seeing such a payload coming to them. A potential benefactor perhaps or something else entirely, but they knew not who they were dealing with. ”Is that all gentlemen?”

The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Wolf Girl October 25th 2014, 9:43 am

The leader smiled, his tobacco stained teeth showing. "If you are talking weapons, that is not all" The leader turned to one of his men, "Bring out the Grenades."

As the biker brought out a box, the leader turned to the two men, "We had to raid a Army base in Missouri to get these babies. Question: ever heard of Thermobarc grenades?"

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Wolf Girl

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Quote : "I am not one being to be messed with"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Location : Missouri
Age : 38
Job : Writer
Humor : "I may have a shiny blue leotard but I am not Showgirl!"
Registration date : 2014-10-17

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Alpha October 25th 2014, 10:01 pm

A grin would split the mans face upon hearing him ask if that was all, and proving that it indeed was not all. Once again his intrigue was drawn, so he would have to look into it. The male would ask if he had ever heard of a certain type of grenade but something caught his attention, Omega to be exact and that came with a tugging upon his sleeve that was ever so slight. It was the mental image that he offered that helped some, slipped into Alpha's mind via the hive mind, of a certain interloper that was watching over the situation. So it seemed that a hero wanted to watch over them or perhaps someone that wanted in upon the deal, or maybe even a rival gang spying upon them. Either way, he could not help but chuckle softly and shake his head, maybe to the confusion of the gang members.

Looking down, he would consider the box containing the grenades and took a deep inhale. Holding one arm upwards and directing a finger off in one direction he spoke. ”Before we continue to deal, I would like to inform you of a spy on our meeting.”

The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Wolf Girl October 25th 2014, 11:29 pm

the Biker leader was taken aback by what the buyer said. So was Wolf Girl. How did they know she was here?

She decided it was time to take these criminals down NOW!

She soon ran out of the shadows, racing at 40 mph right for the gang leader. He had barely and time to react as Wolf Girl landed a upper-cut onto his jaw. His body landed hard on the ground. K.O.ed.

"Shit! a Bloody Cape!" one of the bikers said as the others started getting on their bikes and getting out of the area, leaving the weapons crates behind. Only three bikers and the two buyers were around. the three were new to the gang and did not know of the unwritten rule of the gang: unless you had Meta muscle, you run when a superhero or superheroine came around. These three thought they would score big in the gang if they killed her or raped her ('Humping the Leotard' in criminal slang.)

Two of the bikers were armed with iron chains while the third had a knives, forgetting the other weapons. the two chain-wheedlers rushed her and tossed the chains, only for her to grab them and pulled the two into her fists, knocking them out.

The third biker faced her, grinning at her lustfully as they circled around in a Mexican stand off. "Just wait till I get you!" he said, "I am going to pound you until you can't walk anymore you dog-eared bi-" He did not get to finish as Wolf Girl kicked the knife out of his hand and them did a spin kick right into his face.

Wolf Girl then turned to the two other humans, at lest she thought they were humans. "Game's over, gentlemen." She said, "I am arresting you and taking you to the local law enforcement!"

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Wolf Girl

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Quote : "I am not one being to be messed with"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Location : Missouri
Age : 38
Job : Writer
Humor : "I may have a shiny blue leotard but I am not Showgirl!"
Registration date : 2014-10-17

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Alpha October 26th 2014, 1:13 am

It seemed within an instant the entire thing would decay, Travis taking a step back to examine the situation as it unfolded. It seemed that the crooks did not have an easy time with the metahuman. No it seemed they were all being systematically taken down, and Travis would allow this female to do so, until he and Omega were the only ones left and watching the woman with half interest. It was when everything was done, Travis would find himself being looked upon by the hero with what one would call a confident look. ”I'm sorry miss, but I don't quite have time to speak with the authorities. I have quite a tight schedule you see, and no time to deal with all of that.” With a motion the air before him would ripple and unleash a powerful wave of telekinetic energy  upon the wolf girl.

The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Wolf Girl October 26th 2014, 3:17 pm

the wave hit her dead on and pushed her right into one of the crates, smashing it to bits. After it had past, she started to get up, bruises and cuts were on her legs, arms and back side. she was bleeding a bit from the cuts and she had a small rip on the side of her leotard.

"You can't be from this world!" she said, knowing that these two may not be totally human. "In fact I can smell that you are not one of the humans."

