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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Red October 13th 2014, 6:28 am

Lucius was back in new york after his trip across the country searching for other meta humans to join his cause, and he didn't return alone. He had picked up 5 meta humans from various parts of the country, for some reason they were all under the age of 20, maybe the adults were harder to find because they knew how to hide and control there powers. It didn't matter anyway, they may even be easier to manipulate at this age, so he supposed it all worked out better then he thought. The first he found was a young man named Danial, he had the power to teleport anywhere he had been before or looked at as long as it was within his range of about a mile. Lucius hoped to help him improve his ability so he could go further. but it was still useful as it was. After meeting and taking Danial in traveling was much easier, although he could only teleport a mile at a time they still managed to go 1000 miles in an hour. Using his ability he tracked down 4 others named Isabel, Henry, John, and Ronnie. They all seemed to be ether living on the street or running from the law when Lucius found them, having very little options they accepted Lucius offer to stay with him and help there race become the dominant one. They were inexperienced but powerful and would help Lucius in his endeavors.

After what seemed like a million teleportations they arrived at the safe house in new york. "You damn near made me vomit, if that's gonna be our main form of travel pretty boy better get his shit together"   Isabel said sneering at Daniel. "You should talk, you...." before he could finish he was cut off. "Shut up or I'll drop you off at the local police station" lucius hissed "Ok, shutting up Danial mumbled. Lucius opened the door to the safe house and turned the light on. The ground was covered in trinkets, equipment, and bottles of random liquid. Four stainless steel tables with an equal amount of clutter on them dominated the room. The walls were thrashed and dirty, and in the corner was a ladder going up to the second floor because the stairs were destroyed. "Nice place boss" Henry said sarcastically "it will do for now, and its not like any of you were staying in mansions before this. Up the ladder you will find the bathrooms and the kitchen, and on the third floor your sleeping area. Go and get ready we are going out tomorrow. " Lucius told the group. one by one they did as he said and made there way up stairs silently. Much to Lucius's surprise.

The next morning at 6 a clock lucius was in the groups sleeping quarters with an air horn, he pressed it and everyone started to get up. "your worse then my mother" said Ronnie with a grin. "we have work to do, if you are going to be anything more then the delinquents you are now you'll listen to me"  they all pulled themselves out of there cots and made there way down to the first floor."So, what are we doing" john asked lucius i have a lack of funds obviously, so we are going to change that. There is a bank that just opened in town, the only one in new york that's been rebuilt as of yet, so everyone is doing there banking th...."   Lucius was cut off  "We are robbing a bank! you can't be serious" lucius ignored the comment and continued " everyone does there banking there, and there is alot of money being kept in the vault. we are going to use brute force to gain entry, no spy stuff in this plan." lucius told the metas. "We are using my van to get there as id rather not use Danials limited teleportation until i can find away to make it go further, so lets go."  the group piled into the van and lucius drove off.

After about a haif hour they arrived outside the bank "Isabel, shield the rest of us from gun fire, the rest of you incapacitate anyone who is a threat" lucius said to his team"Ok boss" Henry said. They got out of the van and started walking up the stairs "Hey, lose the masks" one of the guards said as they neared the entrance. Lucius gave henry a nod and in a flash he hit the two guards in just the right spot knocking them out instantly. "Its show time" Isabel said as she put her shield up around the group.

Last edited by Red Tide on October 18th 2014, 5:42 pm; edited 2 times in total


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Jeisen October 17th 2014, 8:10 pm

New york city. What a sight of a city in repair. Jeisen had heard about how much destruction and damage had gone on here. And then the massive efforts to rebuild what was once lost. It was truly a sight to see as it was a symbol for humanities ability to regrow and prosper. What a great city this used to be and what a great city it shall be again. Already people were living here and buisness was coming back.

