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Downtown Chicago.....bored of it, now!

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Downtown Chicago.....bored of it, now! - Page 2 Empty Re: Downtown Chicago.....bored of it, now!

Post by StarKiller July 2nd 2014, 4:00 am

She attacked his motorcycle with her strength, causing a massive crater to form and sent Black star flying in a different direction. His craft was hurled in another direction as well, with a large hand print in it's side. Lucky for her that it had very dense armor, but it wasn't responding correctly at the moment.

Yet, he would still be sent flying by the destructive power that she used to crush the ground with. Despite what she was talking about, many of the injured civilians around her would also be effected. Causing her to be the bearer of some of those peoples lives as well, if she didn't help them soon.

Despite what she wanted to do, it was the choice between him and the truck. She ditched the truck, for him but now another piece of the puzzle was in the way. The well being of the civilians that still had a chance to be saved, looking towards the scene from the imprint of the wall he had created.

He would pull himself out of the wall, standing in a nearby apartment complex that was about 100 feet away from the crater as he looked towards the scene with his thermal vision. Tossing down four of his metal balls, the spiders did there jobs and jumped towards the civilians that were left. Two were attached to civilians, while the other two stood by idle for when the dragon girl would come out.

"Tell me, Dragon girl. Do you value me or the citizens?"

His voice was projected through one of the spiders, trying to lure her away from finding his position, as they all had the same heat signature that matched his own. The area was slowly growing hotter, as heat seemed to flood the area for some odd reason.


Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2013-09-05

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Downtown Chicago.....bored of it, now! - Page 2 Empty Re: Downtown Chicago.....bored of it, now!

Post by The Nekromonga July 2nd 2014, 4:07 am

Black Star had exploited one of the very typical weaknesses of the true hero, threatening the lives of innocent bystanders.

Dragon Girl slowly got up from where she landed hard, and saw that her hands were now tied, unable to finish her attack. her arm was deeply bruised where his bullet struck her. She maintained eye contact with BlackStar, and told him bluntly,"...If you hurt any more people, I'll come after you. And you'll regret ever meeting me." She said, getting her phone and taking a picture of Black Star, before rushing off to disable the spiders latched onto the civilians. Now Black Star had a proper opening to flee, the arriving police cars likely not posing a serious threat.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 36
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Downtown Chicago.....bored of it, now! - Page 2 Empty Re: Downtown Chicago.....bored of it, now!

Post by StarKiller July 2nd 2014, 6:19 pm

Black star only looked at the dragon girl, he wanted to continue the dance but he only knew that it would be wise to get out of here. He had info on her now, the american heroes were strange...what else could be around here.

"If your certain about that, Dragon Girl."

His motorcycle responded to him, jumped down, and grabbed onto his speeding cycle. Cranking the full power of his ride, he rushed away from the scene. Doing one last act of heroism, he deactivated the spiders and they self destructed, leaving no trace of them ever being there in the first place.

After all, he was the hero of this encounter.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2013-09-05

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