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Wolf Girl
Wolf Girl

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Quote : "I am not one being to be messed with"

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Location : Missouri
Age : 38
Job : Writer
Humor : "I may have a shiny blue leotard but I am not Showgirl!"
Registration date : 2014-10-17

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Alpha October 26th 2014, 8:55 pm

The female took the hit, and was thrown back with an excessive amount of force, taking damage upon impact and likely impeding her own ability to fight him. She was bleeding, which meant there was no manner of superhuman durability behind her and he could easily kill her if he tried to. ”I don't smell human? Thats an interesting statement there little girl.” Of course he didn't smell human, he probably smelled of the special mixture that was radiating from his clothing. Omega would keep a few feet back, hands buried into his pockets while letting Alpha deal with this sudden interloper. ”You aren't human yourself little wolf girl. Afterall, you move too quick for someone of your size and you hit far too hard. What you are is the question now.” Looking down to one of the criminals who had been knocked out cold, he sighed and shook his head.

”I would not suggest trying to fight against me, it would only be a war of attrition on your part. Surrender, and I promise you won't need to sustain anymore unsightly injury. Do so however, and I will break you.” An ultimatum, but he intended to capture her all the same.

The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Wolf Girl October 28th 2014, 1:04 am

"Sorry, but I will not Surrender!" she said, getting into a defensive stance, "I will never give up to criminals like you. Also I am not that young and you are correct about me being not of this world." She then glared at the two, waiting for them to make their move.

"The only way you will capture me is in a body bag and I do not intend on being captured or being dead." she said, "Your move."

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Wolf Girl

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Quote : "I am not one being to be messed with"

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Age : 38
Job : Writer
Humor : "I may have a shiny blue leotard but I am not Showgirl!"
Registration date : 2014-10-17

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Alpha October 30th 2014, 1:37 am

”If you wish to die so badly, I will grant that wish.” Alpha noted with a low sigh, adjusting his tie and preparing for a counter attack against the female, one she would find least advantageous for her. About her were the shattered remnants of the crate, and with his telekinesis, a weapon. With a thought the shards would rise into the air, dancing around the female in a way that there were little, if any ways that she could get out of the enclosure. She had stayed still, allowed him to cage her in and for that she would suffer.  All it took was a small motion of the fingers for the shards to move in, not to kill but they were aimed to stab into her legs and arms, key points to keep her from moving.

The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Wolf Girl October 30th 2014, 5:17 pm

This was trouble for her. This person was vary intent on capturing her, even to the point of Crucifying her. Her mind ran with what to do, on how to handle this. then just as it seemed she might be doomed, a idea came to her.

As fast as she could, she used her speed to try and dodge the incoming shards, grabbing two that were aimed for her legs. Yet many of the shards did strike her body, causing deep cuts and ripping her leotard.

She then threw one of the shards she had grabbed with all her might, aiming for the face of her attacker. She hoped at would break the telekinesis and let her get a hit in on him and try to escape.

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Wolf Girl
Wolf Girl

Status :

Quote : "I am not one being to be messed with"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Location : Missouri
Age : 38
Job : Writer
Humor : "I may have a shiny blue leotard but I am not Showgirl!"
Registration date : 2014-10-17

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Alpha October 30th 2014, 5:31 pm

The female took the initiative, going for the only way that she could possibly have escaped his attack. Damage would be done, but it was not enough it seems to have actually taken her down, though the damage was likely enough to slow her down, afterall she had been cut rather deeply. Gripping onto one of the shards, she hurled it at Travis' face but was unaware of how his power worked it would seem. Maybe she was attempting to break his concentration, but he was in the zone so to speak, and so the next move was a simple one. This shard would seem to shatter upon an invisible wall, forming fragments that simply broke apart from the main body, and were found within his control anyway. Then the shards that were under his control would move from where they were back on a course for the wolf girl, aiming to cripple her.

The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters) Empty Re: The Canine-sapien Defender vs. The Perfect Boy (Travis Masters)

Post by Wolf Girl October 30th 2014, 5:55 pm

Wolf Girl decided there was only one thing to do, even as she was bleeding badly she knew that she would NEVER get captured. So it was a good idea to do a retreat. The other option was to rush the human and grab him, taking him down with her.

Retreating was the better idea.

Turning, even as she was weakening from blood loss, she launched her self in a power jump for the roof of the building and hoped he would not go after her.

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Wolf Girl

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Humor : "I may have a shiny blue leotard but I am not Showgirl!"
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