Unfortunately, that also meant crime was coming back as well. On a quick trip to the states from his new home in london, Jeisen decided to make a pit stop in New York for a bit. Be like one of the old heros and stop some crime in the city. It was more an action out of respect for the heros of yesterday who got there start here. Jeisen wanted to leave his own mark on this place before heading home. And it looks like he would get a chance. Nolan came out from underneath his cloak.

Nolan: "Sir, it looks like there is a bank robbery going on. Police are reporting a silent alarm for New York national on fifth street. Accessing cameras of the building now."

Jeisen paused for a second, looking out from the high rise tower he was standing on for one last time. It was a beautiful sight. He was already in his full gear, his armor glistening softly off the sun. His cloak hung low around him, blowing softly in the wind from being so high in the sky. He took in a deep breath through the filters then took one step off the ledge, jumping down. For two seconds he fell like a rock, hurtling towards the ground. He rightened himself in the air and attached his boots to the building as he took off running on it. Between his speed and the boots gravity pull he managed to stick to the side of the building just like a normal street. He hit the ground level pavement running as he took off towards the bank, hurting over objects with easy despite moving at almost 150 miles per hour. Nolan muttered into his ear as he moved rapidly

Nolan: "Cameras are showing a team of sorts within the building surrounded by some sort of barrier. The cameras are to poor for me to extrapolate what is causing the barriers or how strong they are exactly. But there is video of bullets bouncing off of it."

Jeisen: "Team of metas then? Or just high tech robbery? Have to be pretty damn good and bold to try and rob the only bank in New York thats open right now."

Nolan: "Unknown sir, but do be careful. I would dare to assume that they know a hero will show up. They are probably ready for it like that group in london. Think they are connected?"

Jeisen: "Maybe, hard to tell from here. Only one way to find out for now."

Jeisen came skidding to a stop just outside of the bank. He could hear police sirens in the distance. He had to get into the bank fast, but preferably not by the main entrance. Spotting an open window on the second story, Jeisen quickly circled around to it and climbed up the wall using his gravity boots. He had to make sure none of the robbers knew he was here yet.

With a diving and roll, Jeisen lept through the window... and came up right in front of a girl hidding underneath her desk. Jeisen blinked at how familiar this looked. He made a shushing motion with his hands despite wearing the mask. The girl nodded and Jeisen crept forward a bit to a corner. Talking inside his helm now

Jeisen: "Nolan, start mapping and scanning the area. I want to know where they are and what they are using. Metas or advance tech?"

Nolan beeped back softly in the helm and began scanning the bank with its 3d modeling imaging. It would show the location of all the people using thermal imaging on a schematic of the bank Nolan managed to find.
Post Adept
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Number of posts : 338
Registration date : 2014-01-26

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Black Steel October 17th 2014, 8:35 pm

A police report was heard in a fairly old model car, about twenty blocks away from where the actual scene of the crime was happening, and a man scowled deeply from the driver's seat. He set the car into drive and hit the gas, speeding off towards the only known open bank, where a supposed robbery was taking place. As he drove, the man leaned over to the passenger seat and opened a compartment, pulling out a handgun, a standard for someone in the army, something he had picked up during his time in the present. He had left the rest of his gear at home, but he hardly needed it. The car pulled around a corner, hard, and he cursed to himself. Would he make it in time?

The man stopped his car around a block away, jumping out of it with the gun in a holster and hidden under his shirt, a plain black one, in his jeans' waistband. In an impressive show of speed and acrobatics, he practically flew up the side of the building overlooking the bank, finding handholds and notches in the wall without a second's thought. When he made it to the top, he scoped out the situation from below. It seemed as though there was some sort of barrier, keeping the police outside from getting in. "Damn, that's gonna be a bitch to get through...I wonder if they're brave."

In a somewhat stupid and reckless maneuver, seemingly unplanned, the man jumped straight off of the building. He angled his body to glide over to the barrier, and about halfway there, he flipped around and stuck his feet out. Simultaneously, the man's skin hardened and turned a black, metallic color, and gained speed as if he had put on more than x10 his own weight. This, effectively, made him a human torpedo, and if the girl's shield was as strong as he hoped, it would shatter into dust at such a heavy and fast object colliding with it. The man stood up after hitting the ground and shook off the dust, smirking at the group, "Oops, I must've stumbled, there. Now..." He pulled out his gun and held it up at the man who seemed to be in charge, "Put your hands up." If he was correct, the people inside would have time to escape through a back door or fire escape if he was able to distract the metas for long enough.

Black Steel

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Color: #6E6E6E
Black Steel
Black Steel

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2013-08-03

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Red October 18th 2014, 3:12 am

As Lucius and his team made there way inside the bank, Isabel put shields up on all the doors she knew of. Lucius walked up to the register "I recommend you unlock the vault to make this as painless as possible." Lucius said to the clerk behind the desk "Yea ye yes sure, just don't hurt be, i have kids" the man said stuttering. The clerk walked over to the vault and put the combination in, then opened the large metal door for Lucius. The amount of cash and valuables inside was stunning, never had any one of them seen so much riches in there lives. "I guess i was right...Oh who am i kidding I'm always right. Daniel, will you do the honors? Lucius said arrogantly. The man who calls himself The Tourist stepped forward into the vault, he grabbed a large amount of cash, then, with a little effort showing on his face, disappeared. He had went to the roof of a building about half a mile away, they planned on storing the money here by using Daniels teleportation. Daniel dropped the goods on the roof then again disappeared, reappearing in the vault then grabbing more to stash with the rest. He continued on and all seemed to be going fine, then Lucius' AI Hector gave him a status report. "Sir, i'm getting faint readings from some sort of scanner near by" the AI notified his master. Lucius started thinking at an accelerated speed, processing variables and outcomes just as a super computer would. He came to the conclusion that they were dealing with something far worse then the police, and started giving his team defensive orders and formulating an escape plan for himself for if things went wrong.

"Hector, i want you to try and tap into the banks camera systems, i want a visual on any non human threats. In the mean time, rush, i want you to check the building for any unwanted guests. The rest of you take defensive positions, we may be dealing with some meta humans if I'm right, and as i said before, I'm always right. " Lucius ordered his team as he took a position by the main door. Just then someone came down on the shield very hard, knocking down Isabel and turning the shields off momentarily. Lucius was now face to face with a man telling him to freeze and pointing a gun at him. lucius again started rapidly calculating, if this person could get through the barrier that easily he was ether meta or using tech of some kind, lucius would proceed with caution. "No" Lucius replied to the mans demands, then unleashed a barrage of energy with both hands at him, seeing that the man was not completely vaporized in the assault lucius called out to his team "Ronnie, John, come here this ones thick skinned!" He yelled to be heard over the sound his energy was making. "Aaahh, that hurt douche bag" isabel yelled out at the man, she then refocused and put her shields back up. John and ronnie rushed toward this new threat with fist raised, then lucius took a step back and stopped firing his energy. John and Ronnie took several swings at the man, with ronnie phasing his hand trying to cause more damage. They both stopped when lucius nodded at them and then lucius began firing at the man again.

With Lucius, john, and Ronnie fighting the man who jumped through the shields and Daniel and Isabel working on getting the money to the safe spot Henry was checking every room in the building. When he got up stairs the first room he checked had a man with some sort of combat suit on, not wanting to be seen he zoomed out of the room at 400mph and went down stairs to report to lucius. He arrived to see that lucius was blasting energy at an unknown target, henry sped up and in the blink of an eye was next to lucius. "yeah, boss, we might have another one of those meta humans you were talkin about upstairs" henry told lucius loadly to be heard over the energy being shot at the man in short bursts. Lucius took a step back and gave a nod to Isabel, she reformed her shield to separate the man from Lucius and the others. Lucius hoped it would give him at least a moment "take john and ronnie up there to take care of him, ill take this one, as you can see he is rather hard to damage" lucius said to the speedster. "Ok boss, we can try" the speedster said with an uneasy look on his face, he then zoomed off and grabbed the two others, taking them upstairs so fast they didn't notice.

The three made there way into the room where Henry spotted there target and stood in a line. What are you doing here guy, can't you see we're busy?" Henry said to the masked man.

(Edit: i clarified the the sentence about the shields)

Last edited by Red Tide on October 18th 2014, 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Jeisen October 18th 2014, 4:17 am

Nolan: "sir, I've been pinged"

Jeisen: "what?"

Nolan: "it appears another system has detected my thermal scans of the area. Now it is moving into the system cameras."

Jeisen bean to silently curse to himself as he stood up slowly.

Jeisen: "mimick police computer signals and decrease your strength. Make it think it coming from the police outside. It's not mch but at least it's something"

Nolan: "incoming"

Jeisen could see it too. On the scans, one image blurred rapidly as it made it's way up the stairs. To anyone else might have missed. But Jeisen was almost as fast as this man himself and his eyes were even faster. Jeisen saw te blur at the stairs for what it was.

Jeisen: "looks like we have been spotted. Time to move"

Jeisen reached underneath his cloak as he pulled out a small sphere about the side of a golf ball. Jeisen let it go in the middle of the air and it floated, creating an almost perfect replica. Jeisen himself in turn turned invisible as he activated his cloak.

Good thing that speedster went back down stairs to talk to the boss. Otherwise, Jeisen might not have had enough time. Jeisen left a small mark on the ground before moved rapidly himself, reaching the other side of the room in a split second. He waited silently, guns drawn, as the three men passed by him.

The copy Jeisen stood there facing the three men, looking defiant.

Copy Jeisen: "oh my bad, I got lost. I was just looking for the bathroom. Do you guys know where it is?"

Jeisen was not one to waste a chance though. Still invisible, Jeisen raised both his guns and pulled te triggers. One shot aimed at the back of the legs for the speedster and one shot aimed at the back of the big guys spine. Jeisen was trying to cripple the guys before the fight even realy started. Not that fair, but Jeisen was a cheating bastard.
Post Adept
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Number of posts : 338
Registration date : 2014-01-26

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Black Steel October 18th 2014, 12:10 pm

Black Steel chuckled to himself as the metas began to group up to attack him, at first their leader seemed to simply want to fire energy blasts at him, which he dove to the side to avoid. Sure, he could have taken the hit, but that didn't mean that he was going to let himself take unnecessary damage when he could avoid it entirely. Still, he felt some of the red energy touch his arm, and growled audibly at the pain. What was this, some sort of acid?

Suddenly the energy blasts stopped, and he saw two more of the metas coming towards him, their fists raised. Black Steel stood up and put himself into a combat stance, first using his palm to redirect the bigger meta's hand up and above him, then sticking his leg out to trip him up. The second one, however, got a hit on him, but instead of taking the hit like he normally would, it went straight through him. Steel coughed up spit as the fist traveled through his body, but using his coated arms, he attempted to grab the man and send him right into the ground, headfirst, as he re-materialized.

Steel looked up at the energized man again as he began to fire energy blasts, and jumped out of the way as if he didn't weigh 2.8 tons, letting them pass by and hit the shield that the girl had recreated around the entire building. It was at that point that he heard gunshots from upstairs, and panicked. Hopefully that was a policeman who had somehow gotten in, and was fighting back, but even then, that wasn't a great thing against metahumans. Steel pointed his gun at Lucius and began to fire while running towards him, letting the energy blasts rip against his coated skin, then attempted to tackle him once he got close and send a powerful, meta-fueled punch directly to his nose.

Black Steel

Theme Song

Color: #6E6E6E
Black Steel
Black Steel

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2013-08-03

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Red October 18th 2014, 4:21 pm

Sure, in a combat suit"Henry said to the man chuckling at his lame excuse, he then ran at full speed and punched the man in the face, however it was just some sort of decoy and it faded away when he hit it. Henry didn't know what to do at this point, could the real person be somewhere in the room? Just as he had that thought two blasts of energy came seemingly out of no where, jonh was hit with one of them and the other was coming toward Henry very fast. So fast in fact Henry could not evade it fully, it tagged his leg and he dropped to the floor in pain.  "Ahhhhagg, im hit!" John yelled out to his team mates "Me two, i can't run!" Henry tried to stand up but fell back on the ground, the two metas were at the mercy of whoever shot them

Ronnie was up and looking around the room to see where the blasts came from "Are you alright? let me help you up john" Ronnie said urgently. John was badly hurt and was bleeding, Ronnie wanted to get him down stairs asap. Ronnie then picked him up and slung his arm over his shoulder and carried him army style.  Just as he did another blast came at him, he tried phasing through it, it worked but as it passed through him it caused extreme pain. Ronnie dropped to his knees and passed out from the pain, at the last second of being awake he prayed the person shooting him wouldn't kill him. John was now on the floor bleeding and if he didn't get medical attention soon he would bleed to death. Henry wasn't doing much better as he moaned in a pain on the floor holding his burnt leg.

The meta human fighting lucius was both quick and durable, after evading and taking a few attacks he began charging at lucius shooting as he went. To defend himself from the bullets he quickly raised a field of energy infront of him, as the bullets passed through it they were incinerated. Lucius kept it up until the man was very close then reformed it and blasted it at him with a higher intensity them before. The man then threw a punch at lucius that connected with his mask, it dented inward and lucius stumbled back from such a heavy attack. "you are an incredible being, you should join us, i have room in my ranks for a man like your self. Lucius said to the man as he ripped the mask off and threw it to the side.

"Daniel! hit this guy!" Lucius said to the porter. Daniel then teleported out of the vault and reappeared behind the man and threw a punch to the back of his head. Lucius then unleashed a large full power wave of energy at the man hoping it would succeed in damaging him better then the other attacks did. "I have a visual from the cameras on what seems to be a cloaking device up stairs, it looks like the others were ambushed" Hector reported back to his creator. It seemed a full retreat may be in order if they were pushed on any further, they already had a quarter of the vault cleared out and that was more then enough for lucius, however he would attempt to retrieve as much as possible before resorting to retreat.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Jeisen October 18th 2014, 5:50 pm

Jeisen: "All threats down on this level?"

Nolan: "Yes sir, looks like two are crippled while one is in serious condition. He is going to need some medical treatment. I have also lost control of the cameras."

Jeisen uncloaked as he walked over to the The three that he had just taken down. He quickly fired off a few more shots, but taking down all the cameras on the level. If he couldn't maintain control over them, then best to just eliminate them. Least he would be able to move without being scene now. He reached underneath his cloak and pulled out a small case. Nolan floated next to him.

Jeisen: "Alright, you apply the medical treatment while I go help out down stairs. Keep up the scanning though and let me know what is going on. No surprises okay? And you"

Jeisen snapped his wrist, popping the gun back out as he leveled it with the speedsters head.

Jeisen: "If you so much as move an inch from that spot, I will put a bullet in your head got it? That or nolan will convert you into a battery. He likes doing that."

With his threat issued and dinklebot looking as menacing as possible, Jeisen began to walk away to the stairs. He unsnapped his second gun then held them together for a second. The guns glowed with and matter shifted as they combined into a single long sniper rifle similar to a barret .50 cal rifle. With the new gun in toe, Jeisen headed to the stairs. Crouching in a dark corner, Jeisen tossed a small knife at the bottom of the stairs while he was at the top. Luckly this was a wide set of stairs and Jeisen could see almost the whole room from his vantage point. He had just gotten into position when it seemed like the leader unleashed a wave of energy at a... another meta hero? Jeisen didn't realize someone else was here helping him. Oh good that made things a bit easier. Jeisen had to help his new ally though.

The seemed to be that barrier in the way though. From what Jeisen had seen it was quite strong too. No matter, he had ways around things like that. Actually in this case... through. Jeisen brought up the rifle, aiming down the sites as he held down the trigger. The foreign Energy built up in the rifle for a second until Jeisen let go of the trigger. A concentrated beam shot out of the rifle, aiming at the energy guy. It would still have to go through the barrier first, but hopefully it would. If the barrier went down, Jeisen would lay down covering fire for the other meta hero.
Post Adept
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Number of posts : 338
Registration date : 2014-01-26

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Black Steel October 18th 2014, 6:10 pm

Black Steel straightened up, unclenching his fist and looking down on the man who he had just punched so hard, his mask got dented. As he reloaded his pistol, reaching behind his belt to get a new clip, he scowled at the man, "You think I'd ever team up with the likes of you? You're even dumber than I thought you were. Now, are you gonna surrender, or?" He recoiled back and flinched when he heard the man call for his teleporter again, and could feel where it was behind him. As the teleporter threw a punch, he tightened his body, not moving an inch as it slammed against his steel-like skin. That's gotta hurt. Then, as the energy boy attempted to hit him with his most powerful move, Steel reached behind him and grabbed the teleporter, making sure he couldn't go anywhere, and jumped behind him, getting him into a headlock as easily as if he were tying his shoe. His body was able to take the powerful hit without being fried completely, but the body in front of him wasn't about to be so lucky.

Before Lucius could get another hit in, Black Steel dropped the body and watched as the barrier around the room shattered, and bullets flew towards the energy being. Steel took a moment to admire the accuracy of the shots, then traced their trajectory to the shooter, a man who seemed to be helping him out. Without any words, he gave a thumbs up to him, then ran over to the kinetic girl, attempting to slam her down and pointed his gun at her temple, "Go ahead and try to put up another barrier. Come on, I'm waiting." It was a bluff, but it was a convincing one, especially to a young and probably scared girl, who was new to this kind of pressure. Even if she did attempt to create a barrier, all he had to do was shoot her in the leg in order to cut off her concentration.

Black Steel

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Alpha October 18th 2014, 7:10 pm

Bank robberies, villainous cliches at their finest. Still, Travis had to admit that he had a certain admiration for the classics, as dated as they sometimes could be. Still, with someone like Alpha he had better means of ascertaining money, not that he could not respect certain means like that. Travis watched the unfolding problems via a feed that EVE had been transmitting to him via his mental faculties, something about metahumans having taken a bank, but finding themselves being attacked by these heroic types not too long after that had happened. It was however not the fact that it was a bank robbery that interested him but who it was that was perpetrating this little crime. A man he had encountered before by the name of Lucius, one that had a very interesting capability, but also one that had a certain thing limiting him back, or so Travis had surmised by how he seemed to have exploded upon him of all people.

This was however not the reason why he had journeyed to new York, it was because Travis Masters had made it his mission to take a little trip to it, an obligatory party that his father had required he attend. It was simple coincidence that he would find himself looking upon sch an interesting situation with his younger sibling, and decided to...interrupt a heroic debut. ”Alpha, what purpose do you have for helping this....Lucius?” Omega question, examining his mask carefully before placing it over his face.

”It's simple really Omega.” Alpha noted from his roof top perch over looking the bank robbery in progress. ”You could say i'm invested in his future.” he noted applying his own mask as well, simple white, and made of a durable plexiglass. Gathered outside of the place was the cops of all people, kept out only by the strange barrier that a metahuman had formed, but they too soon would be on his side, as Omega stretched out his hive mind to include all of them, enveloping them within the connection, yet they were not aware save for a small tingle. It was the psychic virus that they would feel soon, an overwhelming force that stole all of their faculties from them, as well as control itself, and memory. Within an instant that which would have been help turned into one of the most powerful weapons that the Alpha could ever have. If they did not serve their purposes, they would serve as miniature bombs of sorts.

The only one that did not fall under the virus was the one that was known as Alpha, the one that Omega would perhaps never use such methods on. EVE, I want all recording devices to be shut down within the area. Travis would mentally command to the AI, and within a matter of moment it would have been done, he would not have the public know of him yet. Descending from his lofty perch into a calm alleyway, he would step out into the police blockade, all of them turning to recognize their Alpha. ”Quite the turn out this is.” He noted with a small amused chuckle. Omega would stay out of this serve as the support that he always best served as. With a snap of his fingers they would ready their guns, and follow suit. If he knew anything about these kinds of people, they would have some manner of weapons beyond just guns, perhaps grenades that released gas or something along those lines. It was through Omegas prodding that he was proven correct, and with that information he could make a confident move.

Omega, whats the current location?

I'll get back to you in a sec Alpha.

Travis nodded and stepped onto the scene, the barrier that had formed seeming to flicker and die out, as if someone had incapacitated the one that was forming it. ”All of you, sweep the area now. Anyone resembling these faces, shoot to kill.” Alpha noted with a motion of his hand, and the beings now under his control would move onto the scene, guns in hand. Omega supplied these images through use superiority forced through Travis, using him as a wonderful focal point.

Now the real game began.

First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Red October 18th 2014, 8:28 pm

When lucius fired his energy the man grabbed Daniel and used him as a human shield, the energy blast hit Daniel and he screamed in agony. He was thrown to the side and he dropped on the floor with 3rd degree burns on his back and legs. "Daniel are you all ri...." Before Lucius could finish his sentence a bolt of energy hit the shield, knocking it down and bringing Isabel alot of pain. The bolt was decreased in power when it past through the shield but it was still headed toward Lucius, luckily the sound the shield made alerted him to the threat so he could react. He tried doing the same thing he did with the bullets by putting a wall of energy infront of him, when it made contact with the bolt the two energy's reacted to each other causing a pulse that knocked Lucius off his feet.

He fell on his back next to Daniel, he wasn't hurt but he was stunned. "Daniel, i need one last port, please, i can help you if we get back to the lab" lucius told the downed meta. Daniel grabbed lucius's leg and in a showing of great willpower Daniel ported them to the roof of the bank. He then passed out from the pain of the burns. This was the only time Lucius ever regretted having his power, he felt guilty for bringing these kids into this, and without Daniel he may not be able to get them out.

The meta that was fighting lucius turned to isabel and charged her, she was knocked to the ground on contact then had a gun rammed in her face, the man then gave her a command "A-alright just don't shoot! please" the girl then began crying.
Lucius then went to the side of the building and saw a familiar person below, wearing the same mask as before was the man that calls himself Alpha. Lucius was glad to see him, he seemed to have the police under his control, he ordered them around like he was a commanding officer. Maybe he should not be so hasty to assume he was an ally, he very well could be working with the heroes below.

Lucius didn't care, he had very little to lose at this point and if he got caught at least his team could go to the hospital. Lucius jumped from the 3 story building and then fired his grappling line at the top of it. he then scaled the rest of the way down and walked up to Alpha "i hope to god you are here to help me" lucius said from behind him "Are you using mind control on these cops? i noticed they didn't shoot me dead when i approached you. Meta humans are in there, they are far to precious to leave for dead. If you can help me get the money and the others out i would be very grateful."   Lucius said to Alpha


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Jeisen October 19th 2014, 12:02 am

Nolan: "Sir, I ahve been pinged... Again. All survelance in the area has gone down. And it appears a new thermal signture has shown up on the scans.. Coming in the front door with what looks like police officers"

Jeisen: "Pinged? Again? What is up with A. I.s today..."

That last part was more to himself then anything as he moved behind some more cover. It looked like the other hero meta managed to take down the girl making the shield, but then the energy guy teleported away in a flash. Jeisen hid behind a stone planter that had a tree in it. Good cover, about waist high on most people, with Jeisen crouched down behind it. He still had a good view of the room and more importantly, of the front door. A man was walking in their flanked by police officers. Jeisen hesited not sure if this was a good sign or a bad one.

That conundrum was answered real quick. The man made a single motion and the police began to open fire. Jeisen ducked down behind his stone cover as bullets began to fly over head. He tossed over a few knives but manly as distractions against the police right now. He may have been behind cover, but The other meta hero was out before the police showed up.

Jeisne: "Nolan! Police are firing! Mass mis fires on three okay? Onetwothree"

Nolan sent out a pulse of energy as it targeted the policemens guns. The pulse would cause a bullet or two to misfire will still on the cartridge or clip. It probably would not hurt most of the people unless they were unlucky, but it would ruin the guns efficiently. Jeisen crouched out behind cover the moment the pulse came through, sniper rifle still in hand. He could see the energy guy now standing next to the man who walked in with the police. Either way, both were now on Jeisen's shit list. He opened fire with dead eye accuracy and speed at the two. Already a few ideas were forming.
Post Adept
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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Red October 20th 2014, 5:15 pm

(OOC: Black Steel has been skipped, sorry mate had to be done.)


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Alpha October 20th 2014, 5:45 pm

“Sir, I have located the presence of another Ai in the vicinity.” EVE noted, Travis nodding and keeping his attention on his forces storming the building. Omega was sure to already alert him to the one that was diverging upon him, a male that he knew as Lucius and one that he would find a use in. The sounds of bullets would ring out in the air, meaning that they had found their targets and he could move in for the kill so to speak, or he could not.

”Hoping to that which does not exist will do you no good, but I am here to help. After all, otherwise you would be the one being shot, not them.” He noted directing his attention to the building with a smirk hidden behind his mask. Knives from the hero would fly out towards the police, and yet none of them hit their target, either noting that he was terrible with them or he was not intending to hit them. Next came the pulse, spreading out and seemingly taking out a few of the men's weapons along with it, but leaving him with no real losses. Damaged goods were as they were. What would concern him was the energy rounds coming at him, though composed of what energy he was not aware of.

Two rounds, and he only needed to do one thing, letting his mind do most of the work as he tampered with the air about him, causing a distortion and forcing the two rounds off course. To move them away was much easier than simply stopping them, as one shore through the kneecaps of one of the officers he had in his control, causing them to drop to the ground with a leg cleanly removed. ”Oh look, you broke it.” The filtered voice noted, then unleashing a pulse of telekinetic force before him,  enough to likely repel the person rushing at them. He did not aim to kill, only slow down.

”Not another step, unless of course you would want to risk the lives of all these people.” Alpha noted motioning to the humans all around him. Of course if that did not give them pause, then he could always go with a different route, a psionic sheild ready to appear around him and his minions should the need arise.

First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

Post by Red October 20th 2014, 8:42 pm

As Lucius and Alpha made there way inside, Lucius heard and felt some sort of pulse. it was load, shocking, and It destroyed a few guns but didn't seem to have much of an effect other then that. What Lucius was more worried about were the blasts coming at them. Before Lucius had to do anything Alpha tossed the blasts to the side with little apparent effort, Lucius was quite impressed.

The man that allegedly sent it out started coming at Lucius and Alpha, Alpha sent out a telekinetic push of sorts at the man, just as he did lucius shot a few large blasts of energy at him as well. Lucius then unsheathed his sword and held it in front of him self poised to strike, in this stance the blade could strike from several different sides and would be very difficult to predict.

Alpha told the man to stop and threatened to kill the men under his control, this was a great asset and lucius would exploit it to its fullest "First, put your weapons down and kick them to me, second, get on the ground with you hands behind your head. We will figure out what to do with you when im finished here." lucius told the man in a commanding tone, then turned to alpha "if there will be no more interruptions then i think this wraps it up, would you like some of the cash? lucius asked Alpha. He began to leave to recover his downed partners "i have to grab a few of my....friends off the floor up stairs i trust you can contain this one" lucius said to alpha gesturing toward the man that shot at them. He then made his way up stairs...


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
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First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen) Empty Re: First Mission (Black Steel, Travis Masters, and Jeisen)

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